I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 260 Inadvertently, the group destroyed the wizard group

Ahhh! The masters howled in pain.

The core philosophy of the Order is true!

Greater with the greatest twist.

The original power of the giant ferocious beast gradually destroyed the marks of other existences, and even the supreme existence, on the magic power in their bodies.

From the magic power to the body, and deep into the soul, everything is refined by the supreme dark power of the giant beast.

They are drawing closer to Him, becoming ever more pure.

This process is undoubtedly painful, as you can tell by listening to the wails from their souls.

Ah~~How is this possible?!

Harley was screaming too, in disbelief.

Because, her third god’s defense expertise is going to be upgraded! ! !

The God's Defense Specialty, which is already at level nine, needs to be upgraded to level ten.

Upgrading can only make Harley happy.

But the meaning behind it made her scalp tingle.

Because this means that the giant beast, like Lucifer, is only a part of the perfect God!

There seems to be something wrong with the giant beast's original power.

Harley immediately chose to upgrade, frantically absorbing the original power falling from the sky, and at the same time savoring it carefully.

Then she was surprised again: It smells so familiar!

The origin power of the giant ferocious beast cannot be said to be exactly the same as Lucifer's origin, but they are very similar. If combined, it will be more complete.

Could it be that, like God, Lucifer also has a complete body and the giant beast is a part of him?

Then, she recalled the night of the Indian Hill incident, when the dark lord (Barbatos) from outside the universe seemed to kill Lucifer, who was exhausted by her torture.

At that time, the wizard Sargon still exclaimed: Lucifer was killed.

At least, Lucifer's aura did disappear that day.

But then the giant ferocious beast woke up, and with a roar, the Evil God Owl was reduced to ashes.

After the situation calmed down, Lao Lu ran back again, still holding the soul-splitting mark of the evil owl god in his hand.

Where did Lao Lu go at that time, and where did he come back from?

Could it be that Lucifer and the giant ferocious beast merged?

Lucifer, the giant beast, God, what is their relationship?

Harley frowned in thought.

First of all, we can be sure that Lucifer is a creation of God, and can also be said to be a part of God.

Secondly, in Christian doctrine, heaven and hell are opposites of good and evil, and the representatives of both sides are Jehovah and Lucifer respectively.

And the giant beast

The Genesis Chapter of the Old Testament of the Bible records: In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth. The earth was formless and empty, and darkness was over the face of the abyss; but the Spirit of God was moving on the waters.

The ‘abyss’ that existed before the creation of the world is undoubtedly the sunless sea under hell.

God created heaven, and the reflection of heaven is hell.

Under hell is the lightless sea that existed at the beginning of creation.

The Spirit of God walks above the water, while the beast sleeps beneath the water

If it were other people, they might simply think that the giant beast is also a supreme being, with the same power as God, and it existed before the creation of the world.

But through the Third God Defense Specialty, Harley has determined that the giant beast and God are closely related, and they are almost two parts of the same person.

Then, there is a high possibility that the giant ferocious beast under the water is equivalent to the reflection of the spirit of God!

The giant beast was born earlier than Lucifer, but as the opposite of God, the Lord of Hell is not the giant beast, but Lucifer.

Considering the wizard group's description of the giant beast as a newborn child

An answer was ready to come to Harley's mind: The spirit of God walks on the abyss and leaves a reflection on the water, but it is only an embryo and needs to grow.

Embryo represents the opposite of God, darkness, evil, and corruption.

Almost all Lucifer labels.

Putting it into perspective, if Harley were God, she would make Lucifer and the giant beast merge into one. Lucifer has rationality and independent consciousness, and the giant beast has the most original power of pure darkness. When they are combined into one, they are almost a Dark God in mature form.”

The God of darkness plus the God of light is the complete God.

Perhaps, when Lucifer fell from heaven to hell, he fell directly into the sunless sea and merged with the embryo.

After merging, Lucifer, who has mastered the origin of the giant beast, is the worthy master of hell, and the Satan Majesty that no one can challenge.

It's just that Lucifer would rather give up the supreme power of darkness than let Jehovah get his wish.

He was separated from the giant beast.

