I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1550 Orion, King of Gods

Heavenly Father, what happened before?

Harley rushed to the Genesis Star immediately and immediately discovered that the world of New God was different from the past.

Ordinary New God soldiers looked happy, with two big words Relaxation and Happiness written clearly on their faces.

When Harley opened the sonic boom channel and arrived at the floating city, she saw groups of male and female God Clan soldiers singing and dancing, lighting bonfires, barbecuing and drinking, and having open-air parties in the martial arts arena.

Just looking at their cheerful looks, without asking any more questions, she was sure that her judgment was correct. Darkseid was probably killed by Orion.

But entering the palace of Heavenly Father, the atmosphere was a bit strange.

All the senior generals with names and surnames are here, some are whispering outside the corridor and their eyes are twinkling, or they are silent in the hall with uncertain faces.

Their expressions were not entirely one of excitement and joy.

When Harley asked about the situation, they were also vague.

When she asked harshly, they only said that the news was not yet certain, and they were now waiting for Heavenly Father's final answer.

After Heavenly Father appeared, Hallie found that His expression was also strange.

There is relaxation and joy, but it is not all relaxation and happiness. There is obvious hesitation and worry on the face.

She was really curious and asked eagerly before He could sit firmly on the God King's throne.

Just now. Heavenly Father calmed down the expression on his face, looked around, and said to the gods with different expressions: Olian has fulfilled his destiny and fulfilled the prophecy of the New God since ancient times. He defeated and killed Darkseid.”

Oh, Heavenly Father!

Creation God, Darkseid is really dead.

Orion is mighty! God King Orion!

Most of the new gods were amazed, and a small number of new gods shouted unharmonious slogans.

Harley was stunned for half a minute before she suddenly accepted the fact that Heavenly Father's authority on the Genesis Star was not eternal.

Orion merged with the equation of life and had a destiny; Orion killed the greatest enemy of the Genesis Star, and his reputation reached its peak.

Heavenly Father did nothing

Now that the pattern of the New God has changed, can Heavenly Father still suppress Orion? Or, Orion came from behind and became the co-leader of the New God?

Even if you don't consider the matter of co-ownership, an obvious question must appear in the minds of all new gods: Who is older and who is younger, Orion or Heavenly Father?

——No wonder the expressions and attitudes of these new gods are so strange.

Harley realized something in her heart and said doubtfully: Darkseid is really dead? That guy is proficient in the art of feigning death to escape, so don't be careless.

Are you talking about yourself? When did Darkseid fake his death? A new god general said with a smile.

Harley glanced at him, it was the Hammer God from Apokolips.

The God of Darkness from Apokolips and the God of Justice from Creation Star are essentially the same except for their different names and concepts.

They are all of the same race, but they are divided into two camps based on different ideas, and different divinities were born due to the differences in ideas, that's all.

Sometimes the God of Justice on the Genesis Star will degenerate into an evil god and defect to Apokolips to become Darkseid's Dark Elite.

There is also the God of Darkness from Apokolips who could not stand Darkseid's cruelty, so he fled from Apokolips and came to Genesis to be a messenger of justice.

This kind of behavior of changing the court is like the gods under Hades running to Mount Olympus to seek refuge with Zeus. It is very common and common.

You are ignorant, don't mislead Heavenly Father's judgment here. Harry said calmly.

Heavenly Father shook his head, I saw with my own eyes that Darkseid is really dead. Even the anti-life equation in his body was extracted by Orion. How could he fake it?

What, Orion also got the Anti-Life Equation?

The gods were shocked again, and some of the new gods had even weirder expressions.

Are you sure? Harley still didn't want to believe it.

You doubt my judgment? Heavenly Father raised his head and glared at her displeased.

Of course I believe you, Heavenly Father. What I doubt is Darkseid. He is too treacherous and cunning. Last time we faced the Doomsday, that guy should not pretend to be dead. This time it is about the 'Fifth World' In the future, his lower limit will only be lower. Harley shouted with a sincere expression.

I didn't call you, you came here by yourself this time. Heavenly Father said in a confused manner.

Harley didn't know why, so she said honestly: Earth has been busy these past two days, and the Green Lantern Corps trial is coming to an end. I must sit on Earth to prevent accidents.

But I have never forgotten my responsibility for a moment - to prepare for Orion when the war begins.

But suddenly there was a strange phenomenon in the sky, like a giant spirit god carrying a large wooden barrel filled with thunder and divine blood, and dumping it towards the sky of the earth.

Thunder flew randomly, the sky was blood-red, and violent and strange power was transmitted from the legal level to the material world.

I even heard Orion laugh triumphantly.

Only then did I suddenly realize that the decisive battle had begun.

But I never received any information about the start of the war.

I'm not blaming you for not raiding the formation for Orion, I'm just reminding you that the anomalies that appear on the earth are the manifestation of the collapse of the laws within the origin of the universe.

Darkseid is the embodiment of darkness and evil laws, like a main beam supporting the stability of a house.

When the pillars collapse, the house will shake violently.

Therefore, you don't have to doubt that he is faking his death. The dark laws he represents have broken.

