I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1437 The Brilliant Phoenix

Eagle World, N City, a gorgeous ancient Egyptian-style city built on the highest mountain.

At this time, the city was filled with loud killing sounds and fireworks. Thousands of warriors with lion heads and bodies charged from all corners to the palace in the center of the city.

The eagle-man army with eagle heads and eagle wings in mid-air either shoots with bows and arrows, or dives and attacks with spears, entangled with the lion-headed warriors.

Inside the palace, under the throne, there was also a battle going on.

Why? Qiya, why did you do this to your daughter?! Eagle Man roared with grief and anger.

Above the throne, there is an arch made of bones. Eagle Girl's palms are folded, and a bone is nailed through the palms and embedded in the upper edge of the door frame.

Eagle Girl's body was covered in bruises, her long hair was disheveled, her head was drooping, and her body was hanging feebly in the air.

It looks like a sausage hanging from the eaves.

Beside her stood a tall, burly, black-haired man with his arms folded across his chest.

Stab it— The answer to Eagle Man's angry question was the silver soft sword drawn like a whip.

Eagle Man's body was also covered with injuries, and even in places such as his back and shoulders that were hard to reach with his arms, there were half arrows stuck in him. The arrows penetrated his flesh and blood oozed out, making him look miserable.

However, Eagle Man's reaction was still not slow. Faced with the soft sword drawn by Swish Swish, he first dodged sideways, then with quick eyes and quick hands, he grabbed it and pulled it hard, knocking the Cleopatra on the opposite side. Pull to your side.

The soft sword is not a real sword, but a metal bone wing growing on the woman's back.

There are no feathers on the long, slender, sharp wing bones, just a piece of metal.

The wings on the back of Hawkman and Hawkgirl are flesh and blood, and the feathers fly around during the fierce battle, just like a fighting cock.

With his left hand, he pulled his stepmother to his side, and Yingnan struck her with the N-metal war hammer in his right hand.

Hit her belly very hard.


The dark-haired woman dressed like Cleopatra was sent flying seven or eight meters until she hit the palace wall.


There was a big dent in the stone wall, with spiderweb-like cracks opening on the surface, and tiny stones flying around like bullets.

Qia, it seems you need my help. The man next to Eagle Girl said with a relaxed expression.

Haas, don't underestimate me.

The woman easily escaped and jumped off the wall without even a scratch on her body.

She didn't even rub her belly or spit out bloody spit.

Also, don't call me 'Qia'. That name has long become a thing of the past. Now I am the Shrike Queen, and I am the master of this world.

As she spoke, the stepmother of Eagle Man stretched out her hands, spread her fingers, and shouted softly, Come here!

Whoosh! The N-metal war hammer in Eagle Man's hand seemed to be entangled with an invisible thread, suddenly escaped from his control and flew to Queen Qia.

With her Go, the warhammer hit Ying Man again like a missile.

Yingnan tried to dodge, but was horrified to find that his body was stiff, sluggish, and out of control, as if he had been hit by a body-holding spell.

Bang~~~ The war hammer hit his face hard, and blood flowed from the corner of his split mouth.

Hey, what kind of magic is this? Savage asked in surprise.

Queen Qia had a cheerful smile on her face, and while using the remote-controlled war hammer to hit Eagle Man from all angles, she said proudly: This Eagle World is very strange. Although all the N metal minerals have been dug away, it is always shrouded in a wave of N metal. Can't you feel it under the radiation, especially this N-city located on the highest mountain?

I don't feel much. Savage looked up and seemed to see another planet beyond the ceiling and sky.

But I can guess the reason. The Senagang star is the closest to here. Above your palace, there is a space node connecting the Senagang star.

For thousands of years, my body has been immersed in the strange N metal radiation energy. Not only have I grown four metal wings, but I can also control N metal at will with my thoughts, and even my body has absorbed N metal energy, just like this.

Crack, click, click~~ Eagle Man's arms seemed to be pinched by invisible hands, and they were pulled into strange arcs. The bones were broken into several pieces, and even poked out from the muscles.

Ahhhhh. Eagle Man screamed miserably.

Hahahaha, the once most powerful Egyptian prince is like a puppet in my hands. Queen Qia laughed excitedly.

Her laughter and Hawkman's screams woke up Hawkgirl who was unconscious due to pain.

