I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 578 The Abandoned Five-ring General

When the missile was launched, we immediately sensed the danger. Perhaps Hal had successfully intercepted it. Bateman said.

Half an hour Superman held the tablet with regret on his face, We can come back earlier if we don't go to the Fairy Queen's palace.

Fairy Queen? Bateman raised his eyebrows.

When there is still room for redemption, regret is the most useless and waste of time and energy. Harley said solemnly.

Then, she looked at Bateman, who was still caring about the Fairy Queen leisurely, You don't seem to be in a hurry?

You don't have to be anxious. Bateman patted Superman's arm and said calmly: At least for a week, Metropolis will not encounter a major crisis.

Why? Superman asked.

Bateman took the tablet from his hand and opened a document on the screen, There are about 650,000 people in the neighborhoods that were dug out of Metropolis. According to my statistics on the material reserves, food and water can at least last. Half a month.

Considering the social crisis caused by food shortages, basic order should be maintained within seven days.

If aliens come forward to manage the city, they will last longer.

The aliens won't hurt them? Superman calmed down.

Biological experiments may be carried out, but there will be no massacre. Bateman pointed to the glass bottle-like energy shield on the screen, The entire city is also a sample of the ecosystem and a sample of human civilization.

Why the aliens did this, I don't know.

But we can guess the collector's mind. No collector will deliberately destroy his collection.

What about the Watchtower and the Justice League? Why didn't they intercept the alien spacecraft in outer space? Harley frowned.

It's not impossible. Bateman opened another video. A group of flying extraordinary beings surrounded the spaceship like a swarm, firing colorful energy beams, and Wonder Woman slashed with her sword.

But there is a transparent energy field outside the spacecraft. Under the continuous attacks of the heroes, there is only a ripple at most.

Instead, several metal tentacles ejected from under the spacecraft and snatched away several super heroes.

After that, it ignored the missile attacks of the Earth's heroes and the military, and put the metropolis in a bottle on its own.

Bateman sighed: If the civilization of the universe is roughly divided into nine levels, levels 0 to 3 are stellar civilizations, levels 4 to 6 are galactic civilizations, and levels 7 to 9 are advanced civilizations spanning the galaxy.

I guess this skeleton spaceship comes from a super civilization above level nine, almost a god.

Although the level of Earth's civilization is low, most of the weapons in the watchtower come from Apokolips and Krypton.

Apokolips's demon-like suit is not very strong, and the demon-like weapons from that day did not leave any weapons of mass destruction. However, we have the energy cannons and photon missiles of the Kryptonians, and we have used them all, but they are all ineffective.

Ding-a-ling-a-ling outside the conference room, the phone suddenly rang.

After a while, Ivy came back with the phone in her arms, Hallie, your phone, Mr. Vice President is looking for you!

He was lucky. When the alien came over, he happened to be on business and had just been announced on TV as the interim president.

Harry, is it you? Old Qiao's voice was very urgent.

“Hi Joseph, it’s great to hear your voice at a time like this.

With you here, the United States has a backbone, and I feel relieved! Harley said with emotion.

This old Qiao is still healthy and healthy, not the fool who farted and dozed off in the future, and can barely stabilize the situation.

Harry, you said everything I wanted to say. Old Qiao smiled bitterly, Now that you are back from hell, I feel relieved.

Even you know that I have been to hell? Harley asked in surprise.

You have done great things, and extraordinary people are talking about them. How could I not know? By the way, do you still have the power of the golden nuclear bomb? There is news in the magic world that you lost your lamp beast and became mute. Bomb. Old Qiao said worriedly.

The lantern beast is indeed lost. The yellow lantern still has a lot of energy. At least it can fight for the people of the earth one more time. Harley said.

Hearing the confidence in her tone, Old Qiao was really relieved, Oh, the Earth Guards on the watchtower are useless, Zhenglian can't stand it, and the other heroes are even more useless.

Dozens of heroes surrounded the spaceship and put out crazy output. They couldn't even break the energy shield, but many were captured.

To deal with the aliens, you still have to look for the old brand - the five-ring general of the alien enemy!

Harley, no more nonsense, the earth has entered a state of planet defense war, and I can now announce that the five-ring general Harley Quinn once again has the privilege of commanding all armies, superpowers, and all resources in the United States. .

The arduous task of saving the metropolis, saving hundreds of thousands of people, and saving the president is all left to you!

Don't worry, Old Qiao, this little alien guy can't shake things up. I promise to bring Metropolis back intact. Harley said loudly.

Harry, what are your plans? Old Qiao asked expectantly.

I've been traveling for several days and I just came back. I haven't even brushed my teeth or taken a shower. What plan can I have?

Well, you don't have a plan. Where do you get the confidence?

Harley said: Look, when I was still on Earth, the aliens didn't even dare to risk their lives. I just went on a business trip to hell. Two days after the news of losing the lamp beast came out, the aliens immediately What does it mean to jump out and cause trouble?

Old Qiao thought thoughtfully and said: It means the aliens are well-informed and have been monitoring the earth's information.

