I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1383 The Creation of Naboo

The morning after becoming the guardian of the Green Lantern, Harley put on new clothes: a blue robe with a white Green Lantern logo on the chest.

The style looks very similar to the Little Blue Man's robe.

Why are you dressed like a little blue man? Ivy noticed it at the first sight.

It's a good idea. This is imitating the red and green robes of the Little Blue Men. I don't admire their style, but they have spent three billion years establishing the image of a 'guardian' in everyone's mind.

If I don't dress like this, who can tell at a glance that I am a guardian?

Now when I go out wearing this dress, anyone who sees it will immediately think of the little blue man, just like you.

If you look at the green lantern logo on my chest, you can easily guess my identity.

In this way, it is not considered a night walk in brocade clothes. Harley said cheerfully.

Louise on the side said disapprovingly: Even the Guardian of the Green Lantern is not a supreme status. The Guardian of the Green Lantern is not as bluffing as your 'Heaven God of War'.

Harry shook his head and said, You have some insight, but you still don't know enough.

Before the Blackest Night, she would have found it troublesome to be the green lantern guardian. Even for the green lantern defense expertise, it would not be worth it.

What's more, she has sworn not to steal or rob her own Qinglan energy.

Well, she plans to be a trustworthy person this time, and will never steal or rob. At most, it will take some time to trick the green lantern beast into offering its source, just like it took her only half an hour to convince someone who just met her One day young girl.

However, the appearance of the Blackest Night changed Harley's views and thoughts on emotional energy.

The scale, intensity and energy level of the black light far exceed the scope of the seven-color light ring. The person behind it is definitely a supreme, and the dignified supreme is just one of the visible light emotional spectrum. She saw the improvement in the emotional spectrum army. The profit point beyond the six defense specialties, and the Guardian of the Green Lantern is a breakthrough. With this identity, she has the opportunity to come into contact with the core secrets of the emotional spectrum.

Isn't it because you became the guardian of the green lantern for the energy of the green lantern? Louise said unconvinced.

Harry had no intention of explaining his thoughts to her, and only asked: You heard so many secrets yesterday from the confessions of nine military and political leaders, but this morning there was not even a piece of eye-catching news.

What's wrong? The news is too strong and I don't dare to report it?

Louise looked solemn and said, I remember everything they said and will continue to investigate. As long as I find conclusive evidence, I will definitely make it public.

As time goes by, there is no evidence at all in some cases. And you don't need evidence, just play the video of the time. Harley said.

You really want me to do that? Louise asked.

I want you to do something serious and stop staring at me.

Today's front page headline was written by Louise, but the content is related to Harley - first introducing the arrival of the Green Lantern to the public, and then focusing on promoting her feat of becoming the sole guardian of the Green Lantern.

Louise said with a complicated expression: The darkest night is coming, and the people are not interested in the affairs of the US government. They are more interested in your information. Only when they see that you are calm and unhurried can they feel relieved.

She also doesn't want to write her news every day.

She also posted an interview with Tearman a few days ago, but the effect was not good.

Harry, when will these days end? Although large-scale black light zombies have never appeared again, sporadic deaths in society have never stopped.

The people were so frightened that they did not dare to go out or see anyone.

Even an alien invasion would not make everyone so nervous.

The reanimation of living corpses, who are still close relatives, brings too strong a psychological impact.

If the Blackest Night lasts for a year and a half, I'm afraid many people will have a mental breakdown. she said worriedly.

The initiative is not in our hands, but I guess the time will not be too long, as short as two or three days, and as long as no more than a week. Harley said.

Louise perked up and asked quickly: Why do you say that?

The purpose of the black light zombies moving around is to collect the emotional energy of living people. You also know how powerful and difficult the zombies are. There are so many superheroes on our earth, and it is so troublesome to deal with them. Other planets can only Worse.

Louise sighed: In the past two days, I have been watching the galactic news. Many planets are bleeding into rivers, and society has completely collapsed.

The Black Lantern zombies only encountered setbacks on Earth, and their actions to collect emotional energy on other planets went smoothly. In other words, they will soon collect enough energy, and then the person behind the scenes will inevitably show up. Harley said.

How do you know there is a limit to their desire for emotional energy? What if they are insatiable and never satisfied? Louise said.

