I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1396 Ashamed Lafleeze

The light of life was so powerful that it was shattered into diced carrots, but once the Black Death Emperor turned his attention to Harley, Sine Stodin melted into a puddle again and rebuilt into a perfect body.

He stretched his legs straight like an open compass, opened his mouth in an O shape, and roared proudly, I, Sinestro, will never—


A thick, smoky lump of soft, sticky substance, like a flying fairy from the sky, happened to get into his mouth.

Woo. Sinestro rolled his eyes and pinched his throat, trying to vomit.

The rotten black heart was originally soft and glutinous like mud, the war god Harley's control of power was superb, and Sinestro opened his mouth wide, so he shot it directly into his throat.

At least half of it slid into the roar.

If you are an ordinary person, even if the rotten black heart is stuck in your throat, you can spit it out again.

However, at this time, Sinestro was the incarnation of a white lamp, and his rotten black heart was suspected to be the energy core of the Black Death Emperor. It was filled with the pure source of death, and a wonderful magic reaction occurred between life and death, white light and black lamp.

The white light in Sinestro's body was like a bucket of concentrated sulfuric acid poured onto a pile of rusty iron nails.

Tsk tsk tsk tsk.

Sinestro transformed into a chimney.

He rolled his eyes, cocked his neck, raised his head, and a pillar of gray-black smoke as thick as a bowl came out of his mouth.

The smell was worse than boiling maggot poop, and the black smoke spread in all directions.

Ugh~~~ The Seven Lanterns, who had quickly approached Sinestro when they saw him recovering, pinched their noses and almost felt like gagging, and then ran away with pale faces.

Ouch~~~~ Harley wanted to pinch her nose in disgust, only to realize that she also had shit hands.

Uh, no~~~ The Black Death Emperor, who had lost his heart and whose heart was still boiled by the white light, screamed in agony. His withered body was visibly decayed and broken into pieces, and disappeared into smelly black liquid and residue.

Clang! The sickle originally held in His hand fell to the ground.

Ah, Black Death Emperor is dead. Black Death Emperor was killed by Harley.

Hal exclaimed, and the superheroes around him were surprised and happy to see this scene.

Harley was also surprised.

After a moment of hesitation, she landed on the ground and planned to pick up the sickle on the ground.

Swish, swish, swish~~ The Death Scythe unexpectedly moved on its own without any owner, as if it was held by a pair of invisible hands. At an extremely tricky angle, it chased Harley and struck three times.

Harley was not cut into eight parts by three swords.

She is the number one person in her family who pretends to be dead and uses black guns, and she also knows that the Black Death Emperor will not die at all - how can death die?

Seeing Him rotting into slag, she was still extremely doubtful, extremely vigilant, and extremely careful. When the sickle jumped up, she took a few dozen steps back with a whoosh.

Seeing that it was chasing after him, she even used quantum displacement to retreat behind the whimpering and howling Sinestro.

Then, Whoops!

Sinestro cut him in two, and the Harry's golden membrane hiding behind him was broken, and there was a slap-long scratch on his lower abdomen.

Hiss! Harley took a breath in disbelief, This scythe is too overbearing and buggy, and the Lord of the White Lantern is blocking me in front of me!

Ouch~~~~ Sinestro, who was broken into two pieces again, howled miserably again.

The scream was a bit muffled, there was a thick layer of lard residue in the mouth and throat, and the smoke was still billowing now.

The Black Death Emperor, resurrect! A message that ordinary people could not perceive came from the black lamp furnace.

Whoosh~~~ The three exhausted death scythes turned into a black light and fell into the hands of an ordinary zombie in the army of black lamp zombies in the distance.

It was originally just an ordinary seaside city corpse, with a thin and shriveled body.

At this time, its right arm first fell off from the rotting corpse, and then traces of the power of death emerged from its body surface. Its body expanded and lifted like a balloon, and its face also looked like plasticine, which was visible to the naked eye. Another face: the bald Black Death Emperor.

A Black Death Emperor who is exactly the same as before.

Stupid! the new Black Death Emperor sneered: Only the living can be killed, how can the dead die?

What's more, I am death! Who of you can kill death itself again?

Fake. The lamp owners looked ugly and confused.

