I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1532 New·The Greatest Green Lantern in History

While the main plot of the movie remains unchanged, it is not as simple as Harley said to cut pictures for the young Sinestro and turn him into the best actor.

The river of time is called a river, but in fact the river water inside is more like threads.

Everyone has their own timeline.

Past, present and future, life from beginning to end, is a line.

The timelines of everyone in the past, present and future are intertwined to form a complete river of time.

Humans are social animals and will interact with many people throughout their lives.

When a person is just born, the timeline opens. At this time, the main people who are connected to him are his parents and relatives, and his timeline is connected with that of his parents and relatives.

As he grows up and gets to know more people, his timeline becomes more connected to other timelines.

Just like the growth process of a big tree, its roots branch out into countless root systems.

Within the scope of the multiverse, Harley is considered a top star.

There are too many people and events closely related to her, and her timeline roots have grown extremely complex.

During the Disaster of the First Light, she did not want her timeline to be messed up by perverted men who loved to distort other people's realities, so she gathered the huge timeline root system into a bundle and wrapped it in the defense field of the Mother River of Time.

It's like combing your fluffy afro into a braid.

It's like building a time tunnel in the river of time.

Now that disaster is coming, she wants to put the timeline back into the river of time. The roots of the timeline that were previously closed will expand again, which means that her timeline will be reconnected with other people's timelines.

At this moment, an accident happened.

Sinestro is also someone else and has a deeper connection with her.

She had a great influence on his life, and he also played a large part in her life.

In this way, the timelines of the two will be more closely connected.

When the roots of Harley's timeline spread out in the river, they would inevitably be reconnected with Sinestro's timeline.

The problem lies here.

From the time Sinestro was born until the disaster came to Koruga, his timeline was a straight line. During this period, the connection between his timeline and Harley's timeline was also normal.

After the disaster came, his timeline was distorted once. It was like a straight branch branching at this point and growing two spores. One of the spores was cut off by the disaster before it could grow, and the other spore became a new straight branch.

In reality, Harley comes into contact with the new branch Sinestro - the Battle of Koruga.

But at the timeline level, her timeline has been connected to the severed spores.

Now that Harley wants to put her timeline into the river of time, she has one more option: to replace Sinestro's reality with the Sinestro Timeline connected to her timeline.

It is equivalent to cutting off Sinestro's mature branches from the bifurcation point and grafting on the spores that were cut off by Firong.

Judging from the results, Sinestro's reality will be distorted again.

Harley was originally unable to distort other people's lives from the timeline, at least not now.

She couldn't even enter the river of time at the moment.

It just so happens that she has a very buggy skill: timeline stability.

The cut-off spore is connected to Harley's timeline, which means it is the reality on the timeline.

If it were replaced with Sinestro's miserable life in reality, it would mean that Harley's timeline would be slightly distorted.

It's more like a correction than a distortion. After all, she was fully involved in the timeline when Sinestro's family and country were destroyed.

Harley herself can certainly handle this little twist, and it has little to no effect on her.

But she doesn't have to bear this distortion.

If she doesn't accept it, it will be equivalent to forcing the chopped spore to become the real Sinestro's timeline, which is equivalent to distorting Sinestro's reality.

The principle is rather complicated, and Harley doesn't want to explain it in detail, as explaining it would reveal her secret.

Don't worry about them, it doesn't matter if they don't understand. Anyway, this is my life and it has nothing to do with them. Harley Quinn, come on, I understand, I am completely willing to be 'cut out'. Sinestro said excitedly .

Well, you're right. As long as you and I are voluntary and don't interfere in their lives, it doesn't matter whether they understand or not. Harley nodded, agreeing with his statement.

However, she still reminded: If I replace the reality of 'Sinestro's family and country were destroyed by the evildoers' with the reality of 'Green Lantern Sinestro beats up the evildoers', your life will change and your memory will change. Be twisted.

It's equivalent to you being replaced by the Sinestro who violently beat up troublemakers.

It can be understood that you will die, and you in another parallel time and space will replace you now.

Sinestro didn't even think about it, shook his head and said firmly: No, I am living in a dream now, a false and distorted version of myself.

