I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 2014 Papetua’s Past

Hahahaha, the way of destruction and the incarnation of destruction are just lies to sacrifice everyone to the one and only husband. Luther, today we are you tomorrow, we will wait for you~~~

The one who persisted the longest turned out to be Sinestro.

Even though he is an alien, Sinestro is still the greatest Green Lantern in history from the alien world, possessing willpower second only to Hal Jordan, the incarnation of will.

But he only lasted half a minute from beginning to end.

In other words, in just half a minute, the bustling Doomsday Fortress conference hall was empty.

Hundreds of main universe super villains plus recruited parallel universe villains were all stuffed into the Brainiac Gaming Chair.

There are six sleeping cabins under the chair. Villains with negative base power incarnation qualifications can enjoy a single room, while the other villains are crowded into a sleeping cabin loaded with artificial space technology.

The Black Manta of the main universe was captured early in the Earth Sinking Crisis. In order to gather the seven incarnations of negative basic power, Luther recruited another the strongest Black Bat in the multiverse just like he recruited Sinestro from another world. Manta Ray: Luther selected millions of Black Manta Rays from the parallel universe and let them kill each other. In the end, one remained and became the incarnation of the Tears of Death in the Legion of Destruction.

At this time, the Million Black Manta was also stuffed into the dormant cabin.

No matter how fiercely they struggled outside or how loudly they yelled, once they were pulled into the sleep cabin, they immediately fell into the deepest slumber.

Click, click. The glass covers of the six dormant cabins were closed one after another, leaving only a panicked Luther and an expressionless Pappetua in the room.

Mother-- Luther just called out, but was interrupted by Papetua's next action.

She raised her right hand, palm turned into a claw, and placed it on Luther's head.

Pam was five meters tall. At this time, Luther took the initiative to shrink his body to the same size as an ordinary person.

Pam's paw was placed on top of his head, like a small umbrella.

Stab la la, boom!!

The palm of Pam's palm seemed to open an energy waterfall. The golden energy, so strong that it formed actual lightning, flowed downwards and poured in from the top of Luther's head, causing distinct muscle lines to bulge on his body.

Ahhhh~~ Luther opened his mouth wide and let out a moan that was either too comfortable or painful, Destruction from above, too much, too powerful, this energy.

I feel it. This is the divine power of creation. There are seven kinds of divine power of creation, all of which are negative base powers.

They are not yet a single negative base force.

They are united together. They seem to have undergone some kind of qualitative change. I don't understand it, but they are really powerful.

I will definitely be able to fight Harley to the end of the omnipotent universe now! Luther clenched his fists and shouted to the sky.

There was no trace of sadness or confusion in the whistle, only high spirits and high morale.

There seemed to be a slight smile on Papetua's lips, Your feeling is correct, there are seven kinds of power coming out of them, each representing a negative base force.

Simply negative base power won't allow you to unleash the full power of the Apex Predator.

I also added a little bit of bonding power to them.

The power of connection is the best catalyst, which allows the seven basic forces to evolve into magnificent divine power that can create or destroy the world.

That is the divine power of creation.

Luther looked at his hands. He felt like he could tear open a parallel universe like a plastic bag.

The energy in my body continues to increase. The incarnations of the seven basic powers will continuously extract the energy of the multiverse to bless me? I can still be stronger!

He glanced at the Brainiac Gaming Chair with the corner of his eye, and felt a hint of guilt in his heart: They helped him, but at the moment he had no idea of ​​helping them avenge their grievances, he only hoped that they would never Sealed in the chair, he will always be his engine of creation power.

As soon as the guilt appeared, it disappeared faster than it arrived.

The smile on Papetua's face became more obvious, Now you understand where their greater position lies?

As combatants, together they are not enough to fight Superman alone.

As subordinates who help you start the year of villain, they are almost useless, and saying useless is not an insult to them.

But once they become negative basic force energy engines, you and I will have endless creation power.

Perfecting us is equivalent to creating a prosperous age of destruction. Now they are making full use of everything and have done a great job.

