I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 228 Shock in all directions, human calamity

The ninth level of Hell is the Ring of Judas, the deepest icy peak.

On the throne of Satan, a handsome man with blond hair as bright as the sun, his face turned pale at this time, and his upright body was shaky.

It hasn't stopped yet. How did she do it? Such vast magic power is enough to give birth to dozens of demon kings. Lucifer looked shocked and confused.

Hey suddenly, his expression changed, a look of surprise appeared in his eyes, and he gritted his teeth and said: That's it, the contract in heaven

What a heavenly warrior with the title of Satan's Guard!

Lord, is this all your work?

In my sacrificial ceremony, there were many loopholes in the rules that I deliberately left in, so that I didn’t even know how to rejoice.

But she actually made up for them all, so perfectly that I couldn't break free from the constraints of the contract rules.

It must be you!

Sure enough, tens of billions of years have passed, and you are as sinister and vicious as ever.

It’s no wonder that the giant ferocious beast is about to appear, and you finally can’t help it and want to be cruel to me.”

Harley drew the power of Satan while absorbing the power of heaven. Two forces with opposing attributes appeared at the same time. Lucifer kept staring at her again, and now he finally discovered her little secret.

However, it seemed that he was thinking of other places.

Of course, it is also possible that his guess is not correct (ps).


God created four categories of angels, bull angels, eagle angels, lion angels and human angels.

Each type of angel had a purpose at the beginning of creation.

For example, humans invented horse-drawn carriages to facilitate travel.

Human angels are meant to serve and spread faith. They are powerful and hold high positions.

If God is the emperor of heaven, Michael and Lucifer are the two regents under the emperor.

The rest of the angels, such as Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, etc., are at least the real princes.

The other three types of beast angels have duties but no power, and mainly exist for protection and warfare.

Of course, cow angels, eagle angels, and lion angels are not in animal form.

Most of them have the same appearance as human angels, and at most some parts of their body have a tendency to become beasts.

The biggest difference between human angels and animal angels is actually the authority in power.

For example, Lucifer before the fall, and the eagle archangel Zauliel.

The two seemed to have the same status. After all, they were both heads of the same clan.

This is not the case.

Lucifer is the head of the court, a prime minister equivalent to a prince, and has great authority in heaven.

Zauliel is the gatekeeper, the leader who guards the gates of heaven. He has a position but no authority.

Really fight.

Well, ten thousand Zawuli couldn't beat a single finger of Lucifer.

But if it were anyone else.

For example, the Bull Archangel Asmodu is responsible for guarding Silver City, and the Archangel Uriel is responsible for the advent of the Son.

In the City of Silver, Uriel was at least a six ministers level boss.

If you complete the The Coming of the Holy Son task handed over by your boss, you may not be able to enter the cabinet and worship the prime minister, which is one step further.

But in terms of true strength, Uriel can't even defeat the Great Chao. He may be stronger than City Gate Officer Zawlie, but he is definitely not as good as the Bull Angel Archangel Asmodu.

What is the position of Asmodeus?

It leads the Bull Angel to manage the Silver City, and is probably the chief of police and the director of the urban management bureau.

Can this monk, Shu, and Ge Lao compare?

The giant ferocious beast awakens, shaking heaven and hell.

Not to mention the demons in hell who refuse to lie down and insist on rebellion, the unfair distribution of power in heaven will naturally give rise to some instability factors.

For example, Asmodeus, the Bull Archangel.

At this moment, it, which had been staring at the House of God in the center of Silver City, noticed something unusual.

A holy white bolt containing pure power flew out from the Temple of God, drew a beautiful arc, crossed Limbo Hell, and fell into the human earth.

A lot of heaven's power has gone away, where did it go?

It immediately focused on the Voice of Heaven, which it suspected to be the Artificial Intelligence of Heaven.

The Voice of Heaven will not reject anyone who has sufficient merit or authority.

As the leader of the Bull Angel, Asmodu's authority and achievements are more than enough.

A heavenly warrior obtains a large amount of merit by severely injuring Satan, and then immediately converts the merit into the power of heaven.

Tianzhi's explanation was simple and straightforward, but Asmodu was shocked on the spot.

How could a mere heavenly warrior severely injure the supreme being Lucifer? it said in disbelief.

At least in the hearts of the ancient archangels, Lucifer is the supreme being second only to God.

Maybe it's a special talent, maybe she uses magic skills beyond the rules.

Tian Zhisheng's tone remained calm.

But Asmodu heard uncertainty and doubt in it.

It's not surprising.

Because this is not the first time it has encountered this situation.

And this is also the reason why it suspects that God has left long ago and the temple of God is empty.

The God in its mind should be omniscient and omnipotent, without doubts or failures.

Otherwise, God is fake.

It does not dare to rebel against the true God, but if the temple of God is occupied by some superficial treacherous ministers (alluding to Michael) and uses the voice of heaven to disguise its owner, then...

Who is that heavenly warrior? Asmodu said in a deep voice.

Harley Quinn. She is performing a secret mission, and you have to keep her identity secret. The voice of the sky said.

Tell me the process of how she severely injured Lucifer. Asmodeus said.

Lucifer was deceived, and she used special talents or methods to extract unlimited amounts of original magic power.

Asmodeus sneered in his heart, Lucifer was not the only one who was being tricked.

Tian Zhisheng also became a fool who was deceived and used.

How could the real God be so useless and deceived by mortals?