Harley said quietly: No matter how greedy they are, the total number of people in the material universe has a limit. According to their efficiency, one week is almost enough to kill all the creatures in the universe.

Louise was horrified, Everyone in the universe is dead?! Are you serious?

As you said, the Black Lantern Living Corpse is insatiable and never satisfied.

But there are billions of people in the entire universe. She looked pale and in a daze.

This is not something we can decide. We can only try our best to protect ourselves. Harley sighed.

The next day, nothing happened on the earth, and all life in the galaxy was in ruins.

On the third day, good news came from Hal. His grand alliance was 60% successful. In addition to Blue Lantern and Green Lantern, Purple Lantern and Sinestro also agreed to form an alliance with Green Lantern.

Next, they will go to the planet Koruga to help Sinestro regain control of the Yellow Lantern Corps to end the red-yellow, yellow-green war.

On the fourth day, Hal once again received good news. His major alliance had been successful 71.4%. Sinestro easily killed Mongo II with the backdoor he left in the yellow light ring.

Well, the yellow light ring was forged by Sinestro from the Kwad people. He quietly left a backhand in the ring to ensure that he could seize control of the light ring at the critical moment.

Meng Ge II died unjustly.

On the fifth day, Da Chao, Bateman and other heroic giants, as well as the heads of countries on the earth, could not sit still.

Because they all heard about Harley's seven-day theory from Louise.

Harry, if your guess is correct, we should make preparations now. Bateman said seriously,

Harley nodded and said, I am always ready to fight.

It's not us, it's ordinary people. Dachao said worriedly: With the scale of the Black Lantern zombies, when the mastermind behind the scenes comes, the intensity of the battle will be 80% no less than the battle of Lann-Senagon.

At that time, tens of millions of people participated in the war, and the entire starry sky was set on fire.

If the battlefield is moved from the stars to the surface, how much more people can survive even if the crisis is finally resolved?

General Lane said seriously: Harry, what is the theoretical basis for your 'seven-day period'? Is it accurate?

Harley said: From the time the black light zombies arrived to the few hours I swallowed the earth into my belly, how many people did the earth lose, and how many black light zombies increased?

You can draw the curve of 'black light arrival time - number of deaths on earth', and you can calculate the time when life on earth will become extinct.

Bateman's brows were a little more anxious, Today is already the fifth day, and the seven-day period is coming soon.

At present, there are two ways to ensure the safety of ordinary people.

The first is to move the final battlefield outside the earth; the second is to move the people on earth away.

Both of these methods seem unrealistic. General Lane frowned: And where can the billions of people on the earth be moved?

Nowhere in today’s material universe is safe.

We don’t even know the purpose of the mastermind behind the scenes, and we don’t even know whether the prophecy of ‘the final battle on Earth’ is true or false. How can we move the battlefield?

Harley, can your stomach bag hold 7 billion people for a long time? Only living people, not the entire earth. Bateman looked at Harley and asked.

Harley glanced at him in surprise and said, The total volume and mass of 7 billion people are far less than the entire earth. It's not impossible to just stuff them into the stomach.

But they need a place to stand, and eating, drinking, and even breathing are big problems.

Bateman immediately said: Didn't you swallow Odin's Varahar? Let them go there to escape, they won't be able to stay for a few days.

Harley looked at him and said thoughtfully: It seems that your plan is not a temporary one.

Bateman did not deny it, “I started thinking about this issue after you swallowed the earth last time.

Not only during this blackest night, but also when encountering large-scale cosmic crises in the future, you can use the dimension of your stomach bag as a temporary safe haven.

Harley said: Valahar's situation is very special, it is composed of faith and divine power, not a purely material world.

There is no air inside, but a small number of living people will not suffocate to death after entering, because the power of faith can create the air they need.

But 7 billion people are too many, and the amount of faith required will be an astronomical number.

You also understand my situation. Every amount of faith power harvested is invested in the Caotou God.

I can help, Doctor Fate said.

Dr. Fate Kent is now a superhero too.

After the multi-dimensional reboot, he was invited by the old Green Lantern to join the Justice Society.

Secret societies have killed too many heroes, with the Justice Society and Uncle Sam's freedom fighters suffering the heaviest losses. After the crisis ended, both hero organizations opened their doors to recruit new members.

