I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 2008 A world with thoughts and stories

Brother Morpheus was alone when he left, but he came back with a real family bucket.

Not only were all seven brothers and sisters present, but Mother Night and Father Time were also standing on opposite sides of the Endless Family. Well, not only were the two not standing together, they were also far apart.

Seeing this big family, Harry was inevitably a little excited considering his current state.

Obviously, if they refused, they would not come to see her. They came to see her together, which already showed their willingness to join the gang.

Big Daddy Time glanced at Mother Night, who was separated from him by the entire Endless family. When he saw that she had no intention of speaking, he cleared his throat and said: Harley Quinn, we should be loyal to the 'Origin', our Everything belongs to 'Origin'.

Even if the 'origin' determines the end of this world, we can face the final moment calmly and be happy that we can return to the 'origin'.

But we are also human beings with our own memories, thoughts and feelings.

If the multiverse dies naturally, we can only accompany all sentient beings to its end with blessings and compassion.

But this crisis of destruction is not a natural phenomenon. Papetua is not a natural disaster but a man-made disaster. The universe is facing unnatural death.

Our core responsibility is to maintain the stable operation of the basic laws of the universe, and the purpose of maintaining the normal operation of the basic laws is to protect the multiverse.

That is, it is our responsibility to protect the universe from unnatural death.

So after much consideration, we decided to partially agree with your ‘Ark Plan’.

Big Daddy Time, like Night Mom, is also a white man. Their family is an authentic white family. There is no white mother or black father, or there are a few black and Asian children among the white parents.

They are not politically correct, but they are very genetically correct. The clothing and appearance of the whole family are very similar.

The Big Daddy of the world looks like a middle-aged man in his forties or fifties. He is tall and has a thick beard. His face is closer to the fate of the dead ghost of the previous generation. He has a typical European and American face, which is similar to the Sandman's shoehorn. The faces are quite different. However, Sandman looks a bit like his mother, and Nightmare's face is also a bit longer.

What does partial consent mean? Harley glanced at the crowd of Endless Ones and asked, Could it be that some people choose to join the final escape plan, while some others object or are hesitant?

Can you please stop saying 'running away'? Running away is too ugly. 'Ark Project' is more appropriate. Yu Wang, who was neither male nor female, sometimes male and sometimes female, looked at Harley with eyes full of hope and said.

Harry felt very uncomfortable looking at him. His gaze was too naked, and his gaze was undisguised.

Big Daddy Time explained: “We all agree on your plan for the Ark, but we will not convert all our power into the laws of the Arkworld.

It's about half and half, half of the power stays in the multiverse waiting for the final fate of the world, and the other half is now thrown into the dimension of your stomach bag to cooperate with you in evolving the micro-universe.

Morpheus turned sideways, pointed at the relatives of the Endless Ones around him, and said: At this time, they represent half of the power, half of the soul, half of the will, and all of the memories and experiences.

As long as your body can bear it, let alone the earth, even if all the civilized planets in the universe are transferred to the Ark World, the basic laws will still operate normally.

At this time, Ye Ma finally spoke and said: The only thing we ask of you is to take away as many sentient beings in the universe as possible.

We agree that your Ark plan is not for yourself, let alone for you and the earth.

Harley nodded and said, I understand. I also want to take away as much civilization as possible in the universe. Even if I cannot take away the civilized planets, I will take away their stories.

Story? Night Mother's expression moved slightly, You mean the 'world story' that can completely restart all living beings in the universe?

Now the section of the mother river of time is under my control. If you can help me, I can create the timeline of all living beings in the mother river, the fate of all living beings in the river of destiny, and the book of dreams in dreams.

Harley's eyes swept over the faces of Big Daddy Time, Destiny and Morpheus, and finally landed on Night Mother. The realm of night has accumulated countless stories that have happened in the multiverse, and it should also be able to provide me with a piece of information that contains... The soil for stories about sentient beings, right?”

The Night Mother's expression became extremely serious, Harley Quinn, your thinking is fine and you have considered it very carefully, but you have ignored the significance of the story to the multiverse.

If you only take away all sentient beings in the universe, the Mother of Creation’s people may only invest three percent of their energy in you.

Of the three points of energy, two and a half are dedicated to you.

You will be an extremely precious 'property' to them, especially now that Dr. Manhattan has run away.

Before he runs away, maybe he is more precious than you.

I think this is why he ran away in a hurry.