Why? Why do you treat us like this? she asked painfully.

Why not? You have disgusted me since you were born. The pain of giving birth to you is something I have never experienced in my life. I hate you. Queen Qia looked back at her daughter's reincarnation with a vicious look on her face. , If you were really my daughter, my hatred for you might slowly disappear.

At least I don't want you to die.

But you are not.

From the moment you grew those wings, I knew you were a lonely ghost from hell.

You killed my real daughter's soul and took her body. You are a demon and my enemy.

I should have drowned you in a piss bucket long ago.

It's a pity that old bastard from Naboo said that your and Khufu's wings are auspicious and that you are the reincarnation of gods.

No, it's not like that. I am your daughter. I, my birth did not harm anyone. Eagle Girl's face was pale, she argued again and again, shaking her head vigorously.

You still want to steal my lover. Haas, are you still interested in her? Queen Qia looked at Savage and said with a strange smile: You can love her here, in front of me and Khufu. , that would be fun.”

What did you say? Eagle Girl was stunned for a moment in disbelief, and then yelled: You are not worthy of being my mother, you are the real devil.

Savage said calmly: Queen Shrike, we have business to do. Or are you just satisfied with your current revenge and ruling this small plane like a pit?

We are immortals and have plenty of time. Queen Qia said.

Even immortals have to spend their time on meaningful things. Compared with the stars and the sea outside, this desolate place - Eh~~ Savage's expression changed, and a trace of fear flashed quickly in his eyes, Hurry, come here quickly, Witch Harley has stepped into the door of bones, we must not meet her face to face.

Harley. Hawkman and Hawkgirl were shocked, with a look of anticipation on their faces.

Who is Witch Harley? Why are you afraid of her? Queen Qia said dissatisfied.

She can kill you completely and remove the N metal particles from your body.

Savage walked quickly to Eagle Man, dragged him under the arch of bones, and using bone spurs as nails, he quickly nailed him to the lintel and next to Eagle Girl.

It was the first time that Queen Qia saw him so solemn and even a little panicked. She couldn't help but wonder: If she can't even do it on Naboo, why should she?

Naboo is no match for her. Savage's eyes flashed as he said, Come here quickly, I'm going to activate the space gate.

After I leave the Eagle World and get rid of Witch Harley's pursuit, I will explain her situation to you in detail.

Queen Qiya turned to the window and complained: Did you hear the fighting outside? Khufu did not come alone. He led a group of white lion slaves to rebel, and they are almost close to my palace.

The Eagle World is just a prison. What's worth missing about the throne in the prison? Savage stood in the center of the Skeleton Gate and waved anxiously to Queen Qia, There are billions of untouchables outside waiting for your rule, my Queen.

Are there so many people in the billions of worlds? Queen Qia was fascinated and walked step by step towards the door of bones. Shall we go back to Egypt directly? Didn't you say that Witch Harley is scary?

No, I spent thousands of years collecting the corpses of these two people. I also spent a lot of effort to build the Bone Gate with the corpses of Khufu and Triaya as the main body. It was not just for the purpose of teleporting to the earth. Savage Squinting his eyes, the voice sounded a little strange.

where are we going?

Queen Qia walked up to him and curiously looked at the portal made of pure corpses.

Savage took out the N metal dagger from his waist, and while carving strange runes on the door frame, he said: Did you see the purple halo covering the corpse? This is emotional energy, the purple light of love.

The love between your daughter and Khufu is so strong that even if the soul leaves, the body will automatically produce the emotional energy of love.

The corpses of Khufu and Triaya even became the central energy battery of the Purple Lantern Corps.

What kind of army is the Purple Lantern Corps? What are we going to do? Queen Qia became more and more confused as she listened.

Savage finished burning the runes, took back the dagger with a smile, and said: The Purple Lantern Corps is a powerful force in the universe. We need to use Khufu's corpse as an introduction and Eagle Man's current living body as a sacrifice to position ourselves. The most core treasure of the Purple Lantern Corps. Obtaining that treasure is equivalent to taking away all the power of the Purple Lantern Corps.

Queen Qia looked forward to it: Is the Purple Lantern Corps as powerful as Naboo?

Well, probably stronger than Naboo.

Queen Qia clapped her hands and said happily: Great, when I find the treasure of the Purple Lantern Corps, I will tie Nabu on a dog chain and parade him on the street.

