I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 488 Car accident at the speed of light

Hi, Senator Quinn, I'm the Flash! Barry grinned at the mirror, then slapped the sink in frustration, You're smiling so stupidly!

How about you try to act cool. Sisko suggested in the earbuds.

Barry rubbed his face, pretended to be indifferent, and said in a deep voice: Hi, Congressman Quinn, I'm the Flash.

I hear your tongue quivering? Catherine muttered.

Both Cisco and she are Dr. Harris's assistants.

On Team Flash, Cisco provides equipment and computer services, and Katherine provides biotech services.

Really? Barry sighed, Maybe I should send her an email.

As for that, it's just a matter of meeting and chatting. Harley Quinn is not a weird-tempered person. Dr. Harris asked puzzledly.

Just now at the police station, when she was lecturing me, I didn't even dare to look at her face. Barry lamented.

She is very beautiful and pleasing to the eye, why don't you dare to look at her? Harris said.

Barry said: If she wasn't so beautiful, I would be more comfortable. Iris has liked her since she was a child and has taken the Mayor as her idol. Iris and I grew up together, so it is inevitable that I will be affected and have a certain attitude towards the Mayor. kind.

He couldn't describe the feeling.

Sisko nodded understandingly and said: A girl of the same age is very beautiful and outstanding. When we engineering men face them, we will inevitably feel a little inferior.

Dr. Harris said strangely: You didn't tell me that I wouldn't have noticed. It turns out that she is not your senior, but your peer.

She became famous early. Barry said.

I have to remind you, Barry, you have kept the Mayor waiting for half an hour. Catherine reminded.

Bah! Barry patted his cheek in the mirror again, Be energetic, don't smile, don't be deliberately cold, the Flash is just an ordinary person - Hi, Congressman Quinn, I kept you waiting for a long time, I am The Flash – seems good?”

Well, it's best to face her with a normal attitude. You can't just see this side. Dr. Harris said.

Whoosh! Barry disappeared.

Whoosh! Barry appeared again, putting on the Flash uniform.

He turned twice in front of the mirror and said, Whoosh!

In the coffee shop next to the police station, a gust of wind came out of nowhere. Harry subconsciously focused all his thoughts and opened his eyes to look over.

She saw nothing but a golden-red lightning tail.

Hi, hi, Congressman Quinn, hello, me.

Hello, Flash. Harley stared at the young man with trembling lips and flushed cheeks, and asked curiously: After your body moves at the speed of light, can't your consciousness keep up with the changes in time?

What? Barry stammered in confusion.

You stutter, is it because you are too nervous, or because your consciousness cannot keep up with the time difference caused by the acceleration and deceleration of the speed of light?

The closer the speed is to light, the slower time feels.

If you change speed frequently near the speed of light, your sense of time will be very confusing. Harley said.

Barry's face exposed outside the mask was as red as a monkey's butt.

Pfft. In the earbuds, there was roaring laughter from everyone in the cutting-edge laboratory.

Not to mention, we didn't seem to have considered the time difference caused by extreme acceleration and deceleration before. After laughing, Sisko stared at the high-definition picture of Harley in the video, whistled, and praised: The real person is better than the TV She is even more beautiful, with impeccable appearance and temperament.

Her skin is so good, fair and flawless, and you can still see the fine fuzz and the translucent blush of her muscles under the sun. She didn't even put on makeup. How did she maintain it? Catherine said enviously.

Barry is already very nervous, please stop harassing him. The doctor said solemnly.

On the other side, after taking three deep breaths, Barry also initially regained his composure, and said nervously: Sorry, I grew up watching your gunfight movies, and I was a little nervous when I met my idol.

How young is 'young'? I'm probably not older than you, and I've never filmed a gunfight movie. Harley stretched out her hand and asked him to sit down opposite.

I was still in middle school when you became the Mayor's Hero.

Her gentle attitude gradually allowed him to return to his normal state.

Harley stared at his face for a while, then something moved in her mind, Are you a police officer from the police station? From the forensics department, why are you here?

Ah, can you recognize this? Barry exclaimed, holding his face in his hands.

It's over. Our true identity was discovered as soon as we met. Catherine exclaimed.

He is worthy of being a mayor, a ball-protecting hero, and a five-ring general. He is so awesome. Sisko shouted.

Harley twitched the corner of her mouth a few times, but finally didn't let the Flash turn off the headset.

Her hearing is not as good as Superman or as good as Diana's, but she has already transcended the ordinary.

The Flash was less than two meters away from her, and the voice in the earbuds was as clear as a listener.

Why do you all like to cover your forehead instead of covering your face under the eyes? she complained for the Nth time.

Am I easily recognized like this? But when I look at other heroes, they all seem to be the same as me, or even inferior to me.

For example, Green Arrow only covers his eye sockets, while Superman and Wonder Woman don't wear hoods at all. The Flash touched his face, worried and confused.

“So when I meet you people, I immediately recognize who you really are.

Well, Arrow, Superman, Wonder Woman, even Bateman, I know them all. Harley said.

Hearing that others had also been exposed under the fiery eyes of the ball-protecting hero, Barry felt inexplicably better, Congressman Quinn, what do you want from me?

Call me Harley, Harley looked around and found that many clerks and customers were looking at them curiously.

Catching her gaze, they waved and called 'Mayor Man', 'Councillor Man' or Five-Ringed General without any shyness.

