I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1446 The ill-fated Minos

You are already dead and can no longer be patriotic. Harley reminded.

Kuai Nan immediately said: But I can have another life. As long as you send me to reincarnation, I promise to be a patriot.

Patriotism is difficult. The 'Patriot Redemption Fund' and the 'Heroes Redemption Fund' have thresholds. To get the Patriot Redemption Fund, you must at least have a Purple Heart Medal issued by the government.

Look at Minos, how much he paid to become a patriot. Harley sighed.

Even if I'm like Minos and do bad things and are heinous, I will definitely be a patriot in my next life. The electric man promised, patting his chest.

Harley still looked embarrassed, But the rules of the Gate of Reincarnation come from the second sister of Death.

The fast man turned his head and glanced at his heroic teammates with pleading eyes.

Diana couldn't bear it at first and persuaded: Harry, if we are just friends, we can't really let the fast guy go to hell, right?

Shi Xia touched his nose and endured the disgust in his heart, saying, Although Kuai Man's sins exceed the bottom line of the Heroes' Redemption Fund, they are definitely not as good as Minos.

It makes no sense that Minos could survive a second life but not give the fast boy a chance to change his ways.

Harley, be accommodating. The first-generation Bomberman said dryly.

Oh, okay. Harley sighed helplessly, called the fast man to come forward, reached out and patted him, and a golden circle immediately appeared between the fast man's eyebrows.

This is our lifelong friendship, and all the emotional power is transformed into 'Harley's friendship.'

Isn't there Harley's protection? Kuai Nan worriedly said, I don't want to be reincarnated as a beast!

But you are not a patriot. 'Harley's Asylum' is specially prepared for patriotic people in the United States. This is the rule. Harley frowned.

In fact, Harley's protection, Harley's friendship, and Harley's love are all just the same thing - Harley's seal of reincarnation.

The idea of ​​guaranteeing humanity and the idea that my fate is up to my will are all just gimmicks to fool people.

The first is that, limited by the laws of the DC universe, the six paths of reincarnation do not exist in the animal path at all.

The gods can specifically collect the soul of a certain spiritual animal, but they will not specifically create a reincarnation channel for animals.

After the animal dies, the thin spirit body in the body decomposes directly in Limbo and enters the next cycle. There is no judgment and no interference from the God of Death.

To put it simply, the blank soul of an animal is a can, and the blank soul of a human being, full of emotion and potential, is a mobile phone. Mobile phones and cans come from two different production lines. Death generally only works as a supervisor on the mobile phone production line.

Harley's creation of a non-existent beastly path only increases the value of Harley's protection.

To put it bluntly, scare them with animal ways and let them understand the value of Harley's protection.

Of course, if someone doesn't believe in evil and wants to be a beast, Harley can also put in some effort to fulfill his wish.

Secondly, I have no control over my destiny, which is a characteristic of her reincarnation seal.

After all, the Reincarnation Seal comes from defense expertise, and defending against the reincarnation of life and death is its true job.

No matter who enters her door of reincarnation, he will be marked with the seal of reincarnation. He can use his own will to defend the process of reincarnation to a limited extent, so that the result of reincarnation is more in line with his own wishes.

One of the reasons why Hallie went through so much trouble was to show off to others and make them fear her and appreciate her, even if she secretly sold them.

Another reason is to prepare excuses in advance to avoid taking responsibility.

You've already said I have no control over my fate. How can you blame me for being reincarnated into a tuberculosis ghost?

You can only blame yourself for not being strong-willed and not having a strong will to I want to be as strong as LeBron James and as flexible as Messi.

Harley. The electric man looked at Harley and wailed, and then glanced at his fellow heroes with pleading eyes.

Harley, I understand that everything has a price. Let's see how we can help Quick Man. Let's pay the price together. Wonder Woman sighed.

The first and second generation Bomberman frowned, feeling dissatisfied that he was being represented.

Harry said helplessly: Hey, forget it, don't talk about the price, you have to keep this matter secret, you can't tell it, and you can't let the 'patriots' know about it.

‘Harley’s Asylum’ was originally a benefit of the ‘Patriot Redemption Fund’.

Heroes also have their own 'Hero Redemption Fund'.

