I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1536 Level 10 white light, change of origin

Upon hearing that Harley was going to tell the world about the Luther Flu, General Lane immediately advised: This will do too much harm to the reputation of our civilization on earth, please think about it carefully.

When Luther develops a new vaccine and has a solution, he will at least be able to give an explanation to his alien allies.

Now that we are only exposing the problems but not giving solutions to them, our alien friends will definitely complain.

The Green Lantern Trial is broadcast live across the universe. Human civilization has long been disgraced. Announcement of the Luther Flu now will at least show our sense of responsibility. Harley said.

General Lane turned to Luther and asked, When will the new Amodra vaccine be developed?

The perfect potion will probably never come out. Luther frowned: Alien races have different genes, and Luther's Flu, which is most effective for us, has become a deadly poison for some aliens.

If drugs with minimal side effects are developed based on alien genes, it will pose a threat to other races, including humans.

Now it seems that the most effective method is to strengthen protection and isolation.

By blocking the transmission route of the mutated sub-mojo virus, we can completely eliminate it. I'm afraid it will be difficult to completely eliminate it.

His expression suddenly became a little weird, and he asked: Have you ever thought that the Yamozo virus can be made into a nearly perfect biochemical weapon?

It can have an effect on almost all life forms, whether you are a genetically optimized and adjusted 'higher human being' or a primitive lower life form, whether it is carbon-based or silicon-based.

Throughout the universe, there is almost no second example of this powerful universality.

Well, except for the legendary Third Legion, that thing is even more perverted.

In addition to its strong versatility, its spreadability is also incredible.

Patients infected with the sub-mozo virus will gradually transform into sub-mozo. Patients who become sub-mozo are new virus spreading machines. The key is that they are also physically strong, making it difficult for ordinary soldiers and ordinary weapons to subdue them.

As long as one city is infected, if a vaccine cannot be developed as soon as possible, the entire planet will soon fall.

Transmissibility, versatility, and harmfulness are all top-notch in the universe, and these three are important criteria for the strength of biological and chemical weapons.

Only a ruthless supervillain leader like you would want to turn the Amojo virus into a weapon. Wonder Woman taunted.

General Lane and Harley frowned and didn't speak.

Luther glanced at Diana and said calmly: There are indeed very few people who can think as carefully as I do. After all, there are always more short-sighted fools in the world.

But I believe that there must be biological weapons experts with average intelligence in advanced civilizations.

Especially now that the Third Legion has just destroyed nearly one-third of the universe, the people of the universe are deeply shocked by the horror of biochemical viruses. Although strictly speaking, the Third Legion is not a virus, the cells of the little blue man are assimilated. There is no essential difference in the spread of the virus.

What if a higher civilization takes the opportunity to collect the sub-mojo virus, secretly make it into a terrifying weapon, and secretly release it to a hostile civilization, but then announces that the sub-mojo virus came from the earth, which was spread during the Great Trial.

What's more, some officials imitating our country used the Yamojo virus to stigmatize the earth, calling it an 'earth virus'.

It is difficult for us to determine whether it is really our responsibility. We are simply unable to argue, and the reputation of human civilization is completely ruined.

There is no chance that there will be another Global Trial at some point, and we will sit in the dock instead.

Diana was speechless.

Is the submojo virus so unsolvable? Even higher civilizations can't crack it? General Lane asked doubtfully.

Luther said solemnly: Don't underestimate the earth. Human civilization is low, just below the average level. Many of our studies are astonishing even to higher civilizations.

Just like Yamo Zhuo, it is the master of quantum soul genetic engineering technology.

But look at the entire universe, which civilization has ever dabbled in soul genetic engineering?

The one closest to the soul gene is Brainiac, but he has just digitalized his mental power.

The simplest and most direct way to eliminate the Yamo Zhuo virus from its source is to find Ya Mo Zhuo himself. Diana said.

We have never stopped looking for Professor Ioway. General Lane said.

That guy must have gone to outer space. Luther said with a complex expression: I don't know how many super genes have been copied now, and I don't know what kind of monster or god he will evolve into in the future?

