I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1553 Seven Lanterns Conference

Outer space near the planet Nox.

Harley, who was less than two meters tall, stood opposite the orphan who was nearly two hundred meters tall.

Hal endured the irritability in his heart and watched the battle from the sidelines.

You have studied color light all your life and invented many instruments for color light? Harley asked.

That's right, you light craftsmen can't hurt me, but I can easily paralyze your instruments, the light rings, causing them to malfunction, and I can also absorb and transform the energy attacks you send out. Jieyi said.

Since you are so strong, why are you still afraid of the Seven Lanterns' siege?

I am strong, but I am also cautious. In order to save the universe, I cannot take any unnecessary risks. Xi Yi said solemnly.

Harley nodded and said: Okay, in order to express my respect for you as an 'internationalist warrior', I will give up other means and only use lust to deal with you.

Moreover, I can tell you in advance the means I am about to use.

I will manipulate the source of fear to activate the fear in your heart.

You have witnessed the great destruction of the universe and your compatriots, and you have great fear in your heart. This flaw is easy to exploit.

She is pretending to be B, but not entirely for the sake of pretending to be B.

Speak clearly first, so that when he activates his fear later and makes him howl in the destruction of the universe, he will not regret himself.

Emotional manipulation has no effect on me. You can't even break through my mental defense. You can tell by looking at my body shape. In your Lilliputian country, I am a god, and my soul is as powerful as my body. said the widow proudly.

I'm about to take action, please be careful.

Harley stopped talking nonsense and reminded her to activate the source of fear in her body.

She stood there without moving, but her eyes turned pure gold, and there were runes representing yellow lights under her eyes.

This rune is the symbol of the Yellow Lantern Corps, but even if there is no Yellow Lantern Corps, the Yellow Lantern Rune still exists, because it represents the law of fear and emotion and is the external manifestation of the power of the law.

Just like the Tai Chi diagram in the classical immortal world, the immortal first observed the evolution of yin and yang before drawing the Tai Chi symbol.

Ordinary yellow lantern demons must use their mental power to control the power of fear into the enemy's mind to stimulate the fear memory in the brain, thereby activating the opponent's fearful emotions.

This method can only be used against ordinary people who cannot resist.

Lanterns of other colors of light can dodge, or they can open the defensive cover to block the yellow light energy.

The most common method used by the Yellow Lantern Demon is to use the power of fear to transform common fear scenes such as flames and monsters.

To put it bluntly, it is to create a fear illusion to scare the other party. If the other party has a little bit of fear, that fear will be immediately amplified a thousand times, and then the yellow lantern demon will take advantage of it.

Harley was different from all the yellow lantern demons. She stood there and seemed to be doing nothing. She did not form a vast and terrifying illusion around her, nor did she try to spread the yellow lantern energy to the relic.

Even her golden eyes didn't look at her specifically.

She is sensing with her heart.

In an instant, her consciousness left the material world and came to a world of fear where only fear existed.

In front of her, there was a huge flame of fear. The flame was contained in a stove made of masonry. There were gaps in the stove, and the flames inside could be seen. The flames came out of the stove from time to time.

Further to her left, where Hal Jordan was, there was also a fire of fear. The fire was sealed by ice crystals and could only be seen, but no flame emerged.

Farther away from Harry, there was a large small fire, and the fire of fear was almost directly exposed, like a campfire camping.

Harry didn't pay attention to the other fires, and just blew lightly in front of them.


In the masonry stove, the flames grew in the wind, and clusters of flames rushed out of the stove.

As if gasoline had been poured on it, the flames rose seven or eight meters high, spreading in all directions, burning into a sea of ​​​​fire in the blink of an eye, and the masonry stove that controlled the flames disappeared.

Harry could see scenes jumping above the flames, and even heard bursts of miserable and desperate screams.

That is a memory that makes the orphans fearful.

Ah, no, my universe, my home planet, my people, don't -

This is not a voice from the Fire of Fear, but from the real world. The relic is holding Xiantao's head and howling in terror.

From Hal Jordan's perspective, the giant looked calm, with pieces of silver mirror appearing around him, protecting his body in the center. But suddenly his expression changed, and quickly twisted into an expression of extreme fear. His lips trembled a few times, and his eyes Frantic, the voice screamed in terror.