Harley's cheek muscles twitched slightly and said, Honestly, I really hope they think so. If after I run away, they split up their forces and chase me, I will be even happier.

All the Endless Ones looked puzzled.

Harley laughed and said: When I first debuted, I could hold two big guns and fight hundreds of GCPD in bloody battles on the streets. Now I am confident that the past can happen again.

To encircle me, the large army must disperse. Once the team disperses, it will give me every opportunity to defeat it.

Haha, if I can defeat a Papetua, I can create an opportunity to fight alone on a local battlefield, and then kill a Creation God.

This idea of ​​yours is very dangerous. The Transcendents of the Creation Organization are not the GCPD. Night Mom said seriously.

I think Harley has such confidence and awareness, and dares to kill the Transcendence Organization as if it were the GCPD. It's so cool! Yu Wang gave Harley a wink.

Harry didn't look at it, but only faced Night Mom and said, There was a fight with hundreds of GCPD in the street, and I didn't initiate the provocation.

Before the shootout, I had been hiding my identity and volunteering in the community, trying my best to avoid being pursued by the GCPD.

But when it comes time to face conflicts head-on, I will not be timid at all and will definitely be confident.

Well, my caution was used to avoid fighting. When it came to fighting, I went forward bravely, treating the GCPD as a target and the Detached Organization as the GCPD.

Yuwang whistled, and Danfeng's eyes became more watery, Harry, I admire you more and more.

Night Mom also looked at Harry with a surprised and more solemn look, and said, It's not just pure luck that you are able to get to where you are today.

Harley smiled slightly and said: I am indeed very lucky. I don't think we need to run away at all. Well, I mean we don't need to implement the final Ark plan.

The power and story information you put in the stomach dimension can be taken back when the crisis is over.

As long as I don't die, even if the multiverse is destroyed, your consciousness in the Arkworld will remain intact.

Although you all have the awareness that the world will come to an end, if you can live, you definitely don't want to die in vain.

Transforming the Tao in my body is also a way to overcome the tribulation.

If the Endless refused to join the Ark project, and Papetua targeted them and killed them as expected, and finally Harley succeeded in saving the world and no one had to run away, wouldn't they die unjustly?

Incarnating the law in the dimension of her stomach bag, she can accept Harley's protection, which is also a kind of reward.

Night Mom said solemnly: I haven't finished what I just said. If you lead the sentient beings to escape, they may only devote 30% of their energy to hunting.

If you take away all the stories from the multiverse, the Creation family will definitely bite you.

Harley was stunned and asked, Is the story more important to them?

Stories are the core resource for the production of the multiverse. Night Mother said.

Harley asked in surprise: Are you sure? The Endless One has seen the Origin Judge, or received news from the Transcendent Clan?

She thought of Michael's reminder to her when talking about the destruction crisis after the magic debt crisis: after Papetua regained his freedom, don't rush over and shout to kill, observe more, and then find the way to win. The key factor. As long as you grasp the key factors, you will win if you lose. If you miss the key core, you will lose if you win.

The Maharaja also advised her to develop her power of conveying stories and said she was very lucky.

When Papetua escaped from trouble earlier, Harley didn't forget the Lord's advice, but she couldn't just stay aside and do nothing.

When Pam just shows up, she must attack with all her strength and kill her when she is at her weakest. Even if she fails, she can get familiar with the power of the transcendent and accumulate experience for future battles.

Harley would only be happier if she could solve the problem with one move.

Michael's suggestion was also to help her win. She could win with one move, so there was no need to make things too complicated.

As for the key factor to victory mentioned by the Maharaja, she thought it was related to delivering stories at the time. Today, I heard Nightma say that the core assets of DC harvested by the Transcendence Organization are stories.

Could it be that the winning factor that Michael asked her to observe and find was the story of the DC world?

Harry vaguely grasped something, but it seemed as if there was a layer of confusion behind it, so he couldn't see it clearly and couldn't really touch it.

The rise and fall of human dynasties, the joys and sorrows, the talents and beauties, the emperors and generals. All the stories will eventually be buried under the loess, and the stories of the multiverse will eventually sink underground.

The realm of night records all the stories in the multiverse.

In the end, the story fruit will be produced on the land of night, and will be harvested by peasants when the universe comes to an end. Knight's mother said with a complicated expression.

Omega Titan harvests entropy, knowledge, wonders and mysteries, which does not include stories. Harley said.

