I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 511 Five Minutes of Steppenwolf

Recently, Oa issued a recall order to all the Lanterns on duty because someone is hunting us crazily. Hal said coldly: Are you one of them?

Are you dead? Bateman asked.

What do you mean?

Bateman said calmly: You are the Green Lantern of Sector 2814, and the earth is in Sector 2814.

As a human on Earth, if I want to hunt down the Lantern and get the ring, why bother looking far away?

Or, do you think my bat fighter can fly to other sectors of the universe that are unfamiliar to me, and then find the local snakes and tigers and kill them?

If you really think so, then I have to thank you, thank you for looking at me a few times.

Then where did your ring come from? Hal asked.

“Wherever your Coach belt comes from, that’s how it came about.”

Bought it? Where did you buy it?

The Oblivion Bar.

Bateman himself was surprised to be able to buy a green light ring.

On the day of the Heroes Conference, thousands of Green Lanterns threatened the earth, and even his teammates were afraid of taking precautions. Naturally, Bateman would not remain indifferent.

That day, he hid in the Batcave and pondered the green light countermeasure plan.

To guard against the green light, he must first find out the details of the green light.

It’s best to get a green light ring and experience it for yourself.

He then approached Wonder Woman and asked her to pay attention to information related to the Green Lantern in the wizarding world.

You know Witch Harley's reputation in the supernatural world better than I do.

Now that she is suppressed by the Green Lantern Corps, there must be countless people in the magical world who are interested in the energy of the Green Lantern.

I doubt they'll take action against the Lantern.

But if a mobile phone is lost in Tiantian Mountain, it can lock the screen remotely. As the top civilization in the universe, Oua must have similar means.

In other words, there may be situations where you grab a ring but cannot use it.

So, please help me keep an eye on it. If anyone is willing to sell it, the price is not an issue.

At that time, Harley had just been imprisoned in the central energy battery, and the supernatural world was still watching and did not immediately take action against the Green Lantern Corps. Bateman predicted the bloody storm that would follow.

Two months later, he actually used the metal promethium worth 2.5 billion US dollars to find a green light ring from an alien guru.

Twenty-five billion dollars? That's crazy. Hal said in shock.

You've seen my face. Bateman said casually.

Hal Jordan was speechless.

However, he still had his doubts, and when he was taken to the Hall of Justice by Bateman the next morning and met Wonder Woman, he confirmed it again.

The Green Lantern Corps has been severely damaged recently, right? In recent days, I have seen at least three mages playing with the Green Lantern rings. asked the female hero.

From the day of the Heroes Conference to today, the legion has sacrificed nearly five hundred soldiers. Hal said seriously.

The heroine asked curiously: Why is there such a big flaw in the green light ring?

If there weren't too many flaws, especially the magic resistance flaw that was too fatal to mages, even if the ring was locked, no one would sell it.

Could it be that the guardian saw everyone grabbing the rings and deliberately——

Impossible. Hal quickly waved his hand to interrupt her random speculation, The Guardians upgraded the Green Lantern system to make the Green Lantern Corps more perfect.

Theoretically, the current Green Lantern Ring is more powerful than before.

It's just that to match a stronger ring, the lantern needs to have higher quality and a stronger will.

Have your quality and will reached the standard? the female hero asked.

Hal smiled awkwardly, Not even close.

Bateman interjected: One of the topics of today's meeting is the Green Lantern Corps' true attitude towards the invasion of Apokolips and our response.

He pointed at Hal Jordan, It's an honor to have a Green Lantern on Earth. Unfortunately, he is all that the Green Lantern Corps promised.

Fake! Neptune scolded, Those little blue people are not trustworthy.

It can't be said that they are not trustworthy. They played a little trick. Superman sighed and stretched out his hand to Hal, who looked awkward and uneasy. Green Lantern, welcome to the Justice League.

It's an honor to be companions with all the heroes. Hal said excitedly.

Actually, you not only joined the Justice League, but also joined us to create the Justice League at this time.

Justice League existed months earlier, but it wasn't until today that Bateman decided to make it public.

Today is the first official gathering of the Justice League. Superman laughed.

Entering the conference hall, Green Lantern and The Flash received an even bigger surprise.

