I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1526 Kyle with diarrhea

Kyle Rayner is having a tough time these days.

Simply accepting special training from Saint Walker, Aqilo, Qingnv and others only made him physically tired.

The heavy psychological burden brought by the Destiny of the Savior is even more unbearable.

In Blackest Night, when the white light first appeared, Hal and Sinestro were competing to become the white light, and he was also there. Bathed in the brilliant white light of the spirit of existence, he could feel the instinctive urge to move in his body.

He had a hunch that if the spirit of existence chose him to be the host, he would be able to tame the white light of life, just like controlling a green light ring under an ordinary green light.

But he did nothing, just stood in the distance, watching Sinestro grab the Destiny first, followed by Hal.

He was very nervous at the time, and would glance at Harley from time to time to see if she was giving him a wink, asking him to go up and fight for the white light.

When Hal finally succeeded in controlling white light, resurrecting the dead, and became a veritable White Lantern, he was not disappointed or jealous at all, but secretly breathed a sigh of relief - finally, the responsibility and destiny were fulfilled by others, and he did not have to bear it himself.

Kyle Rayner is a painter with great artistic talent and artist's feelings.

Unlike a certain failed painter, he has a lazy and romantic personality, does not care about national affairs, and is unwilling to bear too many expectations from others.

But now the Chu Deng disaster is raging across the world, and only Bai Deng can fight against it. This is his destiny, and he can't escape it.

Although he has a loose personality, he does not want to evade responsibilities, but the psychological pressure cannot be eliminated.

Under Qingnv's guidance, he easily found his compassion and became a qualified Green Lantern in just two hours.

In the narration of the Holy Walker, he understood the secret of hope.

In just two or three hours, he activated the emotional energy of hope.

Red lights were a little more troublesome, Blitzcrank didn't know the art of anger control.

After the red lantern demon is selected by the lantern ring, if he cannot control the power of anger, he will be controlled by anger.

Like a mindless beast, only angry instincts remain, and cannot even speak normal words.

For example, Blitzcrank before.

The most beautiful woman in the galaxy has relatively average talent. After becoming a red lantern demon, she was unable to control her anger for a long time. Instead, she was controlled by anger. Her intelligence was only six or seven years old, and her speech was stammering.

Later, Atrocitus held her down in the sea of ​​blood and suffocated her for more than ten minutes before opening up the Ren and Du channels.

If Blitzcrank had continued to be controlled by her anger, she would have drowned in a sea of ​​blood.

There is only a thin line between life and death.

Kyle can't go to the Ismot planet to soak in the blood sea at this time.

Guy Gardner, who had been a red lantern demon and was very talented in red lights, worked with Syd as his mentor. It took him a whole night to reluctantly help him light the red light.

Later, Kyle learned from Harley the skills of sensing the fear of others and bringing fear to others. In just half a day, he defeated the current Lord of the Yellow Lantern, Archilo, as the Yellow Lantern Demon.

In roughly one day and one night, Kyle was able to control six other emotions besides the purple light.

Then he got stuck on the purple light.

In fact, Kyle ranked the order of becoming a Purple Lantern before the Yellow Lantern and the Red Lantern.

However, he tried all day long and found nothing.

Said asked him to master the other colors of light first, and then overcome the difficulty of the purple light.

After struggling for two days and two nights, he still couldn't control his feelings of love.

The Lantern and the heroes didn't understand.

They all thought the Purple Lantern would be easy for Kyle.

It was Carol who made the point: Purple Lantern requires persistent and selfless love, not general love.

To put it bluntly, Kyle must be like Carol. Even if he knew that his partner was a scumbag, he would remain in love with her for decades without any regrets and as deep in love as before.

This is too difficult for scumbags.

Hal Jordan is really a scumbag, the Green Lantern Corps is pretty, and he has dates with all the female Lanterns he often meets.

Not to mention the alien beauties he befriended during his tour of the cosmic sector.

Kyle Rayner is definitely not as good as Hal.

After being a Green Lantern for many years, he has only had two official girlfriends, the daughter of the Justice Society boss and the daughter of the Yellow Lantern boss.

At most, I had an affair with a few alien beauties during my free period.

But he also clearly has nothing to do with the loving man until death do us part.

