I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 497 The green light arrives

Among the eight major divine realms, heaven, hell, heaven, Hades, dreams, and nightmares all exist in the form of planes, but the remaining Creation Star and Apokolips Star are huge planets.

The planets in the divine realm are completely different from the planets in the material universe.

Dropping the Earth into Apokolips is like dropping a drop of water into a lake.

It stands to reason that for such a large planet, let alone surface gravity, its huge mass would have already caused it to collapse into a black hole.

But its gravity and stability are no problem, because it is the domain of gods, the domain of new gods.

The area of ​​Apokolips is so vast. In addition to the Darkseid Army, there are also a large number of indigenous people and captive slaves. The revolutionary uprising against Darkseid's brutal rule on Apokolips has always existed.

Relying on the basic information provided by a revolutionary who came to the Forgotten Bar to have fun, Harley directly made Uncle Da a celebrity on earth.

Hey, he looks so ferocious, he looks like a bully. The Flash exclaimed.

I saw endless destruction in his eyes. Superman said solemnly.

Is he a silicon-based being? His skin looks like cracked gray rock. Atom asked.

Then Harley showed off the other members of the Darkseid Army one by one.

For example, the chief scientific advisor Desaad, the eldest son Kalibaka, the assassin Kanter who is proficient in hundreds of millions of fighting techniques, the kind grandmother who specializes in training Valkyries, even the Nemesis team, and cannon fodder demons are introduced.

Everyone looked pale and frightened.

Based on the character's strength and record introduction, it seems that none of Darkseid's dark elites are defeated by Superman.

Each elite has destroyed thousands of worlds, kidnapped the world's indigenous people to Apokolips as slaves, transformed them into demon-like creatures, and drained the world's core magma to use as energy for the daily operation of the Darkseid Army. .Cruel to the extreme.

Apocalypse is so powerful, why is it targeting the small Earth? Louise really regarded the Heroes Conference as a press conference and asked loudly again.

Harley shook her head and said: I don't know the specific reason, but Apokolips itself represents destruction, destruction and killing. Waging wars of conquest is just a daily activity, just like eating and sleeping.

For example, at this very moment, dark elites are spread across the universe and are causing massacre and mass extinction on an alien planet.

The earth is like a grain of sand on the beach to the vast universe. Why did it happen to happen? Superman frowned.

Steppenwolf is the war lord among the dark elite. You can tell what he does just by his name, and he has been lurking on the earth for more than seven years!

This has 100% proved Apokolips' ambition for the earth.

Recently, my mother box has been moving frequently, which shows that war is not far away from us. Harley sighed.

Are you sure about the specific time of Apokolips' invasion? Bateman asked.

No. Harley shook her head, I am making this public to alert all heroes and ordinary people with superpowers.

Whenever and wherever you find traces of demons or a dark elite, please call the Sky Eye Society mass hotline immediately.

Or leave a message in the puppy video superhero forum.

If there is a hero who has special monitoring skills and can monitor the movements of Apokolips, you can contact me at any time.

At the same time, all superpowers must be prepared to fight at any time. Once the invasion is confirmed, I will once again issue a Heroes Calling Order as the Fifth Ring General.

My belief when I was a hero was that with great power comes great responsibility.

Now that I have retired from my position as a hero, I usually serve the people as a congressman and a nun. But as long as the horn of war sounds, I will always be on the front line.

I also hope that everyone can respond to the call in time, become my close comrades, unite closely around me, and jointly protect our home planet——

Harley suddenly opened her eyes wide and paused.

Before she could finish her boastful words, a vast force crossed the void and converged into her body. It passed through her body and soul as if it were nothing, and when it was about to slip away, it touched the Holy Mother's Seal in the sea of ​​consciousness.

The Huiyin is full of vitality, shines brightly, and absorbs gurgling energy.

It seems to be the power of faith?

Not quite pure, more like the mixed and thin power of belief and worship, not enough faith, let alone piety.

But after being filtered, compressed, and transformed by the engine of the Holy Mother's Seal, it has indeed become a continuous force of faith.

Harley quickly calmed down. As long as people become famous, they will have faith. Because she was so famous, the God of Thunder planned to recruit her into his group and become a god of faith.

It's just that ordinary people who are not gods cannot use it, nor can they retain that kind of power.

Now that she has the Holy Mother's Priesthood, Harry finally doesn't have to waste her strength.

Well, the added power of faith can at least be used to perform low-level holy healing techniques and the 'pretend to be dead' method.

She continued: The last time Krypton invaded, the result was perfect, but the process was actually quite embarrassing. There are so many heroes on earth, but-

Alas! Harley sighed deliberately and shook her head silently.

The embarrassment was not her, but the heroes on and off the stage who failed to appear on the battlefield.

Many heroes blushed and hesitated to speak.

For example, Wonder Woman.

She wanted to argue a few words, but she immediately thought of her persona as a cold goddess who didn't bother to defend herself. Her chest was so heavy that she could only pick up trouble with the congressman from the corner of her eye.

Long live the Five Rings General, resolutely resist the evil heroes who are afraid of fighting and cowardly enemies!

Suddenly, the audience stood up and shouted excitedly.

Harley swore that although the guy was wearing the training clothes of the martial arts gym, he really wasn't arranged by her.

A group of people responded immediately.

Don't be a hero if you're afraid of death.

“The strong wind knows the strong grass, and the great disaster knows the hero.”

