I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 203 Bat Tribe, Truman, Prophet of Wisdom


Galavan turned around and saw that his sister had picked up the detonator and waved to him with a smile.

The crisis is over, she said.

Galavan looked at Jerome again. Although he was in a dying state, he was still smiling.

Ho ho ho

Tabitha, be careful, climb down!

Galavan's sense of crisis grew stronger and he shouted to his sister.


“Boom boom boom boom—BOOOOM!”

The pigeon bomb placed on the table was still pecking at the dinner plate. The explosion came from downstairs, or in other words, under the floor.

It was like a volcano erupting in the hall, with the floor shattering, flames shooting into the sky, guests wailing, and the TV signal cut off.

Ha, cough, cough, hahaha!

Galavan was also blown away by the shock wave. Jerome struggled to get up, laughing excitedly.

Well, the explosion avoided the stage area.

Although he was also affected, at least he didn't sit directly on the explosive bag.

Teacher Galavan, you disappoint me so much.

In the firelight that filled the sky, Jerome's figure as he climbed up was somewhat distorted.

Like dancing.

Now that I know that I guessed your plan, I actually still focused on the original script.

Hahaha, I have already written my own new plot!

This time, I am the screenwriter, director, and protagonist!

You madman, do you know what you have done?

Looking at the devastated hall with numerous casualties, Galavan was filled with regret.

Perhaps, this lunatic should not have been brought out in the first place!

Killing so many big guys at once, the consequences

“As Penguin said, before, I had no thoughts, no purpose, and really didn’t know what I was doing.

But now, I know.

I want to walk the path of a witch again, I want to tear Gotham apart!

I should thank you. Without your secret help, I would never have been able to transport the explosives into the hotel, hahaha.

Jerome laughed and rushed towards the prop box for the cutting a living man in half magic trick.

Pushing open the box, there was actually a channel as thick as a basin underneath. He waved to Galavan, who was struggling in the flames, and jumped in.

Then, a more violent explosion sounded.

The best fighting arena in the world.

In the charity banquet hall, after the reporter carrying the camera was killed, they changed channels.

Looking at the burning building on the screen, Ivy and Kitty were stunned.

With an inexplicable smile on her face, Harley clapped her hands gently, This Jerome does have his own tricks.

She was not disappointed!

At midnight, Ah Fu called and thanked me sincerely: Thank you for letting me and the young master pretend to be injured.

It was so miserable. Not even one out of ten of the guests was there. Almost every family on the Upper East Side was in ruins and everyone was bereaved.

If the young master is allowed to go, I'm afraid he will end up like them.

But if he refuses to negotiate with Jerome and cannot give a suitable reason, with so many people killed and injured now, I am afraid that Wayne will also be secretly hated by the families of the victims.

Has Bruce woke up? Is there any trouble? Harley asked.

Ah Fu smiled bitterly and said: What's the fuss about? He's not stupid.

Judging from the results, Jerome didn't even think about letting the guests leave.

He is a pure lunatic who makes no sense.

No matter whether the young master goes or not, the outcome will not change in any way.

Oh, there has been a change. Killing the sole heir to the Wayne Group, that pervert may have a greater sense of accomplishment.

What is he doing? Harley asked curiously.

He's staring at the ceiling in a daze, not saying a word, in a daze. How about you say a few words to him? Ah Fu asked expectantly.

He felt that the young master was not in a good state, so he called Harley.

Regardless of whether Harley agreed or not, he directly put the phone into Bruce's ear.

If I had gone to see Jerome, wouldn't I have been able to change the outcome? Bruce spoke first.

Yes, as long as you are smarter and more powerful than Jerome, and not only can you completely guess his thoughts, but also prevent him from guessing your abilities and ideas, you can defeat him. Harley said.

I can't do it now? Bruce muttered.

Think about it for yourself, what can you do besides being played by Jerome? Or, do you think you are the prince of Gotham, and he will be intimidated by you and not dare to kill? Harley joked.

Bruce was silent.

Instead of caring about others, it's better to protect yourself. Bruce, you are being watched, do you know? Harley said meaningfully.

What does it mean to be targeted by someone? Ah Fu asked anxiously from the side.

Theo Galavan survived the explosion.

These words were a bit meaningless, and the two people on the other side looked confused.

Bruce, soon he will find an excuse to get close to you. Remember my words, be on guard against him like a 'little bird'. Harley said with a faint smile.

The little bird is the owl.

What do you know? Bruce asked confused.

I just know that he is not a good person and wants to get something from you.

After ending Bruce's call, Harley looked slightly moved and sent a text message to Jim Gordon: Come quickly, there is something important.

He didn't come quickly, but he immediately called and asked why.

Xiao Lai's lung was punctured by a steel bar, and I'm guarding him in the hospital.

Dr. Leslie was a blessing in disguise. He was kicked to the corner of the stage by Jerome and held his breath without being directly hit by the bomb.

You can continue to watch during the day tomorrow. We have important matters tonight, so we can't delay them. Harry said solemnly.

Although Gordon was confused, he left his sleeping girlfriend and drove to the fighting arena.

Harry didn't waste any time and handed him the devil horns and a piece of paper with the spell printed on it.

