I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 503 The Starving Ghost and the Unparalleled Man

The Justice League is known as the Big Three, the Big Five, and the Big Seven.

There is no dispute about the Big Three, Super, Bateman, and Wonder Woman.

Among the Big Five, except for three of the Big Three, the remaining two seats should belong to The Flash and Green Lantern, unless Green Lantern's movie fails, and other heroes happen to be big hits.

In terms of strength and potential, only Green Lantern has the chance to surpass Da Chao and become the 'big brother in Zhenglian'.

But such a powerful Green Lantern also has a shortcoming that is rare in other heroes - his Green Lantern energy is not self-sufficient, but like a mobile phone, it needs daily charging.

Because of this, Green Lantern often encounters the same dilemma as Bumpman: in the middle of a fierce battle with the enemy, suddenly the energy of the lantern ring is insufficient.

The energy that a light ring can store is limited, just like a cell phone.

Therefore, every Lantern carries a power bank - a portable lantern that contains a large amount of green light energy.

A portable lamp cannot create energy out of thin air, just like a power bank is not a power source no matter how large its capacity is.

Every once in a while, the Lantern must carry his rechargeable lamp back to Oua and replenish energy in front of the central energy battery.

The Green Lantern Central Energy Battery is the foundation of the Green Lantern Corps.

It was a giant two-story lantern.

The majestic green light energy passes through the light mirror, making people think that they are approaching the core of the star.

Harley's hands were not tied. The Stranger and Dr. Destiny accompanied her to the left and right, and they came to the central energy room together. Their faces and the faces of the little blue man who followed them were all strangely reflected by the green light.

The little blue man pointed his hand at the lamp mirror, Are you going in by yourself, or should I push you?

No need to open the door? Harley asked.

You go directly into the lamp mirror. There won't be any obstacles when you enter. The little blue man said.

The green light energy that can be used to upgrade the sixth specialty has been detected. Do you want to absorb the upgrade?

The green light from the giant lamp mirror illuminated his face, touching the evolutionary treasure of Harry's sea of ​​consciousness.

She was completely relieved. No matter what conspiracy the little blue man had, he was still this scum in front of the 'Green Light Defense Specialty'.

I am filled with emotion at this situation, and I want to write a poem.

In this situation, with the third level nine defense expertise in sight and personal safety in sight, Harley couldn't help but feel excited and proud, wanting to show off.

The stranger's face twitched a few times, but he said nothing.

The little blue man nodded, Hurry up.

Not only did everyone in the energy room look at her eagerly, but the alien audience and gods and demons outside also peeped their heads with curiosity, wanting to see what kind of emotions she could express in this scene.

Harry raised his head, squinted his eyes, and pondered for a long time. Finally, he waved his hand in despair and sighed bitterly, I am so confused and full of emotions, but I can't think of an appropriate verse.

You can go in and think slowly, you have plenty of time. The little blue man said with a wooden face.

It makes sense. Harley turned to face the Stranger and Doctor Destiny, It's been so many years and I don't know when we will meet again. Please take care!

After saying that, she strode towards the bright green light.

It's like passing through the air, passing through the light mirror without any hindrance.

Like a drop of water blending into the ocean without causing any ripples, Harley disappeared into a green light.

For a long time, there was silence in the energy room.

Alas, I didn't expect that the mighty witch would end up in such a miserable state. A demon god lamented.

The Green Lantern Corps is really awesome. They are indeed the police of the universe. They have been in the material world for hundreds of millions of years, and no force can shake their position. His companion said with a complicated expression.

Let's go, let's go, the era of witch is over, let's go back and have a celebratory drink!

I can't leave the earth for too long, I have to go back. Doctor Fate said to the Stranger.

The stranger sighed, turned and left after him.

Soon, only a group of little blue men were left in the energy room.

What's the internal condition of the battery? Ganser suddenly asked after being silent for a while.

Scarface turned on his light ring and connected it to the central energy battery just like operating a personal computer. A series of information appeared on the green light screen.

The energy is operating normally. Just like countless times before, the high-concentration and high-pressure green light energy suppresses the witch to death. The green light wraps her around like a bug in amber.

While talking, he also used the ring to project a 3D simulation picture in mid-air, a rough image of a character drawn with green dotted lines. Harley huddled up, like a fetus returning to its mother's body, wrapped in a thick layer of dark green light.

Activate the suppression mode to completely lock the vitality of her body and the fluctuation of her soul. Gunther said.

She seems to have lost her mental fluctuations. The scar-faced blue man said.

She has God descending to earth and a big cross that communicates with the voice of heaven. Every living thought of hers must be sealed and any connection between her and the outside world must be cut off. Ganser said seriously.

Just do what Gunther said. The little blue man Apas who tried Harley before said: We need to figure out the reason why the witch destroyed the origin wall, and we need to dig out her secrets.

As he spoke, the little blue man turned to the central energy battery. There was a flash of human greed in his eyes that had always been indifferent.

His tone was still as indifferent as water, The reason why Green Lantern energy is so powerful is that, in addition to its source in the Origin Wall, the more important reason is that Green Lantern energy has been evolving.

The central energy battery can seal all conscious life in the universe, and can also 'learn' the talents of the sealed higher life.

