I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 2001 The Wall of Origin Collapses

This guy who rushed into his office with a gun and started shooting wildly, as if he wanted to completely destroy the company, is called 'Roxy.' Even though he is so crazy at this time, he is actually not a conventional villain.

He lived to be thirty-seven years old and had not even a single criminal record.

Previously, the impression he gave everyone was that he was modest, cautious, silent and polite. A few colleagues also thought he was a bit submissive.

His family situation is also very good. He has a house with an 80-square-meter small garden in the suburbs. It belongs to a mid-to-high-end community with a very good environment. He has a wife who is a teacher in a middle school and two beautiful daughters. He should live a very happy life. .

Now he explodes, surprising everyone who knows him.

Mercury Flash's metal face showed a bit of exhaustion and helplessness, And Roxy is not a special case. In Metropolis alone, there have been more than 5,000 incidents of company employees suddenly venting their emotions in the company.

Some people were shooting around with guns, and some people were smashing their desks wildly, beating their office computers crazily, and laughing maniacally.

Some workers blew up their own production workshop.

There are also many people who beat up their colleagues or superiors.

This was just an incident reported to the Metropolitan Police Department.

More people send insulting emails directly to their bosses, and then openly skip work or resign.

And the chaos in the workplace is just a relatively insignificant category in the great turmoil.

This morning, I personally uncovered a Du Ping manufacturing case. A middle school chemistry teacher named White who had kept to himself for half a century and was in his fifties suddenly started using school experimental equipment to create alien Du Pings.

Can you believe it? Teacher White actually said that his previous life was in vain and that he was a drug dealer.

Last night, a group of people at a bar on Main Street in Poughkeepsie spoke out about murdering their landlord.

Someone got mechanical locusts from a mysterious man and bit the landlord alive who had raised the rent five times in three years.

Someone got a mysterious prescription and prepared the medicine to poison the landlord who liked to spy on her bathing.

Some people directly received help from a mysterious person and used energy rays to burn their landlord into nothingness.

They were all very excited, because the way their landlord died at this time was something they had imagined in their minds but could not, or could not, implement.

The craziest ones are family cases.

A Yorkshire woman showed off to her colleagues that she no longer had to deal with her abusive, stupid husband after a mysterious man split him in two for her.

She didn't even mind making this matter public because she had not broken any laws. Even though she had wanted to get rid of that bastard husband completely, the mysterious man just fulfilled her wish.

And she was just one of countless people who murdered their significant other.

Mercury Flash sighed, All kinds of criminal incidents, and every incident is related to the mysterious person.

The mysterious man funded them with money, technological weapons, and even directly helped them kill people.

There are too many, countless, and society is in chaos.

From the very beginning, Iron Batman has been highly vigilant about the 'mysterious man's crime'.

We don't have much doubts, it must be Luther who is up to something.

He set up a ‘Wish Foundation’ to provide money and materials to help others fulfill their wishes.

Then why don't you arrest Luther immediately to prevent the situation from deteriorating further? Old Superman asked.

Old Batman sighed: It can't be stopped. If I'm not wrong, many cases sponsored by mysterious people do not have mysterious people at all, and no one sponsors or helps those who commit crimes.

Even if the incident was investigated and financed by Luther, Luther could not be found guilty. Luther did not provide weapons or equipment prohibited by law.

Mercury Flash nodded repeatedly, Yes, at first we thought all criminal activities were related to Luther, but Luther has been under our surveillance.

He has been doing scientific research in the newly purchased Lex Building.

He is very busy, busy producing more and more advanced weapons, electronic equipment, and medical supplies. He seems to be really preparing doomsday supplies for the world.

Although some of the things he produced were purchased for zero yuan and then used to commit crimes, such as mechanical locusts.

But Luthor himself had no direct contact with the wish-granter.

It is his artificial intelligence assistant 'Mercy' (mercy) who screens the letters for help and then helps them fulfill their wishes.

We also checked the wish list, which basically provided financial assistance, and all the wishes that were fulfilled were legal.

