I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1464 The Howling Black Death Emperor

Oa, the central jurisdiction of the Green Lantern Corps.

Guardian Cliff.

Six guardians surround the void mirror and watch the existence of every green light ring in the universe through the mirror like a 3D projection screen.

It contains grainy footage of Hal Jordan in action with six other Lanterns.

Each light ring is a powerful smart terminal that can record everything that happens around the wearer, and can also record everything and send it to the Book of Oa.

The guardians who have absolute authority over the Book of Oa can access that part of the content at any time.

When necessary, they can even use their powerful spiritual power to project their spiritual power onto the lantern ring, communicate directly with the lantern, or create a spiritual phantom.

Why do our greatest warriors fall one after another? The Guardians have banned Green Lanterns from contacting the traitors, but our Legion Commander knowingly does so.

Such as Atrocitus, Sinestro and others, even our mortal enemies.

How did the Guardians manage the Green Lantern Corps all these years, giving him the guts to blatantly disobey our orders? A bald female guardian said.

Listening to the sentence, she should be very angry.

But there was no emotion on her face or in her tone.

They all had names and emotions, and they all lost their names and all their emotions 3 billion years ago.

Perhaps, we must accept the fact that the light ring may be defective. said the dark-haired guardian with a high hairline.

It is not the lamp ring that is defective, but its holder. A white-haired guardian said excitedly.

The other five guardians immediately looked at him with strange indifference in their eyes.

You seem upset and agitated?

This is an emotional reaction! the bald female Guardian said indifferently: My fellow Guardians, perhaps the chaos in the internal management of the Green Lantern Corps has polluted your pure heart.

Please don't resist, let us help you perform an emotional cutting operation.

The white-haired guardian was stunned for a moment, and then said submissively: Please help me if necessary.

The other five guardians immediately surrounded him and stretched out their hands towards his head. Their powerful telepathy caused the air to refract transparent ripples.

After a while, an almost imperceptible gray smoke floated out from the white-haired guardian's brow.

Fortunately, I discovered it in time, otherwise you might have degenerated into the second 'Gunser'. The bald female little blue man nodded.

thank you for the help.

The white-haired guardian who had his emotional bud cut off was as calm as an ordinary person going to a barber shop to cut off excess hair.

However, although I had an evil emotional reaction just now, the meaning is probably the same. The flaws in the Green Lantern Corps must be eliminated as soon as possible.

Are you talking about Hal Jordan? His status in the Green Lantern Corps is very high. If he were an ordinary Lantern, we would have taken back his Lantern Ring long ago without needing to be reminded. The female Blue Man said.

The white-haired guardian said: If we do nothing, his authority will never be shaken.

——There is no need to take him down at once, as long as he keeps suppressing his prestige, one day he will change from the greatest Green Lantern in history that everyone respects to the shame of Green Lantern that everyone despises.

The most upright and selfless Green Lantern in the Green Lantern Corps is Sarlacc. He is older than Hal Jordan, and his reputation in the Corps is second only to Hal Jordan and Kyle Rayner. The black-haired guardian said.

Well, I have also observed him for a long time. He is withdrawn and keeps to himself. He never forms parties for personal gain. He also abides by rules and laws very much. He is a creature of absolute order, which is the opposite extreme of the chaotic Earth Lantern.

He is also the keeper of the Book of Oa.

He can be the hope of restoring Green Light discipline,

Call him over here.

The six guardians quickly reached a consensus.

Sarak, the manager of the Book of Oa, was also summoned to the Guardian Cliff immediately.

As you can see, Hal Jordan tried his best to hide his light ring signal, so that we can't see what he is doing, but we can sense the six colors of red, orange, yellow, cyan, blue, and purple light in the Beside him.”

The six Guardians opened the void mirror, explained Hal's situation, and then said: All Lanterns know about the latest ban issued by the Guardians, but Hal Jordan, as the commander of the Legion, blatantly violated the law.

Hal just wants to find Kalona as soon as possible. The four-armed Sarlacc explained.

Carona is not a problem for the Green Lantern Corps, we told you before. The bald female blue man said.

In fact, his behavior of capturing the lamp beast is very beneficial to us. The white-haired little blue man said.

It's beneficial? Sarak was stunned, How could it be beneficial?

