I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 575 Meeting an old friend in a foreign land

One Superman is worth three Trinidads, and one Trinidad is equal to three First Fallen Demon Kings.

So, how many magic apples is a First Fallen Demon King worth?

Titania had no answer.

If Harley asked her how much a magic apple was worth for a Trinidad, she would still be able to struggle.

Because like Harley said, dead people are worthless.

The third house has died, so you are not afraid of offending.

But the First Fallen is still there!

Wonderland has to pay tithe tax to hell.

——The witch is so cunning!

The Fairy Queen raised her beautiful eyebrows and sighed secretly in her heart.

Harley continued: I respect every Demon King very much and think that they are at least on the same level as Fairy King Oberon and Fairy Queen Titania. Can Fairy Queen object to this statement?

——The way you respect the devil is to humiliate and trap them in various ways?

The Fairy Queen continued to curse in her heart, but said modestly on her face: It's too much praise.

In a fair fight, the Fairy King and Fairy Queen would most likely not be the Demon King's opponents.

But if the devil comes to the fairyland to cause trouble, the fairy queen can suppress any devil who is not Satan, regardless of the reaction of hell.

The Immortal King and the Immortal Queen are at the same level as the Three Palaces, only differing in strength.

Sangong is not afraid of any demon king.

The Fairy Queen is in charge of the entire apple orchard. Comparing the value of apples with the Fairy Queen is simply insulting!

Harley spoke righteously, but she still compared the value of the fairy queen with apples.

In Titania's gloomy eyes, she hooked her fingers with a yellow light energy thread, pulled the desperate Granny Yaja to her side, and patted the old woman's dirty, furry head.

Look at her. She has become a legend in the world. Almost everyone knows her. She is famous far and wide.

Everyone's expressions were distorted. This ugly old woman had tainted the word famous name.

But they couldn't refute it. No matter how ugly the old woman was, she was still a woman and had a long lifespan. It was difficult to tell the difference between old, middle and young. Women of appropriate age would have no big problem if they used their 'famous names'.

She is proficient in dozens of magics and built the only chicken-foot hut in the multiverse. She is extremely talented and talented.

Everyone wanted to complain again. This old woman had been practicing for thousands of years and was barely able to become a powerful mage. She had a shitty talent.

She is proficient in the cooking methods of countless kinds of intelligent animals. She makes all her food, clothing, housing and transportation by hand. She is a good woman who lives at home. It is not too much to praise her as a virtuous and virtuous woman.

Everyone wants to vomit, the god's clever way of cooking animals, eating people actually makes you speak so fresh and refined, you have become a virtuous and virtuous person.

She has lived alone in the forest for thousands of years. She is definitely a model of tranquility and tranquility.

Everyone wanted to say that she was not living outside, but hiding outside. With her perverted behavior of abducting children and eating them, if there were villages around, it would be strange if the villagers didn't surround her.

She likes to hold a broom and squat on a stone mortar to fly. This behavior is unique in the world, so she has an interesting and unconventional soul.

Everyone is dumbfounded. According to you, every pervert has an interesting soul.

For such a well-known, talented, virtuous, virtuous, quiet, and interesting woman, what's the problem if I put a price on her that will cost the country and the city? This is much fairer than if you exchanged Apple for Superman.

Everyone's expressions were distorted, but they couldn't refute.

Because compared to replacing Apple with Superman, Granny Yajia exchanged the things she snatched before the Witch, which is definitely more conscientious.

Besides, I haven't invested in your city and country yet, I've only invested in a small market. After all, I mortgaged Miss Yajia to you, so it's really a big loss. Harley sighed.

Miss Yajia, vomit! Someone finally reached the limit of physical endurance and couldn't help but vomit.

I won't change, I don't want old witch Yajia! Slot shouted in despair.

He almost lost everything today and even lost the wheelbarrow that came with his own space.

Harley frowned, Does Superman want to change himself into an apple?

If you can lie to him, I can lie to you. This is the rule of fairyland.

When I traded the apple for Superman, I didn't know he was Superman! old woman Kama shouted.

When I exchanged Granny Yajia for market products, I also didn't know what was hidden in your container. Harley said calmly.

Okay, you also admit that I exchanged the apple for Superman. Give me that Superman. With Superman, I can still make a lot of money. The old goblin looked at Superman eagerly and drooled.

Harry wiped it on his lips, and a red apple appeared in his hand. With a swish, he threw the apple on the head of the old woman Kama, Boom!

He hit her so hard that the apple rolled down in front of her.

Isn't it just one apple? I have more now, hahaha! Harley laughed.

No, I won't sell it. How can Superman be worth an apple? I won't sell it. I just want Superman. The old woman Kama said excitedly.

You should have said that before you traded the apple for Superman, Harley said sarcastically.

Looking around at the speechless goblins, she grinned and said very happily: I really love Wonderland so much. This is my paradise. You must continue to work hard. I will come again in the future.

We work hard, make money, and accumulate property, and then let you cheat or rob us?

The goblins were filled with anger and worry.

Fairy Queen, please tell me, the rules of cheating in buying and selling only apply to us fairies! Slot said excitedly.