There are countless super villains on Earth, but it is the only one that has given up its base on Earth and gone to outer space to seek development.

Even he doesn't have the courage. He can't live without Metropolis and can't adapt to life without Superman.

If every supervillain has a “lifelong enemy,” whose enemy is Amazo?

It was born in Metropolis and should be Superman's enemy, but it doesn't seem to have fought many battles with Superman.

Luther turned his gaze to Harley, and his eyes became strange.

What do you think I'm doing? Harley noticed his expression immediately.

Is Yamo Zhuo considered your 'lifelong enemy'?

Harley waved her hands quickly, as if she wanted to get rid of something sticky and dirty.

No, I'm not a superhero, no super villain fan, it's the enemies of Superman.

But its initial motivation for going out to seek evolution should be to defeat you, Superman.

Luthor's expression was tangled. Rationally, he felt that Amozo was somewhat restrained by Superman, but emotionally he refused to admit that anyone but himself could defeat Superman.

——Superman is invincible and has no flaws. Only he, Lex Luthor, can defeat him!

In addition to finding the first-generation Yamodra, is there any way to prevent the Yamodra virus from spreading in the universe? Diana worried.

Harry's heart moved and asked: Where is Kyle Rayner now?

He is in Oa, and now the Green Lantern Corps is withered. Hal, John, Sarlacc and others are on Earth to participate in the trial, while Kyle and the remaining Green Lanterns stay at the Corps headquarters to guard the newly forged central energy battery.

Hal has no plans to recruit new Green Lanterns on a large scale until the trial is over. ” Diana explained.

Call Kyle back, he has the white light of life.

The White Lantern is extraordinary, returning from Oa to the Metropolitan Hall of Justice in just ten minutes.

I can provide them with life force and enhance their body's immunity. Maybe I can defeat the Yamodra virus, but I can't eliminate the virus from its source. After hearing Harley's request, White Lantern Kyle smiled bitterly. Said: Let me make it clear, my white lantern is different from that of Bane, the spirit of existence, and Hal's vitality in his early years.

It does not seem to represent the white light of life, but the seven-colored white light.

What are the seven-colored white light, the white light of life? Aren't all white lights the same? Luther asked curiously.

Kyle glanced at him sideways, without explaining, just looked at Harley, Would you like to try it yourself? I can send you some white light.

Old Mrs. Palco has been helping me develop the power of white light these days, but she is almost desperate now.

You must know her purpose. She wants me to use the white light of life to resurrect the dead little blue man like last time.

Not the Guardians, but the members of the Shadow Cabinet who had been drained of their emotions by the Bane, and the Zamaronites.

Speaking of the Zamaron woman, Kyle's face suddenly turned serious and said, I have a piece of news to tell you. Zamaron and the Guardian of the Universe are allies.

You mean, the Zamaron people were also involved in the conspiracy to replace the Color and Light Legion with the Third Legion? How did you know? Harley asked in surprise.

I saw it on the timeline. Kyle explained: Old Mrs. Palco saw that I couldn't use the life characteristics of white light to resurrect the dead, so she wanted to imitate your method of resurrecting the planet Kelu and distort the time of the little blue man. Wire.

I was asked by her to watch the entire timeline of the Little Blue Men, as well as the Guardians and Zamaron ones.

Unfortunately, I failed again. I was unable to massively distort the reality of what had happened.

I didn't expect the Zamaron people to hide so deeply. Harley frowned and said, Since the Zamaron people are suspected, let's publish this information, then prosecute them, and let them be in the dock of the grand trial.

The Zamaron people did not help the evildoers. They just noticed in advance that the guardian had the intention to destroy the color light, and took the initiative to surrender to protect themselves. In fact, they did not do anything bad. Kyle said.

Let them explain to the judge. Harley said calmly.

Diana said angrily: If they disclosed the Guardian's conspiracy to the universe, the Third Legion would definitely not be so harmful, and the Scourge might not even have a chance to escape from the Shadow Cabinet prison.

Kyle sighed and said: Harry, stretch out your hand, and I will pass on my white light to you, so that you can feel its characteristics for yourself.