Those powerful men and women who died tonight, regardless of age or sex, will all try it again.

Gordon was stunned for a while and said in surprise: You want me to use black magic to summon their undead? Why?

Find out who the owl is. Harley said.

Gordon thought for a while before reacting.

You want to confirm who is a member of the Court of Owls by whether their soul is in hell? But what if they go to heaven?

Harry said calmly: Select the person whose soul has disappeared, and then study his life story. You will know if he is a good person, or if he is a believer of another sect.

Gordon frowned and said, Are you sure that every member of the Court of Owls believes in mysterious gods?

The court is composed of Gotham's elite.

Social elites are not the same as Owl Talon.

The claws can be washed and brainwashed, but the elites have already established mature values ​​and beliefs.

If you can think of this, you're not too stupid. Harley smiled strangely, But, are members who don't even believe in the 'Owl God' considered core members?

Gordon nodded suddenly, but still didn't touch the devil's horn.

I don't know black magic,

It's very simple. Just insert the devil's horn into your mouth and recite the spell. Harley said.

I, I don't want to be a black magician. Gordon winced.

That's a nice thought. I'll give the devil horns back to me tomorrow, and you'll still be a Muggle.

Instead, it may have been soaked in the magic of hell, and then contaminated with some dirty things.

Gordon choked and asked, Why don't you go by yourself?

I am the godfather of Gotham, so of course I have to leave some trivial matters to my subordinates. Harley said casually.

I'm not your subordinate. Gordon said, grinning.

Then are you going? After tonight, the victim's family may take the body back.

Gordon looked hesitant.

He also wanted to find out the secrets of the court, but he was resistant to black magic.

Once it happens, it becomes familiar again. If you encounter cases like 'secret room murder' in the future, you can ask me to borrow the devil's horn.

Who knows, in a few years you will get a promotion and a raise, and become Gotham's top detective. Harley laughed.

Will there be any sequelae? He was moved.

It's not about promotion and salary increase, but about repeatedly solving strange cases and punishing evildoers.

Harley glanced sideways at Andy, the hanged man next to her, and said calmly: Look at me, aren't you okay?

Gordon leaves with the devil horns and the spell.

Before leaving, Harley also asked him to be careful of Galavan.

I suspect he is the mastermind behind this and is even planning to plot against Wayne.

Three o'clock in the morning, Washington, a single-family house in the western suburbs.

The phone suddenly rang in the bedroom, followed by a middle-aged woman's complaint.

The desk lamp was turned on, and Lieutenant Colonel Daniel Truman resisted his sleepiness and picked up the phone.

Daniel, your father is dead.

How did you die?

He woke up instantly, took the phone, and went to the more private study next to him.

Death at the hands of a madman. To know the details, watch the Gotham News tomorrow morning. Now, do you understand why I made this call?

I have prepared for this moment for thirty-five years. Truman said solemnly.

Very good, you can take care of the funeral in peace these days. We will find a way to transfer you back to Gotham and inherit your father's position and power in the court.

What's the approximate position? Truman asked hesitantly.

The state tax bureau, deputy director of the armed inspection department, has great power, but is not so visible.

Truman nodded with satisfaction and asked again: Do I need to take the initiative to contact the court, or should I let them find me?

Of course let them find you. The man's voice became stern for the first time, At this time, no one else in Gotham is a real owl except you.

The Court of Owls nests in other people's homes.

You, as our representative, nest in the courtroom.

I understand that I need to keep my identity secret. But, how can I influence their policies as an 'ordinary member'? Truman said.

With your prominent family and power, you gain the attention of your members; use your wisdom and skill to control them secretly.

Just like your great-grandfather did.

Pushing his followers to the throne of president was Thomas Wayne's greatest achievement and pride in his life.

He thought he had Gotham in the palm of his hand, and even controlled the United States and the world through your grandfather.

Indeed, many White House policies that affected the world situation at that time came from his secret instructions.

It's a pity that such a proud man never knows that he is the puppet on strings.

Thinking of his great-grandfather's achievements, Daniel Truman's blood immediately surged, and his chest was filled with pride and excitement.

Master Patriarch, don't worry, I will definitely live up to my mission! He said solemnly.

Haha, Daniel, I believe in the 'Wisdom Prophet Truman'. You are not a prophet yet, so go and seek the wisdom of your ancestors from Barbatos. The patriarch said meaningfully.

The wisdom of our ancestors Truman said with fiery eyes, Let's start now, okay?


After hanging up the phone, Truman's cheeks were already flushed with excitement.

I went to the kitchen and drank half a bottle of ice water before calming down.

Enter the basement and take out a pineapple-sized transparent crystal ball from the innermost box.

He sat cross-legged in the middle of the basement, holding the crystal ball up and down with his hands.

Great Lord of Darkness, Barbatos, I am a descendant of the Bat Tribe and the heir of the Truman family. Please grant me the wisdom of my ancestors!

A plume of black smoke reaches across the multiverse and into the pure crystal ball.

In the blink of an eye, the black smoke expanded into the phantom of the devil, a black western dragon that looked like a bat.

Lord of the Dark Multiverse, Barbatos!

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