It's unbelievable, even there are tears of death. I thought that after Harley occupied the Tomb of the Gods, we would never see a trace of the tears of death without any owner. Luther said with emotion.

Hearing the Tomb of the Gods and hearing the name Harley, Papetua's expression instantly darkened.

The entire multiverse was created with seven basic energies. As long as the universe has not completely collapsed and dissipated, the basic energy can be extracted from it, but the efficiency will be much worse.

Now that we have the power of creation, what should we do next? Go to Harley for revenge? Luther was a little eager to try.

When he faced Harley before, he was in danger of death. He didn't want to die, so he didn't dare to risk his life to rescue Pam.

Now that he has the power of creation, he feels that he has reached the peak strength of a cutting-edge predator, and nothing can scare him anymore.

We will take three steps next. First, the battle between the concepts of destruction and justice is not over yet. You must continue to work hard.

Secondly, we have too few troops and need to recruit the top experts in the universe to form a real army of destruction.

Finally, you must always pay attention to the boundary of the main universe. The first impact from the omnipotent universe will come soon. Papetua said seriously.

Luther was shocked again and again, Mother, you have regained your freedom. We still have the Divine Power Engine of Creation. Do we still need to continue to lead the world into the Year of the Villain?

And the Legion of Destruction, you just

He swallowed and asked in confusion: Isn't it enough to have the two of us? Who do you plan to recruit?

Pam glanced down at him and said coldly: Long before the war of ideas started, I warned you that my purpose is not only to negative the basic power of the 'Year of the Villain'.

I want more faith in all sentient beings.

All the creation power in my body was taken away by the Eagle Judge and used to reshape the multiverse.

It’s not that I regained my freedom, those creative powers naturally returned.

How many beings in the universe have converted to the path of destruction and surrendered to me, how many divine powers of creation are under my control.

Only when the whole world enters the Year of Destruction can I regain my former strength.

Must every parallel universe enter the Year of the Villain? You said before that as long as the war of ideas is won, it is enough for more than half of all sentient beings to be prone to destruction. Luthor had a trace of sadness on his face.

More than half of the life in the universe is prone to destruction, which is not the same concept as every world entering the Year of the Villain.

Assume that DC has only two universes with equal weights. 60% of the people in universe A lead to destruction, and universe A enters the year of the villain.

Due to the rules of dynamic balance between good and evil in DC, Universe B has half of the people inclined to justice and half to destruction.

And because it is a dynamic balance rather than absolute equality, assuming that a 10% fluctuation is allowed, and taking into account the reality that justice thrives and destruction is suppressed, 55% of universes B are inclined to justice and 45% are inclined to destruction. The weights of the two universes AB are equal. , at this time, only one world has entered the Year of the Villain, but more than half of all life in the universe is on the verge of destruction.

If every world enters the Year of the Villain, half of all life must be prone to destruction; just because half of all life is prone to destruction, it does not mean that every world has entered the Year of the Villain.

Now even if you don’t consider the main universe, which has always been stable and extremely weighted.

Those node universes that are still persisting have basically eliminated the influence of the Legion of Destruction, and it is difficult for Luther to contaminate them through indirect means.

The world that failed to completely suppress the Legion of Destruction had already fallen.

The Justice League has already suppressed the Legion of Destruction. If they continue to use conspiracy and tricks, the efficiency will be very low. The only way he can go is to personally kill the Justice League and violently defeat the Justice League.

Papetua said: Even if all universes enter the Year of the Villain, it is not enough. The Year of the Villain only means that the way of destruction has the upper hand.

A ratio of 51% is considered an advantage, and a ratio of 100% is also considered an advantage.

I want all sentient beings in the universe to surrender to me 100%.

Luther frowned, feeling even heavier.

Pam's request is more exaggerated than the entire universe entering the Year of the Villain.

Almost impossible to achieve.

He said cautiously: There are always some people in the world who do not know how to advance or retreat, and insist on refusing to surrender to you.

Not even I can tell them apart as long as they don't take the initiative to stand up against destruction, against you.