Harley's right palm was spread flat, Kyle's big hand covered her small hand, and bright white light burst out between the palms.

The next second, the evolutionary treasure deep in her sea of ​​consciousness reacted, New light of life was discovered, which can help evolve the ninth-level white light defense specialty. Do you want to absorb it?

Absorb. Of course Harley would not hesitate.

Then something unexpected happened.

She and Kyle held hands against each other for a full three minutes, and their expertise had not yet completed its evolution.

It's also absorbing white light energy.

Harley's heart was pounding, and an exciting idea loomed in her mind: this evolution might increase her expertise level!

In fact, this is not the first time that she has improved her expertise level through expertise evolution.

Whatever energy you absorb, you will become immune to attacks from that energy. This is defense expertise.

Energy has levels, magic has levels.

For different levels of power, the limits of expertise level improvement are also different.

For example, if you absorb the magic power of little lemures, your Hell Defense expertise can be upgraded to level 7 at most. If you absorb the magic power of demon lords and devils, your expertise can be upgraded to level eight or nine.

Expertise level eight is equivalent to the peak of the single universe, expertise level nine is equivalent to the peak of the DC multiverse.

Harley's Connection Power Defense Specialty and God Power Defense Specialty are both level 10, breaking through the multiverse level and reaching the Omniverse level.

The single universe is to the multiverse as one planet is to the universe with countless planets; the multiverse is to the omnipotent universe as the single universe is to the multiverse.

The power of connection she absorbed came from Dr. Manhattan, the DC creation goddess Papetua, and the origin judge who sealed Papetua.

All three parties are at the multiverse level. Dr. Manhattan almost broke through to the omniverse level, but unfortunately he was trapped in the DC universe and was beyond redemption.

The Origin Judge comes from the Grand Almighty Universe, and is probably a step above Papetua, but the origin he left in the Origin Wall cannot reach the level of the Grand Almighty Universe.

It just so happened that Harley's Power of Connection expertise broke through to level 10, the omnipotent universe level.

Dr. Manhattan's power helped her upgrade her expertise to level nine. The origins of Papetua and Origin Judge absorbed from the Origin Wall helped her evolve her ninth-level connection power expertise twice, finally breaking through to level 10.

The tenth-level God's Power Defense Specialty is similar. Xiao Heidou, Lucifer, and Heaven God helped her upgrade the ninth-level God's Power Defense Specialty twice, and finally broke through to the 10th level of the Almighty Universe.

Of course, Little Black Bean, Lucifer, and Dog God are all part of the complete God. It can also be said that Harley has absorbed the origin of the complete DC God, and her expertise has reached level ten.

Well, just dc god.

There must be other gods in the omnipotent universe, and DC God is only a part of the omnipotent universe God.

Harley absorbed the white light of the spirit of existence, allowing her white light defense expertise to reach level nine. Later, she absorbed the white light of the evil spirit, allowing her expertise to be upgraded once.

Now after absorbing Kyle's white light, his expertise has begun to upgrade for the second time. It seems that it will break through the limit and reach the omnipotent universe level?

Harley was looking forward to it.

Harry, are you okay yet? Five minutes later, Kyle finally couldn't help but ask.

Are you tired? I only absorbed the white light energy, not your origin. Harley said.

His white light comes from the Seven Lamps Fusion Ring, which absorbs seven colors of emotional energy from the origin wall and synthesizes Kyle's White Light.

Kyle's capital is only as strong as the emotional energy contained in the Origin Wall.

I'm not tired, but I'm terrified. You've absorbed the energy equivalent to charging a light ring 1 million times. Kyle looked at her with surprise.

Wow, a million times. Witch Harley is worthy of her reputation and is indeed a famous magic thief in the multiverse. Diana on the side exclaimed.

Where is the energy you absorbed hidden? Is it just in the blood? Luther also asked curiously.

One million sounds like an exaggeration. If you do the math carefully, there are 7,200 official members of the Green Lantern Corps. Each person charges once a day. How many years will it take to spread 1 million times to the entire Corps? Harley said.

