I want to have a date with Superman

Tips and Food Defense feats

First of all, I would like to thank the book friend The Burning God for the reward, which made this book achieve zero breakthrough and have an alliance leader.

The Burning God is an old reader. In addition to him, there are many friends who have tipped me, and most of them are old readers.

Thank you very much for your support.

However, what is more embarrassing is that in the face of your rewards, it is difficult for me to respond other than thanks - that is, to repay everyone's love by adding more updates.

This is the absolute truth, but the truth is a bit embarrassing. Please feel free to do so. I don’t have the ability to update more, and I don’t have the shame to ask for rewards. Book lovers, if you enjoy reading, please give me a reward. I’m very grateful. You don’t have to give any.

Finally, thank you again to the burning god, and thank you to other book friends who gave me rewards. I’m sorry that I can’t add more chapters for your rewards (I added an update today, but it’s gone). The only thing I can do is try to make it “three chapters a day” ” state lasts longer.


By the way, let’s explain the Food Defense feat.

Some readers may think that the digestive lantern beast is a bit exaggerated.

Take a look at the crude settings for the Food Defense feat:

Level Zero, which converts harmless food into resilience and strength;

Level 1, digests all normal food, as well as expired food;

Level 2, digesting weak toxins (such as waste oil, melamine, etc.);

Level three, intermediate toxins (protein and heavy metal toxins, such as snake venom, dichlorvos);

Level 4, advanced toxins (poisons with a faint fantasy color, such as Scarecrow’s fear venom and clown virus);

Level 5, digests all normal super foods, as well as non-food primary magical objects (including low-level magic poisons, such as Queen Snow White’s poison apple);

Level 6: digest all normal super food, as well as intermediate rare objects (magic materials and weapons below artifacts);

Level 7, digests all normal super foods, as well as high-level magical objects (such as artifacts);

At level eight, there is nothing in the multiverse that cannot be chewed;

Level nine, even if a single universe is swallowed into the stomach, it can still be digested.

Level 10, capable of eating the entire DC multiverse - as long as she has the ability to swallow it without bursting her belly.

The above is only a rough description of each level of Food Defense feat.

Starting from the first-level food defense expertise, ordinary food poses no threat to Harley. Even if she drinks lard, she can digest it without gaining weight. This is a qualitative leap.

At level five, there is another leap. She can digest all foods containing high-level energy, such as golden apples, dragon meat, and lamp beast meat.

In other words, if the lantern beast does not struggle when using level five food defense expertise, she can slowly digest them.

When Harley eats the parallax monster, she has a level 6 food defense specialty and has stronger digestion ability. Not to mention edible food, she can even digest inedible magic materials and magic weapons (below the artifact level).

The remaining question is whether the lantern beast, which is an energy creature, counts as meat.

If you count meat, normal high-energy food, Harley can certainly eat it. If not, if Harley eats Parallax monsters, it counts as a bug.

To answer the question of whether the meat of a lamp beast is considered meat, we can compare it to other energy-based creatures, such as dragons in the heavenly realm, or ferocious beasts.

The heavenly realm is the divine realm in the thinking dimension. The matter there has the same appearance as the matter in the four-dimensional world, but its essence is different.

I don’t know if you have noticed, but as mentioned above, when heavenly gods or heavenly angels enter the mortal world (earth), they will lower their own frequency to coordinate the body with the material world.

Because of the existence of frequency reduction, gods in the heavenly realm often cannot stay in the human world for a long time - they will be solidified into low frequency life.

This is not my second setting. At least some DC comics follow this setting, but most others do not.

I think it is more reasonable to down-convert and up-convert. After all, from four dimensions to five dimensions, the nature of biology is a huge leap.

Another example is the Archimedes airship, which can enter Limbo and must be transformed by witches. In order to bring the earth's missile into Limbo, it must first be impregnated with magic power and 'upgraded'.

Having said so much, I only mean one thing. Many of the foods in the heavenly realm are energy bodies of divine power and faith, including the golden apples that Harley ate earlier.

The lampbeast is very powerful, but its meat is nothing more than a hard cowhide belt to ordinary people. It is difficult to digest, but it can be digested.

So, is the food defense feat too buggy?

Any defensive feat that reaches an advanced level (level six and above) will exhibit bugs in some aspect.

However, the pure food defense feat is very limited and not that powerful.

Without the Emotional Spectrum Defense Specialty, the lantern beast can tear her apart with one move. Without level 68 defense, facing the lantern beast, her stomach would be no different than paper.

Harley's ability to eat Parallax monsters this time was due to the superposition of many factors.

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