I don't care how difficult the problem is or how troublesome the process is, I just want the answer. Papetua said firmly.

Luther was helpless and said tactfully: Mother, our first target should be Harley and the Justice League of the main universe, right?

Defeating them does not require 100% recovery of strength.

Perhaps regaining half of his strength would be enough to suppress Harley.

Without Harley, the Justice League has nothing to worry about.

Why do you think I ask all sentient beings in the universe to surrender to me? Don't I know that half of the sentient beings in the universe will be destroyed, and I can recover most of my strength?

There was irrepressible anger, hatred and unwillingness in Pam's voice.

Luther could feel that only a very small part of it was directed at him.

He somewhat understood: Pam had no confidence in suppressing Harley with only half of her power at its peak. Only when she regained 100% of her power would she have the confidence to face Harley directly.

After thinking about it, his heart became cold: even Papetua didn't dare to face Harry directly, then he

Before his heart became cold, he quickly comforted himself: Maybe he was worrying too much. Although the cutting-edge predator was created by Pam, the creation may not be able to defeat the creator!

For example, he cloned many monsters in the biological laboratory, and those monsters were each stronger than him.

The apex predator is the monster created by Pam.

Mother, don't forget, you still have me. Together, you and I are enough to defeat Harley. Luther reminded.

Pam glanced down at him, with a look of dissatisfaction in her eyes, Why don't you understand? How strong a cutting-edge predator is is determined by the energy in your body.

If you use garbage energy, you will be stronger than all garbage and become the 'King of Garbage'.

If you don't have enough energy, you may not be able to defeat the garbage.

The current situation is that the total amount of creation power is limited, and it is not even enough for me alone. What is the use of you and me joining forces?

It only makes sense for you and me to join forces when I'm full and have leftovers for you to eat.

Luther murmured: I know that there is only one complete creation power in the entire multiverse, but I thought that the two of us are like god kings lacking magic power now.

You are the God of Creation, and I am a cutting-edge predator, equivalent to the God of Creation who specializes in combat.

We already have the realm of the God who created the world, just like a god-king has the power of a god-king.

Even if the God King's magic power is insufficient, as long as the magic power in his body is enough to cast a God King-level magic, his strength will not diminish.

Well, it's a bit similar to the magic blue bar in the game characters.

Although we lack the power of creation, we can exert the combat power of the god of creation, but our battery life is limited at best.

Pam said calmly: The divine power of creation is not the blue bar of the game character, nor is it the divine power of the God King.

You should know the difference between divine power and origin.

Except for my mind and consciousness, my soul and body at this time are all cloned from you and Brainiac.

It’s not that I lack the origin, it’s that I don’t have the origin at all.

Losing his origin, the God-King will also become a mortal.

Now the divine power of creation is my origin. I have to get back my origin in order to restore my identity and power as the God of creation.

Luther was stunned, What about me? Do I have the origin of a predator?

What do you think? My body and soul are created by mortals, and the same is true for your body.

What realm are you and Brainiac at, and what level of body and soul can you create?

Without the blessing of the divine power of creation, even if you have activated the cutting-edge predator, you still only belong to mortal things.

I'm a little better than you.

My body and soul belong to mortal things, but my mind and will are truly transcendent.

I can now use my own creative power to warm my body and soul.

While adapting to my existing thinking and will, they are also transforming into a transcendent realm.

Your consciousness, soul, and body are all mortal things. Only by absorbing enough divine power of creation and completely activating the cutting-edge predator genes can you first transcend the body, then the body nourishes the soul, and the soul breeds the will to transcendence.

Now Luther completely understood.

Without the power of creation, he is nothing, and it is impossible to fight Harley to the omnipotent universe.

Only enough creation power can transform him into a truly cutting-edge predator.

But can he find enough creation power?

Although the Brainiac Gaming Chair is always moving toward him now. No, the negative base force engine does not directly deliver energy to his body.

The engine was directly connected to Pam, and Pam then gave him the second-hand creation power in her body.

