I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 521 The Story of the Central Energy Battery

Of course Harley was bragging.

First of all, green light rings, or light rings of other colors, will automatically find a new host in the nearby star field after the death of the previous host. It has its own set of selection criteria, but this standard has little to do with morality.

For example, Hal Jordan, the Green Lantern of Earth.

He is not a good guy like Superman or The Flash, nor is he a paranoid like Bateman who has special feelings about protecting the city and its people.

The core criteria for his selection were courage and will.

Willpower is the core element in controlling the green light ring. Courage can overcome negative emotions such as fear and hesitation, making the will stronger.

Of course, he is not a bad guy, but just like Wonder Woman and Aquaman, he is a normal good person who does good whenever he can when he has power.

Therefore, after Hal touches Diana's Lasso of Truth, he will say the true words Do good things to be recognized by everyone.

He's just a normal thinking guy.

Even if Harley is greenlit, it cannot be used as proof of her high moral character, bravery, sacrifice, and outstanding talent.

What's more, she wasn't picked by the ion shark at all.

At the gathering of the Zhenglian Big Six, Bateman suggested that Hal Jordan send a message to Harley in the central energy battery, telling her to stop fussing. Apokolips is about to invade the earth and come back for rescue as soon as possible.

Hal Jordan did as he was told. When he took the portable lamp to the central energy battery to charge, he tried to transmit sound, electrical signals, and even the Morse code of energy fluctuations into the battery—controlling the frequency at which the portable lamp absorbed battery energy. A wave of energy containing information stirs inside.

Unfortunately, Harley didn't receive any of them.

She doesn't need those little tricks either.

After upgrading the green light defense to level eight, her thoughts are no longer locked by the willpower probe, and she can communicate freely with Fathead Shark and Parallax Monster. Of course, she can also contact Richie and even anyone on earth through the big cross.

She knew immediately about the emergence of demon-like creatures on Earth.

But at that time, she was facing a big trouble: upgrading her defense expertise from level eight to level nine required too much energy.

If she lets go and absorbs it quickly, the little blue man will definitely be alert.

Previously, she had been meditating cross-legged, sitting at the junction of yellow energy and green energy, slowly absorbing it, until this morning, an army of demonoids appeared on the earth.

She couldn't sit still.

Fat Tou, are you really unwilling to merge with me? She opened her eyes and asked the big green shark in the distance.

Harley, you don't meet the requirements of a strong-willed, fearless host! Moreover, since I have merged with you, you must use my power to break the energy battery and kill the Guardians and the Green Lantern Corps. Ion Shark couldn't help it.

Then I have no choice. My home planet and my people are being poisoned by Apokolips. I need strength.

Harley quickly approached the grasshopper-like golden Parallax monster, opened her mouth, and inhaled sharply, while her soul screamed: Parallax monster, let me be your master!

Harley, no! Ion Shark was shocked, Parallax represents the most corrosive fear. As long as you still have fear, it can silently distort your thoughts and reduce you to its flesh and blood. puppet.

I have no choice. I want to save the earth, even if it costs my life. Harley was impassioned. From her expression to her performance, she was no different from a martyr with a fearless spirit of sacrifice.

At the end, she added: I think it's good to look down on people, not like a bad person. Well, I believe it will accompany me to bravely explore the universe and share the prosperity of the world.

Hahaha, Harley, you are really my confidant! Come on, I have been waiting for a long time, let us dominate the galaxy!

Parallax Monster sneered in his heart, burst into a proud and hearty laugh, and shook his body, actively cooperating with Harley's fusion.

It was nailed to the willpower probe and couldn't move. It could only wait for Harley to get closer and let Harley take it into its body, and then rely on Harley's natural power that was enough to get rid of the willpower probe to help it break free from the blockade.

So, it's like a salted fish hanging under the rope, waiting for Harley

Well, Harley has a huge mouth and wants to bite it and swallow it.

Oh, why do you use your mouth? Parallax Monster said puzzledly: The way to fuse the lamp beast is not like this. You release your mental power, wrap me up, let me melt into energy, and become one with your mental power. .”

Spiritual fusion is too troublesome. You stay in my belly first, and then slowly merge the spirit and body when you get out. Harley said.

The Parallax Monster glanced at the Ion Shark. Its willpower probe was increasing crazily, trying to prevent the fusion of one person and one beast.

That's right. This is the central energy battery. We don't have time to slowly merge.

The golden grasshopper took the initiative to shrink its body, becoming thin and long, like a piece of spaghetti that got into Harry's mouth and slid down the esophagus into the stomach.

Idiot, become my puppet!

The Parallax monster smiled triumphantly, and the power of fear suddenly erupted, threatening to contaminate Harley's body and mental power.

One thing Ion Shark said is very right: as long as there is still fear in the host's heart, it will be corroded by the Parallax Monster, because the Parallax Monster is the emotion of fear itself.

There is fear in your heart, and being frightened by fear is equivalent to having your mind occupied by a parallax monster.

Anyone who has read the Green Lantern comics would not dare to be as reckless as Harley, because Parallax's peak achievement is to control the ghost.