The great hero Sinestro, who screamed in the stars, looked down upon the world, beat down the enemy, saved Koruga and then the multiverse, is the real me.

Sinestro is so shameless. From a distance, Guy Gardner said to the Green Lantern beside him.

Harley's mouth twitched a few times and said: Since you have this kind of awareness, then I have nothing to say.

Wait a minute, Harley, I have something else to say. Orion quickly stopped her, pointed to the No. 1 light ring on her finger and asked: Since we are using existing film to cut out pictures, do you still want to say something? What does the light ring do?”

No matter what, my behavior is a distortion of reality, and I need energy to pay the price. There is nothing more suitable than the No. 1 Lantern Ring. Harley said.

Will the light ring lose its white light effect? Orion asked.

Don't worry, it's just consuming some energy. The most important thing our Heavenly Father lacks is energy, right?

Orion nodded at him.

Harley clenched her fists, and the number one light ring was shining brightly, Sinestro, it's time to start, 3, 2, 1——

After she finished speaking, she opened the time tunnel and released all the roots of her timeline into the river of time.


The spores connected to her timeline immediately clashed with the existing Sinestro Timeline Branches in the River of Time, causing turbulent waves in the River of Time.

Even if it's just a small tweak, the river of time refuses to happen, roaring towards Harley.


The defense field of the Mother River of Time was activated, and all negative effects of the River of Time on her were blocked.

The level 10 connection power defense specialty is activated, and the timeline stabilization talent is activated. The spores connected to her timeline are like knocking on a golden stick, quickly sprouting and branching, growing a complete timeline, and covering the original race Nisto destroyed the family and destroyed the country timeline branch”.

At this point, all the distortion of reality to Sinestro was completed, and the river of time in the main universe quickly returned to calm.

Sinestro, Sinestro! The greatest Green Lantern in history, Sinestro~~

As soon as Harry returned to consciousness, he was awakened by a sound like a roaring mountain and a tsunami.

Blinking, she saw herself floating above the capital city of Koruga, and not far away, Sinestro, wearing a green light uniform, was full of ambition, arrogant, energetic, energetic, and triumphant, waving to the people below. .

On the ground, there were crowds of red-skinned Koruga people who were excited and cheering loudly.

Judging from their excitement, it looked like their compatriot Sinestro had saved the multiverse.

The next moment, the people of Koluga were really shouting fanatically: Sinestro the savior, Sinestro the savior of the universe, Sinestro the judge of evil, long live Sinestro, Sinestro is immortal!

Thank you, thank you all. In fact, you are the source of my willpower. I can defeat the evil and save the universe because of your contribution. Sinestro responded with a smile.

Sinestro is such a stinker, but it's just - uh, my head. Guy Gardner looked at the arrogant Sinestro. He muttered sourly at first, then his eyes were blank for a while, and he covered his forehead and groaned.

Kilowog held his head and shouted: Something's wrong. I remember that Koruga was destroyed by the Fron. Why is it still fine? By the way, it was Sinestro who saved Koruga. He and the Fron fought from the ground. To the sky, from the sky to outer space - no, this is a false memory.

Don't panic, everyone. Just like the reboot of the Crisis on Infinite Earths universe, we have an additional set of false memories related to 'reality'. First close your eyes, calm down, and take a few deep breaths. Hal shouted.

In addition to him and a few little blue men, even Chao and Barry were affected.

It wasn't that Hal didn't have an extra set of memories, it was just that he woke up faster than the others.

False memory? Sinestro heard his cry and immediately flew over. He held his head high and sneered: That's right. I have proved with facts that I am the greatest Green Lantern in history. You must feel like you are in a dream. I don’t want to admit this reality.”

You really don't remember anything? Hal asked curiously.

I remember it very clearly, it was the greatest fight of my life.

Even during ordinary conversations, Sinestro gave people a feeling of elation.

Fighting with whom? Gagardner asked.

Facing the strange looks around him, Sinestro frowned and said, I admit, you all worked hard in that battle just now. In the end, it was Hal Jordan who summoned the Black Death Emperor as a Black Lantern Corpse and completely killed him. Disaster.