It must be that bastard Michael who is playing tricks in the Temple of God!

It has to rise up, it cannot be impulsive, it must be carefully considered.

Michael the Bastard, yes.

But Michael and Lucifer are both God’s right-hand men.

It once couldn't even bear a look from Lucifer

Let’s wait for the giant beast to attack heaven and see how Michael’s ‘traitor’ responds.

The world, the earth.

When Harley used Lucifer's magic power to upgrade the Hell Magic Defense Expertise level, not a drop of energy was leaked. It was absorbed by the evolutionary treasure and converted into another type of energy, helping Harley improve her resistance (defense) to Hell's magic power.

Therefore, at that time, even if the magic power was like a vast galaxy, crossing Limbo Prison and coming from the depths of hell to the human world, the mages in the human world were not aware of it.

But when her defense expertise was upgraded to level eight, and Harley used the Escape Pattern to turn the pure power of Satan into the origin of her own bloodline, the transmission speed of Satan's power surged in according to inertia, but she had no time to absorb and utilize it all.

As a result, with her as the center, the supreme magic power spread out, forming a vast spiritual storm.

All the great mages on earth were alarmed.

Next door in Arkham Asylum, Constantine woke up from his epilepsy and looked blankly in the direction of Indian Mountain.

Gotham New Town, Zatara Magic Theatre, third floor comfortable apartment.

Dad, do you feel it? Zatanna, the beauty in fishnet stockings, woke up from her meditation and came to the living room. She saw her father with a serious look on his face, standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, looking in the direction of Indian Mountain.

In a small town on Long Island, a stranger named Philip Stark woke up from his sleep, quietly removed his wife's arm from her chest, and disappeared instantly.

The fluctuations of the psychic storm, from near to far, were first noticed by the mages near Gotham, and then alarmed the entire earth.

Hey, there is a spiritual space ship here. It seems to be in the style of the Three Witches in a Carriage. Zatala said.

The Archimedes airship was hidden in Limbo and was difficult to detect with the naked eye or radar of mortals, but the masters of magic saw it as soon as they came over.

Which master's car seems to be an artifact?

A silver-haired gentleman in a white suit and red tie suddenly appeared in front of the eye of the Court of Owls, startling Ivy behind the front window, and quickly disappeared.

Obviously, the owl's eyes are a piece of transparent glass with a diameter of 1.5 meters. Ivy can clearly see people outside, but people outside can't see her.

They only saw two glowing eyes of the owl, which looked a bit scary.

Mr. E! Zatanna cheered.

Mr. E turned to look at her, smiled and walked over to say hello to the father and daughter.

Zatara said: It's a bit like the Watcher's owl airship.

It may have something to do with the person below.

Mr. E pointed at Harley who was surrounded by demon energy.

Are you sure who it is?

At this time, another great master appeared out of thin air and came to the three of them.

Sage Aoqi, you are here too. Zatara greeted him with a smile.

Sage Aoqi is a middle-aged man in his forties, wearing a wide-brimmed hat, an old-style brown windbreaker, a suit, a white shirt, a tie, and leather shoes. He looks like a British gentleman from the 1930s who stepped out of an old movie.

Dr. Oqi pointed to the crowd in the distance and said, It's not just me. Look.

Zatanna looked at it and said in surprise: The Greek with the golden crown is Felix Faust, right? I heard that he is five hundred years old this year.

Ah, that woman's skin is light blue, and there are bloody flame patterns. Could it be the legendary Vampire Queen Mary?

They are nothing. Dr. Oz raised his chin, Look at the man in the brown trench coat over there, Sid, the mutant who just came to Earth recently.

An alien whose own ability is barely even that of a magic apprentice.

But his windbreaker is a genuine spiritual magic weapon, which stores all the magic power and wisdom of a spiritual mage.

Therefore, he is equivalent to a god.

Same as Dr. Fate? Zatanna asked in surprise.

As soon as he finished speaking, a man wearing a golden toilet helmet appeared in front of several people.

Hello, Dr. Destiny! Several great masters were surprised and immediately saluted respectfully.

Dr. Fate's attire is somewhat nondescript. He wears a classical helmet and a golden white cape, but underneath he wears a modern suit and leather suit.

Hi everyone, no need to be so polite.

The solemnity of several great masters made Dr. Destiny slightly at a loss.

He also wanted to scratch the back of his head, but his head was wearing a helmet

You can call me Kent. I'm Kent Nelson, a doctor who just became Doctor Fate not long ago.

Dr. Destiny, the Lord God of Order, has such an easy-going attitude, and the expressions of several mages are more natural.

(ps: In this 'Indian Mountain Sacrifice Incident', Lucifer was definitely deceived by Harley. So, was God deceived?

I will tell you the answer directly here. There is no answer.

Whatever you think is fine.

It can be considered that God was deceived, because Harley did defraud a large amount of heavenly power from Him, and even Lucifer's origin, strictly speaking, belongs to God.

At the same time, we can also continue to retain the setting of God is omniscient and omnipotent and believe that God stands on a higher level and uses Harley's hand to achieve his own goals, and some of his origins are insignificant to the perfect God.

As for what purpose God will achieve, everyone will see it tomorrow.

Either answer is fine, because I don't know the answer either.

In addition, the complete God is not my second guess. The God in DC is like a piece of pizza, with his power dispersed into countless pieces. The single piece God is not invincible, but the complete God is the ceiling of DC's power. )

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