I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 541 Duoduo’s news

At 2:30 in the afternoon, it was still the same conference room, but there were two fewer people.

The two most important people are Bateman and Tearman.

Batman received an emergency call from Robin and Mr. Freeze escaped from Arkham Asylum at 10:48 AM.

Gotham needs Bateman. The people of Gotham are calling for Bateman, so Bateman goes back first.

As for Superman, if you watch the news related to New Orleans, you can see him saving people during the typhoon in the live broadcast.

Therefore, I will complete the following meetings on behalf of Zhenglian.

Facing the gloomy gazes of several military and political leaders, Colonel Steve looked calm and talked eloquently.

Can you make the decision for the Justice League? Speaker John frowned.

I can at least be a mouthpiece to explain Zhenglian's needs to everyone, Steve said.

The speaker and the horse gang leader looked at each other and both thought of adjourning the meeting immediately.

Steve is only responsible for conveying Zhenglian's request, which means that the US government has only two options: agree or reject.

This is very unfavorable to their original plan of talking with the heroes - using language skills and familiarity with government affairs to defeat the heroes of the Zhenglian Alliance in the details of negotiations, so as to achieve the goal of paying lip service.

In terms of prevarication, high-sounding, and indifference in political affairs, no matter how smart a hero is, they are definitely not as good as this group of old officials who have climbed to the top of the political arena.

Who would have thought that Zhenglian didn't respect martial ethics and didn't give them a chance for a fair fight at all?


My generals, congressmen, and Mr. President, Superman said before leaving that it is imperative to build a watchtower because the enemy tested us with the 'Sun Dam' a week ago.

Ion Man now patrols the solar system three times a day, which is already a very intensive job, but it still cannot guarantee that the earth is safe.

Only the watchtower can monitor the solar system 24 hours a day.

Zhenglian's application was submitted a week ago. If the result cannot be obtained today, even if they are willing to wait another week, will the enemy wait? Can the earth wait?

If while waiting, aliens invade and the earth suffers heavy losses, who will be responsible?

Harry saw that the caravan leaders beside him had dark faces and flushed red, and they were on the verge of breaking out.

Let's talk about Zhenglian's requirements first. The Speaker sighed.

Even if an outbreak is about to occur, they must first listen to Zhenglian’s conditions. What if the conditions are favorable and fall within their bottom line?

Well, thinking this way, he has already lost a hand in the negotiation.

The first is the construction funds for the watchtower. With Superman and Ion Man helping with transportation, and Cyborg's sonic boom space teleportation, the cost is almost reduced to the limit.

With that said, Steve opened the PPT and showed the structural diagram of the observation tower in front of everyone, Invest 30 billion U.S. dollars in advance to build the space radar system in a few days.

In addition to funds, Zhenglian also needs the Red Room Laboratory, which specializes in the research and development of alien technology, to provide certain alien technical support and finished instruments, such as radars, spacecraft decks, and master brains from the Kryptonian mothership.

In the next two years, the total cost of completing the construction of 'Watchtower 1.0' will be approximately 150 billion.

After the watchtower is completed, there will be a Power Rangers team of no less than 20 people stationed in it at all times, and the daily maintenance costs will be about 1.5 billion to 3.5 billion per month.

Several big shots exchanged glances, and the leader of the horse gang spoke: Congressman Quinn, you are an expert. Do you think the watchtower can serve as an early warning and first wave of interception?

Harley swiped the watchtower information on the tablet, shook her head and said, The Justice League hides a lot of things. You can't judge its specific functions only by looking at the structural diagram.

Why hide it? the horse gang leader asked Steve.

In the face of advanced civilization, the U.S. government has almost no way to keep secrets. You know it, and they can know it if they want to.

This is the truth, but the truth hurts so much.

The caravan leader's black face turned red again, I don't know the detailed data of the watchtower. How can I ensure that you don't abuse funds?

The Justice League only needs supplies, and the money cannot reach them. Government funds can be placed in banks designated by the government, and the accounts are always subject to government supervision.

Zhenglian heroes swear that every penny provided by the government will be used to protect the earth.

All members of Zhenglian receive no salary. Colonel Steve said in a deep voice.

He looked a little excited, obviously moved by the noble sentiments of the Zhenglian heroes.

At least compared to the military and political leaders on the scene, the heroes of Zhenglian are too honest and selfless.

He even thought that if the officials of the American government were so efficient, honest, and dedicated, the earth would definitely become a paradise.

The horse gang leader hesitated and said: 150 billion in two years is a bit difficult to handle.

He didn't think it was expensive. An aircraft carrier floating on the sea cost more than 10 billion, and the total volume of the watchtower was three times larger than the Ford aircraft carrier!

The technological content is hundreds of blocks ahead of the aircraft carrier.

In addition to the watchtower itself, it also carries three spaceships that travel between space and the ground, and five fast-response small space battleships. He is a little doubtful that the things built with only 150 billion can really be used?

The price is not expensive, but for the already tight US finance, it is really difficult to get 150 billion.

You can divert part of the military expenditure, for example, by withdrawing troops from Afghanistan, and you can easily save hundreds of billions. Steve said.

The Justice League wants to interfere in national affairs? the horse gang leader said sternly.