It's enough to run the entire Corps for half a century, isn't it an exaggeration? The Green Lantern Corps manages the entire universe. Kyle shouted.

The Green Lantern Corps has a history of 3 billion years, and half a century is not even a fraction of that. Harley said disapprovingly.

That's spread over 3 billion years. The amount of energy you pumped out at once is quite a lot. Kyle frowned.

Three minutes at most, I'll take another three minutes, Harley said.

Three minutes later.

The estimate just now was wrong. It will take another two minutes at most.

After struggling for half an hour, Harley finally got her wish and evolved her white light defense expertise to the omnipotent universe level.

Probably the lowest level among the omnipotent universe levels.

Harley obviously felt forced, not as smooth as when she broke through with the Power of God and Power of Connection specialties.

But looking at the DC universe, color light is completely ineffective on her.

Moreover, the life defense expertise is part of the Reincarnation Seal of Life and Death. It has been upgraded to the omnipotent universe level, and the Quinn Reincarnation Seal has also evolved a big step.

To determine how many changes there will be, you still have to experiment with the undead yourself.

OK, I have analyzed the properties of your white light. Harley said with a cheerful face.

Kyle didn't speak, but frowned, with white light runes flashing under his eyes, and his expression was a little dull.

Kyle? Harley patted his shoulder and asked doubtfully, Why are you so dazed?

I Kyle came to his senses blankly and asked: You don't feel it?

What does it feel like?

The multiverse seems to have changed, Kyle said uncertainly.

What kind of change? Is it Limbo? Harley asked quickly: The final battle between Genesis and Apokolips is the external manifestation of the changes in Limbo.

Kyle shook his head and said: It's not Limbo, the change comes from the Origin Wall. It seems that you took away too much energy, causing a certain section of the wall to break, and then an unknown ancient existence came out of it and came to our multiverse.

It feels very hazy, vague, unclear, and I'm not sure.

Harley was surprised at first. Kyle's connection with the Origin Wall was extremely close at this time, and it was probably not an illusion.

Then she quickly threw the blame away and said: Kyle, don't talk nonsense. You are the one who draws the energy from the origin wall. The responsibility lies with you. If there is any cause and effect, I should look to you.

You- Kyle stared at her in disbelief.

Although Luther didn't understand what happened, seeing her shirk responsibility so skillfully and simply, he couldn't help but show an expression of appreciation and recognition on his face: No wonder I can become friends with Harley, we are both equally selfish and shameless!

Harry said warmly: Kyle, the cause and effect of the Origin Wall will definitely fall on you.

But there is also cause and effect between you and me. This time, I owe you some advice.

Kyle's expression looked better. She was not shameless enough to be completely irresponsible.

But immediately he heard Harley say: I helped your dad, remember? Hell guards thousands of households.

So? Kyle said blankly.

The reason you owe me finally comes to fruition today, and we have settled the cause. Of course, we will always be friends, and this will never change. Whenever you need help, I will not shirk it.

It's just destiny, we are all in the game, and we have to follow some rules. Harry said with a complicated expression.

We are discussing the treatment plan for the Yamodra mutants, where are you talking about? Diana asked impatiently.

Harley said: I roughly guess that Kyle's destiny has nothing to do with resurrection from the dead, evolution of life, or distortion of reality.

So, what do you want to say? Diana didn't know why.

Harley explained: “After the White Day, the spirit of existence completed an evolution, and the power of death in the Yamodra virus was eliminated.

Now it's just normal viral life.

However, due to the super-evolved nature of Amozo, it is difficult to eradicate.

If it does not contain the power of death, it cannot be directly eliminated by the life characteristics of white light.

All white light has healing and life-giving properties, and so does Kyle's white light.

But Kyle can't resurrect the dead, help life evolve, or distort reality on a large scale.

If we could control the evolution of life, just as Heavenly Father expected, using the equation of life to forcibly evolve mortals into gods,

Or, like the Guardians did, use the scourge of white light to force the life in the universe to evolve into the emotionless Third Legion.

Well, this is more like life distortion and assimilation than evolution.

If the evolutionary direction of the virus is controlled and the Yamozo virus is forced to evolve into a healthy bacterium, the crisis will naturally be resolved.

