I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1432: Marry and have a child, Brucy, bold and generous brother Harry

Willing truly can work wonders.

Jason refused to be reincarnated because he refused to die in peace, so he relied on his own will to resist the pull of the Seal of Reincarnation, and persisted until Harley and Bruce landed on the Island of Heroes.

After some exchanges later, Jason no longer wanted to die in silence, but he was still reluctant to reincarnate. When Harley slapped him into the reincarnation passage, he was still struggling.

No, I don't want to be reincarnated. I want my father. I want to avenge him. I want to kill the clown with my own hands, father~~~ He let out a soul roar that no one could hear. The obsession in his heart was his biological parents. The will affects reincarnation.

To be more precise, the reincarnation seal that Harley herself couldn't play with happened to be activated by Jason.

The Seal of Reincarnation is not an application of the law of death in the DC universe, it is a bug that goes against the law.

If the reincarnation of Jason's soul is not Harley's reincarnation seal, but the blessing of a god in the heaven who is proficient in the art of reincarnation, even if he screams and breaks his throat, his reincarnation process will not be affected.

Just like the six reincarnations in the traditional Chinese novels about gods and demons, whether the next life will be a human being or an animal cannot be changed by a few screams of a dead ghost.

Their fate, written by the Lord of Hell, lies in their sins and merits during their lifetime.

It just so happens that Harley's reincarnation seal is a bug that specifically defends against the Six Paths of Reincarnation. Violating the rules of reincarnation is its true function.

Therefore, when Jason used a strong obsession and a strong will to drive the seal of reincarnation, his wish came true.

He missed his biological father and mother, and Kui's reincarnation seal took his soul through time and space, returning to the moment when Jason Todd was born 17 years ago. He was treated like the protagonist of a certain novel: rebirth. Go back to your mother's womb and do it again.

Like the protagonist, he can swear to heaven: In this life, I must protect my family, my parents!

But, he is not the protagonist after all. He cannot change the time and space of the main universe, so he can only make do with it and go to another world.

She has memories of her previous life and has been practicing The Mysterious Record of Jason Wu since she was born.

Well, it's the martial arts technique that Harley customized for him.

She had practiced very well in her previous life. Before she was 20 years old, she had become a master of martial arts. She could not even shoot bullets through the flesh, and could catch bullets from ordinary guns with her bare hands.

More than ten years ago, before the superhero era began, he could easily dominate Gotham with this force.

However, strength can be regained through hard training. The warm family and parental love she wants cannot be obtained by her own efforts.

As soon as he was born, Jason discovered that his father was nothing. After his wife gave birth, he ignored her without buying her supplements to replenish her health. He often beat and scolded her, and even wanted her to go out and stand on the street.

Old Todd was a drug addict, and he could do anything when he was addicted.

Her mother ran away when she was under one year old.

A man left quietly, taking only one bag with him without even looking at his daughter, while her father was in jail.

Then Jason was adopted.

Jason knew her, the one she once thought was her biological mother.

Her second mother was neither too bad nor too kind to her. After a few years of confusion, she also died of illness and Jason became an orphan again.

Jason worked hard to change his life and at least cure his current mother's illness.

She lived in Wayne Manor in her previous life and was very familiar with the environment there. Even though she was young in this life, she was able to sneak into the manor through dog holes and exchange for a few pieces of valuable jewelry.

But her mother has cancer!

After wandering on the streets for several years and possessing the strength to dominate Gotham, she once again embarked on a journey to find her biological father and mother.

The best place to find your biological father is in prison.

Her biological father was happy to recognize her, but he just wanted her to give him money to have sex, go to brothels, and gamble. Jason raised him for more than ten years, and she stayed with him until she returned to the main universe. A lot of money.

She gave him all her property, except the love between father and daughter.

She left without any concern, looking at her father as if she were a stranger.

As for her biological mother, she already has her own family and her own children.

At this time, Wayne Manor.

You have lived in another world for more than twenty years? But we have only been here for a week. Dick said in surprise.

Each world has its own timeline, and it is normal for the time flow rate to be different. Jason said calmly.

Can you tell us about your experience in another world? Since there are your parents in that world, what about Bruce and Dick? Harley asked.

Jason looked at Bruce with a strange expression, In that world, your life was very happy and perfect. Now you are married and have children.

Marry and have children?! Bruce yelled with a twisted face.

Well, in that world you were a woman named 'Brucey Wayne', Selina became 'Catman', and the two of you fell in love and eventually got married.

The corner of Bruce's mouth twitched, That's not me.

Hahaha! Harley laughed happily, Jason, have you brought the video back?

Jason shook his head, looked at her and said strangely: You are also there in that world. I can travel through time and space only because of 'Brother Harry'.

Brother Harley? Harley's expression froze, Isn't it a completely sexually transformed world there?

Ah, I have become a woman too? Dick shouted, and his eyes flickered: Jason, am I beautiful or sexy?