Harley still stood there without moving, but the golden light in her eyes dissipated, and her consciousness returned from the World of Fear.

But even without her fanning the flames, the flames of fear flooding in the heart of the orphan could not be quelled for a long time.

Half an hour later, the guy was still crying and crying.

Looking at how big he is, I thought he was a tough guy, but I didn't expect his heart to be so fragile. Hal said with some contempt.

You are not much better than him. The experience of being a survivor is much more miserable and despairing than yours, but the fire of fear in your heart is only a little smaller than his. Harley said.

While waiting for the relic to recover, she had explained his situation to Hal.

Try it and see if you can scare me. Hal's eyes were provocative and his face was full of confidence.

Harley glanced at him, then turned to the relic, and said calmly: Let's wait for another day. To make you fearful, you have to spend some time looking for gaps in your soul. Now I don't have time to bother with you.

Hal does have a big fire of fear in his heart, but he is very good at overcoming fear. His fire of fear is like a bug in amber, sealed in the ice crystal furnace.

The ice crystal furnace is his heart. The more he understands the fear in his heart, the more transparent the furnace becomes like ice crystals; the more he can overcome fear, the tighter the seal on the fire of fear becomes.

The Relic is actually pretty good.

He built at least one masonry stove and housed the fire of fear. The fire of fear of ordinary people is like a bonfire on the plains. At the slightest disturbance, the flames will sway left and right and wildfire will spread.

This is also the reason why Harley can defeat the entire Yellow Lantern Corps by herself, but rarely uses her fear source to deal with strong people.

Strong people can often overcome fear and seal the fire of fear in the stove of the heart.

The situation on the battlefield is changing rapidly, and a life may be lost in a blink of an eye. If Harley opens her eyes wide and spends half an hour or even a few hours looking for nano-level gaps in the Ice Crystal Heart, she is definitely seeking death.

What did you do to me? After waiting for an hour and a half, Zi Yi regained his composure, with a hint of fear in his angry tone.

Didn't I say before, control your fear emotions? Harley said.

Impossible, fear control is not like this. Your yellow light didn't even fall on me. Wei Yi said in disbelief.

Alas, although your 'light craftsman civilization' is extremely developed, it only develops technology and does not strengthen the 'non-scientific connection' between life and emotion, which is the practice of mysticism.

Harley sighed: Just like yourself, from the time we met until now, you have always regarded emotional energy as a kind of energy source. This is a very one-sided understanding, which will inevitably lead to your inability to truly develop the potential of the emotional spectrum.

Isn't emotional energy a kind of energy source? Wei Yi said blankly.

Harley shook her head, Energy is just an appearance. In fact, it is a manifestation of life. In other words, it is like your thinking ability and movement ability. It is an important part of life.

Only by realizing this can you control the core of emotional energy - the source of emotion.

I still don’t quite understand.

Don't resist. I will use my mental power to send you a video. After watching it, you may understand what I mean.

The widow nodded without resisting.

Just now, he had been easily manipulated by her to control his fearful emotions. If she was truly malicious, he would not be able to survive.

Then, he saw the scene where Hal, Kyle, and Sinestro exploded.

So the power of emotion can be so powerful, Zi Yi murmured.

Harley said: Although everyone is using emotional energy, in this universe, the title of light craftsman is not accurate.

Lanterns are more than just craftsmen. Lanterns can sublimate emotional energy and make color light transcend its original limits.

Lantern and emotional energy are partners, friends who trust each other. Both parties grow together and achieve mutual success.

Simply annihilating the Lightsmith will only reduce the emotional energy pool to a stinking stagnant water.

We should look for a harmonious path to sustainable development.

Now that you have won, I will abide by the agreement and participate in the Seven-Lights Talk with you, but I still will not give up my lights-out plan.

Everyone hopes for harmony and happiness, but there is no perfect ending in the world.

If you guys can't find a solution that convinces me, I'll continue collecting central batteries. The widow said solemnly.

Of course. Compared with the destruction of the universe, the emotional energy pool is still stagnant. Harley nodded.

Hal frowned and said: The theory of universe destruction is all his family's words and may not be credible.

His universe has been destroyed. The lessons learned from the past are here. Where do you have the courage to believe it? Even if he makes a mistake in judgment, it is a good thing to balance the emotional energy pool. Harley said.