The Heavenly Father sighed with a complicated expression, and then said: Today's battle came very suddenly, and even I was caught off guard.

Originally, Orion had been familiar with the power of the life equation in the training room.

Only when the life equation merges with his soul will I ask you to come back and join us in the expedition to Apokolips.

But this afternoon, Orion suddenly burst out of the training room with a loud smile. Without even saying hello to me, he headed straight for Apokolips.

Having said this, Heavenly Father turned to the God of Knowledge on the Möbius Chair, Metron, why didn't you stop him? You were instructing him to integrate the life equation. You should have been there at the time.

Metron said calmly: I explained your plan to him very early, and I discouraged it at the time, but he was very confident and rational.

He told me that the Life Equation has become a part of his divine body, and his bloodline comes from Darkseid. Now he has not only developed it to the limit, reaching the same level as Darkseid, but he has also gone one step further with the help of the Life Equation. Evolved to the peak of the God King, he...

There was some hesitation on the God of Knowledge's calm face, and finally he said frankly: He believes that he has surpassed Darkseid and you, evolved to the pinnacle of the new god race, and is the king of god kings.

Therefore, Harley Quinn can defeat Darkseid by himself without any help from Harley Quinn.

What he said at that time was reasonable and confident, and the facts now prove that he is not crazy.

There was no expression on Heavenly Father's face, but a hint of displeasure flashed quickly in his eyes.

Metron continued: I couldn't stop him even if I wanted to. After integrating the Life Equation, his strength is indeed stronger than I imagined.

Where is Orion now? Harley asked.

Incorporate Darkseid's subordinates on Apokolips. Metron said.

So, what should we do now? The final battle is over, we have won a great victory, can we let go and celebrate? Harley asked.

Metron looked to Heavenly Father.

Heavenly Father was silent for a while, then nodded and said, You can celebrate with the people.

Seeing that he had something on his mind, the gods all quietly withdrew. Even Harry didn't chase him and ask questions.

Only Metron remained seated in his chair.

Why is Orion so strong? After a while, Heavenly Father spoke in a hoarse voice.

He really has a destiny and fits the life equation very well. Metron said.

Heavenly Father was a little excited, with sharp eyes and a loud voice, This is different from the plan you made before.

It was your plan to choose Orion to break the oath and the parricide curse, and I was just assisting.

Although we don't want to admit it, you and I are both in destiny. It is very likely that our behavior of escaping the oath of peace and the curse of parricide is part of our destiny - leaving the true destiny in Orion's hands. Metron said lightly.

You mean, I'm like a clown who deliberately gave the equation of life to Orion and asked him to bear the parricide curse, but in the end, he became the King of Gods? Heavenly Father said excitedly.

There's no need to think so extreme. Everything is going according to your plan, right? Metron said.

Shit! In my plan, Orion is no match for Darkseid at all, and he has to rely on Harley Quinn to barely reach the limit of two for one.

Harley Quinn and Orion died on the spot, or they exhausted their essence and were on the verge of death. In the end, it was me who took action to determine the overall situation.

Now I didn't take any action, and Harley Quinn didn't even attack the formation, and Orion easily killed Darkseid. How do you want me to end it? The Heavenly Father said angrily.

Metron said: Orian is not easy, he only managed to defeat Darkseid by half a move by activating his full potential.

The reason why he looks relaxed is because his body is integrated with the life equation and possesses the life vitality of the entire multiverse. No matter how serious the injury is, it can be healed instantly.

And the current situation is still favorable to you.

Orion is your adopted son, and he has never had the desire to fight against you.

In the past, I discussed with him the prophecy of 'Orian kills Darkseid'. He made a wish seriously - I hope the prophecy can come true, and then he will help you become the only god-king to rule Apocalypse and Creation.

That is, the King of God-Kings.

My past wishes, now... Heavenly Father's expression and tone softened a lot, Go and see him and ask him what his plans are next. Also...

He seemed ashamed, his expression twisted, his eyes flickering.

If Orion can't bear the two major equations of life and anti-life at the same time, I can reluctantly help him share the pressure of the life equation. Do you understand what I mean?

Metron's expression remained unchanged and he said calmly: I understand that you are just worried about his safety. Even if you cannot integrate the life equation, you are still willing to endure unbearable pain for him.

The Heavenly Father was very satisfied in his heart, but had no expression on his face. He just waved his hands and said: The soldiers outside are celebrating the victory, so you can go too. In any case, we won the final battle without much loss. congratulations.

The next day, Earth, Hall of Justice.

Why are you all here? Harley glanced around, only half of them were superheroes, and the rest included the commander-in-chief of the United States, the famous names of the universe - not just Lois Lane, and representatives of higher civilizations.

Is Darkseid really dead? This is a major event related to the universe, and no one cares. Lois Lane asked first.

It's hard to say. Harley frowned and said, Although Heavenly Father and the New Gods on Genesis both think Darkseid is dead, I remain skeptical.

Well, not only can we not relax, but we must enter a state of alert starting today.

Was Heavenly Father present when Darkseid was killed? Queen Blackfire of Tamaran asked.