You want to teleport to the headquarters of the Purple Lantern Corps? And you want to steal their central energy battery? Eagle Man sneered: Savage, I didn't expect you to be so humorous.

Who said the central energy battery is the core treasure? If I want the purple light battery, I have succeeded. Savage patted the Khufu skeleton on the door frame, This is their central battery.

Yingnan was stunned for a while, his pupils shrank, and he said in shock: Do you want a lantern beast with a purple light?

Savage nodded proudly.

Daydreaming. Eagle Girl said coldly.

Savage smiled and said: You must have confidence in yourself, your love is the true love of the past and the present, and it is the only one in the entire universe.

Offer your love to the emotional incarnation of love, how could it refuse?

Eagle Man and Eagle Girl glared at him with anger on their faces.

Queen Qia smiled and leaned close to Savage, and said seductively: Our love is also an unparalleled love that spans six thousand years. The purple lantern beast cannot be said to be more touching to our love.

Baby, you are right, the Predators will be attracted to you. Savage smiled strangely, and with lightning speed, he pulled out the dagger that had been inserted into his waist and inserted it straight into Queen Qia's heart.

Buzz buzz The dagger only pierced the outer part of the Queen's crown. Before it got close to the skin, it was blocked by a powerful force field, causing the blade to tremble like a buzzing sound.

Queen Qia was stunned for a moment, then shouted angrily: What are you doing?

Savage curled his lips, let go of the dagger, and quickly grabbed Qia's slender and delicate neck with his big hand.

You are Cuiya's mother and Khufu's stepmother. Your blood and soul can activate the Bone Gate to the maximum extent. This is why I came to you. Go in peace, for my hegemony.

Don't even think about it!

Qiya had a thought, and the N metal dagger floating on her chest drew an arc and inserted into the throat of the man behind her with precision.


Blood splashed on the back of Qiya's neck, warm and wet.

Crack~~ Just as she showed a relaxed expression, a powerful attack hit her neck, shattering her throat and cervical vertebrae.

You- Qia tilted her head, shock frozen on her face.

Fool, I am an immortal. Savage pulled out the dagger from his neck, and the wound healed visibly.

Then he stepped on Qia's chest with one foot and grabbed her neck with his right hand, Pfft——

He threw the head with the entire spine on the ground, wiped his hands on her crown, smiled and said to the stunned Eagle Man and Eagle Girl: Okay, she must be dead now. Look, The Gate of Bones has been activated, and the purple light is more than a hundred times stronger than before.

Why did you kill her? You went to great lengths to collect our corpses, wasn't it just to save her? Eagle Girl murmured.

Cuiya, you are so childish and cute. Savage wiped a handful on her face, I love you so much that I have killed you countless times.

This old stick has never had any use for me other than to leak jade.

Not to mention that to locate the Purple Lantern Beast, you need to use her to sacrifice the Bone Gate, even if she is useless. Have you seen the Yingren outside?

The hawks here are not the hawk warriors of Senagon.

The Yingman warrior is a human body with N-metal wings.

The eagles and lions of the Eagle World are complete beasts.

But many of the hawks in the palace have human characteristics.

They are all the hybrids that the old stick has fathered with the Eagle Man over thousands of years.

This piece of shit makes me sick even if I touch her.

Bah~ Eagle Girl spat on his face with bloody spit, You are such a rotten person, I feel disgusted just by looking at you.

Pah~~ Savage slapped him with his backhand, and his voice was so loud that it even echoed in the hall.

Hawkgirl's head was buzzing and she suddenly became confused.

Her right cheek swelled into a big bun in the blink of an eye, and a half-meter-long blood streak dripped from the corner of her mouth.

Beast, don't hit her. If you dare, hit me. Eagle Man struggled and cursed.

Savage glanced at the palace gate and said solemnly: I also want to slap you, but unfortunately I don't have time. Witch Harley has entered the Eagle World.

Buzzing. The door of bones emits bright purple light.

With a swish, Savage, Bone Gate, and Hawkman and Hawkgirl all disappeared.

The next moment, they entered a super-light space filled with purple light.

Ah ah ah. Eagle Man screamed in pain, and the unconscious Eagle Girl was also awakened by the severe pain and screamed.

Carter, this door is eating us, trying to fuse us with the bones of our past.

