I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1385 The seven lights gather together

On the sixth day, the seventh day, and even on the eighth day, the earth was calm.

The atmosphere on Earth became more and more depressing, and Harley began to feel embarrassed.

Although no one laughed at her about the seven-day period, every day when she opened the back door of Noah's Ark, a group of Omi people couldn't stand it and jumped off the ark.

Later, American brothers in Asia and Europe also followed the trend, and a large number of people chose to return to their hometowns.

Whether on the earth or on Noah's Ark, a saying began to spread: The galactic admiral has been smart all his life, but this time he finally made a mistake in judgment.

However, the superheroes headed by Zheng Lian still use their social media accounts at least twice a day to persuade the public not to take chances and stay aboard Noah's Ark.

This time the U.S. government did not sing the opposite tune, but actively cooperated with the heroes in propaganda.

President Abao, who had changed into ascetic robes, even held a thick Bible and gave a presidential address to all the people during the prime time of 8 p.m.

When Noah built the ark, the foolish people looked on and laughed at him. Everyone knows the result.

Noah's Ark in the new era gives everyone a ticket, and I sincerely hope that everyone will cherish it.

Why hasn't the 'Black Hand' arrived yet? General Lane is now becoming anxious and looking forward to the early appearance of the 'Black Hand'.

The 'Black Hand' obviously knows that there is such a big commotion on our planet. He doesn't want us to get our wish and get what we want. Harley sighed.

Why isn't your judgment wrong? The seven-day period has passed, and the universe has not been wiped out. Many advanced civilization planets have even begun to launch a major counterattack against the living corpses within their territory. Louise asked.

Harley said: What you question about me is also the answer to your own question.

The seven-day period has passed, and the universe is still full of vitality, indicating that the activity of black lights has weakened and their number has not continued to expand exponentially.

Because they have collected enough energy.

I'm actually not worried that the 'Black Hand' won't come to the earth. I'm just worried that it will deliberately delay time as you said. When we Americans can't stand it any longer, we will all get off Noah's Ark, and then a big wave will come.

If the Easterners came down from Noah's Ark together, why are they so tolerant?

Not only did we not come down, but when we came down, a large amount of materials were transported inside one after another. We even started to build infrastructure on the ‘Noah’s Ark’ and built commercial housing in full swing. General Lane said with a frown.

Harley said calmly: Now the population on Noah's Ark is constantly decreasing, and each person is allocated at least 4 square meters of space.

If a 10-story building is built, the personal space will be expanded to 40 square meters.

It’s 40 square meters per person. Even after deducting the shared area, living here is much more comfortable than before.

If a 30-story high-rise building is built, the actual usable area per person will be reduced to 20 square meters, and a family of five will live in 100 square meters. The saved space can be used to build gardens and gymnasiums, and a decent community will be created.

Even if the Black Hand deliberately delays time as you guessed, how long can he delay it? How can Easterners have time to build a 30-story building? Louise wondered.

Harry said: It will definitely not be built this time, but they are not short of time. One of their leaders called the manor the day before yesterday and signed an electronic contract with me.

According to the population ratio, 22% of the area on ‘Noah’s Ark’ will be allocated to the people of the Celestial Dynasty forever.

Therefore, even if the Blackest Night crisis is over, they can continue to stay on the Ark to build infrastructure.

If we encounter a similar global crisis in the future, Chinese people can directly move to the ‘Noah’s Ark Chinese Community’.

Shit, this is really terrible news. General Lane was stunned.

This is a good method. Bateman nodded in approval.

When did the call come? I've been at the manor these past few days, why didn't I know anything about it? Louise asked in surprise.

In order to cope with the upcoming crisis of the Darkest Night, Harley sent her relatives and friends, such as Selena and the Gordon family, to Paradise Mountain as before.

Louise could have gone, as her mother-in-law and son had already gone.

But she wanted to stay on Earth to pursue her career, so she settled in Quinn Manor.

It's not a big deal if someone calls my cell phone. Why should I shout loudly? Harley said calmly.

Why do they have your mobile phone number? Louise asked again.

