I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1391 War of Attrition

La Freeze didn't know whether the Black Death Emperor's lair was the previous dark plane.

But he was 100% sure that the Black Death Emperor's lair was not on Earth.

And Witch Harley is currently in the Black Death Emperor's lair.

Mother Fuck, Witch Harley is not here, there is only an angry Black Death Emperor.

Reason returned, and a strong sense of crisis immediately came to his mind.

No~~~ He wailed subconsciously.


He first felt a huge force coming from his side. He thought it was an enemy's attack and struggled instinctively. Then his face, arms, and thighs felt cold at the same time. Severe pain came from the above three parts. His consciousness was confused. And extremely sober.

He was confused because he was injured, and the pain and death force eroded the wound, making him confused.

He woke up because he felt someone grabbing his left arm on his left side, and he had an orange lamp under his left arm.

——Someone wants to steal his life!

His mental energy was immediately highly concentrated.

My baby, this is my baby. Whoever dares to snatch it will be killed by me. He shouted half confused and half awake.

It's me, we are allies, I was saving you just now, don't struggle.

The voice sounds familiar, he is.

Lafleeze turned his head and opened his eyes to take a closer look. He saw a red cape, a Chinese character that seemed to have the word Integrity written on it, a bunch of curly hair on his forehead, and a huge S on his chest. Earth's superhero, Le Man.

Rip Man was pulling his left arm, and his right arm.

Oh, No~~~

He didn't see his right arm, nor his right leg, and it was difficult to even cry.

His eyes were drooped, and half of his long donkey mouth and sharp teeth were missing.


He remembered. He got ahead of his teammates and used the orange light to attack Black Death Emperor. Black Death Emperor turned around and gave him a scythe. That scythe was so fierce! He was about to be stabbed in the middle in one blow, which was even worse than the Witch Harley.

Witch Harley can survive if she is cut in two, but he will be left cold.

He almost died, but luckily someone saved him.

But since he got the Orange Lantern, he has been alone. He has no friends, doesn't trust anyone, and has never been close to anyone. He was worried that they would snatch his treasure, so he struggled hard with the Black Death Emperor's Death Blade. He only dodged half of it.

Whoosh! A beam of green light and a beam of blue light fell on him at the same time. Lafleeze's thinking became more active, and the burning pain of the wound quickly subsided.

The blue light of mercy has the most powerful healing ability among the seven colors of light.

The blue light of hope can apply a tenfold buff to any color light, making his orange light powerful enough to resist the erosion of the power of death.

Are you okay? The Lords of Color and Light gathered around him, with a bit of contempt in their serious expressions.

My legs, my hands, my mouth, mine, they are all mine, give them back to me. Lafleeze screamed.

While shouting, he hugged the lamp stove tightly with his remaining left arm.

Hal pouted towards his original position and said, No more.

Those severed limbs were like feathers encountering flames, quickly turning into black ash under the erosion of the power of death.

Ding~~~ An orange light ring flew out from the black ashes, came to Lafleeze, and took the initiative to put it on his left index finger.

No~~ he howled in pain, My hands, my legs, my mouth, my teeth are all mine, they are mine!

Stop howling, the Black Death Emperor is still here. If you don't deal with him, you will lose more than a few stumps. Sinestro said with a gloomy expression.

Witch Harley is not here, it's just us, okay? Atrocitas said hesitantly.

A few people were not just standing there talking in a daze.

Even if they wanted to stand there stupidly, the Black Death Emperor would not allow them.

They have been moving at high speed.

Several lamp owners have a certain tacit understanding. Even if Fritz is not pulled, the effect of the six-color light fusion can at least block the approach of the surrounding zombies, and can easily crush the black light ring like tofu.

Well, as long as the green light is fused with another color of light, it can destroy the black light ring. At this time, the six lights are combined into one, the effect is better, and can even defeat the Black Death Emperor's scythe black blade.

There is something wrong with the Black Death Emperor's condition. His power seems to be much weaker than before. Ganser said with surprise after defeating the Death Moon Blade shot by the Black Death Emperor again.

It's true that something is wrong. He didn't rush to chase us. Could it be that Witch Harley plundered his lair and made him weak? Sinestro asked in surprise.

Lafleeze shouted: Witch Harley tricked us. She asked us to contain the Black Death Emperor, but she secretly robbed the magic power.

The Black Death Emperor is our responsibility. No matter what, we cannot escape. And whether she stole or robbed, she actually weakened the Black Death Emperor's power and helped us. Hal said solemnly.

Dear lamp owners, can you deal with the black lamp planet first? They are approaching the earth again. Dachao said anxiously.