Fight it, don't give up, Kendra, Harley is here, she will come to save us soon. Eagle Man gritted his teeth and shouted.


I don't know how long they had been suffering, but the pressure on the two people suddenly relaxed, the devouring power of the Bone Gate suddenly dropped, the purple light dispersed, and the sky above them brightened.

Is it over? Yingnan's head was covered with sweat and his eyes were blurry.

Not bad, he's still alive. Savage glanced at Hawkgirl and Hawkman, then looked up at the sky. A huge thing emitting lavender light was above their heads.

The Predator, it's the Predator! He shouted excitedly: My Skeleton Gate successfully located the Predator's location.

Predator, answer my call and come here!


With a hoarse scream, the purple monster quickly fell down and landed in front of the Skeleton Gate.

It looks like a Tyrannosaurus Rex built of bones, but it has four more arms than the Tyrannosaurus Rex.

It's called predator beast, and as expected, the beast lives up to its name and looks very predatory.

Eagle Man struggled and shouted: Predator, I know you have wisdom, just like the ion shark, you are smart and wise, and you can distinguish right from wrong.

The man in front of you is not a good person, don't be fooled by him.

He will use your power to do evil and harm the loving people in the world. You are the guardian beast of love and his enemy.

Savage tilted his head and smiled weirdly, Khufu, are you mistaking the Purple Lantern Beast for the Purple Lantern? That's stupid.

With a sneer, he opened his arms and shouted: Come here and let me be your host!

No, he has no love, Predator, kill him. Eagle Man and Eagle Girl struggled and shouted.

The predator standing on the ground looks more like a Tyrannosaurus rex.

Two strong hind legs propped up the body, six deformed short and thin arms were drooped on the chest, and a tail was trailing behind it.

The Predator stretched its eyeless head to Savage, sniffed it a few times, and said slowly: You have no love, and you just murdered your lover.

Yes, he has no love, he is the enemy of love. Yingnan said immediately.

Savage not only did not defend himself, but instead laughed proudly and said: I did more than just sacrifice that Splasher. Look at the door of bones around me, they all come from the person I love the most.

There are also two people hanging on the door. Their love is enough to create substantial emotional energy that is visible to the naked eye.

Eagle Man and Eagle Girl were surprised.

There is darkness in your heart and you can't find any love. The skeletal face of the predator beast showed a very hesitant look, You are qualified to be the host of love.

What?! Eagle Man and Eagle Girl's eyes widened with disbelief on their faces.

My mission is to save people who have no love and fill their dark and empty hearts with the source of love.

The predatory beast said something, then turned into purple light and penetrated Savage's seven orifices.

Uh-huh, Savage groaned loudly, and his body was quickly covered with a layer of purple armor. His eyes and chest radiated bright purple light.

Hahaha, the power of love is really intoxicating. Unfortunately, the source of love has no influence on me. Power is just power. Emotions and thinking can only be controlled by myself.

Buzz buzz The door of bones suddenly vibrated slightly, and patches of hazy purple light were automatically activated.

Savage's laughter stopped abruptly, Fuck, how can Witch Harley still catch up?!

With a curse, he rose into the sky without looking back, turned into purple light and disappeared into the sky.

After entering the sky, he didn't stop for a moment and immediately opened a micro wormhole with the newly obtained purple light of love.

After traveling through the super-light space for an unknown number of light years, Savage returned to the void of the universe again.

Standing in the dark and cold outer space, his expression changed several times, and finally he gritted his teeth and sent out a secret signal.

One minute, two minutes, five minutes and half an hour later, Boom!

A miniature wormhole flashing with black energy opened in front of Savage, and a dwarf wearing a tattered cloak flew out.

Yes, you succeeded.

The cloaked dwarf nodded with satisfaction, And you are not obsessed with the power of the lamp beast and want to monopolize it.

What does a mere lantern beast mean? In this life, I have had the strongest power but finally gave it up. It is far beyond your knowledge (ps). Savage sneered.

(PS: Savage is not bragging. This guy once obtained the origin of Pappetua, but gave up because of fear.

Sorry, the title of this chapter should be Plundering Beast. I made a mistake and confused the blue-lantern Yoshirohuang and the purple-lantern Plundering Beast. The content of the chapter can be changed, but the title cannot. )

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