For example, Roxy, who shot up the office with a big gun, received a huge sum of US$20 million, and his wish is complete financial freedom.

It is not illegal to have financial freedom, and it is not illegal to donate money to others to let them have financial freedom. \

,"“Later we discovered that more than 80% of the ‘mysterious person sponsorships’ that appeared around the world were fake.

It's not that there are mysterious people who provide them with criminal capital, or directly help them kill people.

Cases actually related to the mysterious person account for only one-tenth or at least one-tenth of all cases. In many countries outside the United States, the number is less than 5%. More people use the name of the mysterious person to vent their sins. see.

They did not dare to do it before because of legal and moral constraints, fear of going to jail, or being criticized by society.

Now they don't have to be afraid.

Everything was done by mysterious people and had nothing to do with me. At most I had a similar wish, but it wouldn't be illegal to think about it - they would all say this.

Old Superman said anxiously: Don't keep staring at criminal incidents! Criminal incidents are only the result, blocking the source of the unrest is the key.

We are already monitoring Luther, he has never disappeared from our sight. Mercury Flash said.

No, even if all the turmoil comes from Luther, the source of the turmoil is not Luther, but the people's beliefs!

There is a big problem in everyone's thinking. Justice League, you Metal Team should stand up and use your own justice to inspire everyone and calm down the restless desires in society.

As long as we are as calm as water, Luther's 'Wish Plan' will automatically go bankrupt, and none of his tricks will succeed. Old Superman said with emotion.

When Mercury Flash heard this, his expression became even more depressed, and his tone was full of helplessness and self-blame, Although I just came to see you today, we started from the beginning. It should be Iron Bateman. Ever since I listened to Shoemaker Luther's Justice and Destruction As the truth was explained, his mind seemed to have opened up and he became a little different from us.

As soon as the wish plan appeared and before it was officially implemented, he looked grim and declared that there would be great turmoil in society next.

He made Gold Superman and Platinum Wonder Woman frequently appear on TV shows, telling the public about justice and hope through TV and the Internet, and about the terrible consequences of destruction.

Even the White House has been persuaded by Iron Batman, and the government has begun to strongly support us, but the people don't seem to buy it. After all, we are not as good as the Justice League, and not as good as you.

No, you are also the Justice League, there is no difference between you and us. Old Superman immediately comforted him.

Buzz buzz~~~ As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly heard the vibrating sound of the main universe in his ears.

The old Superman's expression changed and he said: You guys, wait a moment. The heroes of the main universe are coming. I'll bring them over.

After saying that, he flew out of the crystal tower.

Superman, something big has happened. The Year of the Villain has arrived.

Not only the heroes of the Zhenglian League came to the Heroes' Paradise this time, but there were also two creators, the Forger and the Monitor.

The expressions of the two creators were very serious.

What? Year of the Villain - Old Superman screamed and quickly reacted, You are mistaken, the Origin Wall is still fine. Well, the Origin Wall is in a very bad state, but the Origin Wall has not collapsed.

I'm not talking about the entire multiverse, but a certain parallel universe that has entered the age of villains. Dachao pointed at the two creators and said excitedly: Both the monitor and the master sensed that a parallel universe has fallen. It should be Earth-44 Universe.”

The Founder said solemnly: Earth-44 is only the first, but it is not the only universe to fall. There are many universes in the process of falling now, and it is not far away from completely entering the Year of the Villain.

And as a large number of parallel universes enter the Year of the Villain, the balance of victory begins to tilt toward destruction.

Which means, if we don't do something now to stop the world from continuing to fall, soon the Year of the Villain will truly be upon us.

It turns out that Earth-44 has really entered the Year of the Villain. Old Superman murmured with a pale face.

You already know that something happened in Universe 44? Diana was a little surprised.

The old Superman swallowed and said softly: The Mercury Flash from Universe 44 is reporting to us the situation on their side, and the situation is very bad.

Batman (Old Batman) in the Earth-51 universe speculates that Universe 44 is about to usher in the Year of the Villain, or that the Year of the Villain has already begun.

I thought he was worrying too much and we still had a chance to make changes, but I didn’t expect it.”