Luther looked up and saw that Pam's claws on his head had been retracted and she no longer initiated him. The creation power in his body had long stopped growing.

He glanced at Brainiac's gaming chair again, which was still running and transmitting the divine power of creation to Pam.

Luther suddenly felt that he was a bit redundant to Pam.

He became nervous and felt a sense of crisis in his heart.

Pam glanced at him indifferently and said meaningfully: Do you know why I want to create cutting-edge predators? Billions of years ago, I have created millions of primitive humans.

Millions are just the beginning, they will take over the entire universe and become the only group.

Luther's heart moved, and he asked in surprise: You want to build an army of cutting-edge predators to deal with the Origin Judge, but they don't have the power of creation, how can they fight against the Transcendents?

Pam smiled coldly, Luthor, your vision and courage are not big enough! That's right, we only have one copy of the multiverse. Plus the Origin Judge's half, that's at most 1.5 copies of the divine power of creation.

But the multiverse is just a drop in the ocean of the omnipotent universe.

Surrounding our multiverse, there are countless worlds.

They are like ripe fruits, waiting for us to pick them.

Ah, you want to lead the cutting-edge predators to invade other multiverses and plunder the endless divine power of creation?! Luther exclaimed: Oh my god, mother, you are simply too powerful.

He was going to call her so crazy.

He thought that Pam's way of destruction was to transform the multiverse into a negative basic force universe.

Unexpectedly, transforming the negative basic force universe was just the beginning. Her real purpose was to spread destruction to the omnipotent universe.

No wonder you dare to fight against the Creation Clan. You are brave, resourceful and confident! With the power of our multiverse alone, we will never be able to defeat the Transcendent Organization. Just one judge can suppress everything.

But if you just treat our universe as the source of destruction, create countless cutting-edge predators, and invade the surrounding multiverse like a plague, your power will increase infinitely.

At that time, not to mention a single Eagle Judge, even all members of the Transcendence Organization will not be your opponent.

Pam sneered: If I don't have a complete set of perfect plans and just stay in the multiverse to promote the way of destruction, wouldn't I really become the 'stubborn fool' in the words of Witch Harley?

Alas, Harley laughs at you for being stupid, which just proves that she is very ignorant. Luther sighed: Even she, an outsider, can guess that there is a transcendent organization behind the Origin Judge, and you are from the 'Giant Hand' clan. !

You must know the true strength of the Giant Hand clan, and you also know the limits of your own power.

But you still violated the will of the giant hand clan.

What does it mean?

Explain that everything is in your plan.

Even if your Creator Son betrays you, you don't expect it.

The primitive human race you created does not have predator genes. They must wait for the birth of Martians countless years later, and then the Martians and Earthlings can awaken and become cutting-edge predators.

Not even the Inquisitor of Origin has discovered your plan.

You are so smart, you have manipulated the Origin Judge and the entire Transcendence clan into applause. Luthor's tone was very exciting, and his expression was very sincere.

Papetua said coldly: You don't have to flatter me without any bottom line. Marnou's betrayal was indeed beyond my expectation.

If he hadn't teamed up with Mobius (the Anti-Monitor King) and Alpheus (the Forger) to report me to the Eagle Judge, I would have directly created the cutting-edge Predator Legion and immediately led them to invade other multiverses. .

If it weren't for his betrayal, I would have become the 'Predator Queen' of the Almighty Universe and even destroyed the Giant Hand clan.

Well, I thought it was part of your plan to report you to the Monitor. Luther was a little embarrassed, and his overly excited mood cooled down.

Didn't you guard against the monitors at that time? It shouldn't be difficult to keep track of them with your ability, right? he asked.

Papetua sighed, I don't need to guard against them, they are my children and they will obey me without any disobedience.

If nothing else, they won’t think there’s anything unusual about my behavior until I lead the Predator Legion out of the multiverse.

What accident happened that year? Luther asked curiously.

Pam said: Marnuo left this world, wandered around the omnipotent universe, and saw other multiverses.

After seeing other multiverses, he discovered the anomalies in his own world.