Jason glanced at him and said, Unfortunately, I looked for you but couldn't find you. There are many people from the main universe in that world, such as Batwoman Brucey, Super Woman, and Aquaman. Well, Super Woman is Superman.

But Martian Manhunter, Cyborg, Green Lantern and many other heroes don’t exist.

The main theme there is the struggle between the Amazons, the Atlanteans, and the people on Earth.

The female Aquaman nearly drowned the land, and the Amazon prince, the male Wonder Woman, always wanted to rule the people of Earth.

What a mess. Dick pressed his temples, The main universe is still normal. It's a good thing that that world doesn't have me.

Harry's heart moved and asked: You said Bruce, Brucey has a happy life, are her parents not dead?

Jason looked at Bruce with a complicated expression and said, If Mr. and Mrs. Wayne were still alive, Bruce would pursue them more fanatically than I would.

I can understand his love for them, and naturally I won't let him make the same mistake again.

When I was three years old, I stood guard in Crime Alley and shot the gunman first.

Did you kill someone? Bruce frowned, his words dissatisfied.

Jason understands that what he cares about is the act of killing, not the life or death of the person he kills.

Do you think I can still be the same after going through all this? she replied in a heavy tone.

I hope you don't change. Bruce sighed.

I have changed. Jason said: The gunman was just the beginning. Later I discovered that the death of your parents involved a series of conspiracies, and the forces behind them were complex and huge.

I strive to be the ‘Harley Quinn’ of Gotham.”

She glanced at Harley and said, I almost imitated Mr. Harley's family history in the main universe and became the overlord of Gotham Road——

I am a serious person and have nothing to do with Hedao. Harley said.

The Wayne family will truly be safe when I become the overlord of Gotham. Jason looked into Bruce's eyes, Not only were your parents assassinated, but Catman and Mrs. Alfred also encountered fatal crises many times.

Selena and Afu next to them had slightly distorted expressions.

Am I also a 'wife'? Ah Fu murmured.

Can you not mention Cat Man? Cat Woman sounds good to me, but Cat Man is so strange. Why isn't he called 'Wild Cat Man'? Selina said.

Harley complained: The old Wildcat from the Justice Society has already registered the trademark of 'Wildcat Man'.

Catman is not an orthodox superhero. He likes to steal jewelry and is a thief. Jason said.

Now that you're gone, can Brucey still sit back and relax? Harley asked.

Jason looked at Bruce again, I also killed the Joker, Straw Girl, and the female version of Luther Lucy. Without those troublemakers, Metropolis and Gotham have become very peaceful and peaceful.

In this life, I became Bruce's teacher, and I gave her both your Bat Magic and my Martial Arts Record.

However, Brucey only worked as Batwoman for half a year before she went home to give birth to her second child. She had nothing to do in Gotham.

Harley chuckled and said, Jason seems to have argued an incredible point.

Bruce pursed his lips, How did you cross the time and space barrier and return to the main universe? We thought we would never see you again in this life.

Because of Brother Harry, he awakened 'Hallelujah'. Jason said doubtfully: I don't know why. He was just an ordinary person at first, but after shouting 'Hallelujah' he suddenly transformed. Becoming 'Invincible Harry'.

He transformed in front of you? Harley asked curiously.

Jason shook his head and said: After the female version of the Joker was captured, Harley Quinn became her psychiatrist. Well, in that world, you are an ordinary person in Gotham. Your life is smooth, with no setbacks and a smooth journey. Completed a PhD in Psychology.

I hate the Joker, but after seeing her as a woman, I didn't transfer my hatred to her.

She was later killed because she had repeatedly threatened the safety of Brucie's children.

She first explained to Bruce before continuing: While I was following the clown, Brother Harry and I got to know each other and became ordinary friends.

At first I wasn't sure he was Teacher Harley's peer because their life experiences were so different.

And I remember Teacher Harley said that after becoming a god, you will have the uniqueness of the multiverse.

I thought she didn't have a peer.

Later, I don’t know what happened to him and the female clown. One day, he suddenly shouted ‘Hallelujah’, and golden thick-skinned power burst out from his body.

Not only did his strength explode, but his personality also changed.

Originally, he was seduced by the female clown and was very obsessed with her. Later, when he saw the female clown, he couldn't help but torture her.

He said that Harley Quinn has evil intentions, wants to PUA him, treats him like a dog, and now he wants revenge.

When Brother Harry awakens his thick-skinned power, I will be 100% sure that he is Teacher Harley from another world.

I don't belong in that world and I want to come back.

I told Brother Harry everything about myself.

Although it sounds absurd, if it were me, I would be very skeptical.

But Brother Harry believed it immediately, and he even pulled me to sing ‘Hymn to Sister Harley’ together.”

Jason's face twisted into a frown.

What hymn? Dick asked curiously.

It's a song that praises Sister Harley. Believe me, you definitely don't want to hear it. Jason said awkwardly.

For him, it was truly an unforgettable experience.

I'd love to hear it. Harley smiled.