Thinking of this, Harley's hair stood on end: when she deceived the origin of Satan, was God omniscient? Will it take advantage of the situation and use her deception and the owl god to push Satan into a desperate situation and force Lucifer to merge with the giant beast?

Harley shook her head and quickly put an end to this terrible but useless thought.

The giant ferocious beast, Lucifer, the God of Heaven, it doesn't matter which one of them is the projection of the other, the clone of the other, or the other side of the other.

They are all part of the 'Complete God' and can help me upgrade the 'God Defense Specialty' to level ten. This is the key!

No matter how many little black hands God has, I just need to improve myself.

As long as you get the 'Complete God Skin', you don't have to be afraid no matter how dark it is!

Just as Harley was thinking this, she heard a miserable howl coming from the audience.

Ah ah ah, no, this power is too strong, I, I can't bear it——

Hi! A mage apprentice wailed, turning into a black smoke in the pure black light.

Well, at this time, the four floors of the altar, with a radius of 100 meters, were all bathed in the black light pillar of the giant beast's original power.

The origin is so powerful that it directly transforms the apprentice from body to soul into a ray of pure dark power - the dark power of the giant ferocious beast.

Truly become part of a giant beast.

This is the ultimate form of alienation, the ultimate alienation.

No, I have completed the magic twisting, no more, I don't-

Great Witch Master, stop quickly, finish the sacrifice quickly——

Ah, I saw darkness, endless darkness, I-

Is this the ultimate power of the universe? Hahaha, long live the giant ferocious beast, and the wizard group—

Some people are awake, begging loudly, and struggling fiercely; some are confused and do not know why; some are addicted to the darkness, attracted by the supreme power, and actively throw themselves into the arms of the giant beast.

No matter what the situation, they gradually couldn't hold on any longer, and they all chichichichi.

Like candles that have burned out their oil.

It turns into a wisp of smoke and merges into the black light pillar, becoming part of the power of the giant beast, or being absorbed by others, or returning to the body of the giant beast.

Only the clothes, shoes, and magic devices left in situ prove their existence.

Watching all this happen before her eyes, Harley was shocked, but the speed of extracting the origin of the giant beast did not slow down.

Stop, the magic power distortion has been completed, I have obtained the power I want, stop the magic power transmission!

The ultimate alienation gradually spread from the fourth floor to the third floor, and then from the third floor to the second floor. The dwarf mage who had repeatedly prepared to murder Harley could no longer stand it.

She had completed the magical distortion, and when she woke up from the dull pain, she realized that her body was expanding uncontrollably like a balloon under a faucet.

OH, No——

Starting from the top of his head, the dwarf mage vaporizes directly into black smoke-shaped energy - the original magic power of the giant beast.

On the first platform, a grandmaster was awake, sensing the tragedy around him, and exclaimed in horror: This shouldn't be like this!

The sacrificial circle automatically adjusts the infusion of the origin of the giant beast according to individual needs.

Except for a few people whose talent and willpower are too poor, there should not be so many ultimate alienations.

At least the Archmage shouldn't be completely transformed into energy.

Ah, the concentration of the power of darkness has seriously exceeded the standard, and there is something wrong with the sacrifice circle!

Great Witch Lord, wake up quickly. The spiritual mage Gorky was about to complete the magic distortion. After waking up, he also realized that the situation was out of control and began to call the Great Witch Lord with the power of his mind.

Well, the sacrificial ceremony is presided over by the Great Witch Lord.

Great Witch Master, stop the operation of the magic circle immediately!

More and more masters complete magic distortion.

Hahahaha! The core philosophy of the Wizarding Group is completely correct.

The Great Witch Lord was the last one to wake up, his face full of ecstasy, and he laughed excitedly: The giant ferocious beast distorted our twisted magic power, but it did not control our spirits at all.

I can feel that my magic power is different, Avanti!

Hoho! A huge five-meter-tall demonic figure appeared behind him.

She still looks like Avanti, but her size has expanded tenfold, and she exudes a strong aura.

Aventi is at the peak of the Duke level! The giant ferocious beast is on top, and he is even about to break through the Demon Lord! The Great Witch Master was ecstatic.

Even though Gorky and others were anxious about the changes in the magic circle, they couldn't help but be startled when they saw this scene, and subconsciously summoned their Avanti.

