The next morning, Hallie went to the mall in person and bought more than a dozen sets of the latest styles of children's clothing and dozens of sets of toddler toys.

After lunch, she took Ivy, clothes and toys and took the Archimedes airship to the depths of the Amazon rainforest.

Harry, you've done so much during this time! Swamp Monster sighed.

My things are all small things. Today I mainly come to see your daughter sprouting and looking at these clothes and toys.

Harley motioned to Ivy to move things out of the cabin, while she stared at the child in Abidal's arms.

I got pregnant on December 25 last year, and it’s only been two months since the baby was born at the end of November. He’s pink and very cute. Hey, why do these blue eyes look a bit like Constantine?

——Oh, there is a successor to the Constantine family, he can die in peace!

Harley muttered something strange in her heart, and then all her thoughts came together, and she began to carefully sense the elemental aura around the baby girl, as if there was a sea of ​​green surrounding her.

Magical talent is no weaker than Zatanna's.

But that's all, there are no other visions.

Putting a music box next to the baby and playing a simple tune, Harley pulled Swamp Monster aside and asked directly: What is the budding 'Holy Son' talent? I don't seem to sense it. Something special.”

Swamp Monster wrinkled his salad face and said distressedly: We are also puzzled. Apart from the power of life, she does not seem to have any talent for calming elemental disorders.

Have you asked Dr. Destiny? Harley asked.

Swamp Thing nodded, When Germination was born, he was guarding him. He said this was a normal phenomenon. Jesus was an ordinary person when he reached adulthood. He became divine only after his death and resurrection.

Dr. Destiny, are you sure that Mo Ya is the Holy Son? I always feel that the Holy Son shouldn't be so calm. When the words came to her lips, she changed her tune again, It shouldn't be so calm.

She would rather say ordinary.

Compared to Zatanna's talent, it is very powerful and rare, but it falls far short of the unique Holy Son in many traits that can be seen at a glance.

Harry didn't know what the characteristics were, but if there was nothing special about the Son, why would it be the Son?

Swamp Thing said displeasedly: Grudge is not the Son, who is? From the winter solstice to the end of the arrival of the Son, Doctor Fate closely monitors the entire earth, and there will never be another combination of nature and supernatural.

Without even union, how could there be a Holy Son?

But the Son came and appeared on the hell stone tablet early. As the only combination of nature and supernatural, the sprout must be the Son.

Even if her ability does not reach the level of calming global elemental chaos that we expect in the future, she still occupies the position of the Holy Son in fact, and no one can replace her.

His tone was a little harsh, and Harley could understand it, after all, she was his daughter.

Why does the stone tablet of the coming of the Holy Son come out of the bottom of hell and not somewhere else? she asked.

This is a little trick of Silver City. If they want, they can bury it in Quinn Manor. Swamp Monster said disapprovingly.

Harley glared, You mean, someone in Silver City used a pen to carve words on a stone tablet, then closed his eyes and threw it wherever he could?

Swamp Monster frowned and said, You're not here to see Sprout today. What do you want to say?

Of course I'm here to see Little Sprout, aren't we talking about her now?

Harley thought for a while, but still didn't tell her guess about Duoduo.

She is not worried that the Life Council and Dr. Destiny will be detrimental to Duoduo.

Just like Swamp Thing just said, once the position of the Son is occupied, no one can replace it.

However, if the matter is publicized, it may affect her secretly rescuing Duoduo.

Well, she wasn't sure whether Duoduo needed saving.

According to Sister Midnight, Duoduo was quite happy at the time and was not caught and tortured.

However, it cannot be ruled out that Duoduo is being hunted by the devil and has not yet been caught.

There are too many uncertainties.

After chatting with Swamp Thing for a while, Harley said goodbye and left.

That night, she went to the top of Indian Mountain and dug Duoduo's small grave.

Right next to the tomb, Harley used black magic to summon the undead from hell on the withered bones in the black stone box.

Ghost summon @Hell's Heart, in the name of the friend of Little Black Bean and the Duke of Heaven Mountain, calls you to bring the undead soul of this corpse to me!

Ordinary dogs are definitely unable to summon souls, because their souls rarely go to heaven and hell, and their spirituality is insufficient.

But Duoduo is different, it is definitely in hell.

Wisps of black smoke, like living nematodes, emerged from the ground and circled around the dead bones. The weak spatial fluctuations flickered and closed like the blink of an eye, and the aura of depravity and evil filled the air.

Harley was overjoyed that the origin of hell responded to her and found Duoduo.

Boom - The next moment, the fluctuations of brightness and destruction exploded together with the power of the hell elements that formed a mist.

Just like a soap bubble falling into a fire, it disappears in an instant, leaving nothing behind.

Who blocked the summons? Harley frowned.

Then, she tried a few more times. When space fluctuations occurred, she still shouted from the side: Duoduo, Duoduo, it's me, come back quickly, come back, Duoduo, Duoduo, it's me.

It's like a mother whose child is suffering from amnesia, holding her child's little cotton-padded jacket, running around the dirt road in the village and screaming.

Unfortunately, Duoduo still didn't respond to her.

After returning to the meditation room and thinking for a long time, Harley thought about the people she could turn to.

Finally, Harley thought of someone who was sure to help her.