It's the God's vengeful spirit with a cowhide coat, a green cloak, and green boots, with a body as big as the Milky Way, and is known as the most powerful force in heaven. He wanted to challenge Little Black Bean in a duel but was defeated in seconds.

Obviously, Harley will be frightened and unable to overcome her fear at all. Any normal person with seven emotions and six desires will be afraid, and fear is one of the seven emotions.

Once he overcomes his fear, he is no longer a human being.

But Harley is not a fool. She believes what Ion Shark said and knows that she has not given up her fear.

If she were a normal person, there would be no suspense. She would definitely become the puppet of the Parallax Monster and become the Parallax Demon.

The question is, is she a normal person with level 6 yellow light defense and level 6 food defense expertise?

Emotional spectrum defense feat level eight (eight green, six yellow), immune to any non-physical damage from yellow light energy.

Level 6 Food Defense Specialty - In addition to any food, even artifacts can be swallowed, for example, magic weapons below the level of artifacts.

Parallax Monster has a body and life, does it count as food?

Feeling the yellow energy erupting in her stomach, Harley only calmly sent a thought to the evolutionary treasure: Enable the emotional spectrum defense upgrade.

Gudong, Gudong. The parallax monster suddenly erupted, using the power to pollute Harley's body and soul. Not a drop of it was left, and it was all absorbed by the expertise experience jar.

The jar is overflowing, level seven yellow light defense.

The Parallax monster is still grinning and increasing its intensity.

The jar will continue to absorb.

Gudong, Gudong. The jar is overflowing, level eight yellow light defense.

Parallax Monster was confused and hesitated, then he restrained his strength slightly and said, Harry, your body is a little strange.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Harley held her belly and wailed miserably, No, get out and leave my body. Parallax blames you for betraying me and deceiving my friendship. You are infiltrating my body and soul with energy. Hello. Vicious, ah-

The parallax monster was at a loss, and he didn't even notice that his body was gradually dissolving in the gastric juice, and the nutrients were being absorbed by the pink stomach bag.

Why so fast? There should be a process of dyeing. Ion Shark was anxious and suspicious, Oh, I told you not to touch it, but you didn't listen.

However, it did not doubt it. The Parallax monster penetrated into her belly, and her body became like translucent crystal, revealing a faint golden light, especially her lower abdomen, which seemed to light up a golden sun.

It was obvious that Parallax was working inside her.

Help me, Fathead, please, save me! Harley twisted, struggled, and swam in the direction of the ion shark.

How can I help? It's all because you are too greedy and don't listen to my advice. Fathead Shark blamed.

I regret it. I'm in so much pain. The Parallax monster is causing trouble in my stomach. Only you can help me. You also go in and pull it out of my body. Harley begged with difficulty.

I am also bound by the central energy battery and cannot move freely. Ion Shark said in denial.

Ah ah ah Harley put her little head against its soft forehead and howled, making the fat-headed shark upset.

——Although Harley is a bad person, she is the first friend I have made in billions of years, and she screamed really miserably. It would be too cruel to let her die in front of me.

Thinking of this, the fat-headed shark also stretched its body and shouted: Okay, you open your mouth and suck hard, I won't resist.

However, let me make it clear first, the Parallax monster seems to have been partially integrated with you. Even if I enter your belly, I may not be able to seal it again.

We can only do our best and obey fate.

I understand, Fat Head, you are my best friend, thank you.

Harley squeezed out two tears, opened her mouth and sucked hard.

It's like sucking a long noodle, sucking the whole ion shark into the stomach.

Burp, so full.

The twisted pain on Harley's face suddenly disappeared, replaced by a triumphant smile.

Goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo [ftpetssss you the green light energy.

At the same time that the ion shark entered Harley's belly, the central energy battery became bright and dark, vibrating with a rumbling sound.

On Earth, Green Lantern Hal Jordan's body energy was unstable, he stumbled and fell from the air.

The other Green Lanterns who were helping people on Earth fight demonoids also experienced violent fluctuations in green energy on their bodies.

Fortunately, the process of energy instability only lasted a few seconds, and they were only facing demonoids, not the Dark Elite or Darkseid himself.

Above the Earth, among the onlookers, the Guardian and Sinestro were shaking, their expressions changing drastically.

There is something wrong with the energy battery. We will return to Oa immediately.

On Oa Star, all the green lights and little blue people were horrified, turned into green meteors, and quickly rushed to the energy battery.

It must be Witch Harley who is causing trouble, please increase the strength of the seal. Anas, the little blue man, said excitedly.

No, the lamp beast has disappeared. The seal cannot be strengthened. It is collapsing. Scarface said with a trembling voice after checking the battery data.

Several little blue men looked at each other with determination, Turn on the lamp mirror and pour out the Witch Harley.

After the light mirror was turned on, there was no scene like a tap water faucet cracking and green light energy gushing out. Instead, a huge vortex appeared inside, buzzing and rotating.

Ah, what's going on, my lamp ring? A lantern was horrified to see strands of green energy emerging from his ring, converging on the green vortex in the lamp mirror.

It's sucking back the energy in our ring!

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