He sighed and asked, How do you know about the situation in Universe 44?

Dachao looked at the forger and said: The two creators joined forces to create a 'faith monitor'.

The Monitor is connected to both the Monitor Satellite in the Hypertemporal Stream and the Crisis Anvil of the World Forge.

The Monitor Satellite can monitor the reality of each parallel world, and the Crisis Anvil can determine the crisis status of each universe.

The belief monitor forged by combining the power of the two creations can accurately determine the proportion of justice and destruction beliefs in each parallel universe.

How accurate is it? What is the data of Universe 44 now? Old Superman asked.

Universe No. 44 is already red. Dachao said.

The red color refers to the year of crisis? Can the red color fade away? Old Superman asked again.

Dachao was about to speak when he suddenly saw many heroes around him looking at them nervously.

He whispered: The two Creators have arrived, and our expressions are so ugly, you may have guessed something.

Although we had no intention of hiding anything, we still wanted not to cause public panic before the results of the discussion were reached.

Old Superman nodded clearly and said, Let's go to the Tower of Justice.

He brought all the visitors from the main universe to the central crystal tower, but did not go to the top conference room.

Universe 44 has fallen, which is disappointing news for Mercury Flash.

It's best not to let him worry too much and blame himself before finding a solution.

Unfortunately, Universe 44 is a node universe, and its fall will have a great impact on the war of ideas; fortunately, Universe 44 is only a node universe and not the main universe, and the main universe is currently a bit frustratingly stable.

As the caster spoke, he stretched out his right hand, opened his palm, and a ball of light composed of countless blue dots appeared in his palm.

He tossed it gently, and the ball of light flew into the air, expanding thousands of times like an explosion. Each blue dot was as big as a water tank, and it was obviously a blue earth.

There are numbers and health bars on the blue earth. The blood bars will turn red after blood loss.

The caster also said: “You can think of these blue bars as the health gauge of the game character.

Through the blood tank, you can visually check the status of each parallel universe. When the blood bar is cleared, the world will fall.

He stretched out his hand to wave the blue sphere floating around and found Earth-44. At this time, it had emptied its health bar, and the blue color disappeared, becoming a red ball that kept flashing scarlet light.

People around could clearly see that the flashing red light of Earth 44 was spreading outward, and the red light projected in all directions caused the surrounding blue Earth to begin to turn red.

But Earth-0 in the center is like a small blue sun. Every time Earth 44 starts to flash red, it also flashes blue.

The red light dyed the surrounding basketballs a little red, and the blue light immediately eliminated the mottled light red on them.

As long as the main universe does not fall, we still have hope, and there is a possibility that Universe 44 will return to blue. Of course, I don't have any hope for this.

When justice flourished and destruction was suppressed before, they were unable to prevent the spread of destruction.

Now that destruction has replaced justice as the mainstream belief, they want to make a comeback. It cannot be said that it is completely impossible, but it is too difficult. It is better to spend more energy on protecting other universes.

The Forger pointed at more than a dozen node universes one by one with his hand, Look, they are all losing blood. Some of them have already emptied half of their health tanks. They are still losing blood and will become the second one in about a week. Universe 44.

Old Superman activated his super vision and super brain power, scanned the surrounding area, and watched hundreds of thousands of parallel universes in a few seconds.

He said in surprise: It seems that every universe loses blood, at least the blood bar will fluctuate slightly. Oh, the main universe is very stable, almost motionless.

The caster frowned and said, If you look carefully again, can you see clearly that only the 'blood strip' of the main universe remains motionless?

He also deliberately waved the holographic projection of the Ten Thousand Sky Instruments with his hands, allowing Old Superman to see a large area of ​​blue earth.

Dachao said in surprise: Not only do these parallel universes have the same health bars, but they also seem to have different colors.

Is it an illusion? I feel like they are purer, both in the breath and the azure color.

It feels more comfortable than the main universe.

The caster smiled proudly, and used the corner of his eye to scan the heroes of the Main Universe Alliance, and said: Your feeling is not wrong, they are indeed purer and more comfortable.