Two days later, seeing that Kyle still could not freely control the emotion of love, the Zamaron woman even used brainwashing amethyst on him.

It's a trick used by the Purple Lantern Corps to brainwash loveless villains.

Amethyst is the materialized emotional energy of love. When a person is sealed in it, the emotion of love will be continuously poured into his mind and his own emotion of love will be stimulated, ultimately achieving the effect of completely distorting the soul.

There are so many expectations placed on Kyle Rayner.

The heroes would go to see him train every day, and there would be Seguang Yishi staring at him every moment. When they looked at him, their eyes were full of expectation and anxiety.

He could hardly bear the mission on which the universe placed all his hopes, and voluntarily applied to the Zamaron woman to use the brainwashing amethyst.

But still failed.

He was too powerful for the emotional energy of love to warp his mind.

In the end, Qingnv came up with a solution: imitate the Dual Cultivation of Good and Evil developed by Harley for Qingdeng, and let Kyle and Carol carry out the Dual Cultivation of Love. Both parties would completely open their minds and have an absolutely candid emotional exchange of love. .

Carol read about his journey of love, and he felt Carol's strong and persistent love.

This is a deeper communication than the exchange of emotions and memories.

Deep into their souls, into the hidden corners of their hearts that they themselves have never set foot on.

The effect was so good that in just three hours, Kyle was covered in a purple light uniform.

Said and others who were watching on the side were surprised and happy.

But Kyle did not end his soul cultivation with Carol immediately. They continued to indulge in the emotional blend of love and did not want to wake up. Until Harley, who was tinkering with the Death Realm Summoning Circle, suddenly sent a text message to remind them. Something seems to be going on over there with Sinestro.

While Kyle Rayner was practicing hard work behind closed doors, Harley was not idle either.

She was trying to figure out how to rescue Hal Jordan.

Since Sinestro and Simon Baz have escaped from the Light Purgatory one after another, as long as they locate Hal's location and open the dimensional door again, they will definitely be able to pull him out.

The key is locating Hal Jordan.

Colorful Purgatory is too big, and searching aimlessly is more difficult than finding a needle in a haystack. Moreover, rashly approaching the realm of death may alert the Black Death Emperor, making things more complicated.

For this reason, Harley brought Zha Kang over and asked him to form a research team with Zatanna, Sage Ochi and other magic masters. They tried to use psychic methods to find Hal's location, and then imitated the demon summoning circle to summon him. To the human world.

In this way, they don't have to enter the Purgatory of Color in person, and can avoid the sight of the Black Death Emperor to the greatest extent.

At this moment, the Koruga galaxy.

Oh my God, Koruga's star exploded?! Walking out of the white light wormhole, Kyle Rayner was first deeply shocked by the meteorites scattered across the starry sky, and then he saw Sinestro fighting the Frogs.

My dear, why was Firong held down and beaten by Sinestro? Gagardner came out from behind him and exclaimed.

Kyle Reiner achieved the white light body and used white light to activate space teleportation. He arrived at the destination almost instantly, which was thousands of times stronger than the blue lantern teleportation.

In addition to Guy Gardner, there are also John Stewart, Carol, Qingnu and other all the lustful alliance.

The Justice League also dispatched several masters with experience fighting the River of Time, including Superboy, Aquaman, The Flash, and Old Green Lantern.

You guys. Seeing them, Fu Rong hesitated for a moment.

To run, or not to run?

Witch Harley is here too.

Hahaha, Fu Rong, you are finished, completely finished!

The next moment, Harley's arrogant laughter spread wantonly across the starry sky through spiritual sound transmission.

Unexpectedly, Kyle Rayner's talent is better than yours. He doesn't need to plunder the emotional elements of the little blue man. In just three days, he trained from an ordinary Green Lantern to the most orthodox white lantern in the universe.

It's only been three days, and I can't imagine how successful he will be in the future.

At his growth rate, he might be able to become the 'God of White Light' who controls the laws of life in three months.

He will be the origin of all Lanterns, the 'ancestor of white light'.

Just move your fingers and you can crush the peak period of your life into pulp, hahaha.

The spiritual transmission was completed in an instant.

In an instant, Fu Rong's expression changed, hesitation and hesitation were abandoned, and his eyes remained firm.