Gunther, what now? Hal asked.

Sinestro is the key to victory or defeat. Ganse said solemnly.

Him? Hal glanced sideways. Sinestro was back to normal again, but he was desperately trying to lick the burnt cake in his mouth with his hands, and he kept coughing, coughing up a mixture of dirty stomach acid and saliva.

He is a waste. Lafleeze said with both disgust and jealousy: If I were allowed to control the white light, the battle would be over by now.

I think I'm more suitable. Hal's heart was about to move.

It's not that he covets the power of white light, but he has a feeling in the dark: The destiny of the light of life belongs to him!

Stop thinking nonsense. Once the spirit of existence accepts Sinestro, it will never choose any of you again. Gunther said solemnly.

But now Sinestro is no match for the Black Death Emperor. Carol said.

They were whispering here, while the Black Death Emperor on the other side recovered as before, roaring proudly towards the living people: Who, who can kill me?!

I'll kill you!

The skin on both of Harley's hands was transparent, and the white bones surrounding the smoky black air could be seen. Her legs ran quickly, and with a quantum displacement, she came to the Black Death Emperor. The Black Death Emperor took a step back smartly, not letting her get behind him. He also took advantage of the situation and moved the sickle upward diagonally.

Harley should have crashed directly into the scythe blade and ended up being cut in two.

But she tilted her body, and the quantum displacement suddenly shifted by 30 degrees. The scythe almost touched her breasts, and she landed on the side where the Black Death Emperor lost his right arm.

The same package of Nine Yin White Bone Claws + Heart-piercing Dragon Claw Hands + Black Tiger's Heart Removal, but this time it's not the back of the heart, but the waist.

The palm passed through the waist, inserted into the chest, pinched the black heart of the Black Death Emperor, pulled hard, and threw it on the back of Sinestro's head, who was bent over and vomiting.

The whole movement is like flowing clouds and water, extremely smooth and silky.

呲呲呲 The back of Sinestro's head turned into a teppanyaki, burning until his heart was black and rotten, black smoke billowed out, and the stench filled the sky.

Witch Harley~~~

The Black Death Emperor let out his final wail with endless resentment, and then collapsed into a puddle of dregs just like before.

Witch Harley! Sinestro gritted his teeth, with deep hatred in his eyes.

Whoosh! There was a flash of white light, and Sinestro held up a white light sword and stabbed Harley in the chest.

Sinestro, stop! Gunther and Hal changed their expressions and shouted to stop him.

A murderous intent flashed in Harley's eyes.

Boom! A cloud of black smoke suddenly rose from her body, and the pure power of death emitted from her body.

Buzz~~ The black smoke clung to her body, gathered towards her right hand, and quickly condensed into a black sickle two meters long and one and a half meters wide.

The style is exactly the same as that of the Black Death Emperor.

He turned sideways to avoid Sinestro's lonely sword, and made a light stroke with the sickle in his right hand, Stab!

After all, it was just a copycat of the Death Scythe. Sinestro only lost one arm and had a gash on his waist, instead of being easily cut in two like the Black Death Emperor.

This Ganser was shocked on the spot.

Why does Witch Harley have the power of death? Atrocitas murmured.

Witch Harley is possessed by the Black Death Emperor, and the Black Death Emperor has come back to life through Witch Harley's body! La Freeze howled.

No~~~ When everyone was shocked and suspicious, a sad and resentful wail came from the group of living corpses in the distance.

My power, that's my power. Witch Harriet is not a human being. You bastard, you beast. You stole the source of my power and dared to use it in front of me.

Oh, it turns out this is the power she stole from the Black Death Emperor's lair. It's so strong. Everyone suddenly understood.

Lafleeze drooled, We are allies, you should give me a portion of the spoils, even just a little bit.

You can't afford just a little bit. Said said rudely: The power of the Black Death Emperor is no different from deadly poison to ordinary people.

She pointed at the black heart that had fallen on the back of Sinestro's head and was now thrown to the ground by Sinestro, There is still half a piece of the Black Death Emperor's heart there. If you really want his power, you can swallow it. I guarantee it will never stop. Get a little bit of the power of death.”

Lafleeze's eyes lit up, and he ran over and picked it up.