Returning to the bedroom, she rubbed her body with a mixture of geranium and fennel essential oil, then took out a jar of blood-red ointment from the drawer, and drew a key-shaped rune between her eyebrows - the Sandman Morpheus's. mark.

Putting on her mulberry silk pajamas, she lay on the bed in the most relaxed posture.

Morpheus, Lord of Dreams, please allow me to enter your kingdom.

Like counting sheep, she muttered these words and fell into a deep sleep.

Well, Harley can't summon Sandman to the world like summoning Swamp Monster or the death of her second sister, because Morpheus swore not long ago that he would never respond to any form of summons in the future.

Being detained naked for nearly a hundred years, that guy had a psychological shadow.

Harley fell asleep, but she was fully conscious, even more awake than before she fell asleep.

The runes on her forehead were shining with a mysterious light.

She clearly perceived the entire process of entering the realm of dreams - it was as if the soul was leaving the body and being lifted up by a ball of colorful soft light. The sky was not a roof or a dark starry sky, but purple flowers. Clouds of various colors, black, gray, and red, each color gave her a different feeling.

For example, when she passed a pink cloud, she felt like she was released from desire.

This is someone else's dream, an erotic dream!

Harry suddenly realized, looking around at the clouds of various sizes, These are all human dreams.

She floated and floated, continuing to rise.

She began to hear voices.

Hehehehe there was a laughter as clear as a silver bell, echoing in the empty hall.

Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu There was a plaintive cry, as if he was crying in her arms.

Woooooooo This time it was not a cry, but the whistle of the train.

Harley blinked, and a train really hit her: the locomotive was a pig's head, the train's chassis was not wheels, but centipede legs, and the entire train carriage was occupied by a bald old lady.

After approaching her, the train quickly twisted into a weird castle running on two legs, with a human face on the castle.

Before she could be surprised, a mountain of garbage fell from above her head, including a broken violin, a rusty scalpel, and half a piece of chalk.

There was also a sofa, a rice cooker, a headless doll, a chipped kitchen knife, an employment notice stained by vegetable soup, a piece of moldy bread, and an empty wine bottle.

There are also rusty Lamborghinis, Louis Vuitton bags, unopened condoms, and the latest Paradise Mountain cell phone with the screen flashing puppy videos.

Fake, what the hell is this?

Harley couldn't dodge, and countless garbage fell from her side and hit her head and shoulders, causing pain.

I think.

I want

I am determined

Every time she touched a piece of trash, she could hear a vague sound.

These are all dreams! Harry suddenly realized, and then had a weird expression, Why are all dreams turned into garbage?

The mountain of garbage came and went just as quickly, like a gust of wind, blowing past Harley.

Finally, she came to a spiral staircase suspended in the void.

Harley knew that she had arrived at the entrance to the dreamland.

Without hesitation, she ran quickly along the stairs.

After running for an unknown amount of time, a thick shadow was cast in front of me.

Looking up, a Western-style stone castle blocked the way.

Ouch! At the gate of the castle, there was a chubby green-skinned dinosaur, roaring loudly at Harley and fluttering its wings.

Uh, it's not a dinosaur, it's a giant dragon. Harley was stunned.

It looks exactly like a Thunder Lizard, except that it has a pair of two-meter-long fleshy wings above its front legs.

Harry even doubted whether this guy could fly.

Ah woo! The green dragon saw the rune on her forehead, the fierce light disappeared from its eyes, turned around and hit the door with its head.

Who is it? A middle-aged man with a strong voice yelled from inside the door, Gregory?

Ah woo! Green Dragon Gregory continued to knock on the door, Bang bang bang!

Finally, the heavy iron-wrapped oak door opened a gap, and a strange-looking yellow-haired goatee stuck his head out.

Who are you? he asked.

Harley Quinn, your king's good friend.

My dear, you are the legendary witch Harley! The goatee wearing small glasses jumped out of the door and stared at Harley with surprise on his face, You don't have three heads and six arms, a green face and fangs, the difference is too big. ”

What's the gap? Harley was very happy that she was famous, but she didn't understand Goatee's reaction.

I have seen you, but you are not as beautiful and refreshing as you are now.

Where did you meet me? Harley asked confused.

It's so scary in other people's dreams!

Harry sighed: How can things in dreams be taken seriously?

We are in a dream now. Goatee said.

Stop talking nonsense here, take me to see your king quickly! Harley was not in the mood to chat with a guard.

As if aware of her attitude, he straightened out his goatee and his expression became arrogant, This is my territory, and I am the first lord of the dreamland.

You can be allowed to pass through my territory, but I am no one's servant and will not lead the way for you.

Oh, it turns out to be Lord Lord, how do you call him? Harley asked curiously.

You don't even know the owner of the Mysterious House? Goatee frowned.

House of Mystery? I know the House of Mystery and the House of Secrets. The House of Secrets is in the hands of Sage Ochi. The owner of the House of Mystery seems to be an old monster. Harley looked up at the castle in front of her, Your Mystery What does the House have to do with the Magical Moving Castle? The name is exactly the same.

It seems that you really don't know much about dreams. Goatee opened the door and stretched out his hand as an invitation, I am Cain, the brother of Abel, the first legendary story in the world.

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