The Omega Titans harvest the energy of civilization, but they are by no means the only reapers, and the energy of civilization is not the only fruit that can be harvested in the universe. Night Mother said.

How do stories produce miraculous effects? Harvesting them by the transcendent should have great benefits. What are the benefits? Harley asked.

Night Mom shook her head and said: I only know that stories are a very precious fruit. I don't know what use it has for the transcendent, or how to use stories.

Harley smiled and said: Since stories are the fruits cherished by transcendent people, I can no longer let them be harvested.

The fruits of stories that record all our information can only belong to us.

Before, she only planned to copy a copy of the story information. Now if she wants to run away, she will completely take away the story. If she cannot take it away, she will destroy it. In short, the transcendent organization cannot be allowed to get the story of the DC multiverse.

Night Mom looked at her deeply and said, Then you must be prepared to face more intense conflicts.

Harley said: To be honest, my enlightenment is not to face a transcendent person, or some transcendent beings.

I was mentally prepared to be targeted by all members of the Papetua clan, and even to be brutally attacked.

You are so arrogant! Night Mom and Big Daddy Time said in unison.

The five Endlesss besides Morpheus and the second sister also looked at her with doubtful eyes.

Harley shook her head slightly, I'm not arrogant. Prepare for the worst, so that the worst result won't happen.

If all members of the Transcendence Clan are mobilized, will you really not despair? the short and ugly woman asked.

She is the sixth child of the Endless family and is desperate.

She had many wounds cut by sharp hooks all over her body. The new wounds covered the old scars that had not yet healed. She looked like a very desperate person.

I only make others despair.

Harley felt that she should be more honest. Frankness can enhance the other party's confidence. After all, they have decided to rely on her as a whole family. Even if they only rely on half of them, they are still a big family!

So she added: Actually, for me, there is not much difference between an enemy and a group of enemies.

If I can't defeat one person and a group of people join forces, my end will definitely be even worse.

But if I can avoid being at an obvious disadvantage in a duel, even if a group of people surround me, my situation will not be worse.

Because my way of practice is thick skin and anti-injury.

I have strong defense and a thick health bar, so I am not afraid of being drained. As long as the opponent can be drained to death, no one of them can drain me.

It is definitely better for you to have this kind of awareness than to have unrealistic illusions in advance and then fall into panic when faced with an unexpected crisis. Big Daddy Time nodded, turned to Mother of Night and said: Let's get started.

The Night Mother looked at Harley.

Harley said: I'm ready, come on.

The Night Mother's body disappeared, turned into darkness, and took the initiative to throw herself into Harley's face.

Harley sucked lightly, as if sucking the whole oily skin on the porridge into her mouth.

Next up is Master Time.

The time master's body turned into a silver river and flew into Harley's throat.

The dark night uses the ether as the ground to lay a solid foundation for the house; Harley clears the dimension of her stomach and creates an absolute nothingness, allowing the dark night to use it as the ground to lay a solid foundation for the next world.

Time is the father of all laws and the beginning of all things.

When Big Daddy Time outlines a silver river of time on the foundation and determines the place where time originates, mysterious basic laws will naturally derive here.

Harley naturally activates the God-King's creation power.

The power of creation contains all the laws for creating the world, but those laws are just a poor imitation of the basic laws, not new laws she has understood. The imitation is still very incomplete, just like a blind person touching an elephant, and what he gets is only a very one-sided part.

At this time, her creation power fell into the place where time originated, and began to automatically complete the basic laws.

It is not to help Harley realize the complete basic laws, but when the power of creation creates the world, the place of origin of small time helps to complete the basic laws of the world.

Destiny Daniel enters Harley's body for the third time, and the river of destiny follows the little time mother river and becomes the pillar of the new house, hanging high above the sixth dimension.

Well, the Ark World in the belly created by Harley at this time is not a four-dimensional material world, nor a five-dimensional magical plane, but a six-dimensional world equivalent to the multiverse.

The second sister of death is the fourth to be thrown into the craft world.

The second sister frames the laws of life and death.

The next moment, the energy ball of entropy hidden in the corner of Harry's stomach felt a pulling force.

Harley hides a lot of entropic energy in her belly. If she is at a disadvantage in a confrontation with the transcendent organization, she will spit out the entropic energy to create opportunities for herself to turn defeat into victory or trap the enemy and escape.

Before today, the energy of entropy had been suppressed by the defensive force field of entropy, as calm as a granite stone sinking to the bottom of a lake.