Carona will definitely come back to us. When the time comes, we will capture him in one fell swoop. Will the Seven-Lamp Beast be back under the control of the Green Lantern Corps? said the bald man, Little Blue Man.

Sarak hesitated for a moment and confirmed again: Can you really deal with Kalona easily? I heard Hal Jordan analyze that Kalona collects lamp beasts in order to obtain the terrifying power to rule the universe.

If he didn't have enough benefits, he wouldn't have been hiding for billions of years and suddenly jumped out today.

Do you think Hal Jordan knows Carona better than we do? the bald female Blue Man said.

The bald little blue man said sternly: Salac, have you forgotten the Green Lantern commandments? The Green Lantern must execute the Guardian's orders.

I haven't forgotten, but the Green Lantern Commandment clearly stipulates that unless there is an emergency, the guardian's order can be questioned until the guardian gives a reasonable reason. Sarak said.

We have given the reasons and told you publicly from the beginning. There is no need to worry about Carona, and there is no need to ally with the Green Lantern's mortal enemy. The black-haired little blue man said.

Sarak hesitated for a moment, nodded and said: I understand, what does the guardian want from me?

Hal Jordan violated the ban and secretly mixed up with Green Lantern's nemesis. I want you to select a Green Lantern team and bring him back for a public trial.

Well, justifying the violation of the ban in front of all the Legion members.

Sarlac didn't want to go, but purely from the perspective of green light commandments, their orders were in compliance with the law.

The new Green Lantern commandment requires Guardians to provide reasonable explanations for orders.

But as long as the explanation is clear, Green Lantern must resolutely implement it, even if it costs his life.

The reality is that the Guardians have indeed explained it earlier, and it seems to make sense - they could easily capture Kalona 3 billion years ago, and they will be no exception now.

As for the Seven Lantern Beast

Emotional energy and the lamp beasts were brought to the physical universe by Kalona.

He mastered the power of lamp beasts and green lanterns 3 billion years ago.

Three billion years ago, the Guardians did not know how to use green light energy.

Hal Jordan and I are good friends. According to the regulations, the Supreme Green Lantern should be arranged to perform this task. Sarak finally struggled.

The Supreme Green Lantern was born after the war between yellow and green.

The last batch of Guardians selected elite volunteer Lanterns from the Green Lantern Corps and gave them a gift exclusive to the Guardians: the shaving of all emotions.

Shaving off emotions is only the first step.

Then, the mortal Lantern will undergo semi-mechanical transformation.

Using the technology of the Mechanical Hunter, the Green Lantern furnace is implanted into the Lantern, so that the Supreme Green Lantern will have the authority to control the energy of the ordinary Lantern's lantern ring.

No emotions, absolutely selfless, possessing powerful power and the authority to control the light ring. This is the origin of the name Supreme, and it is also the confidence for the Supreme Green Lantern to become the Green Lantern Military Police.

The Supreme Green Lantern not only restrains the Green Lantern, but also restrains the other six color-light legions.

Because they have no emotions anymore.

Like the Yellow Lantern Corps, their main method of dealing with their enemies is to inspire fear in their enemies.

If the enemy can overcome fear, it is like turning on the 'Yellow Light Defense Specialty', and the yellow light attack will be very weak.

We sent you there just because you are Hal Jordan's friend. Hal Jordan is unruly and the Supreme Green Lantern's attitude is too harsh. He may resist violently, causing the past to happen again. The bald female Blue Man said.

As you command, I will definitely bring Hal back. Sarak took the order and left.

After Sarlac left Oa with the Hal Apprehension Team, several guardians continued to follow Hal around the Void Mirror.

I don't know how much time has passed, but the bald female guardian said: They stopped outside sector 666 for several hours and never moved. Why is this?

Should be waiting for someone to watch, they started to move.

Who are they waiting for? I don't see the eighth person.

Hal deliberately covered up the light ring signal. Only seven light spots of different colors could be seen on the void mirror, and no human figure could be seen clearly.

Don't worry about them. Salak has already set off anyway and will bring Hal Jordan back soon.

An hour later, all seven light spots on the void mirror disappeared.

