I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 206 The forbidden power, the flames of hell and the feathers of angels

What was close to heaven at this time was just a wisp of Harley's spirit, not her soul and body, so Andy didn't follow him.

Harley even doubted whether he could follow.

But regardless of whether Andy can follow him to heaven or not, Harley will not stay in this state forever.

Back in the present world, Andy's hideous appearance as a hanged man had to hang in front of her every day.

Under her strong request, Andy finally stopped holding her feet for warmth, but once she fell asleep, Andy would squat on the other end of the bed, hanging his tongue and staring at her with dead eyes.

Sometimes when she wakes up at night, she opens her eyes in a daze, and is suddenly confronted by him. Even with Harley's strong spirit, it would be terrifying.

Therefore, she is eager to solve this problem.

But Andy represents the final step in death-bed transformation—the birth of magic from one’s own blood.

Confining her thoughts can make the souls missed by uncontrollable distracting thoughts disappear; changing her bloodline from a Muggle to a transcendent can cut off the blood bond between her and Andy.

This is the rule of deathbed transformation.

She couldn't get rid of Andy until she completed the last step.

However, there are no unsolvable problems in this world, as long as you find the right way.

I won't open a back door for anyone, and I can't do it. Zaulie refused righteously.

Where's the prison?

What nonsense are you talking about? The place where prisoners are held in heaven is not hell? Zaulie said angrily.

Well, it seems true. Harley was stunned and said helplessly, Then do you have any way to solve this problem?


Just as he was about to blurt out his denial, Zaulie shut up halfway.

His identity as the Archangel of the City of Silver did not allow him to lie.

Seeing his obviously hesitant and troubled expression, Harley reminded: You still owe me a favor! St. Peter's buckler, remember?

Zaulie nodded slightly and frowned: You want him to leave you forever, right?


Exactly what happened, please tell me in detail. Zaulie said.

Harley told all about her transformation at the end of her life and her desire not to be bound by any mark.

There is no need to hide it, all mages do not want to be restrained.

There's no way to hide it. She deliberately stuck at the last step and didn't break through. Many great mages could see that, let alone the Voice of Heaven?

As long as Tian Zhi Sheng knew something, there was no need to hide it from Zaulie.

Well, why don't you accept the power of heaven? Zaulie asked.

How can I work as an undercover agent in hell when I have the holy power of heaven? Besides, I can't become a saint, and the road to heaven has no future. Harley said calmly.

Zaulie did not criticize her for having negative thoughts.

Heaven has never had high requirements for its warriors.

If I understand correctly, you just want Andy Quinn's ghost to leave, rather than completely avoiding his deathbed transformation, right? Zaulie said slowly.

That's right, as long as he stops bothering me, it doesn't matter if he is sent to hell or wiped out directly. Harley said without conscience.

I will not kill any soul, Zauliel said in disgust.

If possible, I would also like him to go to heaven, but I can't do it! Harley said helplessly.

Besides, don't ordinary souls who are neither kind nor evil enter Limbo and slowly die away? Just like fallen leaves returning to the earth. She added.

Zauliel's left wing, like an arm, was bent in front of him. He plucked a palm-long feather with his right hand, handed it to Harry and said, This is an angel feather. Do you know how to use it?

Harry took the feather, which was as light as nothing and emitted a faint holy white light, and shook his head gently, What can it do?

Zhaulie said with a cautious expression: Archangel's Feather has a very taboo function. Burn it and its ashes can bond any physical or non-physical thing.

For example, if you use hellfire to light the angel feathers against your father's undead soul, and blow the ashes to another living person, or even a spirit body, he can merge with it and dominate his consciousness.

As an archangel, this feather can even allow you to capture a god and allow your father to seize its body and divinity.

This fusion is the power of rules, and no one can cut it off or resist it except God.

It's really taboo.

Harley looked at the angel feathers and her expression changed several times.

You must promise me not to take action against any living person. Zaulie said seriously.

Harley said seriously: Of course, I will not trap you in injustice.

——At least I won’t offend you for Andy.

She cheated Boss Zha today, how could she ask him for help tomorrow?

Not worth it for Andy.

Zaulie's expression softened a little, In my opinion, it's best to send Andy Quinn back to hell.

Integrated into the land of hell, Andy will never be redeemed.

It's hard enough to stab the boss!

Harley responded vaguely and ended the call.

Before leaving, Zhaulie repeatedly emphasized that he only owed her one favor, and he had already paid it off with a feather.

Returning to consciousness, Harry lowered his head and found a snow-white feather in his hand, but at this time it was not much different from an ordinary goose feather.

Except for being more pure white, there is no divine brilliance.

Glancing at the hanging ghost Andy two steps away, Harley sighed and put away her feathers first.

Then she sat in the meditation room in a daze.

Should we continue planning the Court of Owls?

This used to not be a problem.

It's just a mortal organization, a walking experience pack, what can they do to her?


Just one message, more than 7 billion meritorious services, the meaning behind it is chilling.

But the Court of Owls was clearly targeting her, and in the United Hospital incident, she was the primary target. Old Kamai was not taken seriously by the court.