Because they have entered the 'New Era of Justice' that is opposed to the Year of the Villain.

Ah, you mean that we can not only stop the path of destruction, but also make the world evolve in a better direction? Old Superman just asked in surprise, and then quickly slapped his cheek.

I'm so confused. As long as we stick to the path of justice, the world will of course develop in a better direction. This is natural. He stared at a large area of ​​pure blue earth that even super vision and super intelligence could not count. , with a face full of joy and excitement, I didn't expect that absolute justice has become a mainstream belief in so many worlds. It's great.

I used to wonder why the Master said that the main universe is frustratingly stable.

Isn't it stable?

Now I understand that it is not good enough to just stay close to the balance point between justice and evil.

Seeing that the main cosmic hero on the opposite side looked unhappy, Old Superman quickly added: Don't get me wrong, I'm not criticizing you for not working hard.

In fact, I have witnessed everyone’s efforts.

The fall of Universe 44 cannot be blamed on Metallica, and the stability of the main universe cannot be blamed on the Justice League.

I'm just so pleasantly surprised and surprised that so many parallel universes have entered a new era of justice.

You don't need to be surprised, and don't be in a hurry to be surprised. These new worlds of justice are just the moon in the mirror. Diana glanced at the caster and said dullly: How surprised you are now, how scared you will be when you know the truth. , there will be more horrors in the future.”

The caster sneered: I know you are not convinced, and I don't want to say anything more, the facts have proven everything.

I am still willing to admit defeat and will strictly abide by the agreement and stick to your Path of Superman Hope.

I just feel it's a pity.

Superman works hard, and his message of hope is very touching, and even convinced me, but it has almost no positive effect on the world.

Bateman said solemnly: All other parallel universes are changing. Not only does the main universe remain unchanged, it also has the power to maintain the stability of the parallel universes in Wan Tian Yi and prevent the node universes that have entered the Year of the Villain from affecting nearby non-node parallel universes. How can you say that superhuman efforts are ineffective?”

You mean that Superman's efforts and the negative effects of the Legion of Destruction have been offset? But there is no Luther in the main universe, and there are no signs of activity among members of the Legion of Destruction, the Forger said.

Diana said: Although Luther and those bastard villains dare not come back, it does not mean that they have done nothing.

Like the parallel universe, incidents of mysterious people helping people realize their wishes began to appear on a large scale in the main universe during this period. You have seen it with your own eyes, haven't you?

Yes, I saw it with my own eyes. I saw you pretending to be powerful and using Harley Quinn's fame to crush 'Mysterious Man'. The caster glanced at her, with a touch of contempt in his eyes, You used the hope of Superman and justice convinced me, but used Harley Quinn’s methods to deal with the Legion of Destruction.”

Why are we pretending to be so powerful? Diana said angrily: Harley has been practicing in the cracks in the Origin Wall these years and has never returned to Earth.

“She has not returned to Earth, but her fame is enough to suppress everything.

After the mysterious man incident occurred, your Commander Ryan immediately stood up and gave a speech.

He didn't talk about a concept of justice or a way of hope. He said one thing from beginning to end: Harley, the God of War, is with us, and I believe that Harley, the God of War, is blessed; if you dare to hook up with loser Luther at this time, you are fighting with the loser Luther. God of War Harley is against him, you have to think about the consequences yourself.

Then the earth was full of seas and rivers, and the mysterious man became a complete joke.

Even if the negative basic force is unblocked one after another, even if the wave of fetal deaths spreads to the earth, the people on the earth will continue to live their normal lives like everyone is fine.

The caster was not only mocking, but he also had a lot of resentment in his heart. At the end of his speech, he couldn't help but raise his voice and said loudly: Is this the battle of ideas that you expect for justice to defeat evil and save faith?

Harley Quinn cannot represent absolute justice at all.

If we continue to rely on her to maintain stability, the path of destruction will win the final victory sooner or later.

I'm sorry, I let everyone down. Da Chao lowered his head and said dullly.

Bateman patted him on the shoulder and said solemnly: You didn't let anyone down, you did a good job.