But he didn't eat it, but stuffed it into the orange lamp stove like a treasure.

Witch Harley, I will kill you.

Sinestro roared and lunged at Harley again.

The wounds on his body healed almost instantly, and his broken arm was quickly reattached.

Harley shook her right hand, and the imitation Death Scythe turned into smoky black light energy and returned to her body.

Facing the charging Sinestro, she showed disdain and didn't even dodge. She directly used her defense expertise and gold film to resist.

Stab! The white light sword in Sinestro's hand made a gash on the surface of the gold film, but it also broke into several pieces.

Harley does not have white light defense expertise, but white light is also a kind of emotional energy, the power of life emotions.

As long as it is emotional energy, her sixth defense expertise will have an effect, but the effect is not as strong as the specific expertise.

Nine levels of green light, red light, yellow light, and black light have powerful force fields.

Coupled with the green light, orange light, blue light, and purple light expertise that have been turned on, she has condensed a layer of color light expertise network.

The white light was very strong and still became crispy after getting close to her.

Huh~~ Harley opened her mouth at this moment and took a sharp breath. The black storm burst out of her throat and rolled the broken white light blade into her stomach.

Life Emotional Defense Specialty is activated!

After swallowing the white light blade, Harley pounced forward again, and a pair of Nine Yin White Bone Claws grabbed Sinestro's arm hard.

It should have been inserted into his chest, but he was not slow to respond and stretched out his arms to block his chest.

Harley grabbed his arms with her claws, dug deep into his muscles, and pulled them to both sides, leaving a large void in front of him. Her left foot suddenly kicked to the sky, and kicked Sinestro with a strong and powerful kick. On the chin.

His body was about to fly back, but his arms were caught by Harley's hands, and his head bore all the impact force.

However, Sinestro was transformed into a white light at this time and took a hard blow. He was neither concussed nor dizzy. He immediately raised his knees and prepared to hit Harley's abdomen.

When Harry saw that the opponent did not lose any blood after kicking him, he immediately had the idea of ​​changing his moves.

Realizing that he was pushing his knees against her, she continued to grab his elbows with both hands and stepped on the air with her feet, as if she were stepping on physical steps. The height of her head remained the same, but her feet climbed up from behind her, turning her head downwards and her feet. Upward.

The life connection force defense expertise from Neptune allows her to control her own cells, so Harley can make various actions that violate the physiological structure of the human body.

For example, at this time, a normal person would let go of his hand, then turn over and fall behind Sinestro.

She also turned over and landed behind Sinestro, but her arms were like rubber bands, thinning and stretching half a meter out of thin air. A pair of claws were like sharp daggers, inserted into the muscles of Sinestro's arms, and stretched along the elbows to the shoulders. Then her arm returned to normal.

There were five bloody wounds on each of Sinestro's arms, and the bones inside could be seen.

I'm not the Black Death Emperor, don't try to use the same tricks to rip out my heart!

However, Sinestro had been through battles for a long time, and his whole body immediately erupted with bright white light, and the powerful impact wanted to knock away Harley who was pressed against his back.

Harley was indeed enveloped by the huge power of white light and was almost ejected.

But her body flew up, and the fingers of her hands inserted into his shoulders, deep into the muscles, piercing through the shoulder blades, and she refused to let go.

Ahhh! Sinestro was in pain and twisted his body left and right, trying to throw her away.

Harley, Sinestro, please stop fighting.

Hal howled from the side: The Black Death Emperor has been resurrected and returned - be careful, he is coming!

Witch Harley, die!

The Black Death Emperor rushed into the burst of white light, raised his scythe, and was about to cut into pieces Harry who was flying in the air.

Hey, Harley, be careful! All the heroes on the Archimedes airship in the distance exclaimed in unison.

Barbara even covered her eyes in excitement, not daring to look anymore.

According to her thoughts, Teacher Harley will definitely not be able to escape this time.

Shit! Harley was indeed a little panicked.

She never imagined that she would be so hated.

The Lord of the White Lantern ignored her destiny to end the Black Night and pursued her like crazy; the Black Death Emperor forgot about the great cause of annihilating all life in the universe by destroying the spirit of existence. Seeing Sinestro standing by, he ignored her and insisted on killing her. she.