Compromising or giving in is tantamount to giving the initiative to the other party, and she cannot bear it.

So, there is only one way.

Anal, keep anal.

But you have to pay attention to strategy.

For example, borrowing strength, such as diverting trouble to the east, such as.

Harley's heart was pounding, and a terrible plan gradually took shape in her mind.

The next moment, she stopped her thoughts, all her thoughts were unified, her heart was as still as water, and there was no more distracting thoughts.

Walking to the outer garden with a calm expression, Harley found Ivy who was setting up a grape vine shed.

I heard that some people ate oranges without spitting out the seeds, but the seeds sprouted in their stomachs. Is there such a thing?

Ivy frowned and said, That person must be sick and have a problem with his digestive system.

Okay, let me tell you straight, how to monitor Daniel Truman at all times without leaving any trace. Harley asked.

Are you sure it's him? Ivy lowered her head and asked.

Harry looked at the setting sun and said with a smile, Go dig three feet into his house tonight and you should be able to find a lot of evidence.

Ivy jumped off the ladder and said: It's best to ask Swamp Monster. It is very powerful and can even send messages through tobacco and start green plant transmission.

Tobacco? Is it a cigarette? Harley asked in surprise.

If you don't believe it, we can try it.

Harry asked his younger brother to bring him a box of Marlboros, holding a cigarette between his fingers. On the surface of the experience jar of Sea Knowledge Food Defense expertise, the sigil Walking in the Trees flashed a faint green light.

Swamp Thing, Alec Holland! she whispered.

A green sprout broke through the white cigarette paper, and under Harley's astonished gaze, a small green man the size of a finger grew.

Although it is a little smaller, it still looks like a green monster.

Harley Quinn, what did you summon me for?


I don't believe you can crawl out of a cooked tobacco leaf.

Harley coughed twice and stated her request.

The other party believes in a supreme demon, so it must be secretive enough.

Which supreme demon? Swamp Monster asked doubtfully.

I don't know, but I guess it has something to do with owls, or looks like owls. Have you ever heard of a demon with a similar image?

Harley was taken to the ditch this time.

She would never have guessed that the true symbol of the Court of Owls is actually a bat!

But even if she did paint a picture of the devil behind the court, Swamp Thing wouldn't recognize it.

In the entire Light Multiverse, no one has ever seen the master of the Dark Multiverse.

Just like the beasts in the grasslands and forests, I have never seen the octopus monster in the deep sea.

It looks like an owl. Swamp Monster curled his lips, Probably a wild god from another dimension.

It's definitely not a wild god. Harley confirmed.

How could the news of meritorious deeds worth 7 billion be just Onokami?

You can arrest people directly and torture them to extract confessions. If you want to monitor through green plants, you have to do it 24 hours a day. The workload is too much. Swamp Monster said.

So, there are indeed seeds that cannot be digested by stomach acid and cannot be detected by the person involved?

Swamp Monster said: I am the plant god, and I can transform any seed into the effect you want through my divine power.

However, the other party cannot be a mage like you who can unify all thoughts.

A mage who can control every ray of his own spirit can naturally detect the mental fluctuations in his body that do not belong to him.

The heart is like a mirror, and one can see dust at a glance. Harley mused.

Then, she took out Daniel Truman's document, pointed to the photo, gave an address, and said: You should check it from a distance first to see if he has unified his thoughts.

Swamp Thing leaves, leaving a green tobacco leaf on the surface of the cigarette.

It wasn't until half past nine in the evening that the swamp monster emerged from the garden.

Big guy in salad form.

Done, it said.

What's done?

Harley was a little surprised when she saw the real thing coming, and then she became even more confused when she heard what it said.

Swamp Thing said: “When I went, he hadn’t come home yet.

I squatted on a tree on the street outside his house.

An hour ago, watching him drive past me.

He is an ordinary person with a strong soul but a slightly chaotic spirit.

Since I'm not even a mage, I went bold and demonized a seed on a strawberry while he and his wife were eating fruit salad.

Now, you can monitor their voices and locations at any time.

Harley was stunned and said: You are so efficient, I was going to put the seeds into his nostrils when I visited his house at night.

How long will that strawberry seed last?

If you want, it can be for a lifetime. If you don't want to monitor him anymore, Ivy can turn it into an ordinary spore again at any time, and then be digested and absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract.

As he spoke, Swamp Monster pointed at Ivy's eyebrows, and the green light flashed away.

Ivy was at a loss for a moment, then said happily: I found those two buds through the green of all things.

This. Harley said hesitantly: Truman's wife is of no value, but she is Adam Parker's eldest son. Chris Parker is very suspicious. Can it be replaced by him?

This is simple. Swamp Monster nodded first, then looked at her with stern eyes and said, Actually, if you don't come to me today, I will come to you in a few days to ask you for a favor.

What do you want me to do? Harley asked curiously.

The giant ferocious beast is about to wake up. I hope you will cover the wizard group on behalf of the Parliament of Life.

Harley's expression became very strange.

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