Just relying on Harley's name will definitely not stabilize people's hearts.

There have been so many crises in the past, and as long as Harley doesn't show up, everyone will always be panicked.

This time, Harley didn't even know where she was. Not only were no one in panic, they were living as usual.


Because of your efforts together with us, the doubts and fears in the hearts of the people have been eliminated.

The people know who we are fighting for, and they understand that only by standing with us can we achieve real victory.

He turned his attention to the Forger and said seriously: Not only can you not deny Superman and us, even if Universe 44 has fallen, Metal Warriors cannot be blamed.

It is always easier to learn bad things than to learn well. It is definitely easier to let go of desires and do whatever you want than to temper your will and strengthen your righteous thoughts.

But the war of ideas is a protracted one, and winning the first battle does not mean winning the overall situation.

Even if the Year of the Villain does arrive, it does not mean that the battle over the concepts of justice and destruction has ended.

As long as we don't admit defeat, the battle will never end.

As long as we don't admit defeat, hope will always exist.

Whatever you say, but today's reality is getting worse and worse, nice words can't change this result. The caster said calmly.

Monitor Wu Tan said: Brothers, please don't forget the purpose of our trip. We want to solve problems and find answers to the problems we are currently encountering, rather than creating new internal conflicts.

Okay, tell me, there are 15 nodes in the universe that are losing blood rapidly. Within a week, the health bar will be emptied and the universe will be completely corrupted. What should we do? The caster crossed his arms and said with a stern expression.

Bateman asked: Superman, what do you want to do now? Don't have too much psychological burden. We all believe in you, and you must also believe in yourself.

Dachao hesitated for a moment and said: We must be more honest, honest with ourselves and with the people.

Confess what?

Be honest about your worries and even your fears about the current situation. Da Chao said.

What? What nonsense are you talking about, fear? The Forger began to get excited again, Even you are afraid, and other superheroes have to be even more miserable. How can the public rely on a group of you who are devastated?

But I am indeed worried and afraid of a bad situation. This is a fact. Dachao looked at the caster and said seriously: Do you still remember how I crossed the Ruins Sea?

It’s not like I didn’t experience confusion, despair and fear at that time.

It was my companion who superimposed the light of hope and belief on me, dispelling the confusion, despair and fear in my heart, and allowing me to gain unlimited strength.

I am a human being, not some ‘God on Earth’, and I need everyone’s support.

Same goes for superheroes.

When a person appears to be invincible and invincible, others will only worship him and fear him, but will not provide him with all their strength.

Only when we expose our fears to the people and let them understand that we need their help to win the final victory will they take ownership of the situation.

Relying on the hope and faith of all living beings, we can pass through many desperate situations and step into the final light.

Old Superman praised: Superman, you are right! Luther inspired the most primitive and cruel desires in people's hearts, but there is more than cruelty and evil in human nature.

There is also a glorious and righteous side to human nature.

The battle of ideas is to inspire people's righteous side and lead people closer to justice.

The battle of ideas cannot be won by just shouting a few slogans or expounding on justice on a large scale.

It doesn't matter what you say, what matters is getting them involved and letting them become warriors for justice!

The monitor had a thoughtful look on his face and said to the caster: Superman is right, there are only so many heroes in the Justice League, but there are hundreds of 'mysterious man incidents' happening in society every day.

Relying on the hero alone, he was too busy to take care of everything, and he was even led by Luthor.

Eventually exhausted and accomplishing nothing.

If we can mobilize the people and let the Legion of Destruction sink into the vast ocean of the people, it will be easier and more feasible for the hero to just be the leader and lead the people to fight against destruction.

Human nature has a dark and depraved side, as well as a beautiful and righteous side, I admit that. But when human beings face a crisis, they are often the first to show their selfish and dark side. The caster shook his head, I am not optimistic about Superman's plan.

I regret it very much now. I should never have given up on my plan to destroy the world and save the world.

In other words, I shouldn't have made a bet with Superman in the presence of Harley Quinn. She was too cunning and secretly helped him cheat.

