I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 247 The Third Prince of the Demon Palace

I dodged first. Mrs. Xanadu took a step back, left the door of the Oblivion Bar, and returned to Greenwich Village.

Everyone, please be quiet.

Mayor Quinn was used to being surrounded by reporters like hungry dogs, so he was very calm at this time.

You are very curious about me, and I heard a lot of questions. But this is the Forgotten Bar, a public place, please don't disturb others.

Please give me a few minutes so that Master Dark Night and I can discuss a solution that will not disturb the public, satisfy everyone's curiosity, and at the same time resolve some terrible misunderstandings.

Everyone, please step aside and give the witch some personal space.

The master of the night, Jim Luke, appeared at the right time, accompanied by the orangutan bartender, who protected Harley on the left and right, squeezed through the crowd, and came to the bar.

Even if someone is too curious about the witch, they will stay a few steps away and watch from the side without approaching to disturb her.

Harley, you have become very famous recently! Bobo the gorilla approached Harley and whispered: I am also curious, have you completed the amazing feat of playing Satan three times?

Harry said sternly: Bobo, if you say something like this, it is almost equivalent to provoking Satan.

Well, you are dishonoring Him and defaming His high reputation with false rumors that do not exist.

You humiliated Him at least twice in a row. Bobo said strangely.

Now I have paid a heavy price for my foolish behavior.

His Majesty Satan is supreme and cannot be blasphemed! Harley sighed.

Bobo touched his chin and stared at her seriously, a thoughtful look gradually appeared in his eyes.

I understand. It saluted her solemnly, with admiration on Mao's face.

What do you understand? Harley was confused. She hadn't said anything yet.

Harry, I'm working as a bartender now, but my real profession is actually a detective. Now I find out that you didn't humiliate Satan three times. Bobo said seriously.

Oh, Detective Bobo, you are very smart and rational. Harley nodded casually, took out a roll of parchment from the pocket of his blue waist suit, put it on the counter, and said, Master of the Night, this is my answer to A statement from the 'Deception of Satan Affair'.

Think about it, can you find a place in the bar to serve as a BBS bulletin board?

No problem, I'll help you find the most conspicuous place.

Master Dark Night eagerly opened the parchment and looked at it carefully.

Oh, it turns out that Satan wants you to suffer the punishment of falling into hell every seven days. Hiss, it's so scary.

Jim took a breath, raised his head, and looked at Harley with sympathetic eyes, The majesty of Satan cannot be desecrated!

Bobo read all the contents on the parchment with his probe, and the certainty in his eyes became stronger.

When looking at Harley, the fluffy orangutan had obvious awe on his face.

After hearing the boss's emotion and catching a glimpse of the way he looked at the witch, its eyes gradually showed some sympathy for the boss.

Harley, you.

Helen next to her looked worried but helpless, and she hesitated to speak several times.

Harry waved his hand and sighed: Although Satan's punishment is terrible, you will get used to it sooner or later if you are next to each other.

Helen was even more sad for her, her eyes were red, and she turned away to wipe her tears.

Harley chatted with a few more people, then walked to Constantine's wine table with a glass of magic Coke in hand.

At this time, the orangutan detective Bobo whispered to Helen: You really don't need to worry about her or feel sorry for her.

She is smart and capable, with strange abilities that we don’t know about.

Anyway, trust me, she can handle it all.

How to deal with it? Satan obviously wants her to suffer in this world forever. Helen sighed.

Bobo hesitated for a moment, but finally did not express the terrible guess in his heart. He only comforted: As long as she laughs, you can be happy with her. Don't think too much.

Ah, Witch Harley is coming this way.

Hi, witch, I'll buy you a drink.

Witch, come and sit with us at the same table. I'm treating you.

Witch Harley, I am Tina from the Fairy Kingdom.

Along the way, Harley was greeted by alien wizards, extradimensional warriors, goblins, elves, and gods hidden under cloaks who were drinking nearby, and even extended invitations to her.

You are so popular. Constantine said with a slightly sour tone.

I wish no one knew me. Harley sighed.

Zatanna pointed to Nick next to her and said, He is my boyfriend, Nick Necro, who is also from Gotham.

Hello Nick, although it is our first time meeting you today, I have heard countless people mention you.

Harry kept his thoughts in mind and observed the other person carefully.

Apart from his good looks and confident and calm temperament, I didn't feel the magic power in his body.

It shows that his level of magic far exceeds hers.

In fact, Harley can now vaguely feel the fluctuations of Zatanna's magic power.

Nick's realm has surpassed that of Zatanna!

Harry, I have been famous for you for a long time, and when we meet today, you are indeed well-deserved. Nick smiled warmly and was personable.

Afterwards, Harley greeted Team Constantine one by one.

In addition to acquaintances such as Judith, Richie, and ‘Stuttering’ Benjamin, there were four or five British friends of Constantine.

After the pleasantries, Harley went straight to the point and told the Shadow Bureau's invitation.

I am the mayor of Gotham. I captured many demons in the Indian Hill underground laboratory some time ago. Agent Frankenstein of the Shadow Bureau came to escort them personally.

The Shadow Bureau has known about my relationship with you for a long time and wanted me to pass the message on its behalf.

They approached us a few times and we turned them down, Rich said.

Why refuse? With the Shadow Bureau behind us, we can at least get support from equipment, information, technology and government forces.

Working alone, without restraint, is indeed very freeing.

But you guys have been so popular lately, and sooner or later you will be targeted by the bosses of the wizarding group. Will you be able to handle it then? Harley said puzzled.

