I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1415 The spirit of existence is back

What else to choose? No fool would take the initiative to wear a green lantern ring. President Abao shouted excitedly.

While shouting, he also avoided the green light ring in front of him like a snake or a scorpion.

Harley confirmed again: Are you sure you will permanently give up the opportunity to become a Green Lantern monk and give up the reward given to you by the Green Lantern tribe?

You were originally not qualified to join the Green Lantern Tribe, but in the darkest night, you showed bravery and saved the world. Qingnv decided to grant you the status of official Blue Lantern monks.

Don't rush to answer, calm down and think carefully about what happened during this period.

Abao took a few deep breaths, shook his head firmly and said, I don't dare to think about it. The more I think about it, the more I regret it, and the more I think about it, the more afraid I am. What I experienced during this period will definitely become the most terrifying nightmare in my life.

Having said this, he turned to Miss Tesla next to him, with a look of guilt and affection on his face, My dear, my little baby, what have I done to you? You are so smart and cute, I I actually hit you.

Oh, Dad, I'm so happy to hear you say that. Miss Tesla's beautiful eyes were filled with tears, and she trotted to the side of Mr. President and held him in his arms. Dad, it's great to have you back again.

Harry endured the nausea, hooked her fingers, and the green lantern ring fell into her palm.

Then, she turned her attention to Lame Peng.

Lame Peng was wearing mango shoes and simple linen clothes, with half of his plush chest exposed. His face was unshaven and had not been repaired for a long time, and a palm-sized cyan rune flashed on his forehead.

He was in very good spirits, with bright eyes and strong steps.

Seeing Harley's gaze, he waved his hands repeatedly and begged: No, Harley, please, don't take away my green lantern cane.

This is my lifeblood!

I just want to be a monk and stay in the tribe forever.

I have committed so many crimes that even if it takes me ten lifetimes to repent, it won’t be enough!

Apeng~~ his wife called sadly.

A Peng is dead, and now only Xingzhe Peng is there. Lame Peng said firmly.

President Abao advised: Apon, let Harley help you take off the light ring first, and then you can understand your true intentions.

I need you, the United States needs you, and the people of the world are calling for you!

Apo Tesla, you don't need to say anything. The lame Peng dressed as a monk shook his head firmly and said: From the moment you took off the green lantern ring and gave up on reforming your past, we are no longer fellow travelers.

I don’t want to continue falling into the abyss of sin like you.

You don’t deserve to say anything about the ‘people’s call’. If they really knew what we had done, they would only curse us to hell.

Well, now you are going to repeat your old mistakes. I can't just sit idly by and do nothing. I want to interview Louise, the famous reporter of the universe. She is investigating the revelations we have made these days.

I'm sorry~ The lame lady groaned and almost fainted.

Mr. President, you understand that he has no sense now and is talking nonsense. She explained weakly.

Abao's face looked a little ugly, but he nodded reluctantly, I understand, this is not the real him.

The lame lady turned to Harley and said urgently: Miss Quinn, please take off his light ring immediately.

-- before he says anything more explosive.

Harry's heart moved, and the blue light on Lame Puff's forehead flickered a few times, then gradually dimmed. The pipe and cane he held tightly in his hand was like a ball of plasticine, crumpled into a ball in the blue light, and finally turned into a light ring.

Oh my god, I'm so stupid! Lame Peng was stunned for a while, then he raised his hand and scratched his four big ears, I'm so stupid, I just wanted to become a Green Lantern because I was so confused. There are no knights in Qing Lan, only slaves!

Harley asked with a dull face: I'm asking you for the last time, have you really thought about it clearly?

What are you still asking? No fool would take the initiative to wear a green lantern ring. Lame Peng shouted excitedly.

While shouting, he also avoided the green light ring in front of him like a snake or a scorpion.

Meeting Abao's complicated eyes, he said with a sneer: Mr. President, I have always been grateful to you and admire you. Just now——

We all talked a lot of nonsense just now. Abao smiled and said gently.

No, Harley, please, don't take away my cane. I don't want to be like the two of them and fall into the abyss forever! Minos the Walker begged.

The cycle continues.

Two hours later, the Hall of Justice.

How? Dinah asked: How many green lanterns are left?

Harley shook her head and said nothing.

Dinah said with a smile: I wanted to make a bet with Oliver and Diana before. I said that no green lantern would voluntarily continue to wear the lantern ring after taking off the lantern ring. In the end, no one was willing to bet with me.

We are not stupid. Diana pointed at the group of people in the corner of the hall and said, Harry, Gunther and several lamp owners have been waiting for you for a while. They want to bring the black hand.

Where is the Black Hand now? How did you deal with him? Harley asked.

Diana stamped her feet, It's in an underground prison 300 meters away from us, locked in a biological chamber filled with anesthetic gas.

If anesthetics are used for a long time, there is a risk of developing resistance. If he is awake, he will definitely commit suicide. Harley said.

There is a mastermind monitoring his vital signs at all times. If there are any signs of awakening, we will know immediately. Dinah said confidently.