Why does God favor the witch Harley? What secret does she have and why can she destroy the Origin Wall?

I think it won't be many years before we get the answer from a central energy battery.

If she really has a special talent, it can also bring the energy level of Green Lantern to a higher level.

Do you want to remind the Legion? If the witch really has a talent at the level of the universe rules, the green light energy will have corresponding flaws. Gunther asked.

How to remind? We don't know what the witch's secret is. Scarface said.

Apas pondered and said: From the performance of the legion members, we can also infer the witch's ability. Remind them and ask them to record any abnormalities that occur when using the light ring.

The news spread quickly. The Green Lanterns didn't know why, but they followed the little blue man's orders.

Half a month later, the Green Lantern Corps experienced non-combat attrition, and two Lanterns from sectors 173 and 181 starved to death.

What, starve to death? The little blue man's eyes widened with a look of obvious astonishment, even with his weak emotions, Rylock and Kaidi's light rings have never lost energy, and they have not been in any crisis, so why are they suddenly hungry? died?

He didn't die of sudden starvation. He died of indigestion and slowly weakened. Except for Rylok and Kaidi, we all also had similar symptoms. Kilowog pointed to his shriveled and thin cheeks, Guardians, please look at this. Have I lost a lot of weight?”

The recruit coach Kilowog is a strong man who looks like a pig, and his huge body is very strong.

He was indeed slimmer now.

You're not too thin. Gunther said after looking him over.

It is true that compared to other colleagues, I am in the best condition, but this does not mean that I am not sick. Kilowog worried: Is there an unknown virus that affects the digestive system on Oastar?

But we have all tested the blood in our bodies, and there is nothing abnormal.

The little blue man looked at each other and immediately made a guess in his mind, but did not tell the pig-headed man Kilowog.

Take us to the legion station to see. Ganser said.

The Little Blue Man's residence is far away from the Green Lantern Corps' station, and the Little Blue Man does not need to eat or drink, so they were not aware of the Green Lantern's new digestive defect before.

Oh, Guardians, why are you all out in force today?

A few kilometers away from the station, a thunderous sound came from afar.

The tall figure of 2.5 meters looks like the muscles of Terminator Schwarzenegger, and he looks like a peerless fierce man.

The little blue man took a closer look, his eyes widened again, his face full of astonishment.

You, you're Sinestro?

If it weren't for his red skin and four eyebrows, they almost didn't recognize their legion leader.

Hahaha, I seem to have had a second growth recently. I have a huge appetite, eat more, and grow stronger. The fierce man Sinestro laughed.

As the little blue man got closer, he felt the changes in Sinestro more and more clearly.

He was originally a tall and thin man with no flesh on his body. He had a strong temperament but tended to be weak. At this time, Zhuge Liang transformed into a fierce Zhang Fei. His whole person changed from the inside out, from his temperament to his body.

Even the sound was as loud as thunder.

You don't have indigestion, but you have a very good appetite and can easily absorb the nutrients in food? Although Ganser said it as a question, his tone was more like a statement.

That's right, I feel like eating hard rocks can make me poop out. The fierce man Sinestro clenched his fist and his knuckles cracked, My whole body is now filled with inexhaustible strength. I can beat the me that I was ten years ago.

The pig-headed green light picked at the back of his head and said blankly: Why is he different from us?

Let's see and then talk. The little blue man said calmly.

Afterwards, they entered the Legion compound and inspected every Green Lantern member in detail.

The most powerful Green Lantern is almost the same as Sinestro. Not only did he not suffer from indigestion, he actually grew taller and stronger.

Although they eat more and exercise less, their bodies are more perfect than those who come out of the gym.

The key is to be full of energy and never seem to get tired.

In other words, after being tired, you can quickly regain your mental and physical strength by eating.

Others haven't noticed yet, but all the little blue people have it in mind: all the long green lights have overcome the yellow defect of the green light at the same time.

They are the strongest group of lanterns.

The average lantern is very miserable.

What I ate was bread, and what I pulled out was still bread. It was completely undigested, a skinny green light said weakly.

Beside the hospital bed, another Green Lantern, who was almost dying, said desperately: Me too, after drinking tomato and egg soup, the stool is thin and smells of green onions. If the stool is put in a basin, it can be served to the table again.

Ganser found that none of them had hanging needles and asked doubtfully: Can I put in an intravenous drip and put nutrients directly into the body through injection?

I tried it, but it didn't work. My whole digestive system has problems.

The little blue man said goodbye and left, returned to the Guardian Cliff, and said strangely: It turns out that Witch Harley has the multiverse rule-level gift of gluttony!

This ability doesn't seem to be of much use? Scarface asked doubtfully.

What if she can not only eat food, but also swallow everything? Ganser asked.

Sinestro can really eat rocks on skewers? a little blue man asked.

How about letting him try?

A normal person wouldn't think so at all.

But the little blue man, who pursues absolute rationality, not only thought about it, but actually called Sinestro over and asked him to test the limits of his digestive ability.

What, you want me to eat rocks and shit? The red-skinned man with four eyebrows turned green.

It's okay to eat iron blocks, Ganser said.

The fierce man's face turned pale again. What did these perverts want to do to him?

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