I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 555: A mouthful of old phlegm squirts to death

Morpheus asked strangely: You said that, are you not afraid that I will change my mind? Are you really just going to have a cup of tea with Lucifer?

Harley sighed: From the beginning, I didn't encourage you to find Lucifer, right?

After hearing about your plan to ask Lucifer for the helmet, I came up with the idea of ​​taking the opportunity to save Rachel.

Although I didn't tell you the reason, I made it clear at the time that if you do that, you will definitely conflict with Lucifer, and then I can take advantage of the chaos and profit.

You seem to be more honest now. Morpheus said.

Harry said: It is profitable to exchange zero for one. Even if it costs a little extra, it is worth trying. But it is too much of a loss to exchange one for one and risk my own fortune.

Morpheus silently thought about this zero and one.

He is Zero, One is her good friend Rachel, and now he is One too?

If I had tea with Lucifer, would you go to hell?

His voice was still as indifferent as clear spring water, but it had a touch of softness.

It's taken me so long to prepare. Of course I can't give up completely. I will go to hell to explore the path first and prepare for the next assault. Harley said.

Once upon a time, rescuing Rachel was both urgent and dangerous.

Now that Rachel has become the Lord of Dreams, at least her mind is free, and saving her is no longer so urgent.

But one day, she has to fish her out of hell!

You can continue with your previous plan. Morpheus said softly.

Harley frowned and continued with his previous plan. Doesn't that mean he was still going to kill Lucifer?

You still don't understand what I said? Or do you have doubts? she asked.

Morpheus shook his head, You made it very clear, and I also believe in your empathy with Lucifer.

However, you don't seem to have considered the problem from my perspective.

As the master of dreams, if I don’t even dare to take back the artifact I use to manage the dream world, will my glory and dignity still exist?

Or, if you think about it in another person's shoes, what would you do if your treasure was robbed by a subordinate of a foreign emperor?

——I can’t bear it for a day, I immediately call my underlings and copycats, and I rush abroad overnight. First, I wash the ground with fear poison gas, and the copycat shadow warriors clear the place. Ivy and Carlisle attract firepower. I disguise my identity and hide among the underlings. The emperor of the Hedao eradicated his soul and tortured him to find out where his treasure was.

Harry thought so in his heart, and there was no more words of persuasion on his lips.

To advise him not to provoke Lucifer would be to insult Morpheus and his status as the supreme being.

But as soon as her thoughts changed, she wanted to persuade in another way, If my treasure is snatched away by a foreign emperor, and I am weak and cannot defeat him, I will recruit people and call all my relatives and friends.

For example, now, I never shy away from asking you for help.

I heard that there are seven brothers and sisters in the Endless Family. With such good innate conditions, it would be a pity not to go out in a group.

Morpheus shook his head again and sighed: You can ask them for help with other small things, but not this.

It's already a shame to lose my artifact, but it's even more shameful to have to rely on other people's strength to find my own.

Maybe if I go to them for help, they will laugh at me and refuse.

And, I went to Lucifer alone, and He was already feeling insulted.

If a family is forced to come to the door, there is almost no need to talk, and it will directly trigger a war between hell and the endless family.

The purpose of the existence of the Endless Family is to keep order in the multiverse, not to destroy order and stir up disputes.

Harry was surprised: Will your brothers and sisters reject you? I think at least the second sister is not that kind of person.

——That’s my second sister, don’t call me so natural!

Morpheus glanced at her with his starry eyes, Even if I am killed by Lucifer this time, the Sandman will not disappear. There will be another me to replace me. To my brothers and sisters, the two me No difference.

For the dream world, there is not much difference.

Perhaps the only one who cares about the difference between the two is myself.

Harley was stunned and understood what he meant. The Endless Family is the human embodiment of the rules of the universe. If the rules are not destroyed, they will not disappear.

But as the weapon spirits of the universe themselves, each of them is a unique being.

She said softly: I think you are wrong. Your family must only care about you at this moment, and your friends will only treat you as a friend.

Even if the other Sandman has the same memories, he has never experienced the things that establish a friendship, so he can't be considered a friend.

The one who gave her the robe and cared about her life and death was the Sandman in front of her.

If he dies, the rules of sleep and dreams will give birth to a new sleep again in the future, and it will have nothing to do with her.

Morpheus took a deep look at her and said softly: It's time for us to set off. I hope we all get what we want.

Silver City is like an island continent floating in the void, and its appearance is similar to Marvel's Asgard next door.

Heaven seems to be accessible from any direction.

Like a floating island in the material world, it can be landed from all angles, from top to bottom, left, and right.

If that were the case, Zhaulie would not be able to guard the gate of heaven on his own.

The range is too wide and cannot be defended.

The real situation is that Zaulie, who is only stationed on a floating island outside Silver City, does guard the gate of heaven.

Anyone entering or leaving the City of Silver or the Lower Heaven cannot avoid him.

Hell looks like a funnel with a ladder structure without walls. In fact, it is similar to heaven, with one and only one entrance and exit - the gate of hell.

If the gates of hell are closed, not even the devil can leave or return to hell.

However, there is a big difference between the gates of hell and the gates of heaven.