Alternatively, if the reality of the submojo virus is distorted, it can be uprooted.

Unfortunately, Kyle's white light does not have the above characteristics.

It's not his white light that's crippled.

Harley sighed: Whatever destiny is given to him will be what ability he is given. His destiny lies in the seven-color spectrum, which means to help the seven-color emotional energy evolve.

Kyle nodded, Yes, my white light comes from seven-color light, and its characteristics are also related to seven-color light.

However, I have only studied its seven-color light characteristics with Palco so far, and I still don’t know that its destiny is to help the seven-color light evolve.

How to evolve? In which direction? he asked curiously.

Harley said: Since the Crisis on Infinite Earths, the multiverse we live in has been updated from laws to matter, from energy to the overall structure.

The multiverse first collapses into a single universe, and then becomes a multiverse in a multi-restart, which is a structural update.

The Black Death Emperor came, followed closely by the White Sun. The Black Light of Death and the White Light of Life each completed an evolution, which was an update in energy.

The battle between Apokolips and Creation Star, and the changes in Limbo, are ‘system updates’ in terms of laws.

Since even the white light and the law of life have been updated, or will soon be updated to the latest versions, the seven-color emotional energy under the white light has been used for billions of years, so of course it is time for an update.

But I'm not sure how to update it yet.

But a big event will inevitably happen in the future, and in that big event, Kyle, you will finally usher in your destiny.

Oh, you can finally get rid of Hal's shadow and be the protagonist for once.

When Harley said this sentence, there was a sigh and emotion full of sympathy and pity.

Kyle felt uncomfortable and scratched his neck and said: I have never lived in anyone's shadow. I have always been the protagonist in my own life.

Harley said disapprovingly: Come on, ever since you were selected by the Lantern Ring, you have been shrouded in Hal's shadow. It was Hal who fell into the Time Demon that gave you the opportunity to join the Green Lantern Corps.

——And if your girlfriend dies as soon as you appear on the stage, or if you have her cut into pieces and put in the refrigerator, who else is worse off than you?

She could only think about this in her heart, and she said: Then, at the end of the Sun-Eater crisis, you also relied on eating Hal's leftovers to have the life energy to rebuild the Green Lantern Corps and resurrect the little blue man.

Then, the Blackest Night arrives, and I thought it was finally time for you, the destined White Lantern, to take the stage, but it turns out you are just a fool.

In the end, Hal merged with the Spirit of Existence and became the worthy Lord of the White Lamp.

During the Chu Leng Disaster that just passed, everyone said that you were the protagonist and came to help you open up the white light. What was the result? Hal transformed into the greatest Black Lantern, with magical weapons descending from the sky to decide the world with one strike (ps). He even stole my limelight.

And you are not even as impressive as Sinestro.

This is just your opinion. I don't care about the protagonist and supporting roles, and I don't think there is any difference. Just do your best in everything and be clear about your heart. Kyle insisted.

Hehe, this sentence will be more convincing after you have truly been a protagonist and experienced the scenery of the protagonist. Harley said with a smile.

(ps: Kyle is really miserable. In this book, at least in the Battle of Green Lantern, for the sake of smooth plot, I let Kyle awaken the white light and defeat Kalona.

In fact, in the original comics, he was not the one who defeated Kalona at all, and his performance was not even as good as John Stewart's.

It was Hal Jordan who broke out and killed Kalona as the Green Lantern. The protagonist is still Hal.

That is to say, in the two events of Lights Out (the event in this chapter where Kyle felt the origin wall cracked and something big jumped out) and Divinity (the Heavenly Father tricked Kyle into white light), Kyle was the protagonist.

Even in events where Kyle is the protagonist, Hal's performance can be called one of the two heroes.

Hal is really awesome. The setting of The Greatest Lantern has never collapsed - well, at least until the end of the Wrath of the First Lantern event. The Green Lantern comics in recent years are simply unreadable.

Probably being suppressed by Hal all the time, Kyle couldn't bear it anymore and finally broke out, giving Hal a big green hat that he would never be able to wash off. )

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