I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 264 Erlang Shen of Heaven

Harley plans to exchange for a piece of Heaven Armor to save her life and preserve her dignity - no need to beg Zatara and Swamp Monster for help.

Then, she heard Beelzebub's order to Eternal Punishment Legion, prepare a large forbidden curse.

She did not know that the person who gave the order was Beelzebub.

What she cares about is the attitude of the Eternal Punishment Legion.

She offended Lucifer to death, and Lucifer was the leader of the Eternal Punishment Army.

But she wasn't sure whether Lucifer would abide by the devil's laws.

But she is the boss herself. If she wants to, she doesn't have to do it herself. She just needs to inadvertently show her hatred towards someone, and a group of villains will immediately guess and handle the matter properly.

For example, when the Joker was imprisoned in Arkham Asylum, Harley wrinkled her nose and looked disgusted when others talked about him. Immediately, there was a Mayor doesn't like the Joker among Arkham's security and management. rumors.

Immediately, the Arkham prisoner circle reached a consensus that the Joker can do whatever he wants, and then they freely vented their sinful desires on him.

Therefore, Harley is very reluctant to pin her fate on expecting others to completely obey the rules.

When she planned to deceive Lucifer's magic power, she thought ahead of time for the second and third times to complete the devil's law of three deceptions without guilt.

Now, she also has to prepare for a rainy day.

If Lucifer loses his face and doesn't abide by the laws he made himself, or if Lucifer makes a hint, let other supreme beings deal with her

In fact, Lucifer and the Legion of Eternal Punishment are just one of the threats, as well as the Three Palace Demons. As long as Harley does not give up the idea of ​​continuing to defraud the source of the supreme existence, her enemies will only increase, not decrease.

They are all powerful enemies.

The stronger the original power, the more she desires; the stronger the original power, the stronger the enemy.

We must find a backer! While there are still few enemies, why don't we find God as a backer?

The thought came to her mind.

Well, now she only offends the forces of hell, and the price of finding God as her backer may be lower.

In the future, when she offends all the big bosses in the DC multiverse, God will probably find it too troublesome and refuse to accept her.

Speaking of which, does her thinking like this count as tricking God into taking the blame for her?

Voice of Heaven, I'm going to find you a backdoor, at the cost of your merits in Heaven. Harley said.

Speak clearly. Tian Zhi said indifferently.

Well, I want to be an official, an official in Silver City.

If there is still merit left, it would be better to buy another title.

Hell has the title of duke, prince, and uncle, and heaven should have similar positions that indicate status, right? Harley laughed.

You want me to sell my official position and get a title?!

The voice of Tianzhi remained calm, but the volume increased by three degrees.

“Well, let me put it another way, I will be rewarded for my merits, given an official position in heaven, and become a friend, ally and subordinate of the Supreme God, the kind who listens to orders but not to preach.

Just like Erlang Shen in the novel Journey to the West.

Of course, my ambition is not that big, just arrange an errand for me in Silver City.

As long as she is allowed to hide in Silver City when she encounters big and unsolvable troubles.

No matter whether God is willing to help her or not, as long as she hides in Silver City, who will dare to come and demand someone?

There are only contracted warriors in heaven, and there are no 'vassals' who are not willing to listen to the announcement.

Harley's request was so unbelievable that at this moment, the Voice of Heaven even hesitated.

I believe that a long time ago, there were no contracted warriors in heaven. Harley said.

The profession of mercenary in heaven is specially prepared for humans on earth.

But how many thousands of years have humans been born?

Heaven has existed for tens of billions of years.

Silver City is a sacred place and non-believers are not allowed to enter. Tianzhi said.

Harley immediately said: It doesn't matter, there are many suspended peaks outside Silver City.

I can find a piece of floating mountain closest to Silver City to be my residence.

It doesn’t need to be too big, just fifty square meters, just one bedroom and one living room with a rooftop.

Why did you join Silver City in this way?

I don’t know if it’s an illusion, but there seems to be a bit more emotion and doubt in the voice of the sky that I’ve never had before.

Harry was surprised and wondered, could it be that elder brother is back? Oh, no, is God back?

To be cautious, she decided to tell a partial truth: “Because I believe that God is supreme and the most powerful patron in the multiverse.

Because I am afraid of the revenge of powerful demons such as Lucifer and the Three Palace Demons, so I need a strong backer.

The Voice of Heaven probably heard the sincerity in her words, and said slowly: According to the mercenary contract you signed with Heaven, merit can be exchanged for all things that God can do.

In theory, your request can be realized if it complies with the terms of the contract.

How about using all your meritorious deeds and your contribution to the Messenger Bird to change to the position of 'Third Class Soldier at the Border Guard Post', and listen to orders rather than announcements?

This time, Harley was sure that the Voice of Heaven had really changed!

It used to be ‘intelligent customer service’, but now it’s replaced by manual service.

The emotion in the tone is not as good as human beings, but it is much richer than 'indifferent'.

However, the position of this 'little soldier on the border of paradise' is too low.

How is the treatment? Harley asked.

I will give you a set of standard heaven armor, and a floating mountain with a radius of 100 meters as a fiefdom - it is the outpost you guard and your home. Tianzhi said.