She knew that even the U.S. Secretary of State couldn't get through to her. There were only two people in the U.S. government who could communicate with her on the phone, one was the President of the United States and the other was her father, General Ryan.

The production factories of Tiantianshan Technology Company are all over there. Is there anything strange about meeting a few leaders? Harley said.

Harry, you can't do this. The Orientals are establishing colonies on the 'Noah's Ark' of our Americans! General Lane said excitedly.

Harley shook her head and said: That continent is neither mine nor the United States. It belongs to all mankind. Don't forget, it was created by Naboo.

The God King of Naboo is American, and so are you. General Lane said immediately.

Harley said disapprovingly: Naboo has nothing to do with the United States. He was born in an indigenous tribe in Africa, and his nationality should be Egyptian.

The gods of the God of Order may be from the East, but they are definitely not from the United States.

But Dr. Destiny is a professor from the United States.

Harley suppressed her impatience and explained: First of all, Kent is Doctor Destiny, not Naboo; secondly, although Doctor Destiny has a green card, his ancestral home is also Egypt.

In the end, there is no point in discussing this.

‘Noah’s Ark’ belongs to all human beings, and the United States also has a share, so there is no need to be jealous of others.

If you are willing, I will sign a contract with you now for the permanent use of the land for the same amount as the Easterners.

General Lane's expression changed, and he muttered: The United States has a small population and a small land area. Can you give us some of the resources from other countries, such as India?

Harley said impatiently: Go and talk to the Indians. As long as they agree, it will be no problem to establish a 'Greater India-United States of America' on 'Noah's Ark'.

General Lane's eyes lit up: If India were to be merged, through financial means, each Indian would be given 0.5 square meters, enough to set up a tent, and the extra 3.5 square meters would be given to Americans, and India's population is several times larger than that of the United States. .If six Indian guys supply one American uncle, wouldn’t it mean that each person can get an average of 20 square meters without building a high-rise building? A family of five can build a two-story single-family house!

Thinking of his success, he couldn't help but laugh out loud.

Louise looked at him strangely and said: The topic is too far-reaching. 'Noah's Ark' is just a temporary haven. A person may not be able to live there for a full month in his entire life. How can we discuss it? Land ownership, it really doesn't mean much.

We should think carefully about how to break the deadlock and prevent the black hand from succeeding.

The current situation is obviously in our favor. What deadlock do you want to break? Harley said.

Why is it beneficial to us? Louise asked puzzledly: Now it is neither up nor down, and people's hearts are unstable. You also said that the 'Black Hand' deliberately prevented you from getting what you wanted.

Let me ask you, who is the main force in this battle?

Isn't it you and the heroes of the Zhenglian Alliance? Just after saying this, Louise slapped her forehead in annoyance, I rarely see the Green Lantern recently. I forgot about the Seven Lantern Corps.

There has been no news from Hal that the Seven Lanterns Alliance has been formed, which shows that they are still struggling. Although I really want to scold the Color Light Legion for its inefficiency, but since the Black Hand is not in a hurry, I don't need to get too excited. Harley laughed.

Louise suddenly realized, “Yes, delaying time is actually beneficial to us!

Because Qi Deng hasn’t completed the assembly yet. To solve the problem of black lanterns, we mainly rely on the Seven Lantern Corps.

On the morning of the ninth day, as soon as Harley got up, she received good news from Hal.

Harley, we have convinced Atrocitus and Lafleeze, and the Seven Lantern Corps has been assembled.

How did you convince them? Harley asked.

Although Atrocitus hates the Guardians and the Green Lantern Corps, he is not a brainless idiot. After fighting several battles with the Black Lantern zombie army in person, the Red Lantern suffered heavy losses, and he understood what the top priority was.

Lafleeze was more difficult to deal with, and Seid sacrificed herself to convince him.

Seid used himself as a bargaining chip and voluntarily became Lafleeze's property in exchange for him joining the Seven Lanterns Alliance. Howl sighed.

La Freeze wants Syd to be his wife? His taste is really unique. Gunther agrees? Harley said with a weird expression.

The little blue people are actually not ugly, but they all have big heads and small bodies, and they are not beautiful at all.