Old Kama also said with grief and anger: Since ancient times, fairies have been deceiving people. Human beings have played tricks on fairies so unscrupulously. It has never been seen in ancient times. It is simply unacceptable!

Harley sneered, goblins can deceive people, not because humans are honest and stupid, but because ordinary people are not as powerful as goblins and cannot resist the game rules set by goblins with their magic tricks.

What kind of technical content does she have in using the other person's methods to repay the other person's body today?

Anyone with a smart mind can think of it.

But as the old goblin said, goblins always lie to people.

If the goblins had a trick and turned her into a rabbit or a hedgehog, would they have been messing with her for so long?

The Demon King also didn't do any fancy things, and still asked the fairies for the 10 most outstanding elves every seven years.

To put it bluntly, it is still the jungle of the jungle.

She is not afraid if the Fairy Queen helps the fairy merchant to default on his debt.

Because of the laws of hell, the little lemures sleeping in her stomach would fade out of control uncontrollably after she left hell, and would eventually be summoned back to the shadow world. However, she had also found Mr. Rabbit and Mr. Red Law in the Chicken Feet Cottage before. Two animal people volunteers.

The worst case scenario is returning to the dream world.

Titania was silent for a moment and said slowly: The rules came about because fairies love to use tricks to deceive people, but after the rules appeared, they applied to the entire fairyland and were effective for everyone.

Rules without fairness are not rules, but privileges.

Now I rule that all the property obtained by Witch Halli is legal, and you will jointly divide Granny Yaja according to your respective contributions.

Since Grandma Yajia is a citizen of Fairyland, she enjoys the right to be exempted from death, so she can provide services as a slave to compensate you for your losses.

The market immediately erupted in wailing.

Your Majesty is wise, I will take my leave now. Harry waved his hand and prepared to leave.


Hi, Harley!

Two voices stopped her at the same time.

One voice was from Titania on the opposite side, while the other one came from the outside of the crowd and seemed a bit familiar.

Zatanna, Nick? Why are you here? Harley turned around and was surprised to see two old acquaintances.

Zatanna's face was full of excitement and she seemed to have a lot to say.

But Nick pulled her and smiled and gestured to Harley, Business matters, we will talk later.

Titania glanced at the two magic masters and invited: I know you, Zatanna, Nick, and Witch Harley. You can come to my palace and sit together.

Zatanna and Nick looked at Harley.

Harry smiled and said: I am wanted by the Demon King. I want to go to His Majesty's palace. Is that okay?

Titania also smiled, You can escape in hell, surrounded by demon kings, and even the fairyland can't stop you.

This is really not necessarily the case.

In hell, with the hell kingship of Little Black Bean and the help of the Dog Son, the Demon King has an advantage, but it is not a crushing advantage.

In Wonderland, the Fairy Queen's advantage in Fairyland authority is absolutely crushing to her.

However, she was not alone at this time. Zatanna and Nick were not ordinary people.

How far is His Majesty's palace? Harry asked.

It is as close as the full moon in the night sky, and as far away as a dream when you wake up.

Titania smiled slightly and pulled the reins. The white horse raised its front hooves and raised its head to neigh. In an instant, the surrounding market scenery was like an unfolded scroll falling into a whirlpool, swirling and shrinking, and the red light filled their vacancies.

When they opened their eyes again, they came to the backyard of a long-standing castle.

There was a marble floor under their feet, and the water channel beside them was clear. Under the leadership of the Fairy Queen, several people crossed the moss stone bridge, passed through the stone arch entwined with vines, and entered a bright palace through the back door.

The palace is quiet and directly connected to the courtyard surrounded by flowers and trees, separated only by a blue gauze curtain.

There are lounge chairs and small tables on the spacious stone steps.

Titania picked up a bell on the small table and shook it gently.

A handsome boy of eleven or twelve years old trotted over, Sir, what are your orders?

Hamlet, four chairs, five goblets, and a bottle of strawberry cordial.

Hamlet was very fast, and in just a few words, he led a group of handsome and innocent young men to deliver the things.

Harley, Superman, Zatanna, and Nick sat down, but none of them touched the Kahlua until Titania smiled and said, You don't have to pay anything for this wine.

After entering the fairyland, do not accept any help or gifts.

This commandment also includes the Faerie Queene.

In fact, the Fairy Queen is a veteran in this field.

The group of beautiful young people just now were probably deceived by this charming and charming beauty.

Titania did not discuss any more topics related to the market products, and only asked Harley about the details of the battle in hell.

Harley also used her questions to figure out the supernatural world's understanding of this incident.

The hell side publicized that she lost the lamp beast and became a waste, but deliberately erased the fact that the Dog Son appeared.

Even beings of Titania's level don't know about the existence of Dog Saint Son.

Although Harley didn't quite understand the devil's intention, she deliberately ignored Duoduo and her son during the conversation.

The current mainstream view in the supernatural world is that you go to hell to plan for a thousand days, sharpen your sword for a hundred days, just to stab the three palaces.

I never thought that killing San Gong was just to save people. I didn’t even know that San Gong’s daughter was your friend.

I went to hell alone to kill the three palaces for a friend I only dated for a day.

Titania's eyes were complicated and her expression was shocked.

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