Ho ho ho!

One after another, the demonic figures appeared in the mid-air, and the surging momentum formed a vast ocean, which was so vast and overwhelming that it overwhelmed people's minds.

Duke, my Avanti is also a duke!

The old wizard Didier laughed.


Suddenly, the deformed monster floating above his head exploded into pieces. The majestic power poured out from the explosion and merged into the black light pillar that enveloped the altar, becoming part of the magic power of the giant beast.

No, my Ai - no! Before the old man had time to regret his lifeblood, his lich flesh shell turned into wisps of gray and black magic energy like a sand statue in the strong wind.

However, the old man is a lich, and the flesh shell is not the key in the first place.

The remaining illusory soul can actually last longer.

Still howling.

Howl of the soul.

What's going on? The great witch master finally woke up from the madness of the surge in power and said in horror: I have stopped extracting magic power, why is there still so much original power coming?

This is not normal. The magic concentration of the giant ferocious beast in the magic circle exceeds the standard by at least one million times. How is it possible?

In physics, there is an entropy-driven process called ‘diffusion’.

The molecules of a substance move from areas of high concentration to areas of low concentration until they are evenly distributed.

In occultism, the flow of magic follows the same pattern.

If there is no special reason, the magic power will tend to be balanced in an area instead of being concentrated at a certain point.

A mage has a concentration of magic power in his body of 1 and a concentration of magic power in the outside world of 0.1. It stands to reason that the magic power will leak out. But the mage has independent consciousness and willpower, which makes the magic power more abundant in the body.

This is the process of practice.

If the concentration of magic power in the mage's body is 1 and the concentration of magic power in the outside world is 10, even if the mage uses his will to resist the diffusion of magic power into the body, the body will be affected.

This is the magic influence in paranormal science.

The final sacrificial circle of the wizard group was designed and completed by countless top masters and took tens of thousands of years. Naturally, there will be no low-level bug like the master is not full and the apprentice is exhausted.

In fact, every mage within the magic circle can claim the original power of the giant ferocious beast as needed.

Of course, nothing is absolutely perfect in the world.

The sacrificial circle accommodates both the master and the apprentice. The master's magic concentration is 100 and the apprentice's is 1.

Then when the master extracts magic power, the magic power concentration in the surrounding space must be greater than 100. According to the principle of diffusion movement, if it is higher than its own concentration, it is beneficial for the mage to absorb magic power!

The question is, if the magic concentration around the master is higher than 100, how can the apprentice endure it?

Therefore, the altar was divided into four floors and special adjustments were made to suppress the magic energy in the master area and spread to the apprentice area.

Even if it is a hundred times or a thousand times higher, the magic circle can actively adjust to a range that everyone can bear.

Moreover, everyone has completed the magic distortion, the properties of magic are exactly the same, and the endurance is stronger.

Therefore, the first grandmaster who woke up saw a large number of apprentices and formal mages transformed into energy, and immediately noticed something was wrong with the magic circle.

Well, he thought the magic circle was malfunctioning in adjusting the concentration of magic power.

But not long after, the grandmaster was shocked to find that he was also in the ultra-high concentration zone.

It’s not just a normal ultra-high concentration, it’s a million times higher than the upper limit!

For example, the concentration of magic power in the master's body is 100, and the upper limit is 10,000. Any more will be alienated. But at this time, the concentration reached 10 billion!

In terms of physical phenomena, a person with a body temperature of about 37 degrees is thrown into a furnace with a temperature of 37 million degrees.

Therefore, even the magic master who masters the rules cannot withstand it.

Avanti first exploded into ashes in the ultra-high temperature, and then it was their turn.

This is definitely a malfunction of the legal formation! After the first grandmaster turned into dark energy, the great witch master shouted in horror: Such a high concentration must have a source of high concentration.

Could it be that the giant ferocious beast has arrived?

To create a high-temperature environment of 37 million degrees, there must be a heat source with a temperature exceeding 37 million degrees.

It's not wrong for the great witch master to think of giant ferocious beasts.

No, it's not the giant beast, it's the witch Harley!

Gorky's expression was twisted, and he looked at Harley's position and the familiar sight, his eyes filled with fear and despair.

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