Hal shouted, Where did you think you were going? Syd is the guardian of Lafleeze, the guardian of the orange light.

Harley said angrily: You call this sacrifice? Who is sacrificing?

For Syd, this is a sacrifice. She and Gunther used to live freely in the Blue Lantern Corps and get along day and night, but now they are separated, and Gunther is in great pain at the moment. Hal said seriously.

Okay, if you say it's a sacrifice, let's consider it a sacrifice. Now that the 'Dragon Balls' are together, what should we do next? Harley asked.

Gather the power of the Seven Lanterns to attack the Black Lantern's lair. Hal said sonorously and forcefully.

Harley was shocked, Do you know where the Black Lantern's lair is?

After the seven lights are gathered together, Ganser can use the 'seven lights into one' method to locate the coordinates of the black light's lair. You tell Qingnu and ask her to wait for us near Pluto, and we will take her to Door 666 with us. Area, the Black Lantern's lair is over there. Hal said.

Ten minutes later, in the solar system, on a meteorite outside Pluto.

Buzz~~ A green halo of light appeared out of thin air, three meters high from scratch.

After the aperture stabilized, a total of eight figures in six colors flew out from it.

Hal took the lead. As soon as he flew out of the circle of light, he saw two people standing on the meteorite.

Hi, Qingmei, Harley--

My dear, Witch Harley, this is a trap, run. An orange donkey-billed birdman behind him shouted excitedly, interrupting his greeting.

Why is Witch Harley here? Is it really a trap? Atrocitus, the head of the red lantern, was also on guard.

Lords of lust and light, don't be excited or afraid. We are our own people now. Harley shouted loudly.

As she spoke, she flew up high, letting everyone see her fluttering Guardian Uniform - a blue robe with a hem of ten meters long, like a flag.

Hey, this looks a bit like the little blue man's clothes. By the way, look at the green lantern logo on her chest. Sinestro thought thoughtfully.

Oh my god, she became the guardian of the green lantern? Carol of the purple lantern said in surprise.

The eight people who came over were Carol, the purple lantern, Sinestro, the yellow lantern, Hal Jordan, the green lantern, Sinestro, the red lantern, Gunther and Syd, who were wearing the robe of the blue lantern guardian, and Sinestro, who was wearing the blue lantern ring. Saint Walker, and Orange Lantern La Freeze.

Harley smiled and nodded at them, Yes, I am Harley Quinn, the only guardian of the Green Lantern. Since the Seven Lanterns have formed an alliance, we are all allies.

Why did you become the guardian of the green lantern? Ganse frowned.

Harley raised three fingers, First of all, I am a god, with a long lifespan and great strength, so I am qualified to be a guardian.

Secondly, after communicating with Qingnv, we found that both of us have almost exactly the same ideas about cosmic villains.

Finally and most importantly, this is God’s arrangement.

Qingdeng's Book of Mercy records the prophecy that I am the guardian of Qingdeng. None of us can resist fate.

Is there really this prophecy in the Book of Mercy? Ganse looked at Qingnv in surprise.

Qingnv's eyelids twitched a few times before she nodded solemnly and said, There is indeed a guardian's name in the book.

The Book of Mercy actually only showed her two futures of the Green Lantern Tribe. One did not choose Harley as the guardian, and the future was hazy, shrouded in darkness and full of ominousness; the other made her the guardian. Otherwise, the future of the Qingdeng Tribe is bright.

Young girls are not stupid, of course they must choose a brighter future.

Ganser stared at Harley for a while, then turned to the legion leaders beside him and said, Since she is the guardian of the green lantern, she is also our ally and is qualified to participate in our operations.

Atrocitus looked at Harry warily and said solemnly: I hope she can abide by her oath.

Gunther said: Harley Quinn, we have signed a 'Legion Truce Agreement', and you need to swear to all of us that you will abide by every provision above.

Tell me the terms first, Harley said.

Gunther read the agreement with a serious expression.

To sum up, there are two points: first, during the Blackest Night, they must trust each other and unite and cooperate; second, even if the Blackest Night is over, they can no longer fight each other, they can hate each other, but they cannot easily start a legion war.