You were not present at the time. Blackfire said.

Not here. Harley said.

In that case, why do you question Heavenly Father's judgment? Black Fire asked doubtfully.

Just feel it, Harley said simply.

Feeling. Black Fire nodded and said nothing.

Many people around had strange looks.

You went to the Genesis Star yesterday, why didn't you come back until now? We have been waiting for your news. Many people have been waiting all night. Dachao said.

I want to attend the Genesis Star celebration banquet, and I plan to wait for Orion to return and talk to him in person.

Dachao quickly asked: What did Orion say?

Harley said strangely: I didn't wait for Orion to return, but I waited for the news that Orion was crowned king and replaced Darkseid as the ruler of Apokolips.

And he has announced the end of the dispute between Apokolips and Creation Star. From now on, he and Heavenly Father will jointly rule the new gods.

That's good news, right?

Dachao wanted to grin, but Harley's expression and tone made him feel that the situation was not as simple as he thought.

Harley smiled and acknowledged his statement, Yes, it's good news. Although I still have doubts about Darkseid's death, at least the current result is best for the entire multiverse.

The smile on Dachao's face faded and he frowned slightly.

After Harley answered a few more questions and the crowd dispersed, he approached her and asked in a low voice: Is there something wrong?

no problem.

Don't deal with me, I didn't even say anything about the problem. Dachao said unhappy.

No problem.

That's what Harley said, but she secretly wrapped her mental power with a defensive force field, and sent a message to the heroes who were left at the scene: Olian is now the King of Gods, watch the timeline, or observe us directly on Apokolips , easier than eating and drinking.

Some things are hard to say, and some things are uncertain.

If you believe me, then honestly be more vigilant and strengthen your defenses.

Don’t say anything unnecessary, say less and do more.

From today on, I will stay on Earth and not go anywhere.

Chao, Diana, Dinah, Jon, you super S-class heroes are also ready to fight.

The heroes were shocked, but they complied with her request, stopped talking nonsense, and left the venue solemnly.

Harley, how are you thinking about the Green Lantern Guardian?

Hal Jordan remained where he was, waiting for her reply.

Harley looked helpless, Have you ever thought about becoming a guardian yourself?

From now on, work hard to cultivate the laws of will and emotion, and strive to become the God of Green Lantern before you die of old age. Even if you die of old age, I can send you to reincarnation. You will not regret being a Green Lantern in this life, and you will still be a Green Lantern in the next life.

Hal thought for a while, shook his head and said: Rather than trusting me in the future, I would rather trust you.

I understand that myself may be changed by time at any time, or even gradually become metamorphosed.

Your heart is as clear as pure water, untainted by impurities. It is clear and clear now, and it will not be turbid or grow water weeds in a million years.

Harley grinned, then quickly calmed down her expression, and said suspiciously: You couldn't have said nice things on purpose to flatter me just to make me a Guardian, right?

I have to admit, you are very talented at pleasing people. No wonder all the female warriors of the Green Lantern Corps have an affair with you.

Hal smiled bitterly and said: There is no such thing as 'everyone has the same thing'. It's just that I was young and had a frivolous personality in the early years, so I made some mistakes that I shouldn't have made.

Are you going to settle down and live a peaceful life now? Harley said.

Hal took out a small box from his pocket, This is the same model of Starry Sky Diamond Ring as Prince Franco. I personally went into the white hole to find it.

You want to propose to Carol? Harley asked in surprise.

There was a divine light in Hal's eyes, and there was sweetness and longing in the divine light. When the Green Lantern Corps gets on the right track, I will propose to her.

You finally did something humane.

Harley was very happy for Carol. After so many years of guarding, the result finally came to fruition.

Hal put away the diamond ring and said seriously: What I said before is well-founded. Look at me. It only took one day for me to transform from a passionate and impulsive Green Lantern to a Time Demon.

And the Time Demon, who was determined to destroy the world and restart the timeline, changed his mind again in just a few minutes under your words.

How can I trust this kind of person who is always uncertain about his stance when big things happen?

Although it felt a bit strange, Harley had to admit that what he said made sense.

Hal continued: You are different. When I was a time demon, I saw your timeline, from a genius athlete to the Holy Crusade, to being forced to join the Black State, and then to clean up from the Black State. He became a political and business tycoon, and later became a golden nuclear bomb due to his achievements in saving the earth.

No matter how many setbacks and honors you experience, no matter whether you are at the trough or peak of life, no matter what your strength is, your state of mind is so stable that it makes people feel terrible and respectable.

You are always you, you have not fallen into difficulties and pain, nor have you been lost in flowers and applause. You have not been humble and cowardly when your strength is low, nor are you arrogant after being invincible.

Compared with you, our level is as low as a primary school student.

Harley had to admit that his words tickled her and made her feel good.

There were many people who complimented her, and she heard a lot of flattery every day, but no one could make her feel as comfortable as Hal.

Have you studied psychology recently? Harley asked doubtfully.

No, I'm just telling the truth. Hal shook his head.

Oh, this green light guardian, I did it.

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