But you can't deny that it was me who delayed the disaster, and it was also me who cleverly used strategies to find the right opportunity to send you messages so that you could arrive in time.

Is this the distorted reality? It seems that only the first half has changed.

But Sinestro is so annoying now. Why has he changed like this? Gagardner looked at Harry and said.

Guy Gardner, what do you mean? Sinestro said dissatisfied: Just now you looked so adoring and respectful to me, why did your expression change in the blink of an eye?

What? I admire you? No, absolutely not - oh, No~~~

Gagardner subconsciously denied it, but then the memory of him praising Sinestro popped up.

Harry, you can just distort his reality, why do you want me to experience this humiliation? he shouted excitedly.

Harley said calmly: If he really single-handedly beat Furuo until he screamed and blood splattered everywhere, would you yell, 'Oh my God, Sinestro is awesome'?

What do you mean by 'if'? Didn't I fight alone and beat the enemy to the point of screaming? Sinestro said displeased.

Harley waved her hand and said, Go away, I don't want to talk to you now.

Oh my God~~ John Stewart suddenly shouted, Look at the lantern ring log, the battle process recorded in it has also been modified.

Upon hearing this, the lanterns immediately checked their lantern rings.

Sure enough, it contained exactly the same scene as in their new memory.

Orion shook his head and said with a complicated expression: It's amazing, my memory has also been affected. Apart from Koruga, have other civilizations been restored?

No, the only thing I modified was Sinestro's timeline, because only his 'film' fell into the time tunnel. This reality is not false. If Firong didn't use the power of time to cheat, it would be true at this time.

Harley, next time you encounter a time-distortion crisis like this, please remember me! By the way, record my most heroic, glorious, and beautiful timeline, just like Sinestro. Gagardner said with a shy face.

Let's talk about it next time. Harley took off the No. 1 light ring and threw it to Orion and said: Let's resurrect Koruga today, and leave other civilizations to restart next time.

You'd better collect information about them before restarting next time.

Only by finding traces of their existence in the river of time now can illusions be turned into reality.

What are you crazy about? I don't understand what you are saying at all. Sinestro frowned.

You explain to him, I'm going back first. Harley didn't want to waste any more words.

Seeing the Green Lantern uniform on Sinestro, Kilowog felt confused, He is still wearing the Green Lantern ring. Should he continue to be in the Green Lantern Corps?

I am the greatest Green Lantern in history. I saved the universe. I avenged those Lanterns who died cowardly. It is up to me to lead you to rebuild the Green Lantern Corps. Sinestro said forcefully.

The Lanterns raised their foreheads and said, This reality is too bad.

This reality is great. Aqiluo, the Lord of the Yellow Lantern, breathed a sigh of relief.

Killing the troublemaker does not mean that the disaster of Chudeng is completely over.

First came the Third Legion created by the Guardians, and then the Scoundrels frantically squeezed out emotional energy. Too many civilizations in the universe were robbed.

Now that the crisis is over, we must give an explanation to the victims and an explanation to the people of the universe.

Especially the advanced civilizations in the universe have more than one civilized planet. Even if one or two planets are harmed, the remaining civilization stars will only be angrier and unwilling to let the matter go easily.

All the middle and low-level civilized people on only one home star died, but no one paid attention.

The Green Lantern Corps should have come out to take charge of the overall situation, but first of all, they were brutally wiped out, leaving only a few dozen old Lanterns, who were currently tinkering with the new central energy battery and had no energy to care about other things; secondly, they were the defendant this time, so let the defendant Doesn't organizing a court hearing mean Who in this court dares to sue me?

A few days later, Quinn Manor.

Harley, I need you, the people of the United States need you, the earth needs you, and the civilization of the universe needs you. Where have you been at this critical moment? the commander said excitedly.

Harry scanned the surroundings and saw a dozen military and political leaders. Lian Louise held the interview microphone and looked eager to give it a try.

I'm going to work in heaven and go to the Creation Star to understand the process of the equation of life. What are you doing with me today? What else do you want from the civilization of the universe when all the troubles are dead?

After the battle with Firong, her level reached level 118 and a half, one and a half levels shy of level 120. Harley must seize the time to gain experience.

