I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 536 The gluttonous fat head

In the deep space of the universe 50 light-years away from the earth, there is a meteorite belt far away from the star system.

The largest meteorites here are about a hundred kilometers in diameter, and the smallest ones are just interstellar dust. They are like a group of homeless interstellar refugees, drifting in an unknown direction.

Suddenly, a bit of golden light spread into a two-meter-high space wormhole, and a woman with blond hair and a golden uniform walked out.

Fat Head, you can choose for yourself. I can find the ancient meteorite groups outside the galaxy, but I can't sense the ore you need.

Harley showed up with the ion shark to look for food, eating star minerals.

She felt guilty after digesting too much of Fat Tou's origins, and wanted to help him replenish his body. Fat Tou was not interested in eating the Parallax Monster either.

The two of them started tossing all kinds of food from the earth, but after a few days of tossing with no results, they finally came to the stars in the universe to look for star mines.

Fat Tou poked out dozens of long green fins that looked like ribbons around Harley. As she flew quickly through the meteorite belt, the fins passed through the meteorites like phantoms.

After flying for more than 20,000 kilometers, Fathead finally had a special reaction to a meteorite with a diameter of two kilometers. The fins flashed bright and dark like neon lights.

“After coming to the universe from the energy spectrum, Parallax monsters have not yet shown a threat to the universe, they have not slaughtered planets, and the guardians have not imprisoned us yet.

During that short period of freedom, I encountered several such meteorites in the starry sky, but I am an energy body, with a mouth and a belly, but no digestive system. I can gnaw but cannot digest them.

What special elements are there?

Harley's eyes shot out a beam of yellow light and scanned carefully, but found nothing special.

There are no elements outside the periodic table, and there are no higher energy reactions.

I don't know. I just, Fatty thought carefully about his words, In your words, I have the desire to eat, but I have never eaten before, and I'm not sure if it feels right.

Try it.

Harley opened her mouth, and a transparent light curtain like fine sand spread out, as if spitting out a giant pale golden net.

Tens of thousands of meters in radius were covered.

All other meteorites within the range were missed, except for the two-kilometer-diameter meteorite.

Bah! Harley inhaled suddenly, and the golden gauze and the meteorite inside were quickly sucked into her belly like noodles hanging from her mouth.

The closer it got to the mouth, the smaller the shape of the meteorite became, and finally it turned into a golden noodle and slipped into the stomach.

Harley twisted her neck and rubbed her belly, I don't feel bloated, and I don't have indigestion, but I don't feel satisfied, and I don't feel anything at all.

Sinestro, who has four eyebrows, once overcame his digestive defects and excitedly lamented to the guardian: It seems that eating stones can make you have diarrhea.

He just emphasized that he has strong digestion ability and did not really want to eat rocks.

Later, the strict and conscientious guardian made him eat stones and magic metals. Sinestro cut the valley path, and what he pulled out were still stones and metals.

Zizzizi At this time, under the seventh-level food defense expertise in Harry's belly, the meteorite that fell into the golden gastric acid mist was transported to the South China Sea like an iceberg, melting at a speed visible to the naked eye.

A few hours later, the meteorite turned into a huge gray-black mist-like substance, surrounded by a layer of golden acid mist.

It looks like a planet suspended in the stomach.

In fact, there is no way for her to 'eat stones and poop out organic matter'. Stones and iron can be dissolved in stomach acid, but ordinary stones do not contain the nutrients needed by the human body. No matter how much Harley eats, she will never be full. The more she eats, the more she consumes. The more, the weaker the body becomes.

However, this meteorite picked by Fat Tou is really no ordinary stone.

It is equivalent to a cosmic wonder.

The miraculous power is stripped away from the strange objects, and all that is left is rock dregs.

There really is a strange energy substance. Why didn't the yellow light energy detect it? Harley was surprised. Moreover, this seems to be a mixture of radiated light waves and magnetic fields. What kind of energy is it?

Let me have a taste first. Fat Tou said expectantly.

Gudong, Gudong. Harry's stomach wriggled, and the gray-black planet seeped invisible tiny 'particles' into the golden film of the 'atmosphere', completely transparent energy-containing light waves.

After the light waves penetrated, they did not enter the stomach wall and be absorbed by Harley. Instead, they gathered into a small river and poured into the fat-headed shark with its mouth wide open next to it.

How do you feel? What changes have occurred in your body? Harley asked.

This is the method she came up with to nourish Fatty: she eats the food and gives him the nutrients for him to absorb.

When I was on Earth before, I had tried ordinary organic food, including all kinds of magic ingredients.

It doesn't work. Fatty doesn't need organic nutrients such as protein and amino acids, nor does he need magic power.

Since organic matter cannot be eaten, then try inorganic minerals. Fat Tou himself said that he wanted to eat ores.

Some non-carbon-based life forms in the universe really feed on minerals, and maybe Fatty can eat them too.

Relying on her super stomach bag, Harley began to try various things. She could eat stones to digest, and she could eat iron ingots to digest them. After the scope of the recipe was expanded, Harley was surprised to find that her food intake had also changed.

In other words, without testing, she still doesn’t understand her new ‘stomach bag dimension’.

If it cannot provide sufficient nutrients, or if she deliberately does not absorb those nutrients, her body will not feel any burden after digesting hundreds of kilograms of food.