If we leave here and go to the edge of the earth to deal with the Black Lantern Planet, what do you think the Black Death Emperor will do? Sinestro asked.

Without waiting for Da Chao to answer, he quickly said: He will follow closely and attack us from behind. The Black Death Emperor, the Black Lantern Living Corpse and the Black Lantern Planet, you Earthlings must solve one of them by your own strength.

This is your responsibility and your destiny.

Da Chao felt very uncomfortable, Where are the other members of the color light army? The black light ring can only be destroyed by the fusion of green light and other color lights.

If the black lantern did not have the characteristics of the lamp ring is indestructible and endlessly resurrected, we would have ended the war on our own.

Lafleeze's eyes flashed and he said: Since you are so powerful, why not replace Witch Harley as a human shield to contain the Black Death Emperor and create an opportunity for us to unite the seven lights into one.

No, Superman can't get close to the Black Death Emperor. Hal said immediately.


I'm here to help you contain the Black Death Emperor.

A black shadow flashed, and Dinah, who had black boots, black fishnet stockings, a black patent leather miniskirt, a black tight leather jacket, and brilliant blond hair, appeared in front of several people.

Hei~~~die~~~Emperor~~~get out~~~ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...

Circle after circle of gray-white waves spread out from her mouth. Wherever the vibration wave passed, circles of transparent ripples rippled in the space. The black lamp living corpses in the circle silently shattered into powder, and the projection of the god of death was the first to bear the brunt. It exploded with a bang, revealing the Black Death Emperor with his feet on a black lamp.

Oh, this girl is so strong. Lafleeze looked at Dinah's back with greed in his eyes.

You dare to act wild in front of me with this little ability?

The Black Death Emperor smiled coldly, raised the scythe with his left arm seemingly very slowly, and then swung it down slowly.

Whoa! A crescent-shaped black horse has already arrived in front of Dinah.

So fast that there is almost no speed.

Wherever he looked was where the attack would land.

There is only cause and effect, no process, and no logic.

It was more powerful and weird than the angry blow he had just dealt with Lafleeze.

Boom! The golden film on Dinah's body flashed, and the black crescent moon was like waves falling on the rocks, breaking into black energy sprays.

That's all.

She wasn't even knocked back two steps like Harley, because Harley already had level nine black light defense expertise at this time.

The Black Death Emperor's single eye widened, and his withered black face showed an expression of disbelief.

It's nothing more than that. Dinah breathed a sigh of relief. Not only did the Black Death Emperor's attack not break through the defense, it didn't even cut Harley in two like they said, and it didn't even have a strong impact on her will.

The gold film does not completely block attacks, and the damage will be converted into an impact on the will. A weak impact means low damage.

How is this possible? Lafleeze exclaimed.

He didn't know what mystery the Black Death Emperor's attack contained, but the aura of power emitted by Crescent Moon was indeed stronger than those that attacked them before. They could only use the white light of seven lights to crush it, and they would never dare to do it like this. Dark Phoenix is so hard-wired.

Dina, be careful, don't let him get close. Maybe you can block the energy blade, but his sickle is a physical attack and can easily break through your defense. Hal whispered mentally.

While sending a message to warn Dinah, Hal also shouted loudly: Seven lights unite into one, the white light is bright!

While shouting, he took the lead in shooting pure green light at the Black Death Emperor.

Several other lamp owners followed closely behind, and even Lafleeze gritted his teeth and raised his left hand, shooting out a beam of orange light.

Black Hand. The Black Death Emperor shouted in a low voice. The lamp socket of the lamp under him emitted bright black light. Black Hand, wearing a black shroud uniform, walked out of the black light.

He stepped forward and stood in front of the Black Death Emperor. He stretched out his palms and a layer of black light covered his body and blocked the incoming white light.

Damn it, who is he? Why did he block our seven lights in one with one hand? Lafleeze said in shock and anger.

Hal was surprised and said: He is the Black Hand, and he was just a third-rate super villain on Earth before.

He is the incarnation of the Black Lantern, don't be careless. Ganser said seriously.

Why can he block our combined attack? Even Scarface was instantly stunned. Atrocitas asked.

Scarface said: Scarface is just a guardian, and Black Hand is the incarnation of the emotion of death, which is equivalent to you fused with the power of the lamp beast.

Even if I merged with Parallax Monster and transformed into Parallax Monster, it wouldn't be as exaggerated as him. Sinestro said with an ugly expression.

He is Hal Jordan's enemy. You have to use Hal Jordan as a reference. Ganser said.

Sinestro said angrily: Gunther, what do you mean, I'm not as good as Hal Jordan?

Am I just going to let you look down on me like this?

The black hand flashed several times in succession like a ghost, came to the side of the Seven Lanterns Alliance, and shot a beam of black light towards Lafleeze.