With a radius of 100 meters, a country villa can be built and a vegetable garden can be opened.


No salary? Harley asked again.

Don't blame her for pushing the envelope. In order to become a bad third-class soldier, she paid more than 500 million meritorious service and the credit of Judith's messenger bird.

You have merit only if you have a job, but you don't listen to announcements. You don't even stand guard once a month. How can you pay me? Tian Zhisheng said calmly.

Standing guard for one day, how much merit does it cost? Harley asked again.

24 hours counts as some merit. Tian Zhisheng said reluctantly.

Harley wanted to complain, but the voice of heaven wanted to say more: Angels have been standing guard for tens of billions of years without even receiving a dime in salary.

The Voice of Heaven, my 'Third Class Soldier of Heaven', is it applicable to this universe, or is it universal in all areas where God's power reaches? Harley finally confirmed.

God's Defense Specialty Level 10: God's Skin (Intermediate), God's Force Field - the body's resistance to God's power forms a field, within a radius of ten meters, all are the effects of God's Skin.

God Skin (Intermediate Level): Below the regular attacks of the Almighty Universe God, all non-physical attacks of heaven and hell attributes are immune; in the multiverse, general magic is 99% immune to damage - including forbidden spells involving the rules of the universe, low level The spell can even avoid all damage!

There is no doubt that the level 10 God Defense Specialty almost allows her to achieve magic immunity in the DC multiverse, which is very powerful.

Even more powerful is the God force field, which is not only equivalent to surrounding companions but also a layer of magic shield. If the enemy is enveloped,

Then, Harley also discovered two hidden facts from this piece of information: First, outside of the DC multiverse, there is a larger 'grand omnipotent universe'.

This didn't surprise her.

After all, as a time traveler, you naturally understand that the DC multiverse is not the only universe.

Secondly, even the omnipotent universe may not be the limit of God’s power.

Because she only has an 'intermediate God skin' now, and it's obvious that she has at least 'advanced' and 'complete' skin on top.

God is so powerful that he transcends the multiverse. If Harley catches a ride with Him, her future will be much smoother.

For example, she is only level 39 now, and it is becoming more and more difficult to upgrade, and her ultimate treasure can be upgraded infinitely. After level 100 or 200, the DC multiverse will be like Gotham today, becoming a shallow pool of bastards. Gradually he was unable to satisfy her.

God's paradise is like a supermarket chain, spreading throughout the universe beyond the universe. At least the real world also has the name of God.

She can put the Harley's Shield on the shelf and sell it through God's sales channels at home and abroad.

Moreover, God's defense expertise is only level 10. To reach level 11 or even 12, she cannot do without God's help.

Due to the above considerations, it is a good idea to be an Erlang God in the Heavenly Court who listens to the tune but not the propaganda.

If God is like Darkseid, his power is limited to the DC multiverse, even if he listens to the instructions but not the propaganda, even if he is in a high position, even if Uncle Da can provide some protection, Harley will feel short-changed.

As for what price we have to pay for taking a temporary position with God.

The biggest price is nothing more than magic distortion.

She has the God's Defense Specialty, specifically to defend against this.

Avoiding the crisis of being assimilated by the power of God, other hard work is nothing compared to the benefits of having a big boss (ps).

Why do you emphasize 'this universe'?

Hearing Harley's question, Tianzhiyin couldn't hide the surprise in his tone.

Harley said: I know that there is a larger 'world' outside the multiverse.

For example, the evil god worshiped by the Court of Owls comes from outside the universe (ps).

For example, it is clear in the Creation chapter of the Bible that God existed before the birth of the universe.

Likewise, I also believe that God is omniscient and omnipotent even in the wider universe.

So, I want my position and authority in heaven to apply to all heavens God has created.

Power also represents obligation. Tianzhi said.

As long as the concepts of truth, goodness and beauty represented by God remain unchanged, I will always stand in the camp of truth, goodness and beauty, said Harley.

It is difficult for her to practice truth, goodness and beauty.

But she couldn't stand being fake and ugly.

Therefore, this promise is not a promise at all, it is originally Harley's code of conduct.

Anyway, choosing God's camp doesn't mean that you have to fight for God. She doesn't listen to the propaganda!

From now on, you are the 'Third Class Soldier of Paradise Border Post', and your authority applies to any paradise in the universe. Tianzhi said.

Harley tentatively said: I have a small suggestion, change the title of 'Outpost Third Class Private', for example, 'Godly Lord Quin of Paradise Mountain'?

Even the ‘Lord of Gotham of Silver City’ and ‘True Lord Harley of the Hudson Bayou’ will do.

I am still a third-class soldier, but I have established a government and commanded myself.

Okay, these titles are just code names and do not extend any power. Tianzhi said happily.

Harley smiled with satisfaction. Nicknames are meant to bluff people, and their strength is their own.

“The last request is that I am now considered the ‘Godly Lord of Heavenly Mountain’. Can you create a separate identity document for me?

For example, my abilities, my trump cards, things I have done, and the nature of my title. All the secrets about me that are known to God are locked up and kept strictly confidential.

As you know, everything is good in heaven, except that there are a lot of traitors who rebel against God.

The voice of heaven.

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