- He can't run away!

The God of White Light and the Forefather of White Light must be delusions. He is the first generation of White Light, the Forefather of White Light, and the supreme existence beyond God.

But Witch Harley reminded him: Kyle Rayner has huge room for growth!

That day in Oa, he noticed the faint aura of the same kind exuding from Green Lantern Kyle.

At that time, he regarded it as the biggest threat.

Just as the Witch Harley was killed with one move, the next target to be killed was Kyle Rayner.

Unfortunately, Witch Harley was unexpectedly strong, so he could only retreat with hatred.

Even when he was retreating, he did not forget to give Kyle Rayner a look full of murderous intent.

At that time, he made up his mind that he would be the first to kill him after he drained the emotions of all sentient beings to regain full strength.

First kill Kyle Rayner, take away his white light origin, and then crush the Witch Harley in her strongest state.

Now his strength still has not fully recovered, and the recovery speed is getting slower and slower.

He can't distort reality like eating and drinking water like he did 3 billion years ago, but he can at least truly distort reality, although the cost is a bit high, as Sinestro expected.

At this time, the gap in strength between him and Kyle Rayner was the largest.

If he chooses to evacuate now, Kyle Rayner's strength will inevitably expand rapidly in a short period of time.

It will definitely not be possible to surpass him, but it will definitely shorten the distance between you and him.

So, now is the perfect time to kill Kyle Rayner!

Witch Harley, I know your little tricks. As you wish, we will fight to the end today!

Firong made a decision in an instant and understood Harley's purpose in an instant.

What she said before was to force him to stay and fight to the death with them.

Beast, your enemy is me! Die to me~~~

Sinestro, who was still lying on him and hitting his head with his fist, became angry and punched harder.

I won't play with you now. Firong glanced at him contemptuously.

Crack~~ The time and space in front of Sinestro's eyes solidified and shattered again - Bang~~~

But this time, as soon as a few gaps opened in his time and space, Firong felt like he had been shot in the forehead, colored white light sprayed out from his mouth and nose, and his head tilted back.

The originally cracked gap in time and space healed again, and the solidified time and space quickly returned to normal.

Hahaha, if you make the same mistake twice, you are already a big fool, but you step into the same pit three times, how stupid you must be. Harley laughed.

Fu Rong made an inhaling motion with his nose and mouth.

Huhuhu~~~ The colorful white light that was sprayed out before flowed back into his body again.

First he reached forward and used white light to condense the shield, blocking Sinestro ten meters away. Then he looked at Harley with solemn eyes.

It's you! You participated in Sinestro's reality at the scene, so when I distort his reality, I also change your reality.

Although you are stupid, you are not hopelessly stupid. As long as I am here, you can't distort anyone's reality. Harley smiled.

Why? Obviously I have recovered most of my strength and I can already distort anyone's reality. Why can't I distort yours? Fu Rong said unwillingly.

Harley mocked: You still don't want to understand that you are my distorted reality and a by-product of the reboot of the Crisis on Infinite Earths universe.

The memories in your mind that play with the mother river of time, such as eating and drinking, are all false and have never happened.

Therefore, no matter how much emotional power you collect, it is impossible to reach the state in your memory.

You are talking nonsense. I am the supreme being that transcends time. How could I be a product of distortion? Fu Rong said angrily.

Then how do you explain the current situation? You have clearly plundered the universe and your emotional power is stronger than it was 3 billion years ago. Why is your skill far less than it was 3 billion years ago?

You can’t say that the transformation is not your skill, but the universe, right? Harley scoffed.

That's right, it became the universe! Fu Rong's eyes lit up and he said suddenly: I finally understand that since I was imprisoned by the little blue man, I first experienced the change of the single universe splitting into the multiverse, and then the infinite earth. Crisis, zero-hour time mother river restart, multiverse restart. The laws of the multiverse are always changing.

But I was imprisoned in a shadow space isolated from the law, and could not change with the development of the times.

Therefore, my white light gradually no longer conforms to the life rules of this universe. My skill remains unchanged, but my effectiveness is greatly reduced.

Harley said speechlessly: I'm mocking you, can't you hear it? You still climb up the pole, I really admire you.