In front of the bright glass window, there is a huge white marble round table with six chairs around the table.

The symbol of a hero is engraved on the back of each chair.

Bateman's black bat, Superman's S, Wonder Woman's W-shaped golden eagle, Aquaman's A-shaped yellow spear tip, The Flash's lightning, and Green Lantern's IOI lantern logo.

Wow, I also have my own chair. Are we like King Arthur's Knights of the Round Table?

Hal was really touched. He had just seen Bateman last night and explained that his companions in Zhenglian had prepared a seat for him overnight.

The Flash couldn't help but caress the back of the chair for a while, and asked doubtfully: Only six? I thought there would be more.

The smile on Superman's face faded a little, We have to consider the government's reaction.

Didn't you notice when you came in? There are Sky Eye agents on the streets following us. Bateman explained: After learning about the existence of the Justice League, the President immediately stood at the gate of the White House and called Superman.

In principle, the government does not oppose the establishment of hero groups, but they cannot be too powerful or lose control.

Unless one day, the Justice League proves its justice to everyone.

At this stage, the Justice League, which includes Superman and Wonder Woman, should ideally have no more than 10 official members.

Apocalypse is about to invade the earth, and the White House is still afraid of the power of heroes uniting together? Hal looked ridiculous.

Superman sighed: The White House allows all heroes to act together, but they cannot lead an organization.

Don’t blame the White House for being worried.

The heroes have yet to prove that they can relinquish their supreme power again after taking control of the Earth's crisis through great power.

Why not? Last time, the 'Congressman' commanded the entire army and saved the earth. Her power and reputation reached its peak. But after the war, she immediately returned to normal and did not make any changes to the political situation. Hal said.

Well, Mr. President also said that if Harley is still there, monitoring the Justice League as a director of the Sky Eye Society, the White House will feel more at ease, but we have not yet shown her noble sentiments. Superman said.

See the dead alive! Wonder Woman slammed the table angrily, Where does Witch Harley get her noble sentiments?

She really has a better reputation than we do in Washington politics. Politicians don't like uncontrolled superheroes.

Moreover, Harley's choices at critical moments have never been faulty. Superman sighed.

Let's start the formal meeting. You can leave the small talk until after the meeting. Bateman reminded.

Then, he went through the Green Lantern Corps' true attitude towards the crisis on Earth, the demon-like tactics of burying portals everywhere, and even the three salvation methods he told Hal Jordan last night.

Several heroes scolded the little blue man again.

Shocked for a moment by Apokolips' horrific tactics.

He was dumbfounded by Bateman's method of saving the world.

The heroine murmured: This immoral method seems a bit familiar.

Aquaman immediately said: The last time I didn't go to Metropolis to fight the Kryptonians, I was scolded by the people.

Oh, yes, that's it! Wonder Woman suddenly looked at Bateman.

Bateman said calmly: This was not my idea. I was imitating the Witch Harley, as if her ghost was hovering in my mind and talking to me.

The expressions of the heroes were distorted.

Superman said: You can try Bateman's method.

It's Witch Harley's method. Bateman corrected.

Okay, it's her method. Superman glanced at him and continued: But we can't give up exploring our own potential.

I also have a few ideas.

First of all, the mother box interacts with the outside world from time to time. If the special signal of the mother box can be detected, even if the message content cannot be deciphered, the location of all the mother boxes on the earth that send out information can be located.

Bateman immediately said: The day after the Heroes Conference, a hero who called himself 'Cyborg' came to me. Well, he is not a hero yet.

His body was fused with Mother Box molecules and became a half-human, half-mechanical biochemical man who often sensed information and instructions from Apokolips.

He warned me that Witch Harley's guess was right, Apokolips will invade the earth in the near future.

My guess is that he can help us with that.

Locking the Mother Box is a very powerful and useful skill. It is really urgently needed by Zhenglian. Why not invite him to today's meeting? Wonder Woman asked.

Bateman hesitated and said: His situation is somewhat special. His father is the director of the Red Room Laboratory, Dr. Shitou.

The Red Room is a laboratory for alien technology and transhuman genes, a core asset of the Pentagon.