Digestion and absorption are two processes. In the past, she absorbed nutrients immediately after digesting food. After her body was fully nourished, her digestion speed also slowed down, and her appetite seemed to be the same as that of ordinary people.

This time was different from the past. She did not absorb the nutrients, but prepared them for the fat head.

When she started digesting, she found that the biggest burden on digestion was actually the size of the gastrointestinal space.

As long as the space can accommodate it, we can digest as much as we can, and there will be no indigestion at all.

The digestive activity of the stomach bag will of course cause fatigue and consume nutrients, but since the stomach bag is digesting food, it must be able to replenish nutrients at any time, so it becomes infinite digestion like a perpetual motion machine.

As long as the stomach can hold it, and as long as the 'food' level is no higher than that of an ordinary artifact, it can always be digested.

However, Harley's stomach pouch absorbed a large amount of the origin of the lantern beast and transformed it into the stomach pouch dimension.

The more emotional spectrum energy there is in the stomach pouch, the larger the space.

She now has two lantern beasts in her body, how rich is the energy?

With such abundant energy, how big should the space be?

Anyway, after swallowing a two-kilometer-diameter meteorite, Halleyen felt more at ease.

If Fat Tou needed it, she might be able to cast a net with a radius of ten kilometers and swallow all the meteorites within the range, almost like a monster in mythology that swallowed up a city in one gulp.

Oh, now I really feel that I am no longer a human being. Harley said with emotion.

With a defense of 70+, he is invulnerable; his body can be cut into several pieces and put together to revive him; he can swallow a city in one mouthful by spitting out a piece of golden light from his mouth; when he gets excited, he can eat a hundred thousand heavenly soldiers and generals in one meal. It's possible. This is definitely not a human being.

You are scarier than Parallax Monster now. Your stomach may be able to swallow a planet one day. Fatty said vaguely.

Seeing him eating happily, she asked curiously: Is it delicious?

It feels like I'm eating your shit, but it tastes really good.

The fat man squinted his eyes in comfort, and his mouth bulged as he swallowed.

Harley's pretty face darkened slightly, What you absorb is the nutrients, and the rest is

When she caught a glimpse of the unknown mass of 10,000 tons of 'meteorite shit', she blushed again and felt embarrassed.

After being drained of organic, inorganic and other forms of digestible and assimilated essence, those meteorite residues should be expelled from the body, which can pull millions of tons of cake at a time.

After thinking about it with a red face, Harry decided to be a little fairy who doesn't poop from today on.

As soon as he thought about it, the meteorite residue fell into the lower part of his stomach.

From now on, the non-absorbable matter left after eating and digesting will be sealed in the stomach pouch first. When it can no longer be stored, it will be discharged into the stomach at once.

Well, the toilets on earth can no longer meet her needs.

It seems that one day in the future, Harley will have to find a deserted place and poop quietly.

On second thought, Harley had already thought of a place to poop: next to the black hole.

Pulling in the outer circle of the black hole, whatever is pulled out, no matter how big or heavy it is, is immediately sucked into the black hole and disappears forever.

After disappearing, she no longer has to be embarrassed about her giant daddy.

If anyone annoys her, she won't mind smashing him to death with her daddy.

The meteorite is falling from the sky, is there any clue?

Uh, it seems that the digestive residue in the stomach is not daddy, but stomach stones?

Harry, I still want to eat. I didn't expect eating to be so comfortable.

While Harley was thinking, the fat-headed shark patted its belly with its wing-like fins and said expectantly: Help me look for it again.

Harley sensed it carefully and was surprised to find that Fatty's energy level was indeed better. It really replenishes the body. Doesn't that mean that if you look for more star mines, you can 'raise pigs' in the future?

You still want to eat me and feed me?! Fatty shouted excitedly.

Well, if I don't eat you, I'll eat the Parallax monster, and you'll be gone. Harley turned her eyes awkwardly and scanned the nearby starry sky, I don't mind accompanying you to continue searching, but your new host is still waiting for you. Make an appointment. Three days have passed since the good two days.”

I'm a little reluctant to leave you. Fatty said tangledly.

——If I had known you could help me find delicious food, what else would I have done as a hero shark?

Then tell Hal Jordan to get lost?

Harley didn't care about breaking the date. Anyway, it was Fatty who broke the date, not her.

Forget it, you can help me absorb another wave of starlight at the end. I remember that I seemed to have absorbed starlight before I was imprisoned in the energy battery. Fat Tou said in anticipation.

Starlight. Harley looked around, looking for the brightest and densest direction of the stars, I can't absorb it.

You can eat meteorites, but you can't digest starlight? First use the yellow light energy to collect it, compress it into an energy body, put it in your belly, and digest it just like me and Parallax Monster. I am also an energy body. Fatty said .

No, you are a living energy body. Your meat is not much different from pork. My stomach cannot digest inanimate energy bodies at the moment. Harley said.

Isn't the star mine a lifeless energy body?

It's a wonder of the universe. I just extracted the energy from the stone. Harley explained patiently.

Have you tried digesting starlight? Fatty asked.


Fat Tou said: Try it. Your talent and potential are much greater than you think.

My talent is outstanding, but I know my limits.

Harry, last time you digested me and Fatty in Oua, you made a breakthrough once before the battle. Suddenly, your digestion capacity increased tenfold. Maybe you have exceeded your limit again?

Harley frowned.

Harry, I'm hungry, I'm weak! Fatty shouted.

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