First of all, behind the Gate of Heaven is the lower heaven and the Silver City, but the Gate of Hell is between the Shadow Realm and Hell.

In other words, to go to the lower heaven, you must pass through the Gate of Heaven and Zauliel.

There are no restrictions when it comes to going to the Shadow Realm of Outer Hell. Black mages can use black magic to approach spiritually or physically. For example, Harley entered the Shadow Realm with only the devil's horns.

To enter the real nine hells from the shadow realm, you need to cross a door, the gate of hell.

Secondly, in terms of strict access control, hell is far inferior to heaven.

At this moment, Harley turned into a fallen person in a black tattered robe, like workers leaving the city for their hometown during the Mid-Autumn Festival, lining up in a long line, slowly moving towards hell.

Passing through the Shadow Realm is a desolate and cold void.

Standing there, you can see hell on the other side.

Undead souls who have fallen into hell, creatures from other dimensions who are preparing to join hell, mages who try to go to hell to find power or other things, souls of mediums who are channeling, and corpses in the shadow world. Almost all evil creatures can be found in hell. See the entrance.

The scene was like a giant wormhole appearing in the vast and dark starry sky of the universe. Countless spaceships lined up and drilled toward the entrance of the hole.

Harley followed a Gotham gangster who was missing half of his head and floated in the queue.

Don't ask her why she knew he was from Gotham, that guy is still mumbling like a repeater: Mother Fuck Bateman

Harley couldn't figure out why he wanted to kill Martha Wayne. There was no way it was Bateman who blew his head off.

Satan is above, the master of dreams! Suddenly there was a noise from the front, and Morpheus was seen like a big bird, with his robes flying, falling from the sky and landing directly at the gate.

Get away! Harley was looking around when a strong force came from behind, followed by a loud shout.

She turned aside and saw an eight-meter-tall demon with a two-meter-wide mouth and sharp teeth.

It had just tried to kick her with its big, scale-covered feet.

What are you looking at? Be careful I eat you! The demon roared with all three mouths.

There were commotions in front and nearby. Mages and demons all jumped out of the team and ran directly to the front. No demon came out to maintain order.

Harley, who was wearing a tattered hood, couldn't see her face clearly. She could only see the dark eyes at the bottom of a pool, flashing purple-black cross stars, imitating the Sandman.

The Nipple Demon flinched and was about to say a few words of kindness when Hooded Harley spoke, her voice as hoarse as two rocks rubbing against each other.

You want to eat me? Drink haha

She spat on it.

It's like the experience of an old smoker who has a sore throat, inhales hard, and then vomits hard.

A very powerful bubble of thick phlegm, it seems that even the phlegm on the gastrointestinal mucosa is sucked into the mouth.

Sure enough, she spit out a mouthful of yellow and greasy laojiao phlegm.

Just by listening to the voice and looking at the appearance, I subconsciously guessed that the phlegm smelled extremely foul.

The Nipple Demon wanted to dodge, but failed. The thick phlegm was not very fast, but it seemed to predict its predicted movements. It just clicked and stuck in the middle of the forehead.

It doesn't stink, but has a fragrance——

Stab la la - A tragic sound of flesh and bone melting, and thick smoke like burning horse dung, occurred in the head of the Pacifier Demon.

It only had time to scream before it lost its head, fell to the ground with a thud, and disappeared in a few breaths, leaving only a puddle of filth on the spot.

Trash, I can't even swallow a mouthful of phlegm, and I still want to chew on this old bone.

Under the shocked and frightened gaze of all the demons and monsters, Harishi suddenly crossed the line and started to jump forward.

Wherever she goes, demons are everywhere.

They didn't dare to talk until she was far away.

It's so horrifying that a Viscount troll was killed by a mouthful of thick phlegm, and his body was not found.

Don't think about it, this must be an old demon.

Why are such old monsters still lining up? Isn't it a trap?

You also said that it is an old monster. It spits and kills people in a verbal dispute. It shows how twisted and perverted its psychology is. It is not strange to do anything.

Harry was there, but he was very proud of himself.

Killing a little devil is nothing, but the skill of spitting and killing people is really too pretentious and suits her very well.

And this skill was something she came up with on the spur of the moment.

The demon wanted to eat her, and she was so angry that she wished she could swallow it with a roll of yellow light.

But then, she returned rationally: First of all, the skill 'Ring World' has a prerequisite. The opponent cannot resist, not at all.

Obviously, the demon was no match for her, at least he could beat him to death and struggle.

Secondly, eating demons was so disgusting that the thought of it made her want to vomit.

She swore never to eat any humanoid or humanoid creature, dead or alive, clean or not.

I just feel uncomfortable with it.

Then Harley had an idea and thought of the poisonous dragon that spits acid: The food defense specialty relies on the stomach pouch and stomach acid. If it is not digested internally, can it not be digested externally?

Just do it as you think of it, use the God's force field that eliminates the demon's body resistance as a sugar coating, wrap it with a bubble of compressed stomach acid, and supplement it with a yellow light energy 'missile' that can change direction and speed at will.

Can't avoid it, can't hold it, the effect is better than expected.

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