In other worlds, after the God of Creation completes creation, he will devote all his power to the world and fall into eternal sleep, which is death.

Not only did I not die, I remained strong.

This is a characteristic of the negative base force universe.

He had doubts in his mind and eventually betrayed me.

If the negative basic force universe is so obviously different from other positive basic force multiverses, you should strictly monitor them and prevent them from running around!

Back then, the Origin Wall had not yet been built on the periphery of the universe, and you could walk out at any time. Luthor shouted.

Pam said calmly: I warned them, let them perform their duties, and never leave the multiverse.

They were obedient at first, and as countless years passed, they continued to manage the multiverse within their respective realms.

Then one day, Marnow suddenly left the multiverse.

At that time, I was creating the first primitive human race on the earth, the ancient gods of the planet, and was unaware of his actions.

Luther looked suspicious, Everything was fine for countless years before, but something went wrong just when you were about to create a cutting-edge predator. Isn't it too coincidental?

Pam was reported after the birth of the earth. While the entire solar system only has a lifespan of a few billion years, the universe has existed for more than 10 billion years.

In other words, Pam had spent at least billions of years stably in the DC multiverse before being reported.

Nothing happened for billions of years. As soon as Pam successfully created the primitive human race, he was immediately put on trial.

Pam didn't start out with the technology to create cutting-edge predators.

Before successfully creating the original human race, she experimented countless times and failed countless times.

The Ancient God of Earth was just the failure closest to success, and Earth was just one of countless testing sites.

Since the creation of the world, Pam has been living on the planet as a scientific research house. Many of the huge stone sculptures on the origin wall were her experiments.

Pam hesitated, Although I have seen the entire process of creation countless times, this is the first time I have created a multiverse and the first time I have three children. I don't think the children will betray their mother in any way. Now that I think about it, what happened back then It’s really too much of a coincidence.”

Even Wu Tan (Marnuo Wu) himself has never suspected that he has a backdoor left by the Creation Clan.

It wasn't until he told Harley the details of Marno's past that Harley realized something was wrong and became suspicious.

Even if Harley was suspicious, no evidence was found.

So Pam is a little confused to this day, thinking that she is really unlucky.

Does it mean that every time a multiverse is created, a creator god must be sacrificed?

Thinking of the vastness of the Omnipotent Universe, Luther had a look of shock and confusion on his face, The Omnipotent Universe has countless multiverses, and each multiverse has a God of Creation. The God of Creation is too worthless.

Pam looked up into the void, her eyes like rotating nebulae showing memories, and her face seemed to be filled with sadness, Maybe to the Giant Hand clan, the God of Creation is really worthless, I can't remember It’s so clear.”

Luther asked in confusion: Your memory was sealed by the Origin Judge?

Pam said: I remember being given the mission of creation by the Giant Hand Clan and bringing the divine power of creation to this land of creation. I remember the process, but I don't remember what happened before joining the Giant Hand Clan.

Luther was a little confused. I don't quite understand. Aren't you from the Giant Hand clan? What else happened before?

I was not born into the giant-hand clan. The process of joining the giant-hand clan is called 'ascension' (ps). Before my ascension, I might have been an ordinary life form born in a certain multiverse, just like you.

I transcended and ascended into the omnipotent universe.

Or maybe my world, like this multiverse, was harvested by the giant hand clan in the great crisis of destruction, and I am the last remaining person?

Pam shook her head slightly, I don't remember what happened before my ascension. Maybe I'm overthinking it, because I was born into the Giant Hand clan.

This is how the Creation Clan developed. Luther was horrified, and quickly asked: Did you see any other Transcendents during your time in the Giant Hand Clan? Did they become the Giant Hand Clan?

If I didn't encounter a similar situation, how could I think about this without memory? People can't imagine things beyond their knowledge, and the same goes for gods. Pam said.

Have you communicated with them? They also have no previous memories? Luther asked.

Pam pondered: I only participated in the creation training with them to learn how to create the world. I didn't communicate with them about other things. Maybe there was communication, but I forgot?