We were just talking about your loss of the lamp beast in the office when they heard us.

Being well-informed is one thing, but it's more important. Harley coughed a few times and said seriously: The behavior of the aliens and thieves just shows that they are afraid of me and my power.

It means that with my previous strength, I can easily kill them.

Oh, that makes sense, Old Qiao suddenly realized, Now that you still have some of the yellow light energy, you are still capable of fighting. As long as you find the alien spacecraft, you can defeat it.

Yes, that's it. Harley smiled.

After finishing the call with Mr. Vice President, Superman and Batman immediately said goodbye to her.

At such a critical moment, if you are not here to discuss countermeasures, what are you going to do? Harley asked strangely.

Bateman raised his hand to show the green light avatar on the Bat watch, Hal successfully intercepted the missile fired by the alien spacecraft towards the sun. At this time, he has returned to the Hall of Justice.

It's time for us to go to the Hall of Justice for a meeting of heroes to save Metropolis.

Harley blinked, 'we' doesn't include me?

It's the Justice League's meeting of heroes, Bateman emphasized.

Do you watch football and know about Barcelona and Messi? Hallie said with a sarcastic sneer, When the Barcelona coach organizes the players to discuss tactics, can he exclude Messi?

Or, who do you think is Cristiano Ronaldo, who wants to forcefully have sex with me, or even replace me?

Bateman sighed and said: Harley, you have lost your lantern beast, and there may still be some yellow lantern energy left in your body, but this alien war is no small matter.

You just watched the video of dozens of heroes besieging the skull spaceship.

Such a powerful output still cannot break the defense field of the spacecraft.

The only yellow light energy you have left may not last until the end of the battle.

Superman also said: Harley, we really don't look down on you, and you don't need to prove anything to anyone.

When the meeting of the Justice League is over, we will tell you all the final plan without hiding anything. Then you can decide whether to participate in the rescue operation.

Or are you attending the meeting with us as a bystander?

However, everyone knows that you always like to be the boss.

But when you get to Zhenglian, I'm afraid you won't be able to be the boss and control everything.

Justice League doesn't let you control everything, does it?

That's why we didn't ask you to join us earlier, it really wasn't to exclude you.

Harley waved her hand, Okay, you go discuss it while I rest.

When Cyborg opened the sonic channel and Superman and Bateman disappeared into the courtyard, Ivy said dissatisfied: Harley, they are just rejecting you.

The Vice President just made it very clear that if you restore the real power of General Five Rings, the heroes will have to listen to you.

They heard it on the side, but deliberately pretended to be deaf and dumb.

Selena puffed out her belly and said, I think this is Superman and Bateman's love and care for Harley.

The aliens piloting the skull spaceship are obviously more powerful than Zod's group of Kryptonians.

There are so many heroes besieging it, but they can't break the defensive shield, and the photon missiles can't blast it. Have you ever thought about it, it is probably just a 'Nimitz-class' ship of an alien civilization.

Does the US military only have one aircraft carrier?

Nimitz wasn't even the strongest.

Now that Harley has lost her lampmon, battery life has become a big problem. Is she really suitable to participate in an interstellar war of this scale?

Actually, I don't want Harley to take risks. Zhenglian's approach is in line with my wishes to a certain extent. However, Ivy said with a tangled expression, If Harley can't do it, who among them can?

Selena rolled her eyes at her, So, all you care about is whether Harley is okay in the eyes of others?

I don't have any relatives in the metropolis. Ivy said matter-of-factly, 'Can Harley do it?' is related to Harley's dignity and honor, and it's not a small issue.

At this point, she looked at Harley with complicated eyes and said in a slightly astringent tone: I would be happiest if Harley stayed in the manor and stayed with us instead of going to hell or venturing to alien planets.

Harley yawned and walked to the living room while saying, I've been very nervous these past few days and haven't had a moment to rest. I'm really tired.

Where have you been these past few days? Where did you get those magic books? What happened in hell? Ivy asked a series of questions.

The living room of the castle is very spacious. Thick rock pillars support a six-meter-high ceiling. Remove the sofa, fireplace and dining table, leaving at least 250 square meters of rectangular space.

On the wall facing the courtyard, there are giant floor-to-ceiling windows two meters wide and four meters high every one meter. Although the hall space is large, it is very bright.

At this time, the spacious and bright white marble hall was filled with books, rare objects, magic props, and even artifacts.

Zatanna and Nick were like students preparing for the postgraduate entrance examination, wandering in the ocean of books.

You can pick these things as you like. You don't have to tell me what you like, just take it back and play with it! Harley said proudly.

Where is this place? I want to go home.

A half-human-tall rabbit and a hedgehog walking upright hugged each other, huddled in the corner, shivering.

Wow, you can still talk. Ivy and Selina were surprised.

Little Rabbit, Red Fa, I saved you, and I will repay you with a knot of grass and a ring in your mouth for saving your life. Harry announced: From today on, you will be the servants of the castle, serving tea and water, planting flowers and repairing grass, It’s your job to provide it for people to watch and play with your children in the future.”

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