If the patriots knew that the hero had used ‘Harley’s Asylum’, those patriots with lower sins would also ask the ‘Hero Redemption Fund’ to provide them with merit points, and then go to Heaven Mountain to become a god.

You definitely don't want this to happen, right?

I understand, we must keep it a secret. The reactions of the first and second generations of Bomberman were more positive than that of the Lightning Man.

They really don't want to see that happen.

The total amount of merit in the Heroes Redemption Fund is limited.

The heroes themselves feel that they are not enough, and of course they do not want to let the patriots take advantage.

Moreover, the atmosphere in Tiantian Mountain is very good now, because the grass-headed gods are all like-minded heroes.

If a group of patriots who are full of crimes join them, it will seriously affect their mood.

Harley patted the fast man on the arm, and H appeared between his eyebrows.

Remember to be patriotic in the next life.

Not only am I patriotic, I also want to be a good person! Kuai Nan promised with gratitude on his face.

Before Harley planned to push Fast Man into the door of reincarnation, the third generation of Bomberman could no longer restrain his desire and came over and said: Harley, I want to be reincarnated too!

Achim, you—— The first and second generation bombers were shocked.

Harley was also very puzzled, Aren't you going to Heaven Mountain to become a grass-headed god?

Achim looked back at the senior Bomberman and said with a sincere expression: I have never experienced the love of my parents in my life. I have always prayed to Lord Shiva to live a prosperous and happy life in the next life.

Because of this, I do good deeds and accumulate virtue, and try to be a good person no matter how difficult the life is.

Oh, I understand, go ahead. The first-generation Bomberman sighed.

People's motivation to be a good person is to give birth to a good child in the next life. How can I persuade them?

Pah, pah, pah, pah! Harley slapped Achim on the arm nine times in succession, and four golden characters Fu Lu Shou Wei appeared directly on his forehead.

OK, you can enter the reincarnation gate.

What is this? Kuai Nan asked curiously.

This is 'Harry's strongest blessing'.

The corners of Diana's mouth twitched and she said: How many 'Harley's' blessings do you have? Can they be put together into a suit?

Harry said: Without a suit, many functions of blessings are overlapping. For example, this fortune, wealth and longevity not only means 'my destiny is up to me', but it also guarantees a person who is rich, powerful, healthy, long-lived and powerful. Afterlife.”

How strong is his strength? Kuai Nan envied.

At least he's a B-level superpower.

My dear, isn't this the fusion of the 'Human Way' and the 'Heroic Way'? Kuai Nan's eyes turned red.

Harry said calmly: How else could I be worthy of the name 'Harry's Strongest Blessing'?

At this time, even several grass-headed heroes cast envious glances at Achim.

With the memories of his past life and the ability to awaken his powers, will he join the Justice League again in his next life?

As long as his personality doesn't change drastically, he can still go to Heaven Mountain after death.

It's equivalent to having a lifetime of prostitution for nothing, and it's impossible to earn more merit.

Harley, thank you. I will definitely live up to your blessings and be a hero who upholds the concept of justice in my next life. Achim was so moved that he almost shed tears.

Harley nodded slightly.

According to the rules of cause and effect of the Gate of Reincarnation, Achim could have become a superior among humans in her next life. At most, she would choose one among the superiors to awaken her superpowers.

To put it bluntly, Fu Lu, Longevity and Power is still just a blank slate seal of reincarnation.

Kuai Nan asked: Harry, is 'Fu Lu, Longevity and Prestige' a blessing from you, or is it the rule of the Reincarnation Gate?

My blessing.

Can you give such a blessing to anyone?

Harry understood his thoughts and said calmly: The Reincarnation Gate has its own rules, and the blessing is completely under my control, which is the icing on the cake.

But I will only bless those who have great merit.

Just like I have tens of millions of merits in heaven, your more than two hundred thousand sins are nothing, but I will not help you eliminate your sins.

Ignoring the embarrassment on the fast man's face, she looked around and continued: I am not a philanthropist. I am working on the Hero Path and the Redemption Fund for only two reasons. One is favor, and the other is my own respect for noble character. Respect.

For example, Rex (Nukeman), Al (Time Man), Roy (the first generation of Bomberman), and Andrew (the second generation of Bomberman), I have only met you a few times before, and have never spoken a few words to you. talk.