Fu Rong shook his head and said: I don't care what you want to do, I have my own thoughts and plans. For example, you deliberately used words to provoke me and told me not to evacuate.

I stayed not because you inspired me, but because I have my own plan.

He turned his gaze to Kyle with greedy eyes and said, He is my plan! As long as I take away his white light source, I will complete a complete sublimation.

Not only will my power increase greatly, but my white light will once again conform to the laws of life in the multiverse.

Kyle, he wants to steal your white light, why don't you get angry quickly. Harley shouted.

I never stopped attacking him, Kyle said.

Harley said with a look of disgust: What's the use of being so 'biubiubiu'? Use your killing move as a 'man of destiny'.

Although she had been quarreling with Firong, the lustful warriors of the Anti-Furong Alliance, and even Dachao, Neptune and others did not stand aside to watch the fun.

It's just that their attack methods and attack effects leave people speechless.

The color light warrior uses seven lights in one, and the seven colors of light are mixed together to coordinate the frequency and turn into white light, which is biubiubiu against the evil spirits.

Kyle Rayner also used his own white light to shoot at the scourge in the form of energy beams.

Dachao also shoots thermonuclear rays into the crowd.

Energy beams of various colors filled the starry sky, which was very dazzling and very lively.

Unfortunately, it was of no use. Fu Rong didn't even dodge, and suffered all the energy attacks.

Harley even suspected that he was absorbing the emotional energy attacks falling on him.

Anyway, Fu Rong's current expression is as relaxed as that of a melon-eater like her.

He chatted with her, and he still had time to think about the relationship between the changes in the laws of the universe and the power of white light.

Only Sinestro and Neptune kept trying to get closer to Fron, wanting to fight him face to face, fist to fist.

Unfortunately, it was isolated by an invisible force field and could never get close.

Kyle also felt that biubiubiu was doing useless work, so he sent a message and asked: What killing move should I use?

I'm not a White Lantern, what are you asking me to do? Harley said.

I just condensed the white light, and I didn't have time to develop any killing moves. After a pause, Kyle quickly explained: What I mean is that you are the main force and you need me to cooperate with you. You tell me and I will do it.

With your personality, you should have a backup plan, right?

Harry frowned and said, You are a destined person. Now that the white light has become available, you have not received any enlightenment, or do you feel like you are in the dark?

There are no revelations or premonitions. As for my feelings about the power of white light, I personally find it a bit disappointing.

Kyle looked troubled and said: In terms of intensity and function, the current white light seems to be far inferior to the light of life that we had after getting Hal's life force during the Sun-Eating Beast Crisis.

That time I could distort the timeline at will and modify reality such as eating and drinking.

Now when I try to interfere with the flow of the river of time, it is like a child trying to lift a sledgehammer. It is very difficult and there is a risk of huge backlash.

I don't know if there is something wrong with the white light condensed by the seven lanterns, or if I just cultivated the white light and failed to master that power.

Is the power gap so big? Harley was also confused after hearing this.

Sed, in the prophecy you saw, how will Kyle use white light to deal with evil? She turned around and asked.

Before Said could speak, Fu Rong sneered and said, Don't whisper in front of me. I can even see the process of your spiritual power spreading with my naked eyes.

So what? You can see it but you can't understand it. Harley sneered and continued to ask Syd.

Even if ordinary people were here, seeing their strange expressions and silence, they would guess that they were communicating secretly with their mental power.

But even Fu Rong couldn't decipher the mental information wrapped in her force field.

The one who doesn't understand is you, you idiots. Knowing that I wanted his white light source, not only did you not run away immediately, but you also imagined letting him kill me.

Fu Rong roared loudly, and the bright seven-colored white light formed a huge vortex around him.

The vortex was aimed at the river of time, and a large amount of river water of time was sucked down, covering the entire battlefield.

The river of time is not a physical substance.

It is a combination of laws, forces, and timelines of countless individual people.

The river of time has not completely entered the material universe.

It was just the evil white light that lifted the starry sky to a height close to the river of time.

Everyone on the battlefield is between the material universe and the river of time, which is equivalent to standing on the river embankment.

Firong raised the battlefield to the river embankment and stirred the water in the river of time. The water vapor in the river enveloped everyone including Harley.

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