I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 531 Golden Nuclear Bomb

That is the honor she deserves, if she is really helping the earth improve its status in the universe.

Perry said solemnly: I can see that your position is biased towards the Justice League, so let me ask you, as the number one superhero group on earth today, the reputation of the Justice League is growing every day. There is no other team of heroes that can compare. Is it possible? Do we also want to suppress it? Not report Zhenglian news?

At least Harley Quinn's puppy video not only never stopped being reported by Zhenglian heroes, but also specifically gave each Zhenglian member the highest level of traffic support.

I don't mean anything else. I'm just worried that Harley Quinn will have too much influence. What if? Clark struggled for a moment and said, Although she can always be a hero at critical moments, what she did in Gotham... Well, if she What if we try to use our unparalleled reputation to turn the United States into Gotham?

Perry smiled and said: No, the Justice League and she are two people, they will restrict and supervise each other.

If she wants to lose her life, Zhenglian will definitely not sit idly by and ignore her. Then we will continue to expose her true face in a series of articles.

If a certain hero of the Justice League finally reveals his 'true face', we don't have to be afraid. Senator Quinn and the Eyes of Heaven under her leadership will definitely be able to capture those caped crusaders.

As for prestige and fame, there is no need to worry that she will dominate the family.

There is no news about her on weekdays.

But on weekdays, we can see news of heroes doing justice everywhere.

Only during the major events of the Earth's crisis did she stand up to be a temporary great hero and make big news that shocked the world.

In times of crisis, he belongs to the ball-protecting hero, and in daily time, he belongs to the ordinary hero.

Now that the crisis of Apokolips has just ended, it is her moment of glory, and no amount of over-publicity is too much.

After all, after this crisis, next time”

He sighed helplessly, Although I really want to say that the crisis on Apokolips is the last crisis on Earth, it's useless. I just hope that the next crisis will come later.

Until the next crisis, there will be a window of glory for the ball-protecting hero, and his reputation will slowly decline under the background of Zhenglian.

Although Clark felt that Perry took things for granted, he was just an ordinary reporter now and could not change BOSS's decision.

After the release of Daily Planet the next day, Louise's exclusive interview with the ball-protecting hero was published on the front page, but it did not cause much reaction in the public opinion circle.

It’s not that people on Earth don’t care about the Green Lantern Corps crisis.

A report reprinted from Zanshixing's Galaxy Monthly came to public attention first.

After learning that the Green Lantern Corps had reached a settlement with the ball-protecting heroes in a very crude and obviously compromising treaty, the entire earth fell into a state of revelry.

From afternoon to evening, countless media people commented on Saruman’s exclusive interview on Puppy Headlines.

By the time the Planet Daily published Louise's article the next day, it was too late to even speculate.

The speech of a middle-class person interviewed expressed the sentiments of many rational people on earth: “I have always been a little worried after the White House press conference ended.

According to what the alien reporter said, the ball-protecting hero provoked Oua and killed hundreds of Green Lanterns. Not all Green Lanterns. Didn't this leave consequences for themselves and the Earth?

With the arrogance shown by the Green Lantern Corps at the Heroes Convention, they will definitely not give up.

Well now, the Green Lantern Corps actually signed a contract that disgraced their power and humiliated the country. The heroes who protect the ball are mighty!

After the news came out, Quinn Manor suddenly received hundreds of visitors, including reporters from home and abroad, social sages who came to visit, and dignitaries from Gotham and even New York State.

The situation in Gotham is about to change again. Some Gotham officials were worried.

They are new officials who took office during the months when Harley was serving a life sentence in Oua, or were former officials who, under Bateman's intimidation and various inducements, believed that Harley Quinn's rule over Gotham has ended. .

Of course they have to worry.

“Gotham’s ‘blue sky’ has not changed, it just left for a short time.” Those politicians who insisted on not changing their ‘talismans’ said excitedly.

Well, the first one on the amulet was naturally 'Emperor Harley'. When Harley was taken away by the little blue man, it seemed that she would never come back. 'Emperor Harley' was crossed out, and Mr. Wayne and others Several big guys are juxtaposed, and the powerful are juxtaposed. It feels like a group of heroes competing for hegemony.

Now they don't have to fight. Not only is Gotham's blue sky back, it has become thicker and even the space police can't shake it.

On the third day, the front page headline was still Louise's article, but this time the Daily Planet aroused public opinion. It added another one to the already popular topic of 'How awesome is it that Harley Quinn subdued the Green Lantern Corps'? Setting fire to the fire also sublimates the theme.

The paper newspapers were sold out as soon as they went on sale.

The number of reads and reposts of On Nuclear Deterrence on the Internet continues to set new records.

It's not surprising. If the Green Lantern Corps didn't have absolute strength, they wouldn't be able to become the police and law enforcement officers of the universe.

But the Green Lantern Corps was single-handedly overthrown by the ball-protecting hero and signed a surrender agreement. If she wasn't the nuclear bomb, who was? Nuke Harley, well deserved!

Countless experts have stated this in the media with certainty and as a matter of course.