Harley walked up to Gunther and the others and first explained the Justice League's method of dealing with Black Hand before asking, What do you think?

Carol said first: Leave it to us, the Purple Lantern Corps, and we will influence him with love.

You can't even influence me, and you still want to influence Black Hand? Sinestro sneered.

Ganser said: The high-tech prison of the Green Lantern Corps can create a four-dimensional space where self-harm and escape are impossible.

Harley said calmly: Pass first in the high-tech prison. Your high-tech prison once imprisoned Superboy. He was kidnapped, and Atrocitus was imprisoned. He escaped on his own, imprisoned Sinestro, and was kidnapped again.

The Black Hand was in a special situation. It was easier and more convenient to approach his cell and kill him than to rob him.

Put a green lantern ring on him and let him join the green lantern tribe and repent forever. From now on, I will be by his side every day and keep an eye on him. Qing Nu said.

Why not throw it against the Origin Wall? Harley asked.

Ganser said: Blackhand is just an ordinary person now. Ordinary people hang up the Origin Wall, and their consciousness dissipates in a few days, and they are close to death.

No one is sure whether after his death on the Origin Wall, he became the agent of death, or whether his destiny was transferred to another person.

After a pause, he said meaningfully: Abinsu, Sinestro, and Hal Jordan are all truly the greatest Green Lanterns in history.

Harley understood what he meant. Since three of the greatest Green Lanterns in history can appear in a short period of time, and each one is worthy of the name - the latter one is greater than the previous one, then Black Lantern may also appear the next Greatest Black Lantern in History .

I still respect Abinsu, but I am unique. Sinestro said proudly.

Harley glanced at him, looked at Gunther and asked: 'The Greatest Lantern' is also destiny?

Since you can firmly grasp the present, why gamble on destiny? William Hand is just an ordinary person now. As long as there is no foreign aid, even the Earth government can imprison him permanently. Gunther said.

You can do whatever you want, seal the amethyst, put on the green lantern ring, and put it in a high-tech prison. This is your mission, you are responsible.

With that said, Harley prepared to leave.

Ganser frowned and said: Imprisoning Black Hand is only one aspect. If we want to completely cut off the connection between Black Death Emperor and the main universe, we must continue to pay attention to the death dimension where he lives.

Diana said: Now that the spirit of existence has been hung on the origin wall, there is no reason for the Black Death Emperor to come to the main universe again, right?

Everyone looked at Harley.

Harley touched her nose and said, Don't worry, no matter what reason the Black Death Emperor invades the main universe, I will not stand idly by.

You once threatened the Black Death Emperor, saying that you could sense the location of the death dimension through the source of death in your body?

If possible, I would like you to take on the task of stalking the dimension of death.

It doesn’t need to be too complicated. Just activate your death source every now and then, feel the state of the death dimension, and notify us if there are any changes, so that the Color and Light Legion will not be caught off guard. Ganser said.

No problem. Harry said in a very straightforward manner.

After the lamp owners forced William Hand to leave, Dinah said worriedly: Stalking the death dimension sounds simple, but if something happens in the future, they will definitely put the responsibility on you.

What about after putting it on me? Do they have the ability to hold me accountable? Harley said disapprovingly.

She can get angry with a certain lamp owner because all the lamp owners put together cannot defeat her.

What did the lamp owner use to get angry with her?

The scruples in Dinah's heart were immediately thrown away in Java, Since you think so, I have nothing to say.

Harley paused and said hesitantly: Actually, we don't have to worry too much about the death dimension.

Why? Several heroes looked over in confusion.

Wait a moment, I'll call Tian Zhisheng.

Harley took a few steps away, and a thought came to heaven through the big cross, Voice from the sky, where has the death dimension moved to now? When did it hit the wall of origin?

We haven't started to move yet. Tian Zhisheng said indifferently.

Harley said angrily: I spent 400 million in heavenly merit, and you accept the money and don't do the work?

When she first entered the death dimension, she found that there was too much energy and she had too little time - the Black Death Emperor had already rushed to the earth, so she came up with a desperate plan: throw the entire death dimension onto the wall of origin.

The Voice of Heaven offers a price of 400 million Heavenly Merits for this plan.

In order to avoid future troubles, Harley reluctantly agreed.

She sacrificed the origins of white lights and black lights to God, and only earned 200 million, of which 150 million was used to pay off debts, and the other 50 million was used to set up a redemption foundation for superheroes.

You misunderstood. It's not that we haven't started taking action. The process of moving the dimension has been completed, but it hasn't taken effect yet. Tianzhi said.

How long will it take?

The voice of the sky said: Wait for another opportunity to touch the origin of the death dimension. At that time, the death dimension starts to move, but no one will find out that it was me.

Everyone will place the blame on the person who touched the origin of death at that time.


Harley finally understood its plan.

One word to describe it, rape!

As for that? Are you still afraid of the Black Death Emperor? She asked in confusion.