Constantine said solemnly: This morning, we prevented an evil wizard terrorist attack in Toronto.

Yesterday evening, we killed two high school students in Neon who chased away ghosts and harmed people.

The day before yesterday, I found 40 missing babies in the Philippines.

In order to prevent the arrival of the giant beast, we fight against the wizards in various regions around the world.

The Shadow Bureau is a government department of the United States.

It is only responsible for the security of the United States in extraordinary matters.

Agents of the Bureau of Shadows, or rather, your government, don't care at all whether the giant beast awakens, nor do they care about the extraordinary tragedies that occur abroad.

In fact, the U.S. government is happy to see foreigners' public security chaos and social unrest.

In several cases involving the Wizarding Group, I even found traces of the involvement of American agents.

Having said this, Constantine looked around and saw many people staring at them, so he apologized to his companions at the same table and took Harry to the leisure area in the side hall.

He found a deserted corner to sit down and said in a low voice: In the Pentagon database, Rich found a confidential document about special military expenditures.

By tracing the source of the account, we determined that the top management of the United States and the Wizarding Group had reached a tacit understanding.

To put it simply, if the Wizards avoid the United States and carry out extraordinary terrorist attacks in countries hostile to the United States, they can get corresponding assistance funds from the Pentagon.

Using the anti-Confucian military expenditures paid by taxpayers to bribe the Confucian terrorists in the wizarding world. The corner of Harley's mouth twitched, This is in line with the Pentagon's usual behavior.

In those countries that were targeted by the Americans and fell into turmoil, among the countless radical XX organizations, which one has confiscated the black money from the US military?

If we ignore the threat of giant ferocious beasts, there is really no difference between the wizard group and those XX organizations in the Middle East. Why can't they be bribed?

“Now you understand why I don’t want to cooperate with government agencies?

This is true for the Americans, and it is the same for the British Magic 007.

Everyone is shady and evil, even worse than the wizard group. Constantine sighed.

Hey, be careful, just in case the wizard group decides to deal with you.

Constantine waved his hand and said confidently: Don't worry, I know what's going on.

As early as half a month ago, I reached an agreement with Swamp Monster, and it will fully support us.

Having a plant god as an ally is much more reliable than the Shadow Bureau.

Oh, that's it. I really thought you were dazzled by fame. Harley suddenly realized.

Back at the table, Zatanna and Nick hadn't left yet.

Harry, are you interested in teaming up with us? Nick invited.

Zatanna looked at her boyfriend, then at Constantine and Harley, frowning slightly.

Form a team to deal with the wizards? Harley shook her head and refused, I am the mayor during the day, and I have to practice magic and boxing at night. I have no time to participate in the important event of 'saving the multiverse'.

She even wanted to say that you 'heroes' are all jobless vagrants and idle bastards. I have a job, an industry, and a training plan to improve myself, and I don't have the energy to mess around with you.

Of course, Harley couldn't deny the chivalrous behavior of Constantine's team and other 'knights'. No matter how effective they were in stopping the giant beast, at least they saved many innocent people.

Nick was about to tell a few great benefits of 'saving the universe' when suddenly, a thick shadow appeared above him.

Witch Harry, the third prince wants to talk to you.

When he looked back, he saw a three-meter-tall chain demon.

He basically has the appearance of a human being, with his whole body wrapped in chains instead of clothes, but the source of the chains grows from his body.

Which third prince? Nick asked doubtfully.

Harry's eyes flashed and he said calmly: Is it the third son of the Sangong Demon Family, Su Ge? You want to see me and let him come here on his own.

Three Palaces? Nick's expression changed drastically, with some fear in his eyes.

Zatanna also looked serious, and the drinkers around her fell silent and looked around in surprise.

Constantine's eyelids twitched a few times, and he wanted to persuade Harry to leave immediately, so as not to lure the devil to their banquet.

Little mage, the third prince calls you, do you dare to refuse?!

The chain demon roared angrily, and the chains on his body rattled.

If this wasn't the Forgotten Bar, I would crush you to death right now. Harley said coldly.

The chains on the Chain Demon's body seemed to come alive, leaping up like snakes. The chain-head awls and daggers were aimed at Harley's vital points, and they were about to penetrate quickly.

Whoa! The chain demon disappeared.

Fighting is prohibited in the Forgotten Bar. Anyone who violates this rule will be expelled immediately.

The voice of Master Dark Night came from afar.

That kind of stupidity can be dismissed with just one sentence. Harley said with a smile.

Witch Harley!

From a dark corner of the hotel, a loud shout came, Do you think you can avoid me with this little trick?

He is 2.5 meters tall, with rough burnt red skin and bulging red upper body muscles.

The devil horns on its forehead and elbow length indicate its great demonic strength.

On the forehead above the eyebrows, a pair of golden eyes are slit, nakedly showing its noble bloodline and identity - the son of the Third Palace.

Oh my God, it's the Third Prince Su Ge!

When did the witch provoke the Third Prince?

Witch Harley is finished. Even though she is cunning and cunning and can even play tricks on Satan, her tricks are useless when facing the Third Prince!

Demon Lord~~Su Ge! Nick looked ugly, with obvious fear in his eyes. He pulled Zatanna and slowly backed away from Harley.

Are you the third child of the six-eyed monster family? Harley took a sip of soda and sat there calmly.

Hiss, Six-Eyed Monster, she, is she publicly insulting the Three-Gong Demon?!

In the tavern, all the mages looked at each other.

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