Brother, you have to admit that no one is better at fighting evil than the Justice League. Even Harley has the self-knowledge to hand over the stage to them, why do you have to show off? Wu Tan sighed.

The old Superman glanced at the two creators, then turned to look at the heroes of the Alliance, Since you know the situation of Universe 44 through the 'Belief Monitor' for the first time, you must have asked Harley. What suggestions does she have?

Diana nodded and said: Hal went to see her. Harley asked us to find a permanent solution ourselves, but she only provided a temporary solution that only targeted the mysterious person's wishes.

The biggest feature of the mysterious man incident is mystery.

Mystery provides a veil of darkness that obscures the shame one should feel in exposing one's dark desires.

Like a lot of sin happens at night.

To directly eliminate its 'mysterious' properties, Luther would have to use other tricks.

Destroying the mystery is easy to say, but how to do it specifically? I mean it must be effective in a short time. Many worlds can't wait. Old Superman said.

Diana said strangely: Harry said that this task can be given to Louise.

Louise is now a famous person in the heavens and the universe.

As long as you help her become a 'Multiple Name' so that she can live broadcast the mysterious man's incident to the parallel universe, the mysterious man's incident will soon become no longer mysterious.

Well, our universe's Lois is great at demystifying the mysterious properties of mysteries.

For example, Darkseid’s harem affair.

Through a series of programs, Louise pulled down the underwear of the dark master and all mysteries disappeared.

We had spoken to Louise before coming over.

She was very happy and said that she would carefully create a giant series that would tell the story of Papetua's evil nature from the beginning of creation.

Caster and Watcher also agreed to be special guests on her series.

When she reveals the truth about Papetua to the sentient beings of the multiverse, I believe all sane people will be on our side.

Moreover, we don’t have to worry about over-promoting Papetua’s news to provide her with strength. We will not reveal her real name. ‘Giant’ will always be her code name.

Even if it is not his own Lois, the old Superman's expression is a little distorted. Although his old Lois is not as majestic as the Multiple Names, it seems that the momentum and courage are not weaker than the main universe's Lois!

Maybe his wife just needs a chance?

With the help of old Superman, Hero Paradise held another superhero conference.

At this meeting, the Justice League of the Main Universe not only elaborated on the theory of the People's Mass Line, but also established a set of real-time information and crisis management agencies.

No matter which parallel universe, no matter what emergency occurs, the Justice Headquarters must be notified immediately.

The Justice Headquarters is divided into two parts, one is the Dome and the other is the Heroes' Paradise.

Heroes Paradise is responsible for collecting information and making decisions; the heroes on the Dome accept the leadership of Heroes Paradise and immediately support the corresponding world after receiving orders.

Louise also got her wish to become a diverse celebrity.

She boarded the Qiongji and broadcast the news live to the countless parallel universes in the Wan Tian Yi through the blood domain mothership broadcast.

Earth's heroes in the parallel world are responsible for converting the signal from the Dome into a local television or network signal.

In this way, all ordinary people in the multiverse know Multiple Name Louise.

Half a month later, the fortress of doom.

Luthor, you failed. Pana's tone was a little cold.

Luther frowned and said, Mother, it's not considered a failure, right? Of the 52 node universes, 20 universes have fallen.

Counting other parallel universes outside of the Node, there are even more worlds ushering in the Year of the Villain.

More than five thousand!

The calculator cautiously raised his head and glanced at Pam, with a flattering smile on his face, With the current progress, it won't be long before you can absorb enough years of villainy, right?

By then you will have completely broken free from the seal, and as long as you leave a shadow in the stubbornly stubborn world, all living beings in the universe will immediately bow to your feet.

Pam didn't even look at him, she just said to Luther: You promised me back then that within a month at most, the entire multiverse would enter the Year of the Villain.

You should know very well that I want more than just the negative base power of Year of the Villain.

I also want the faith of all sentient beings.

Only if they lead to complete destruction can I regain the creation power that once belonged to me and is integrated into the multiverse.

Mother, is the creation divine power you are talking about negative base power? Leopard Girl said with a low eyebrow: Many people in the Legion of Destruction are the incarnation of negative base power, such as me, I am the incarnation of the wind of nothingness.