Now it has transformed from granite stone into a hatching egg, as if a pulse of life were born within it.

Harley's heart moved, and she allowed the energy of entropy to float up, forming a dark ocean at the end of the river of time created by Big Daddy Time.

The end of the River of Small Time is once again connected to the Ocean of Small Entropy.

In an instant, a pulsation of vitality and vitality was generated in Harley's body, and she had a tickling feeling that her body was about to sprout quickly.

Harley had a realization: I could create life.

It is a real life, and the soul is completely enlightened by her. She herself does not understand the principles of enlightening wisdom, but her will can control the laws of life and enlighten wisdom.

After gaining enlightenment, she also had an urge to create life in a new world right now.

As soon as this impulse was born, Harley's DC shield was triggered.

To be more precise, the white apple defense expertise was triggered - the world born in her belly was a world of positive basic power, so it was the white apple, not the black apple, that enlightened the soul's wisdom.

The level of Harley's White Apple Defense Specialty is very low, but relying on the connected defense network, the DC Shield can still easily suppress the urge to create life in her heart.

Just suppressing the impulse does not mean that she will lose her love and desire for life.

Defense expertise makes her more rational and calm.

Harley hesitated for a moment, and used the impulse to enlighten the soul's wisdom on herself: she sunk her thoughts into the Ark world she was creating, and let the power of enlightenment act on her thoughts.

Stop daydreaming. The power to enlighten wisdom comes from yourself. The upper limit of wisdom in life is the limit of your wisdom. You can't enlighten yourself by yourself, step on the left foot and the right foot and ascend to the sky in an infinite spiral. The second sister mocked her stomach with a smile. Dimension sounded.

Harley felt a little embarrassed, her face was a little red, but her tone remained normal, I feel like some kind of magical change is happening in my thoughts.

In the field of Newton's classical mechanics, stepping on the left foot with the right foot will definitely not lead to a spiral.

But in the realm of fantasy, Newton is nothing!

For example, I have been using the emotional phantom to absorb my messy and useless emotions. The emotional phantom thrives, and my mental power also thrives without internal consumption. In just a few years, my mental power has increased by at least 50%!

Isn't this the left foot stepping on the right foot? Won't he still spiral into the sky?

Harley really wasn't bragging.

Her emotional illusion can also absorb other people's emotions, but it can only transform other people's emotions into full energy that enhances mental vitality. Absorbing her own emotions can slowly increase her mental power.

Adults eat to absorb the energy needed for survival; children eat to grow and develop.

Others' emotional energy is like adult food, while your own emotional energy is child's food.

If Harley leads a colorful life and has rich emotions, her spirit will improve very quickly; if she is ascetic and hides in the mountains pretending to be a fairy who cannot eat the fireworks of the world, she will not have much emotional fluctuations, but her mental state will improve. slow.

The emotions you absorbed with the phantom should have escaped, but now they are recycled, which will certainly be beneficial.

However, the enlightenment of wisdom is an essential transformation, not an increase in quantity. Moreover, wisdom can only be enlightened once in life. When acquired wisdom matures, it cannot continue to improve. Second sister said.

I feel that it is very comfortable for thoughts to be immersed in the force field of enlightenment and wisdom, and it has the potential to transform. Harley insisted.

Regardless of whether there is a real improvement, as long as she feels comfortable, she will not lose money.

As you wish. The second sister fell silent.

The Endless One who was thrown into the stomach dimension is just the life incarnation of the basic law, and the basic law is the foundation.

The Endless Ones themselves are not as good as the basic laws. Now that the Origin has died and the universe has fallen apart, they are already very weak. They have allocated half of their power to keep the multiverse-level laws running in Arkworld, which has almost exhausted their CPU and has no energy left to fight. Harley rambled.

After the second sister is Morpheus, the third child.

After Morpheus entered the stomach bag dimension and transformed into Tao, the Arkworld had the concept of dreams.

From now on, Harley can sink her mind into the world of her stomach bag to dream, and her dreams will no longer be recorded in the dream kingdom of the DC multiverse.

Of course, the same goes for people who live in the stomach bag dimension.

The nine members of the Endless Family, except for Father Time and Mother Night, the other seven brothers and sisters are fate, death, dream, destruction, hope, despair, and delirium. They are all illusory concepts and very unmaterialistic.

If the seven of them are combined into one, they will become a complete person.

If you choose the basic law of five behaviors, the combination of metal, wood, water, fire and earth will form a complete world.