According to my investigation, they have mastered a mother box a long time ago, and have been studying it in recent years, and even want to extract its infinite energy.

As a result, in a test accident, the mother box exploded, and the splashing energy just affected Cyborg who came to visit his father.

Cyborg's body mutated in that accident, and the Mother Box molecules in his body integrated him with the many alien weapons in the laboratory, becoming a cyborg.

So, no matter what Cyborg himself thinks, in the eyes of the Pentagon, he is their property.

Pulling him into the Zhenglian, maybe... Forget it, the situation is urgent, I will try it later.

Dr. Shitou should understand that letting his son join Zhenglian has a brighter future than being a military experimental subject.

If Cyborg can really detect the mother box signal, we will win at least half the battle. Superman smiled and nodded, and continued: Secondly, we need the support of the magic world, like the Stranger and Doctor Fate, who are all god-level exist.

Aquaman, can you contact the Undersea Kingdom?

Well, it is said that King Nereus and Princess Mela of the Kingdom of Zebel”

Superman touched his nose and his eyes flickered, When the hostages were returned that day, Harley said they were her friends, and they didn't seem to object.

They didn't object because they hadn't left the U.S. border yet, Bateman said.

Aquaman frowned and said, Asking me to meet the people under the sea will only make things worse.

Bateman said: Then let the president inform them in a formal letter that the earth is in trouble and everyone is responsible.

If they don't agree, they will throw the collected mother boxes to the underwater kingdom and force them to fight against the aliens.

Battman, you Superman was surprised.

Oh, sorry, I'm simulating the thinking of Witch Harley again. Bateman said seriously.

All heroes.

In addition, I have another discovery, Bateman quickly changed the topic, Gotham has more than one Mother Box, so how do demonoids allocate Mother Boxes to Earth's cities?

The others frowned in thought, and Wonder Woman's expression changed, It should be based on the city's defense force!

Bateman nodded approvingly, I guess, related to the number and level of heroes, the mother box will definitely be able to collect this basic information.

Therefore, when we arrange our troops, we can make targeted arrangements for this.

Half a month later, Apokolips.

Darkseid's eyes flashed red, Steppenwolf, the time is up, you take the lead.

My lord, according to the information received by the Mother Box, the people on Earth seem to have been on guard. Steppenwolf was a little panicked.

You have been preparing for longer, nearly a year, and have an army of 500 million demonoids. Moreover, Witch Harley has long been suppressed by the Green Lantern Corps, so what are you afraid of? Darkseid said lightly.

Steppenwolf said sarcastically: Without the Witch, there is still Superman, it's not as good as...

Seeing the red light in his nephew's eyes, his heart trembled, and he quickly took out the mother box, I'll go right away.

Buzz! The sonic boom channel opened and Steppenwolf disappeared.

Buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz. Below the throne, on the war square that spreads for hundreds of miles, white air pillars as thick as three people's arms lighted up, and demonoids crowded together like ants screamed and rushed towards them. The nearest air column.

On the throne, Darkseid raised a proud smile on his lips, Buzz!

An illusory shadow walked out of him, solidifying from the void, with the exact same appearance and temperament as Darkseid.

It's his clone.

Where are the Dark Elites?

All for Darkseid!

The next moment, a dozen figures with terrifying auras appeared under the throne, kneeling on one knee, waiting for orders.

Steppenwolf will hold back the Justice League. Follow me to Earth, hide your traces, and find my daughter Greer.

The clone put on a black cloak that concealed his figure and aura, took one step forward, and came to a sonic boom passage in the War Square.

The demonoid nearby seemed to be blind, and did not see the owner who entered the passage with him at all.

Buzz buzz the dark elite opened his mother box and disappeared in front of the throne.

About five minutes later, Boom!

A sonic boom roared under the throne, and a space door opened opposite Darkseid.

Your Majesty, save me! Steppenwolf's horn was broken, his body was covered in blood, and he howled miserably. However, a metal boot was nailed to his chest, and a gleaming sword was hung around his neck.

It's Wonder Woman.

On the left and right are Superman, The Flash, Aquaman, Cyborg, and Green Lantern.

They looked at Darkseid on the throne through the space door opened by the sonic channel.

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