However, although she was panicking, her movements were not chaotic at all.

A long time ago, when she used the power of Manhattan to activate the connection power defense specialty, there was still part of the power of Manhattan that was absorbed into her body. She did not become Blue Harley, but she also possessed some copycat powers of Dr. Manhattan. Force, like quantum crit, quantum displacement, like, air walking.

As long as she wants, she can treat the air as flat ground, run on the air, or

Seeing that the scythe was about to fall from above and land on her lower back, Harley pulled her right hand away from Sinestro's right shoulder and slapped the air beside her.

Bang! The huge force brought a huge reaction force. This reaction force made Harley's body rotate several times quickly - rolling sideways to the Black Death Emperor's chest, rolling under the long handle of the scythe, and being swung downwards. He hit it with his long handle and escaped the danger of breaking his waist.

Not only that, when she was hit by the sickle handle, she hooked her right leg upwards, like a pole dance. With the help of the hook, she made a half circle around the sickle handle, from below to above.

Then, she reached out and grabbed the Black Death Emperor's left arm holding the knife, and stabbed him directly in the heart with her right hand. At the same time, she kicked with both feet, hitting the 7 where the handle of the sickle meets the blade - there was a small black light stove.

Chichi—— The rotting corpse of the Black Death Emperor was pierced, and his heart fell into Harley's clutches again.

Pfft—— The sickle was kicked, and the blade was inserted diagonally into Sinestro's tailbone and came out of the lower abdomen.

Holy shit! Both the lamp owner and the heroes on Archimedes' spaceship held their heads in disbelief. What just happened? Is she playing magic?

The whole process is a long story. In fact, for the Black Death Emperor, it was just a downward swing of the sword; for Sinestro, he just roared and exploded with the power of the white light, and twisted his body vigorously.

For them, they only performed very simple actions, the process was very short, and the time was very short.

But for Harley, he completed a set of not complicated but very clever combos in a very short time.

Ah~~~ Black Death Emperor screamed, twisting his arms, trying to throw Harley out, Witch Harley, I want you to die!

Ah~~~ The scythe was twisted and the blade twisted in his body. Sinestro screamed, Witch Harley~~

Harley hesitated for a moment, and it was wrong not to pull out the rotting black heart of the Black Death Emperor. She still pulled it out, but did not throw it out, letting it hang on his chest and keep dangling.

Wha~~~ The Black Death Emperor's sickle shook out a blade, and Sinestro's body was torn apart.

Harley took the initiative to let go of the Black Death Emperor's arm and let his huge power throw her away.

But before flying away, she nimbly hooked her left foot, hooking Sinestro's half of the torso that had lost his head and three limbs, and hooked it into his left creaking socket.

While the person was still flying in the air, she opened her mouth wide, took a breath of black air, and sucked the residual limb into her stomach.

He didn't use the gastric acid mist to directly digest Sinestro's flesh and bones, but just frantically extracted the white light that overflowed from his wounds.

Gudong Gudong. White light defense expertise, level 1.

Gudong Gudong. White light defense expertise, level 2.

Witch Harley, give me back my body~~~ The Sinestros once again gathered into one Sinestro, with only the chest and left arm made of pure white light.

His tone became strange, a chorus between Sinestro and another being.

I won't give it back. Harley shook her head and said, No one can take back the energy I stole.

I am the spirit of existence and the light of life. I am the source of your life. Your existence comes from my gift.

Sinestro's scream was high and sharp, and the materialized scarlet rage rose up in him, which was stronger than the wrath of Atrocitas.

It doesn't matter if you are my parents.

This is robbery. The spirit of existence screamed out of control.

Harley pointed at it and said coldly: If you insist any further, I will really rob you, and you will have nothing left.

Sinestro was gnashing his teeth angrily, and everyone was stunned.

Harley continued: This is a warning. I will get angry next time.

Lafleeze's face turned red with embarrassment: I am usually arrogant and arrogant, thinking that I am the greediest person in the world, but now, compared to her, she can't help but be greedy and attack her big brother who takes the lead even when the universe is alive and dying. , my level is still a little bit behind, I have to work harder and be more shameless in the future!

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