I do have something to tell you, but it's not very convenient here. Let's find another place.

Where? Barry asked.

You are the landowner, you have the final say.

Barry wanted to take her to a cutting-edge laboratory, but he couldn't make the decision for his friends.

How about we go to the outskirts of town?

Can you take me there? Harley asked.

Hold you, or carry you? Barry looked at her face, his heart beating faster.

Can you pull me and run? Harley asked curiously.

Like flying a kite?

Barry tilted his head to imagine the scene, and all his thoughts turned into a big 'embarrassment'.

Let's try, you hold my back.

Harley let him get up and stood on the edge.

When Barry was eager to try, Dr. Harris suddenly said: Barry, she has an ulterior motive. She wants to directly feel the Speed ​​Force.

Barry paused, a little at a loss.

Harry smiled secretly in his heart and said seriously: This is also a test of your ability. I want to intuitively feel your lightning power.

——The mayor is so frank and sincere!

Barry, Catherine, and Cisco all thought so.

Stab, sting, sting— Gold danced in the Flash's palm, and when his palm was pressed against Harley's back, the arc of electricity brought a tingling sensation to her skin.

The next moment, golden light became the main color in front of the eyes. Everything around them seemed to have slowed down countless times, and they were speeding up countless times.

Harley felt like she was floating up, floating in a golden passage, surrounded by a kaleidoscope of rapidly changing scenery.

There was no fierce air impact around him, his body did not feel the terrifying pressure caused by acceleration, and there was no time difference.

How does it feel? Barry smiled.

Once he enters his best running state, all lack of confidence disappears.

He regained his original cheerfulness and liveliness.

Can you still talk? It's amazing!

Harley looked up and down. She was like a piece of tofu on a tray, being held up by the Flash in his hands. Her feet were off the ground, and her body was wrapped in a circle of golden energy.

She united all her thoughts and felt carefully.

The power flows around her body, protecting her body from the effects of physical rules.

High-level energy is detected. You can prepare to activate the seventh defense specialty. Do you want to absorb and store it?

When her mental power connected to the golden energy flowing on her body, a message came from the Evolution Treasure of the Sea of ​​Consciousness.

For every integer level, you can activate the defensive feat once.

After level 10, you can use jars to store energy for unlocking the next feat in advance.

For example, now that Harley is level 68, she can detect high-level energy and store it, leaving it open for her seventh specialty.

Harley had long had the idea of ​​stealing the Flash's Lightning Power, so naturally she didn't hesitate at all and immediately chose to absorb and store it.

Under the protection of the Speed ​​Force, we are no different from the normal state - ah!

Barry was about to explain why he could speak while running, when he suddenly felt a sense of emptiness in his heart. His body felt like a tire rolling over a nail plate, and the speed force flowed crazily from the left palm of Harley's back.

He barely maintained his own Speed ​​Force, but could no longer deliver the Speed ​​Force to Harley.

Crack - Barry felt his left palm suddenly sink. He moved forward lightly and without resistance, and suddenly hit a strong tree, breaking the tree with his arm.

The 'lightning power' on Harley's body suddenly shrank and was absorbed by the energy tank of her defense specialty.

While moving at sub-light speed, without the protection of the Speed ​​Force, she seemed to suddenly jump from the calm and peaceful cockpit to the outside of the rocket launcher.

The smooth radiance in front of her eyes disappeared, and Harry felt dizzy.

The wind was like thunder, blasting in my ears.

The air was like a reinforced iron wall, and the body hit it and was almost crushed.

There was also a 'machete' struck on the back, breaking her spine.

At this moment, endless pain came from all parts of the body, and Harley almost lost consciousness.

The mutation process lasted very briefly. Barry noticed that his speed had dried up, so he subconsciously slowed down to check. Then he was horrified to see the Mayor folded on his arm like a piece of clothing.

He was originally supporting her back with his left hand, but at this time, his left arm was like a clothes drying pole. Harley was like an out-of-inflated inflatable doll, her back hanging on the clothes drying pole, and the back of her head was almost folded to her hips.

In addition to her body being broken at the back, her skin also looked like every pore had been pricked by a steel needle, making it red and congested.

Oh my god, I killed the mayor! Barry almost cried.

The Flash's thinking speed was as fast as running. In an instant, he wanted to understand the reason: the Speed ​​Force in his body was exhausted and he could not maintain the Speed ​​Force shield on Harley's body. Without the Speed ​​Force protection, Harley's body was directly exposed to super speed. , air resistance, G force and other physical phenomena all came to her.

To make matters worse, her body slowed down due to air resistance, but he and his arm did not slow down immediately. It was like a machete, slashing at her back from behind.

It was cut in two, and the spine was shattered.

Ouch, it hurts me to death!

With 68 points of defense and level five will defense expertise, Harley quickly regained consciousness.

Then, a lingering pain overwhelmed her.

Ah, you're not dead? Barry was shocked at first, thinking that the mayor who practiced black magic was a fake corpse, but when he saw clearly, he was overjoyed.

Crack, click, click, click. Folding Man Harley was like a Spider-Man zombie infected with a biochemical virus. She put her hands and feet on the ground, twisting her body irregularly, and her spine and sternum made an ear-piercing sound.

This voice combined with the weird scene in front of him made Barry's hair stand on end.

Are you a human or a ghost? He trembled, doubting again.

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