Harley waved her hand to interrupt him and said firmly: Nothing, just listen to me. The Seven Lantern Corps will arrive immediately. I have to station on Earth. Everyone should come to Earth for a meeting.

But I still want to say 'but'.

Harley glared at him.

Hal smiled bitterly and said: But even if everyone gets together, we can't come up with any good solution. Anyway, I have no choice.

The Lanterns at least have the right and obligation to know the truth. Harley said solemnly.

Okay, I'll serve as your summons. How about we meet at the Hall of Justice in three days?

Hal looked at the survivors and explained: The seven legions are distributed in every corner of the universe. It takes more than half a day on the road. Explaining to them clearly will waste a lot of time.

Okay, I can afford to wait for three days. Xie Yi said.

After a while, the Green Lantern Tribe of Nok Star.

Why are you so useless that you can't even send a distress signal?

As Harry said this, he threw out a handful of green lantern rings and let them find their own owners.

Just now, all their lamp rings were confiscated by the orphans.

Qingnv said helplessly: There is only one person on the other side. I think we can handle it. Who knows that the mechanical insects planted by the giant are completely immune to energy damage and can also absorb the energy in our light rings.

By the time they realized something was wrong and wanted to send you a message, most of the team members had already collapsed to the ground.

The mechanical insects around me also opened a layer of signal and energy shielding force fields, preventing me from escaping and blocking information waves.

Harley explained the origin and purpose of the relic, and said: Take a few people to Earth to participate in the 'Seven Lanterns Salvation Conference', and leave the trivial matter of rebuilding the headquarters to Munke.

Do you believe what the giant says? Qingnu asked with a frown.

I believe.

Qingnv hesitated for a moment and said, Where is our central energy battery?

It's still in the hands of the Yiyi, and I don't plan to come back now. When the 'Savation Conference' is over, if I can't find a better way, I will fulfill my promise and let the Yiyi continue his 'Lights Out Plan'.

And our central battery is the first sacrifice. Harley said.

Ah, isn't the Green Lantern Tribe going to be disbanded? Qing Nu and the other Green Lanterns of Goodness exclaimed.

Of course not. Even if the 'Lights Out Plan' is finally implemented, it does not mean that the Seven Lanterns will disappear. At most, the major legions will have large-scale layoffs. Alas, in this world, even the Lanterns are facing a layoff crisis.

When returning, Harley did not use the teleportation of the Voice of the Sky and entered the solar system almost at the same time as the relic's spaceship.

She didn't take precautions against the relic, and just asked him to leave the antique spaceship from the previous universe outside the solar system, and he himself was invited to the metropolis.

She also hired a thousand chefs to make giant pizzas for him.

After hearing that the relic was a remnant of the previous universe, the people of the earth immediately became very interested in this giant.

While Ziyi was eating pizza and drinking Coke, famous cosmic reporter Lois Lane, still wearing a rocket pack, flew to his Xiantao head for a live interview.

Looking at the relic who answered Louise's question seriously on TV, Dachao said in surprise: When I first saw him, I thought he was dangerous and seemed to be full of malice. Now when I see him on TV, he seems very dangerous. Are you kind?

The Relic is not a bad guy. In his previous life, he was a hard-working and kind-hearted scientist in the previous universe. He just woke up in this life and is enthusiastic about saving our universe.

When dealing with lightsmiths, he tried not to use killing moves and only asked everyone to surrender. I haven't seen such an honest person for a long time. Harley said.

If his judgment is correct, how do you plan to solve the crisis of emotional energy depletion? Bateman asked.

I can't think of a way to solve the problem, but I can think of someone who can solve the crisis. Harley said.


If destiny comes this time, it will probably fall on one of the Seven Lantern Masters, Kyle Rayner, and the Little Blue Man. Calling them over should be able to solve the problem. Harley said.

Does the Justice League want to participate in the 'Salvation Conference'? If necessary, we are willing to provide help within our capabilities. Dachao asked.

Of course. It's everyone's responsibility to save the universe. Super villains can participate as long as they are interested.

Soon the first colored light team came to the earth, the Green Lantern Corps. That is, a dozen old lanterns.

The second one to arrive is the blue light, followed closely by the purple light

In just one and a half days, all seven lantern corps arrived.

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