For a person who has lost part of his memory, the fact that something does not exist in the memory does not mean that it did not happen.

The Creation Training Course Luther's expression was a little distorted, The Giant Hand clan is so crazy that they harvested the transcendents from various multiverses to become the 'incubator' of the new multiverse, and even turned it into an assembly line industry.

Pam was unhappy and said indifferently: You don't have to worry about the affairs of the Giant Hand clan. Your task is to focus on the present.

Luther lowered his head and said sincerely: Mother, don't worry, I now understand your grand plan and our situation. I no longer have any confusion in my heart. My idea of ​​destruction has reached the highest level.

Pam nodded slightly and said, This heart-to-heart talk is to relieve your doubts.

I understand that building the Legion of Doom into an engine of creation gives you a lot of negative thoughts.

Luther, you are different from them, you are truly my favorite child.

No matter what happens in the future, no matter how much we achieve, you are only beneath me.

You can believe in me, but you should believe in yourself - no one can be better than you.

In the world of destruction, winner takes all, you are the big winner!

Mother. Luther looked moved and his eyes were red.

He wiped the salty liquid from the corner of his eyes and said in a muffled voice: Mother, let's go!

Leave the multiverse now. I am willing to be a pioneer and attack the city for you.

The origin wall has collapsed, and the Giant Hand clan must be alarmed. We must leave before they arrive.

There is Harley in this multiverse, and she is our big trouble, but it is impossible for every multiverse to have a 'Witch Harley'.

We pick the weak ones first, eat the weak ones first to improve ourselves, and finally lead thousands of perfect predators back home, leaving Harley shocked and the Justice League in despair.

I can't leave now. I haven't gotten back my creation power. We went to the multiverse next door to fight dogs. We will never come back. Pam said.

Luther looked in disbelief and shouted: Aren't all the creator gods of other multiverses dead?

The God of Creation is dead, and the strongest one is the God-King. Can a mere God-King make it impossible for us to go back?

Unless their God-King also has ‘Witch Harley’, but obviously Harley’s kind of weird omnipotent universe is also very rare.

There is only one Lex Luthor in the Omniverse, and there is only one Harley Quinn. I am very confident.

As long as he doesn't meet Harley, he is confident in facing anyone and any situation.

Stupid, isn't Dr. Manhattan a completely transcendent person? He entered our multiverse, what was the result? Pam shouted.

Dr. Manhattan. Luther's expression froze and he murmured: I almost forgot that there is also Dr. Manhattan. He is a transcendent and a watcher. He may very well become our enemy.

You don't have to worry about him anymore. He has escaped from the multiverse.

Luther was surprised: Dr. Manhattan escaped? Mother, are you sure?

Pam sneered: Just when I was adapting to my new body and new soul, that guy tried to use his connection power to repair the multiverse.

He plans to reboot the world in his own will.

It's a pity that he underestimated the Giant Hand clan too much and underestimated the God of Creation too much.

It does not take a transcendent person to create the world.

Creation requires creation wisdom and power.

Even the foreign creation gods cannot crack the creation key of the Giant Hand clan.

Is there a secret key to creation? Luther was very surprised.

Pam said calmly: Can your Luther mecha be used by others at will, or even change the owner?

Don't talk about mechas, even my mobile phone and laptop can only be used by me.

Luther had a thoughtful look on his face.

“Even mobile phone operating systems have underlying codes, and creating a multiverse is a more complex ‘process’ than mobile phone production, involving more high-end technologies.

The Giant Hand clan harvested the Transcendents and those left behind on a large scale, and held training classes to train them into Gods of Creation, all of which formed an assembly line operation.

Maybe the multiverse created by the Giant Hands also has its own brand trademark.

Dr. Manhattan is a wild detached person who has never gone to school—never attended a creation training class, never even entered a factory to drive screws—and has not participated in or watched the creation of other creation gods. No wonder he cannot resurrect the multiverse.

Why is he running away in a hurry? Even if his connection power cannot resurrect the world, he is a superhero. What kind of hero is he if he doesn't solve the crisis? he asked in confusion.