A list of bad actors should be established and they should be banned completely.

Support the five-ringed generals, not the misdeeds of heroes.

Harley felt proud in her heart, with a smile in her eyes, but her pretty face was extremely serious. She pressed her hands down to silence the venue and said in a deep voice: Don't get excited, everyone. The Krypton invasion happened suddenly and ended quickly.

Many heroes didn’t see the ‘Hero Calling Order’ at all, and they didn’t have the ability to fly, so they couldn’t arrive in time.

For example, Animal Man in Los Angeles, whose financial situation was not well-off, did not purchase the service of a watchdog at that time. Seven or eight hours had passed when he learned of my summons order.

Unable to fly at the speed of light, he hurried to Dallas, where the war was over.

However, even if he failed to participate in the war, he was still a great patriotic hero, no different from me in essence!

Animal Man's chest puffed up, his heart was excited, and the look in Harley's eyes was full of gratitude - he was grateful to his agent Jessica for helping to make the connection and letting the five-ringed general know that he was not a coward.

But Bateman stiffened his face and twitched: There is no essential difference between him and Harley. Isn’t this a curse?

“Moreover, before the invasion and defense of Krypton, there were no systems or laws stipulating that heroes must unite and respond to someone’s call to do something.

The incident happened suddenly, and everyone was hesitant, which is understandable. Harry said thoughtfully.

After a pause, she changed to another set of slides and said: In addition to the crisis of the Pharaohs and the crisis of Apokolips, there is also a special crisis - the crisis of the Green Lantern Corps.

A group of 'ferocious-looking' little blue men appeared on the screen.

Uh, not a raw picture.

A layer of underworld filter was added and the image was slightly retouched to make the originally expressionless little blue man with cold eyes look more cold and ferocious, like a real villain.

In the video just played of Uncle Da and his dark elite group, the background lighting is exactly the same as that of the Little Blue Man.

If there is no special explanation, many viewers and heroes will subconsciously think that the little blue man is also a member of the dark elite.

First of all, I want to apologize to everyone. It was not the people on Earth who provoked them, but me. Harley sighed regretfully. The insiders below, such as Doctor Fate and Madam Xanadu, looked at each other and frowned: Harley wants to Kidnapping Earth's heroes and fighting with the Green Lantern Corps?

The Green Lantern Corps is the cosmic police. They divide the universe into 3,600 sectors. Each Green Lantern is responsible for one sector. The Lanterns are equivalent to the sum of the patrol officers, prosecutors and judges in the sector.

The earth is in sector 2814 and has been under the jurisdiction of the green light for tens of millions of years.

Maybe the earth is too remote, maybe the earth is too peaceful?

So far, the green light has not shown its face in front of humans.

Although I have seen a lot, traveled extensively, and met many gods and powers, this was my first time encountering the green light.

So, like you, I have no idea what the laws and taboos of green lights are.

Harley glanced at the surrounding heroes and the audience below, and asked, Do any of you know the laws of the Green Lantern Corps?

This is the first time I know that there are police in the universe. Superman frowned.

What is their basis for legislation? All the heroes looked disgusted.

A smile appeared on the corners of Harley's lips, but quickly disappeared, Oh, I'm also at a loss.

That day I was surprised to find the boundary of the universe. Well, it's amazing. The end of the universe is not nothingness, but a wall.

It's unscientific. The universe has been expanding outward. If there were walls, wouldn't the universe be locked in a finite box? How could it expand? Atom Man, a scientist, immediately exclaimed.

How majestic a wall must be? At least bigger than the solar system, right? The Flash's eyes were confused.

I didn't expect the universe to be so mysterious. I really want to take a look at the wall of the universe. If possible, I also want to know what I can see after cutting through the wall. Green Arrow murmured.

All the heroes and the audience looked interested.

Harley sighed: Like you, I am very curious about the cosmic wall, so I went up to study it.

What's the research? The heroes looked at her eagerly, with curiosity on their faces.

The research revealed a catastrophic and unimaginable disaster, Harley sighed, The Green Lantern Corps suddenly arrived, brutal and tyrannical, and captured him without saying a word.

As she spoke, she also opened a battle scene where she was surrounded by green lights and the little blue man was holding her captive.

It's too barbaric, it's too much. Without reporting your identity or giving any reasons, you just treat people as terrorists on the inexplicable charge of 'threatening the security of the universe' and kill them directly.

The heroes felt the same, their expressions were ugly, and they felt uncomfortable saying that they were willing. This kind of thing should only be done to others. Why is it the other way around? After the reverse, it felt really uncomfortable and unbearable.

Why do you think the little blue man looks familiar? More than one person in the audience below murmured.

Ah, I remembered. Isn't this our country, the United States? Damn it, it's so scary. There actually is an 'America' in the universe! Several politicians from Washington turned pale and shouted in fear.

People with really smart minds have also reacted: they consider themselves the police of the world, regard their own will as the law of the world, and beat others with a stick in the name of terrorism. Isn't this themselves?

Harley smiled bitterly and said: This is the third crisis I'm talking about. My personal safety is nothing, but in such a cruel cosmic living environment, our earth must not-

That's enough, Witch Harley, stop your slander and dirty talk! Suddenly, a thunderous roar erupted from the audience below, and a white man was seen surrounded by green light, floating in the air, and said sternly: Why are you wrong? Everyone, tell me, what have you done?

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