Jason said dryly: Praise Sister Harley, Sister Harley has made me glorious, praise Sister Harley, long live Sister Harley, the content is roughly like this.

But the melody and the accompanying dance were so ecstatic that it made people's heads tingle, and the soles of their feet were so embarrassing that they were pushed out of three rooms and two halls.

Why does he want to sing praises for Harley? Selena asked puzzled.

He said this was requested by Sister Harley. After getting her magical power, he had to sing praises for her. Jason looked at Harley with doubtful eyes.

Harley's expression became a little unnatural. In the multidimensional reboot Crisis directed by Alexander Luthor, she held the hand of creation for the second time and made a wish: to use the four second-rate Harleys sent out in the early years as a template. , let every universe have a good-for-nothing Harley, and the Harley in each universe can receive divine blessings after saying Hallelujah, and then sing praises for her.

In order to make this wish, she spent thousands of points of divine power.

Fortunately, the angel army came to the world and sent her the power of God. She then used it for personal gain and took the opportunity to regain most of her divine power.

In doing so, she was imitating the gods in the heavenly realm.

Each parallel universe has a Wonder Woman Diana, and they are all blessed by the divine power of the Greek gods.

However, the total divine power consumed by the main Greek god is far lower than the sum of all Diana's divine powers.

All the extra divine power comes from the laws of the multiverse.

Doubling this kind of super leverage allows Harley to place an experience sandbag in each universe at a very low cost.

The power of faith gained by Diana in each parallel universe was contributed to the Greek pantheon.

Harley doesn't need the power of faith, the useless Harleys just need to be beaten and then transfer the experience to her.

The compliments given to her by the idiot Harley were just a by-product.

Has your brother Harry ever been beaten? I mean, has he been injured? Harley asked.

This question is very strange. Jason was stunned for a moment and then said: The reason why I call him 'Brother Harry' is because I later hung out with him, he became the boss, and we conquered the world in Gotham together.

During the fight, he would inevitably be injured, many times, because he was very fierce, charging and hitting hard.

But don't worry, he has a very strong recovery ability. No matter how many skin injuries he has, he will be full of energy and vitality after eating a few burgers.

Harry frowned. Since he was beaten so often, where did the experience earned by Brother Harry go?

Seeing that she had no problem, Jason continued: Brother Harry is very good to me and promised to do his best to help me return to the main universe.

In the following years, we collected a lot of magic books. Yes, there was Zatanna in that world, but he was male, and he also helped us a lot.

In short, Brother Harry invented a plane magic teleportation array.

According to his idea, the magic circle will send me back along the route of 'parallel universe - Limbo - main universe'.

Both the parallel universe and the main universe are within the Ten Thousand Celestials, while Limbo is in a higher dimension.

There are many parallel universes, but there is only one divine realm like heaven and hell.

The only one in God’s domain.

God's Domain can reach any parallel universe at the same time, so it is the best transfer station for plane travel.

Harley immediately shook her head and said: He thought too simply. If I hadn't guessed, you failed.

The principle of plane teleportation is correct. Bruce puzzled: If Jason sets off from another world and goes to Heaven Mountain, won't he be able to come back?

Harley said: The divine realm of the main universe is not the same as the divine realm of the other world. The two have a primary and secondary relationship between upper and lower levels.

To put it simply, the divine realm will leave a projection of the divine realm in the parallel universe.

If Jason went to find Darkseid, all he would see was the projection of Apokolips and Darkseid's clone.

Darkseid's true form is in Limbo in our main universe.

One of the most common sayings is that Wan Tianyi is like a basket with eggs inside, and each egg is a parallel universe. Outside the basket is Limbo Prison, and there are eight large watermelon-like divine realms in Limbo Prison.

This statement is not wrong, but its description of the multiverse is too simple. Limbo and the material world are not as clear-cut as those inside and outside the basket.

The divine realm seems to be high above, separated from humans by an entire dimension, but in fact it must be rooted in the human world and is greatly affected by the material world.

The human world is on the first floor, and the divine realm is on the second floor. Without the first floor, where would the second floor be?

Without faith and belief in the human world, where would the gods and divine realm come from?

Not to mention the gods of heaven, even new gods like Darkseid are derived from the concepts of good and evil in the hearts of mortals.

Darkseid is the embodiment of evil, and he cannot do the good things in the hearts of mortals.

The faith and belief of the mortals in the main universe created the divine realm of the main universe.

There are also mortals in the parallel universe. When their beliefs and beliefs ascend to Limbo Hell, they will form the corresponding divine realm, which is the projection of the true divine realm.

Jason said in surprise: I didn't know there was such a secret in God's Domain, but you guessed it, Brother Harry's magic circle was only half successful. I left the original universe, but failed to return to the main universe.

But I was lucky enough to meet the Atom, the Atom of our universe, Ray Palmer.

The Atom went to another world? Harley asked in surprise.

Well, he said it was 'Earth-51', and the transmutation world I went to before was 'Earth-11'. Jason said.

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