Either they entered a secret realm that is isolated from the main universe, or they have already stepped into Carona's trap and were completely wiped out. The black-haired guardian analyzed.

Hmph, this is what happens if you don't obey the guardian's orders.

“If they are really wiped out, then Carona has done another good thing for us.

Not only did we eliminate sworn enemies like Sinestro and Atrocitus, but we also eliminated green light pests like Hal Jordan who were very difficult to deal with.

Haha, have you ever thought that Hal Jordan's existence is actually to protect you?

A strange laughter suddenly appeared above the Guardian Cliff.


An energy explosion like a nuclear explosion suddenly enveloped the entire Green Lantern Station. The dazzling light of red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue and purple turned Oa into the sun for an instant.

The cliff collapsed and debris flew everywhere.

The violent energy flow formed a fifty-kilometer-diameter colorful light pillar on the surface of Oa.


Either they were killed directly or knocked unconscious, and the surviving lanterns were like dust in the wind, screaming in pain and confusion.

Even if they were as powerful as the Guardians, they were all bleeding from their orifices, unsteady and in a miserable state.

The Green Lantern Corps was nearly wiped out in one wave.

Is it you, Carona?!

Well, you should have been shocked, but you weren't shocked. It's really disappointing. I was going to make a shocking appearance and get a lot of exclamations.

Scarlet eyes, a ferocious smile, black hair that reaches as high as the top of his head, and a ragged black cloak.

Kalona slowly fell down surrounded by lamp beasts.

There are seven chains growing out of the surface of his small body. The other ends of the chains are connected to a lamp beast. You can see the emotional energy being extracted by the chains and flowing into his body.

Why are you here? Is there no trap in the Riut galaxy? The guardian was very embarrassed, but his tone was still cold and indifferent.

How could I come to Oa if I didn't catch Witch Harley and the Seven Lantern Masters in one fell swoop? But who said you have to be present to set up traps?

And Witch Harley?

Otherwise? If you cut off your emotions and desires, you will lose your sense of crisis and fear. You will be as numb as dead wood and stone. Naturally, you will have no feeling for the amazingly talented and beautiful Witch Harley.

Not to mention Witch Harley, you are indifferent to all major changes in the universe.

But I am different. Billions of years later, my thoughts are still vibrant, lively and agile.

I can accept changes in the world and quickly integrate into them.

Therefore, the witch Harley, who is famous in the multiverse for her cunning and cunning, and who can only calculate others and never suffer losses, also fell into a big trouble with me, hahaha.

Kalona was very proud and excited, but when they saw the numb and indifferent expressions of the guardians, even though they were covered in blood, bruises, and embarrassed, they didn't show any emotion at all.

It was as if a bucket of cold water had been poured on him. He became less interested and pretended to be boring.

Forget it, let's let the multiverse experience my great achievements.

With a thought in Kalona's mind, the Seven Lantern Beast flew towards the six guardians and got into their ears, nose and mouth.

Uh ah~~~ The guardian's expression was distorted, and he collapsed on the ground, twitching and screaming like an epilepsy.

Hehehe, with the blessing of your spiritual power, I will definitely be able to complete the cultivation of the seven kinds of emotional energy. At that time, I will create my own white light, the white light that comes from self-cultivation - uh ah ah~~ ~”

Kalona suddenly staggered, covered his head and howled in pain, The imprint of my soul left on the Book of Darkness was violently destroyed by who?!

How is this possible? I am the Black Lantern Guardian personally appointed by the Black Death Emperor.

Who but the Black Death Emperor himself can destroy my mark without destroying the Book of Darkness?

Carona, kill her, kill Witch Harley immediately!

Just as he was thinking about the Black Death Emperor, the roar of the Black Death Emperor appeared in his mind.

Witch Harley? She has been sealed into the Book of Darkness by me. Kalona was horrified, Did she destroy the imprint of my will? How did she do it?

The Black Death Emperor said in humiliation: That bastard resurrected my corpse into a 'Black Lantern Living Corpse'.

Carona was dumbfounded, What? You are the Black Death Emperor, and you directed the Blackest Night.

Witch Harley is desecrating my corpse and playing with my soul. Damn it, I have always been the only one to play with other people's corpses and souls. Carona, help me kill her. Black Death Emperor cried out in grief and anger.

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