Steve smiled bitterly and shook his head, Purely personal opinion, we are in the interstellar era now. If the government is really short of money, Zhenglian Heroes can find sponsorship from tycoons.

For example, Bruce Wayne is eager to improve Gotham's social environment and has always given Bateman strong support.

The horse gang leader immediately shook his head, If Bruce Wayne wants to support national construction, he can buy national bonds and burn them in public, directly sponsoring the 'Space Force' project, absolutely not.

Oh, the government is going to issue 'Watchtower Project' treasury bonds? Steve asked curiously.

You can give it a try, the caravan leader said.

Harley said impatiently: It's only 150 billion. Can't we just let the money printing machine run a few more times next year? Many things about the watchtower are more worthy of discussion than the cost.

Okay, let the money printing machine run a little more. The horse gang leader nodded and moved on to the next topic.

Under Steve's force, Congress passed the Watchtower Project bill that afternoon.

At 7:30 p.m., the president also held a press conference to announce the incident to reporters.

Harley, do you think the 'Sun Dam' was created by the Justice League to force us to agree to their watchtower plan by faking a crisis?

At the dinner buffet, the caravan leader was holding two baked potatoes and a beef rib, and said gloomily: What a coincidence! During the negotiation process, the Justice League also behaved too slyly, not like a sincere hero.

Since they can use tricks in negotiations, it is also possible to artificially create crises for the sake of smooth negotiations.

If that's the case, Justice League.

He didn't say any more, but the deep fear in his eyes said it all.

That's not the case. I was inspecting Ion Man at the time, and Bateman was also nearby. When the mutation occurred, they were also shocked and worried. Harley said with a natural expression.

Could Superman have done it without telling them? The leader of the Ma Gang was still worried.

How could you doubt Superman? He is almost as pure as a saint. Harley said in surprise.

How do you think Zhenglian performed in today's talks?

Harley asked strangely: Do you suspect Superman is controlling all this behind the scenes?

The caravan leader nodded solemnly, He has a super brain and is the smartest.

It's true that he has a super brain, but his brain is almost a decoration and is never used.

The banquet hall was crowded with celebrities, and the famous Clark, who was talking to his old father-in-law, adjusted his glasses frames and glanced this way.

Who else could it be if he wasn't him? the caravan leader asked.

It must be Bateman! Harley said.

So, Batman's position in Zhenglian is really that of a think tank? the horse gang leader's expression became more relaxed.

The last battle plan against Darkseid was made by him. Harley said.

The caravan leader took a bite of the baked potato and sighed: Harley, do you think the future government will be replaced by the Super Hero League?

Harley thought for a moment and said, Probably not. Every advanced civilization in the universe has a Power Rangers, but their governments are not puppets.

With the continuous development of science and technology, one day ordinary soldiers will be able to infinitely close the distance with extraordinary beings through technological weapons.

With the current level of science and technology on earth, how long will it take for ordinary soldiers to be able to check and balance Superman? the horse gang leader asked in anticipation.

Probably. In ten thousand years.

The caravan leader had half a potato stuck in his throat, and his face turned dark red from holding it in.

Three days later, the Watchtower Space Base ascended into geosynchronous orbit.

At NASA headquarters, Superman and The Flash showed the world a rare spectacle.

They moved quickly between the containers loaded with parts and equipment, transforming into strips of golden and red light, centering on the assembly table, creating a huge light group.

Many spectators standing on the periphery saw a 500-meter-tall metal spacecraft rising from the ground and taking shape at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The final form of the watchtower: in the center is a 500-meter-long shuttle, with a 500-meter-diameter doughnut surrounding the middle of the shuttle.

Ion Man arrived, held it up into the sky with a green light curtain, and finally entered geosynchronous orbit.

Long live the Justice League, long live the Watchtower!

When the observation tower was launched in space and began to operate normally, the people on earth in front of the TV were excited and cheered.

Bah, bang, bang, bang. NASA headquarters also burst into applause. The Flash and Superman waved around with smiles on their faces.

Such a fast speed, such a high efficiency. Would it be possible if Superman were asked to help the United States build infrastructure? the horse gang leader asked Harley beside him.

“I have long envied the Chinese people’s high-speed rail, but it’s a pity that the cost of building high-speed rail is too high.

If it were Superman, the railway track from Gotham to Metropolis could be laid in about one day, and the cost would be reduced by 70%.

No matter how fast the Chinese dynasty is, it can’t be faster than the American Superman, hahaha.”

You can let him try.

After witnessing the 'True Speed ​​of Light Assembly' in the Watchtower, Harley returned to Gotham the next day and once again closed herself up and disappeared from public view.

But she didn't have a rest for two days.

At midnight a week later, an unexpected person found Quinn Manor and woke Harley up from her sleep.

Harry, there's a black man at the gate. He looks very vicious. He calls himself 'Midnight' and comes from the Midnight Bar in Blüdhaven. He says he's an old acquaintance of yours and has a confidential matter to tell you. Angela said on the phone.

Let him see me tomorrow. Harley was woken up from her sleep, a little angry.

He said he came here secretly. In order to avoid the eyes and ears of the gods, he could only see you at this time.

Harley sighed, Give him the phone.

Miss Quinn, I am out of body and have no time to delay. Please allow me to tell you in person about your pet dog. You will never regret it after listening to it, I swear.

Duoduo? Harley was confused.

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