Lafleeze suddenly said: If it's the Witch Harley, then one more thing must be added - we are not allowed to steal or rob our emotional spectrum energy in any way.

He has a pair of small and flexible eyes, and his mouth and nose are very similar to those of a donkey, but his teeth are very sharp, nearly 20 centimeters long, and his lips extend horizontally from the back alveolus, making him look very ferocious.

At this moment, he was floating in the air like a bird, with feet as big as chicken feet, grabbing Seid's big bald head like Jordan grabbing a basketball.

Yes, Witch Harley's reputation is known to everyone. We must ensure that our power is not stolen. Atrocitas said loudly.

As his emotions fluctuate, his mouth will splash scarlet liquid energy in all directions when he speaks.

I can agree to your request, but I also have conditions. If anyone provokes me, I can get angry at him. Harley said.

No, you can't attack us no matter what. Lafleeze shouted.

Atrocitus nodded repeatedly, looking a little proud.

Harley licked her red lips at the Lord of Orange Lanterns and smiled with a friendly expression: OK, I won't sign. Let the peace agreement go to hell.

You~~ Lafleeze's hair stood on end, and inexplicable fear instantly covered his whole body.

Atrocitus swallowed hard, and the pride on his face was replaced by wariness.

He turned his gaze to Gunther, I thought about it carefully for a while, and it seems that her request is reasonable, what do you think?

We need unity. Ganser looked at Harley and said solemnly before saying, We can agree to your request, but you have to make it clear what counts as a 'provocation'.

They attack me and hurt me with their actions, and they humiliate me and make me unhappy with their words, Harley said.

'Unhappy' is too broad. Gunther frowned.

Then you can stop talking to me. If you don't talk, you will never provoke me verbally. Harley said.

Gunther asked several lanterns with his eyes.

Sinestro said calmly: Yes, but you have to issue a warning first. If someone does not listen to the warning, that is the real provocation. If he listens to the warning and does not say similar words again for a day, the round will be over.

Well, Sinestro has a point. Atrocitus said.

Lafleeze tilted his head and thought for a while, then said: How about two warnings? No, at least three times, or more, four times? I think five times.

Harley didn't interrupt him, he kept talking until 'at least 10 times'.

Hal laughed awkwardly and said: Harry, Lafleeze didn't do it on purpose. He was tortured for manipulating the energy of the orange light and was always in a state of hunger.

Even the virtual number of warnings can be regarded as a valuable asset by him, so...

Isn't the number of warnings a treasure? Lafleeze shouted at the top of his lungs: She is the Witch Harley. When she gets angry, it means she wants your life, energy and all your belongings.

Use your life plus colored light energy, plus your entire net worth, and divide it by the 'number of warnings', which is the value of a single warning. How precious do you think it is?

Or, do you think you guys, a bunch of crooked people, can handle the witch Harley, who has a notorious reputation and outstanding military exploits?

Harry suddenly felt that this ugly guy was a little cute.

At least he's very knowledgeable.

Everyone, we don't have time to delay. Said was held by Lafriz's paws and said.

She was miserable, like a bug under the claws of a bird, being lifted up in the air, neither up nor down.

I only warn you once. Harley said.

Once is too little, cried La Freeze.

Harley smiled and said, I'll teach you a method. When I'm around from now on, you should try to speak as little as possible. If you can't help but spray shit from your mouth, after I warn you once, use the energy of the light ring to sew your mouth shut.

As long as you don't speak for a day, you won't provoke me verbally.

It seems like we can give it a try. Hal glanced at the lamp owners and said with a smile.

That would be so frustrating. Lafleeze said dissatisfied.

His voice was low, more like a whisper.

Atrocitus and Sinestro also looked ugly.

How about this, let's play a little game. Harley looked at the lamp owner and said eagerly: I'll stand here without moving. If any of you are dissatisfied, you can take action together and attack me in any way you can think of.

If you can make me take a step back or hurt a hair on my head, you win.

As long as you win, even if you scold me in front of me, I will just spit in your face and never get angry.

Witch Harley, you are too arrogant to say such things to us. Lafleeze roared.

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