Lafleeze's orange shield was flickering, as if it would break at the next moment.

He was so frightened that he quickly moved around, exposing Atrocitus next to him to the Black Hand's attack range.

What are you doing? Don't change the formation casually. The Lord of Red Lanterns said angrily.

This black hand is so weird. Even the Black Death Emperor can't block our white light, but he is just like a normal person. La Freeze screamed.

The Black Death Emperor didn't bother to dodge, but he turned on the black light shield. Said said.

Just as the Seven Lanterns were busy dealing with Black Hand's strange attack, the Black Lantern planet, which was already moving slowly, accelerated towards the earth again.

Dachao, Dinah, come back. Bateman shouted into the communicator: I guess the Black Death Emperor is controlling the Black Lantern Planet.

He asked the Black Hand to contain the Seven Lamps just to free up his hands to deal with the earth.

Let Superman go back, I'll stay here to be their human shield. If one or two of the Lords of Colored Light are really damaged, the seven lights combined into one won't be able to continue, Dinah said.

Archimedes on the airship.

Bateman turned back, glanced around Wonder Woman and Aquaman, and said: Diana, you enter the 'Hallelujah' state, replace Dinah, and protect the Seven Lanterns.

At the same time, we must be careful, there are people in the Seven Lanterns who have evil intentions, don't get close to the Black Death Emperor, don't be tricked by them.

Poseidon patted the golden armor on his body and said, Let me go. My Poseidon armor has been equipped with a power device, which allows me to fly freely in the sky like Adam's Heroes.

Bateman glanced at the rocket pack behind him and said hesitantly: Are you sure you can be as flexible as Adam Strange?

Adam's Stranger's equipment is very simple. An energy gun and a rocket backpack are the standard equipment of Rann's Space Force. However, in the entire Justice League, there are only heroes who can use these two equipments in the cosmic environment to the level of Adam's Stranger. , none of them are useful.

If the aftermath of the Lann-Senagon war hadn't been too great, and Adam's father-in-law had died, and his wife had just assumed the position of Lann's chief scientist, and he was too busy to return to Earth, the Pentagon would have hired him. Earth Space Force Admiral.

Well, help train Earth's space troops.

About three times his power. Neptune said unconfidently.

It's better for me to go. I fly at the speed of lightning and am much more flexible than you.

Diana drew out the Vulcan Sword, her eyes shining brightly.

Do you still remember Harley's warning? Neptune grabbed her and said seriously: Those who have died once should not get close to the owner of the Black Stone, who is the Black Death Emperor.

When Harley devoured the planet Riut, she deliberately left behind a black stone rich in the power of darkness and death, intending to take it back to study the characteristics of the power of black death and the identity of its owner.

After preliminary testing, anyone who has died once and been resurrected will be pulled into the World of the Dead again by the power of black death.

From this, Harley at least inferred one thing: the owner of the Black Stone is a powerful God of Death. As long as he is willing, the breath he emits can erase the concept of death and resurrection.

Therefore, it is best to avoid meeting Diana, Chao, Hal and others who have died once.

Hal seems to be fine, Chao is not far from Black Death and I'm in a 'Hallelujah' state.

We cannot be passively beaten!

Arthur went to be a human shield at most.

I was able to turn defense into offense and chop off that black hand with one sword. Diana put her arms around a sword flower and said confidently.

Be careful. As soon as you feel something is wrong, call 'Harry' immediately. Calling her name can attract her attention.

According to my observation, Harley has not lent all her abilities to you, and each of the favored ones receives different favors.

Speaking of this, Bateman also gave Aquaman a meaningful look. If Diana's Hallelujah is the basic version for civilians, Aquaman becomes the Supreme Pro version by recharging.

In terms of defensive gold film alone, his is also thicker and has more extraordinary resistance.

Many heroes in Zhenglian have fought against the two of them. Aquaman is obviously more rough-skinned and fleshy, and is almost immune to any supernatural power.

Harley is not kind. Instead of giving Arthur more power, she weakens my power.

Diana complained, shouted Halley, look at me and rushed into outer space.

Stepping on the colorful lightning, he came to Black Hand at the speed of light and swung out his sword, almost cutting him in two.

With Diana holding the Black Hand in outer space on Mercury, Chao and Dinah immediately turned back to protect the Earth.

Ahhhh~~~~ Dinah was suspended in the geosynchronous orbit, and she opened her voice and used all her strength to perform Phoenix Cry. Circles and circles of ripples enveloped the Black Lantern zombies and Black Lantern planets approaching the earth. Inside.

—— The living corpse was shattered into pieces silently.