Superheroes are not fools. Even the 'Origin' of the multiverse wants to restrain him, trap him, and devour him. Isn't the attitude of the Giant Hand family towards him obvious yet? Even if he doesn't understand, I will tell him quietly. Pam said.

Uh, mother, what did you do?

I sent a message to him and asked him to form an alliance with me. Pam said.

He refused?

He is a coward, he doesn't dare to resist, he just wants to escape from the dispute. Pam said sarcastically.

Luther thought for a while and asked: Apart from mother, are there any other creation gods who have betrayed the Giant Hand clan? Maybe we can find allies to divert the Giant Hand clan's attention.

Pam said calmly: Peace is only a short moment in a certain domain, war and destruction are the eternal themes of the Almighty Universe.

The creator god of the Giant Hand clan has seen countless wars and destructions, and either actively or reluctantly chooses sacrifice and dedication, exchanging his own death for the rebirth of a world.

This is true for most of the creation gods. I am very lonely and have never seen other rebels.

They also allowed me to watch countless wars and destructions. I chose to accept the truth of the world and face my own essence.

I don't want to die. I will kill anyone who asks me to sacrifice, even if the cost is to destroy the world.

No one is more important than my own life.

There is no thought or spirit that I desire more than the execution of my will.

Luther praised: You are right, the world is destined for destruction, why should we disobey nature?

After a pause, he said with a solemn expression: We can't find external allies, so we can only tap our potential internally.

But the super villains of the main universe are already the best troops.

You make them into divine engines, who will you find next to rebuild the Legion of Destruction?

They are not even gods, so what kind of quality troops are they? You need to re-recognize yourself. You are no longer the super villain Luther, you are a cutting-edge predator.

The person who can be your teammate must at least be the Supreme God King.

Pam turned her head and glanced out the window, I'll give you two choices, Superboy-Prime and Amozo.

You select other members based on the strength of these two people.

Superboy-Prime. I haven't heard from him for a long time. Where is he now? Luther asked.

He was hanging on the Origin Wall before. When the Origin Wall collapsed, he woke up quickly and didn't have much divine power in his body. He survived by luck.

As Pam said, she also inserted a coordinate into Luther's mind.

Luther rubbed his temples and asked again: Where's Yamo Zhuo? How did you know him? That guy only focused on studying the Thoughts Sutra, only stealing magic power and wisdom everywhere, rarely causing trouble, and almost no reputation. .”

He just did something big. Pammu sneered and told the story of the Essence Club.

The Judge of Origin actually has a backup plan, Luther said anxiously: Mother, who is the destined person? Let's get rid of him now!

I don't know, the person of destiny has not been exposed yet.

Let's kill those jerks from the Essence Club first! Luther said with a murderous look on his face: How dare you show off in front of us, even the Judge's Messenger. Where are they? I'll get rid of them now. them.

Where else can they be? Their identity and mission have been exposed, and they will definitely hide in the Zhenglian headquarters. Pam said angrily.

Can they hide for a lifetime? Put them on the death list first, and kill them when you find the opportunity.

Luther sneered and asked again: Mother, you just said that we have three tasks. In addition to the battle of ideas and rebuilding the Legion of Destruction, we also need to be vigilant about the 'first wave' of the Omniverse.

Who is the enemy? Have you discovered them?

The Giant Hand clan not only has the God of Creation and the Transcendent, they also have their own thugs, and the first wave of impact should come from them.

I don’t know where they are or their specific identities, but I know that if the Giant Hands want to deal with me, they must first destroy the multiverse.

This is why I am in no rush to leave the multiverse, I know we are safe at this time. Pam said.

Isn't the multiverse already torn apart and completely dead? Luther asked doubtfully.

It's not completely dead yet. The core of the multiverse is the main universe, and the core of the main universe is the earth. Is the earth dead?

Luther said with a strange expression: So the target of the giant hand clan's thugs is the main universe and the earth? Mother, we don't need to worry, hey, Harley will help us, she is absolutely trustworthy.

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