It's not that I'm afraid. I just don't want outsiders to misunderstand and think of Heaven as a shameless person like you who does whatever it takes to get the source of power. Tian Zhisheng said seriously.

Harley had a beeping expression on her face.

——Aren’t you a shameless person who will do whatever it takes to get the source of power?

The voice of the sky reminded: This is your request. It is not that Heaven is targeting the Black Death Emperor, but that you want to kill him completely to avoid future troubles. It is obviously your business, and you cannot hold the shit basin on Heaven's head. .

——Zinima, refund the money!

You give me back 150 million in heaven's merits. I won't play anymore. I can't afford it. Harley said dully.

You can't retreat. What needs to be done has been done. The roots of the death dimension have been cut off. Just wait for the fuse to be lit, and it will slide towards the origin wall. Tianzhi said.

When will the trigger come? Give a specific time, a few days, a few months?

Not sure, it could be a few months, it could be a few years, it could be hundreds of years. Tian Zhisheng said.

Harley finally couldn't hold it any longer and cursed: Fuck Squid, after hundreds of years I'm still afraid of the Black Death Emperor? I can't even--

She almost blurted out the thought I dare to beat God.

You may be dissatisfied, but if you utter arrogant words and humiliate the Supreme Being, I will punish you in accordance with the law, deprive you of the power of the God of War in Heaven, and lower your official rank. Tian Zhisheng said coldly.

Harley resisted the urge to raise her middle finger and silently cut off the connection.

Harley, what's wrong? Several heroes were puzzled as her expression changed several times, and finally darkened completely.

Harley pursed her lips and thought for a moment, then said, I got 100 million merits for sacrificing the white lamp, but 50 million was used to pay off the debt. Do you still remember?

I'm still confused. When did you owe Tianzhi 50 million and what did you do? Dinah asked curiously.

More than 50 million

Harley told the story about the deal between herself and Tian Zhi Sheng, and she didn't even hide the reply from Tian Zhi Sheng just now.

The voice of heaven is so treacherous. Dinah shouted.

Diana said: But the voice of heaven is right. This is Harley's request. He is just worried about being misunderstood.

If you speak for the Voice of Heaven, he won't give you merit points. Dinah glared at her.

Diana said calmly: I'm just telling the truth.

Harry spent 400 million in merit to buy it. How long will it take to repay this debt? Oliver exclaimed.

At least we don't have to worry about the Black Death Emperor anymore. Diana said softly.

At least the Death Realm hasn't moved its position yet. Dinah said disapprovingly.

Oliver's expression changed and he asked: Harry, the Voice of Heaven seems to be trying its best to conceal this matter. Now that you make it public, He will not punish you with a demotion or salary penalty?

I tell the truth, take the initiative to take responsibility, and let you understand the truth. The Voice of Heaven should be grateful. I guess I am right. Harley said.

He still hopes to throw the blame onto another person who touches the core of the death dimension! Diana muttered: There is no way to throw the blame now. Even if others hear the 'truth' you told, they will think you are helping. Heaven takes the blame.”

Dinah frowned and said: We should conceal this matter, at least before the death dimension hits the origin wall, don't let the news spread, so as not to alert the Black Death Emperor.

——If the Black Death Emperor reverses the fate of hitting the wall, can't she stand upright at the gate of heaven and shout Zinima, refund the money?

It is better to refund the money now than to activate the wall-breaking program a hundred years later when she can slap the Black Death Emperor to death.

Harry thought to himself, but nodded seriously, You are all your own people. I trust you, and I won't tell anyone else.

Can hanging the Black Death Emperor on the wall of origin really solve the problem? Oliver hesitated: I have been thinking about a question recently. Since the energy pools of the Seven Color Legion are all in the wall of origin, they can still be used by the universe. When used by Lanterns, the white lanterns and black lanterns are more powerful, so can’t they break free from the Origin Wall?”

You are thinking too much. If the spirit of existence could come down, Harley would have discovered it at that time. Dinah said, turning her eyes to Harley.

Harley said with great certainty: The spirit of existence cannot leave the Origin Wall. At that time, I also considered what you said, so I dug a hole specially, intending to bury the spirit of existence in the 'Origin Tomb' and then cover it with soil.

As a result, as soon as the spirit of existence touched the wall of origin, it was sucked in immediately like scraps of paper touching a vacuum cleaner.

The spirit of existence screamed so piteously that even I was moved when I heard it.

Oh, then I'm relieved. Oliver said with a relaxed expression.

Ding a bell Almost at the same time, Harley's cell phone and the alarm in the Hall of Justice rang at the same time.

Several people were stunned and quickly looked at each other.

Harley's call came from Amanda Waller.

BOSS, something big happened. Agents from the Sky Eye Society found a white lamp stove in Silver Light City, New Mexico! Waller first broke the news simply and directly, and then explained a little: There were many people around the scene, but No one can mention it. By the way, it can also talk, like a trumpet, it keeps talking.

Hey, Harry, something happened, the spirit of existence is back! Dinah on the other side also shouted, Shit, he is still broadcasting bad things about you.

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