As long as I am here, you can absorb the endless wind of nothingness without the approval of ordinary people.

Pam glanced at her coldly and said indifferently: Negative basic power is also considered the divine power of creation, but the divine power of creation I am talking about is the connecting power that governs negative basic power.

Even if you maximize your negative base power, at your level, how can I expect you to rule the world and fight against the 'Giant Hand' clan?

You can count on us, as long as you help us all evolve into cutting-edge predators. Brainiac said.

Luther shouted: Stupid, the cutting-edge predator is just a machine and cannot be equal to the endless creation power.

What's the use of having only tanks and cannons without gasoline and artillery shells?

Even if we all become cutting-edge predators, without our mother providing us with the power of creation, we will still be unable to exert the true power of the ‘fighting creation god’.

Brainiac said displeased: Luthor, you have to understand one thing. You are the one who failed to complete your mother's task on time now, not us!

Luthor looked up at Pam and said: I admit that I underestimated the Justice League. I didn't expect that they would take the initiative to expose the misery to mortals, such as fear, confusion, and powerlessness. Superman could actually say such shameless and incompetent words.

What's even more ridiculous is that after Louise's splashy beautification packaging, mortals actually became active.

They also hold demonstrations with signs of 'Justice' and 'Hope' every day. Throughout the world, tens of millions of people march in support of the Justice League. But we don't need to worry. Ants are ants after all. They can only delay the age of villains. The time that comes cannot change the outcome.

Papetua gritted his teeth and said: I can slowly wait for the Year of the Villain to come, but I can't tolerate Lois Lane for another minute. You immediately find a way to kidnap her and torture her severely.

How dare a mere mortal dare to openly make irresponsible remarks to me, with such a joking tone and attitude!

When Luther heard this, he also became cautious and whispered: Mother, you don't have to be angry with a mortal. Lois Lane is not targeting you. She has done almost all series of special topics on the most powerful people.

Your son, the Monitor, the Counter-Monitor, the Forger, and even Darkseid, Black Death, and Hecate, as long as they show their faces in front of the world, have become her news material.

She didn't even let herself go. The mathematician said softly: I once hacked into the Daily Planet host and found that Louise had produced a PPT draft of 'Louis the Tyrant of Apokolips'.

Presumably when the crisis is over, she will come up with a series about Lois, the tyrant of Apokolips.

The tyrant of Apokolips is herself!

It's a great honor to be the protagonist of a series about Louise, the famous cosmic character! Dr. Neuro said sourly.

If Lois is willing to produce an episode of Dr. Psycho, he is willing to pay any price, even if he sacrifices himself to Lois or Superman, it doesn't matter.

Speaking of which, Louise has been really productive recently! She invites heroes from other worlds every day, conducts live broadcast analysis of the 'Mysterious Man Incident', ridicules and exposes Luthor and Luthor's plans, and also creates huge 'monsters' series', she doesn't miss any of the emergencies in the parallel universe, aren't you tired? Deathstroke whispered.

I don't think she's tired at all. On TV, she's red-faced and cheerful all day long, and she's a little too excited, said the metal man.

What are you muttering about? Pam looked down at the villains and shouted, I asked you to find a way to kill her, do you hear me?

Mother, we can't mess up at this time! Louise is staying on the Dome, surrounded by a group of supermen. We can't take her down even if we act together.

Even though I am an apex predator, Harley is not dead. She is waiting for us to show off her trap right now! Luthor advised.

Mother, please wait a little longer. We will work hard to spread the word of destruction and bring the Year of the Villain to a complete end as soon as possible. Brainiac also advised.

One month later, the fifth issue of the Giant Hand Series Special Topic by the diverse celebrity Louise is now being broadcast.

I can't help it anymore. You bunch of useless trash are still motionless in the main universe. Do you want me to wait until the end of time? Fake, I want to personally crush that splasher to death!

Pam looked up to the sky and screamed, and the origin wall turned into countless fragments with a BOOOOM sound.

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