But after you die, some people are not enough to go to heaven, but they still come to Heaven Mountain and get the body of the god of faith. Their life is much easier than that of my big brother Falcone.

He is still working hard for self-salvation.

This is not because of the deep relationship between you and me, but because of your noble moral character and great personality.

Your moral character and personality meet the standards that I respect.

Even if you are just strangers to me, you will be treated the same.

Like Achim, I hadn't even met him before.

My blessing to him has nothing to do with favors. It is purely because of his virtue that he has won my respect.

But if some of you are not up to the standard of morality.

Sorry, I have no reason to respect you, and don't ask for too much.

The rules are that simple.

The fast man was so ashamed that he wished he could get into the reincarnation gate immediately.

The grass-headed gods nodded slightly, looking at Harry with a little more appreciation in their eyes.

They made it clear that helping them was purely out of respect for their virtue.

This kind of affirmation of their character made them feel warm in their hearts, very touched, and very excited.

Under this premise, when we analyze Harley's words, we feel that she is particularly frank, sincere, and very principled.

She created the Patriot Redemption Fund to help her friends get through the back door, and it became a symbol of kindness and justice.

When Harley said this, she didn't mean to show off.

Now that we are open and honest and explain the rules clearly, there will be fewer similar troubles in the future.

After forming a process that is accepted by everyone, she does not need to guard the reincarnation gate every day.

The grass-headed god or her little brother just needs to follow the rules and regulations.

Let's go, it's getting late. Harley urged.

Goodbye, everyone. The lightning fast man plunged into the door of reincarnation.

Harley didn't choose life for him.

When it was the turn of the third generation of Bomberman, she listened to his voice and then chose a mother with super genes for him.

Madame Butterfly did not choose reincarnation.

Diana paid 120,000 heavenly merits for her and went to Heaven Mountain with the first and second generation bombers.

After closing the reincarnation door, Harley and Diana returned to Earth.

Ding ding~~ As soon as they landed in Gotham, several messages popped up on Harley and Diana's mobile phones at the same time.

Harry, there is a leak in an underground biological laboratory in Gango Town, Washington, D.C., and I am being called for support.

Looking through several pieces of laboratory-related information, Diana added: It should be the 'bionic robot' Yamodra who killed General Minos. No, that's not right. General Minos is lying. Yamodra is not a robot. He is It's a genetic monster.

Hera on top, Superman was defeated by it!

Eight S-class heroes from Zhenglian launched a siege against him, but they were no match for him. How could this be possible? !

Harley also saw relevant messages on her mobile phone, including requests for help from Zhenglian and a report from Amanda Waller from the Sky Eye Club, which was more detailed.

Haha, look at this. Harley didn't pay attention to Yamo Zhuo's message. Instead, she proudly handed Diana a text message.

Diana took a closer look and saw a short sentence on the screen: Thank you, Harley, M.

What's the meaning?

Minos' reincarnation was successful! I'm not wrong. If you hurry up, you can get the call that night. Harley smiled.

How do you know he is Minos? Just by an M?

Harley smiled and said, Look at the location of the message displayed in the upper right corner.

Locating the specific location of the message is a special function of her mobile phone.

Washington, D.C., Guangzhou, St. Mary's Private Hospital, what does this mean? Diana read.

The message from the hospital at this time, M, who else could it be besides Minos? Harley said.

Well, it seems that your blessing is really effective. Most people can't afford to live in St. Mary's Hospital. Diana sighed uncomfortably, suddenly her expression froze, and she lowered her head to look at the screen again.

Omaika, Ganguo Town?! she exclaimed.

What's wrong? Harley was confused.

Amozo is in Gango Town, and it's out of control now. Diana said with a strange expression.

Harley's expression froze, No way.

Ps: I have written a lot about reincarnation in the past two days. There are two purposes. One is to describe Harley’s special abilities. In the future, when Harley leaves the DC universe, the reincarnation seal will be very useful - of course, this book will not be written. The plot outside the DC universe only shows Harley's ultimate strength.

The second reason is more important. To toss, or to clean up, the big bosses in the military and political circles of the metropolis... Well, if you can't do it in reality, and you feel aggrieved, you can realize your dream in the book.

In the next Yamo Zhuo incident, the DC world will become... and have a certain degree of overlap with reality.

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