Rumble - click, click, click - The surface of the black light planet facing Dinah shook violently, rising up large amounts of dust and gravel, and then cracked inside, fell apart, and exploded violently.

From a distance, the black light planet looks like a bullet carved from ice crystals, hitting a transparent steel plate. The whole process is slowed down 10,000 times.

Oh my god, Dinah is so powerful!? On the Archimedes airship, Louise's mouth was wide open and her face was dull.

Dark Phoenix is ​​invincible, long live Black Phoenix! The people watching her live broadcast were in high spirits again.

Archimedes, scan the black light energy response within Dinah's attack range. Bateman kept staring at the radar screen and did not cheer excitedly with them.

Preliminary estimates indicate that there are more than five million energy reactions, which is beyond the limit of my perception. Archimedes said.

Focus on the energy response in the wreckage of the Black Lantern Planet. Bateman said.

Archimedes said nothing, but marked the location of the energy reaction on the radar.

Bateman said: Mr. Secretary, please cooperate with Green Lantern Kyle Rayner to destroy the lantern ring with the green-green combined attack technique.

It is our duty! Lame Peng looked solemn, with no timidity in his eyes, only the awareness of sacrifice and dedication.

Dina, change the direction and let Kyle and the others clear this battlefield. Bateman ordered to Dinah in space again.

Kyle took Lame Peng's hand and turned it into a blend of green and green light. He came to the remnants of the black light planet and quickly locked on the energy reaction source marked by Archimedes - which was indeed a black light ring.

Whoosh~~ The two of them shot energy beams at the same time, and the black light ring turned into powder with a bang.

Okay! The heroes in front of the radar screen cheered in unison.

After destroying a light ring, Kyle and Lame Peng continued to the corpse land of another black light planet without stopping.

Bateman continued extreme micro-management, and successively arranged Green Lantern Jade and the President, Green Lantern Alan and the Secretary of Defense, Green Lantern John Stewart and the Chief of the Military Council to cooperate with Dachao and Dinah to clean up the new cosmic battlefield.

Just as everyone was rejoicing that more and more black light planets were completely destroyed, the lamp mouth of the lamp furnace under the Black Death Emperor's feet brightened, and the crystal black rings as dense as rain flew out swiss swish and flew out in the starry sky. Scattered in all directions, falling into pieces of planetary debris.

Rumble the light ring lights up, and the planet's residues gather together again to become a new black light planet.

God, this, this Louise's face turned pale.

Doesn't the Black Lantern Ring need energy?

Can our actions of destroying the ring cause harm to the Black Lantern Furnace?

The heroes are not desperate, but at a loss.

Bateman's voice was still hoarse and low, and his tone was still calm and calm, Even if it continues like this, it will definitely be beneficial to us.

Don't forget about Harley, who is wreaking havoc on Black Death's foundation.

Sooner or later, the Black Death Emperor could no longer hold on.

Yes, we still have Harley! Everyone regained their fighting spirit.

Bateman was right.

The first to be unable to hold on was neither the Seven Lanterns Alliance, nor Dinah, Dachao and the others who were struggling to destroy the black lamp planets and living corpses in the solar system.

With the help of Diana, the Seven Lanterns began to suppress Black Hand. Black Hand had to rely on the living corpses of superpowers to barely maintain the deadlock.

Although Phoenix Crying consumes a lot of energy, Dinah is always in a Hallelujah state and can even absorb sunlight to maintain physical energy.

But she is very tough. When she doesn't bask in the sun or eat energy bars, she imitates Harley and eats light rings!

First use vibration waves to shatter the black lamp living corpse into powder, then pounce on it, grab the remaining lamp ring and stuff it into his mouth.

The digested black light power was immediately converted into physical energy, allowing her to maintain a vigorous state.

Fortunately, Harley had upgraded her black light defense expertise to level nine at this time, otherwise Dinah would have suffered from indigestion and eventually suffered a backlash from the power of black death.

Dachao is more down-to-earth, basking in the sun every few minutes, or letting the lantern on the airship replenish his energy.

In the end, the Black Death Emperor, who had been on the attacking side, was the first to lose his hold.

Damn it, can't Witch Harley never have enough to eat? Even now, she's still devouring my origin.

The Black Death Emperor originally thought that he had unlimited energy, but Harley's belly was limited. When she was full, she would naturally leave.

But at this moment, he was horrified to find that the energy of the Death Dimension had almost lost half, and her devouring speed remained unabated.

Why are these earthly bastards so difficult to deal with?

The Black Death Emperor's complexion changed rapidly with his state of mind.

Mad, I won't play with you anymore. He gritted his teeth, and the black lamp under his feet shone brightly again.

Target, Earth Coast City, teleportation starts!

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