And, she was indeed paying attention to what her Heavenly Father was doing.

General Lane said: In the past few days, more than 100 higher civilizations have sent representatives to the earth to find you. They want you to stand up and seek justice for the civilizations that were victimized in the 'Disaster of the First Light'.

The commander continued: Many experts now suggest that we, the United States, be the host and you be the host to hold a 'Green Lantern Corps Trial on Earth' similar to the last 'Trial on the Algae Star'.

The earth is still just a low-level civilization, how can it have the ability to host a grand trial? Moreover, the United States is still suffering from the Lutheran Flu, which is not suitable for holding large-scale gatherings. Harley frowned.

I have been to the Algae Core Planet and personally experienced the 'Carona Trial'. Hosting the trial is easier than hosting the Olympic Games. We are fully capable of this.

As for Luther Flu, that's a trivial thing that can be overcome. The commander-in-chief said.

If you are willing, go ahead and mess with it. I don't have time and I don't want to get involved in this matter. Harley said.

Louise said: There are two main reasons why representatives of higher civilizations come to Earth to find you.

First of all, except you, no one is qualified and powerful enough to judge the Green Lantern Corps, especially the main target of this trial is the Guardian of the Universe.

Among the people who solved this crisis, Hal Jordan, Sinestro, Kyle Rayner and others are all Green Lanterns, and they are completely unsuitable to be Inquisitors.

In addition, the trial cannot solve the fundamental problem. Too many people died this time, and too many planets were completely emptied. It was too tragic.

They heard about how you changed the fate of Koruga's destruction, and they probably had other ideas in mind.

Harley thought for a while and said: I am the Guardian of the Green Lantern, and my identity is also very embarrassing. You asked them to find the Justice League. Superman has a great reputation and participated in the final battle against the Scourge. He is qualified to become a member of the Judgment Conference. organizer.

Superman's reputation is not as good as yours after all.

The Grand Commander is still unwilling to give up the calling card of Galactic Admiral that is resounding throughout the multiverse.

But I don't want to. Harley said simply and firmly.

The commander opened his mouth and turned his eyes to General Lane.

General Lane frowned and said, We will hold a big trial in your name. You don't have to participate in the whole process, okay?

Harley asked, Why don't you ask, what's going on on the Genesis Star now?

General Lane was stunned and asked in confusion: What happened to the Genesis Star?

Harry said helplessly: I gave the number one lamp ring to Heavenly Father, do you know?

Well, I watched Louise's 'World of War' series in its entirety. At the end of the fifth episode of 'The Battle of Koruga', she publicly explained the whereabouts of the First Light Ring and the reason why she gave it to Heavenly Father. . General Lane nodded.

Harley glanced at Louise, Do you know why I gave the lamp ring to Heavenly Father?

Isn't it just to let him find the equation of life to deal with Darkseid? Louise said immediately.

Then you still publicly explain the whereabouts of the light ring? Are you bullying Darkseid into not watching the 'Daily Planet' TV program?

Louise said in surprise: Even Darkseid pays attention to my special program?

Harley said speechlessly: Why can't you feel the seriousness of the problem?

The day when Heavenly Father obtains the Life Equation may be the moment when the war between the two new god camps of Apocalypse and Chuangshi begins. By then, countless universes will be destroyed.

I don’t know how many civilized planets in the main universe have suffered misfortune.

I can tell you for sure that the earth is the second battlefield!

Use your brains to think about the scenario of billions of demon-like armies filling the earth.

The whole place was silent, and all the military and political leaders looked at each other in confusion or confusion, and only a few showed fear and worry.

Has Heavenly Father obtained the Life Equation? General Lane asked worriedly.

Harley said: This is what I am currently paying attention to, and it is also the reason why I don't want to accompany you.

The disaster of the First Light did not affect the earth and has little to do with us.

But the coming 'final crisis' is related to the survival of mankind.

The target of Apokolips is not the material world, but simply us, us people on earth.

I don’t need to tell you what is the most important thing, right?

I understand. You should concentrate on dealing with the 'Final Crisis'. Don't worry about anything else. We will not disturb you again, nor will we let alien representatives harass you. General Lane said solemnly.

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