Hey, I should have thought of it earlier. At the press conference that day, the alien reporter had already made it clear that the hero Harley had killed hundreds of superpowers from higher civilizations, but no civilization dared to retaliate.

Isn't this the power of nuclear bombs?

Hero Harley is the ‘golden nuclear bomb’! Some reporters lamented over and over again, regretting not being able to discover this big news in advance.

Ordinary people on earth are even more excited, and there are news about Golden Nuclear Bomb Harley on various social software.

Long live the hero Harley, my dad finally stopped worrying about aliens coming to colonize the earth and started digging holes like crazy. Because we have the nuclear bomb Harley!

Long live the golden nuclear bomb!

Why do you call her the golden bomb?

No need to ask. Green Lantern is a green lantern. Hero Harley controls the yellow lantern beast. It is golden, like a golden saint, and has the deterrence of a nuclear bomb. Isn't it the golden nuclear bomb Harley!

The name of the universe is very appropriate for her as a 'human hero'. Superman, The Flash, and Batman each have a city, and they do good deeds every day; the hero Harley's 'city' is the entire earth. However, the golden nuclear bomb haha Leigh is more vivid and moving.”

Feel proud, with the golden nuclear bomb, we no longer have to look at the aliens' faces.

I really want to meet a few aliens right now and ask them their new opinions on us earthlings.

It would be great if there was a video interview. It would be more satisfying to see and hear with your own eyes what the famous aliens said about the golden nuclear bomb.

Hahaha, this time Daily Planet has become famous all over the world! Editor-in-chief Perry held the tablet and smiled so hard that he couldn't see his eyes. Louise, the total number of reader comments under your article has exceeded 50 million! Simply appalling.

A conservative estimate is that for this article alone, the royalties you received from Puppy Toutiao exceeded one million US dollars. Congratulations!

However, you have to keep up your efforts.

Netizens are all the same as me. They feel very happy, but a little empty and lack of satisfaction.

You should continue to work on this topic, find more alien celebrities, and get the exact evaluation of the earth and golden nuclear bombs from their mouths.

He was excited for a long time, but Louise beside him didn't respond to him.

What are you thinking about? He looked doubtfully at his 'number one confidant' who was staring at the laptop screen with his eyebrows furrowed.

Perry, the reaction of the people of the earth is too intense, beyond my imagination. Is it really necessary to add fuel to the fire? Louise hesitated.

Perry, if she doesn't want to do it, just leave this topic to me. Immediately, a beautiful blonde woman said excitedly.

Perry was about to refuse without hesitation, but then he turned to look at his not very obedient confidant, then changed his mind and said: Louise, are you sure you want to give up?

Let me make it clear first. There is more than just Planet Daily. They all have the sense and quality of journalists. At this moment, some people must have thought of Green Lantern.

Think again about your earlier interview with Golden Nuclear Bomb.

Just because it was published one day late, it immediately turned from a ‘global hot topic’ into junk news.

I won't allow the same thing to happen again!

Therefore, I can no longer give you full responsibility for this topic. Kate will be one of the double insurances.

Having said this, he said to the blond woman who was about to cheer for joy: Kate, from now on, you will also join the Golden Bomb Harley topic.

BOSS, don't worry, no matter what the price, I will take down Green Lantern and let him take me to travel across the universe. Kate Tranter licked her red lips and said with anticipation.

Perry's face twitched a few times and he muttered: Very good!

When she got home, Lois couldn't help but said: Clark, can you contact Green Lantern for me?

Weren't you planning to give up before? Clark, who was stewing pork knuckles with heat rays in the kitchen, wondered.

It's useless for me to give up alone. She said everything about Kate.

Clark, I can't give up the honor of interviewing an alien celebrity for the first time! she said decisively.

Well, I'll help you arrange it.

Two days later, Louise was shocked when Hal Jordan dropped her from the ring to the planet Keru.

It's not because of this very sci-fi silver metal city in front of me.

Before arriving, she knew that she was about to arrive at an advanced civilization and was mentally prepared for everything she was about to see.

She was shocked because she saw Harley Quinn's video as soon as she landed.

On the outer wall of an all-metal-framed skyscraper, a piece of news was being played: The Supreme Leader announced that after careful and detailed consideration, Congress decided to abandon the pursuit of accountability for Witch Harley in the massacre of the Star Troopers.

Hal Jordan explained on the side: The Supreme Leader is equivalent to our president. The Starship Troopers were harmed by Harley Quinn and Darkseid during the Apocalypse invasion. All fifteen Starship Troopers died.

In terms of honor and authority, the Galaxy Warriors are not inferior to the major generals and lieutenant generals of the American military region.

Louise swallowed and murmured: Then shall we still conduct the interview?

Hal Jordan said strangely: It's been more than half a month since the invasion of Apokolips. Do you know why there is this news today?

Does it have anything to do with me?

Hal nodded, Yesterday, I sent a message to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the planet Keru, asking if I could bring reporters from Earth over for interviews. They mistakenly thought that the witch was looking at this planet. You are her spy, and you want to see if they have revenge. Then he struck preemptively, so he hurriedly closed the case.

Louise's expression twisted.

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