The DC multiverse is more like a person.

The stomach world created by all the nine endless beings is also very humanized.

It almost overlapped with Harley's body and didn't just exist in her belly or stomach pouch.

How do you feel now? Morpheus asked.

The nine Endless Ones put half of their power into the stomach dimension, and Morpheus left half of his power in the dream kingdom. Except for his face becoming paler and his expression more tired, there seemed to be no change.

I feel like even if I don't have thick skin, my body is as hard as the universe. It can kill someone if I bump into it. Harley said.

Morpheus frowned, I'm not asking about your physical condition.

If your body is not strong enough, you will not be able to withstand the basic laws we have evolved.

In fact, at this time we have raised the law to the limit we can achieve, but the world we created still fails to touch the limit that your body can bear.

Your physical defense is really frighteningly strong, and your condition is so good that it’s as if you don’t have a ‘big world’ inside your body.

But you are still staying inside the multiverse at this time. The multiverse is dead but not dead, the Endless One is still there, and the basic laws can still operate normally. Is there any rejection reaction with the world in your body?

Or have you yourself been rejected by the universe?

Harley smiled proudly and said, You have scratched my itch. Defense is my body's greatest strength.

After a pause, she continued: There is indeed a bit of incompatibility between the Arkworld and the multiverse, but it's not serious.

Although the Ark World is of a very high level and uses the Endless One as the basic law and positive basic force as the material, the power to create it is still the creation power given to me by the Origin.

The multiverse cannot exclude it.

But my own state is a bit weird. The Arkworld is not like a physical world, but more like an illusory ghost.

Now the ghost is no longer huddled up in a ball in the dimension of my stomach, but is possessing me and overlapping with my soul.

I don't quite understand. Morpheus said.

The dimension of the stomach bag was only connected to my body before and existed only in the stomach bag. Now the Ark World seems to exist in my soul. It is even like a set of armor or a living ghost, covering my soul.

Seeing that Morpheus was still full of doubts, Harley sighed and said: Actually, I don't know how to explain it.

The previous stomach bag dimension was just a material world, and the core basic laws were earth, water, wind, fire, and time and space.

The current stomach world is very non-material. Its core basic law is the great road of the incarnation of the Endless One. It is not the material earth, water, wind and fire, but elements closely related to human beings, so that it is like a living thing, as if it has its own Thoughts, emotions, and stories—”

At this point, Harley suddenly stopped, with a look of astonishment on her face.

Morpheus said meaningfully: Our multiverse is inherently alive, with stories, thoughts, and emotions. This is also the difference between the multiverse and the magical plane of creation.

While Harley was multitasking, cooperating with the Infinite to create the new world of the Stomach and holding a meeting with the heroes at Earth's Hall of Justice, there was also a small meeting going on at the bottom of Limbo near Taixu.

We can't wait any longer. The woman is out of trouble, and Harley has obtained the total body. The Essence Society must immediately dispatch to inform Harley and the Justice League of the order from the Origin Judge. Gunser, the little blue man, said solemnly.

The Heavenly Father drooped his head, with a look of decline and dejection on his face. Hearing this, he said angrily: Don't I want to take action? The entire Light God Clan has been eaten by Papetua. I can't wait to fight with her immediately, but now we don't even have the essence. Not all members have gathered.

People are not united, hearts are not united, and even a course of action that everyone agrees on has to be discussed to come up with a result.

Hera first glanced at the two companions, then glanced at the silent stranger beside her, and said: At least we can immediately reach a consensus on one thing - don't say any 'orders', the 'Origin Judge's orders' can scare people. The Justice League, which has never seen the world, will only make Witch Harley sneer and mock.

The little blue man didn't object and nodded slightly: It's not an order, it's the 'revelation' left by the judge of origin.

Then he said to Heavenly Father: Isaya, I know that the destruction of the New Protoss of Light makes you sad, but you should understand that the top priority now is the integration, which is the task assigned to us by the Lord Judge.

If we complete the task, it will be easy to restart the multiverse; if we delay business due to depression and sadness, let alone restarting, we ourselves will not be able to escape the punishment of the Origin Judge.

This time is different from the past, there is no way to restart. Heavenly Father shook his head bitterly, The power of the New God Clan has been drained, and the soul and story have been completely erased. Even if there is a New God Clan in the future, it will be a newly written story, familiar to me It doesn’t matter who you are.”

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