For example, the Nuclear Man of the Justice Society is now the third generation, and the first two generations are in Paradise Mountain.

Therefore, Kent was also present at the giant meeting at this time.

In fact, he could participate in any Hero Meeting without joining the Zhenghe Association, but he had chosen to be reserved before and rarely appeared in public.

Are you helping, or Naboo? Harley asked.

Kent smiled awkwardly and said, Okay, it's Naboo.

He will take the initiative to help? I don't believe it. Is there some conspiracy? Harley did not hide her suspicion.

Doctor Destiny smiled bitterly and said, It's not all because of you.

What's wrong with me?

Last time when the Black Lantern came, you planned to swallow the earth. If Naboo didn't agree, you threatened him with public opinion, and even wanted to usurp his order system based on the people's trust and population.

This touched His reverse scale, and He was very, very angry, and became very serious about it——

Shut up! Halfway through his words, the helmet of destiny on his head suddenly glowed with golden light, and a sharp shout burst out from his mouth, Witch Harley, I don't have the patience to argue with you.

In the name of the guardian of the 7 billion humans on earth, I commandeer the dimension of your stomach bag, and I hope you will cooperate.

Harley said strangely: You mean, this is your plan, I'm just a toy, just like you did to me last time?

You are absolutely right to think so. Do you agree? Nabu said arrogantly.

Harley glanced at Bateman. He looked calm and was not dissatisfied with losing the ownership of the Transfer 7 Billion People Plan.

First tell me the detailed plan for everyone to listen to. She didn't argue with Him.

She had Louise anyway.

As the number one Harley in the universe, the name of the universe will definitely publicize her great achievements in the Transfer Operation to the public.

My plan is very simple. Build a small world with life, death, plants and the four elements in the dimension of your stomach bag, which is creation! Nabu said proudly.

Ah~~~ Harley opened her mouth, Come and try.

Buzz~~ Naboo's helmet vibrated slightly and detached from Dr. Fate Kent Nelson's head.

Lord of Order, listen to my command, the gods return to their places, and the gods unite!

After a cry that was not loud but shook the soul, Naboo's helmet was like a small sun, radiating bright and dazzling golden light around.

Whoosh whoosh~~ A pair of golden gloves flew over, followed by a golden cloak, golden plate armor, golden shoulder pads, and golden boots.

Together with the helmet, they form a complete person.

Plop, plop. The majestic pressure of the God King came to the material world. The mortals in the hall, whether they were strong-willed like General Lane or rebellious like Lois Lane, their knees were weak and their faces were pale. They couldn't help but Kneel down.

There were not only people from the White House but also representatives from many countries in the League of Nations. Naboo deliberately showed off his strength in front of these human representatives to let them understand who is the first god of human mage.

You all follow me.

The God King of Order waved his long cloak and pulled everyone present into Harley's throat.

They were suspended in a void shrouded in hazy light, and the King of Naboo shone with golden light, like the sun at noon.

The golden light pierced them so much that they could not look at Him.

I said, let's have the earth.

Naboo's voice was full of majesty and sacredness, resounding throughout the entire stomach dimension.

Harry outside put his hand on his lower abdomen and could feel a slight vibration.

With the size of Naboo's fusion of gods at this time, if he wanted to, he could easily penetrate her copycat origin wall stomach wall, then tear open her belly and get out of it calmly.

Rumble followed Nabu's voice, and a piece of earth-brown air flow poured into the God King's feet from all directions, forming an island and continent visible to the naked eye.

The island and land quickly spread out in all directions, becoming a continent.

Harley outside was stunned. She could guarantee that no earth element passed through her belly and entered the stomach dimension.

So, these earth elements come from Naboo?

After being stunned for a while, she felt the heavy pressure and quickly shouted: Hey, don't make the land too big. I can't bear it if it's too big.

The mainland then stopped growing.

I say, let there be wind, continued Neb's solemn declaration.

Huhuhuhu There is a gentle breeze on the earth, and there are also wild hurricanes.

I said, have water.

I said, have a fire.

Water and fire did not directly appear on the continent, but Harley felt a huge change: the continent changed from unstable to a stable entity.

It has become a real small plane!

True to his word, Naboo created a small world in the dimension of her stomach.

“I say, the greenness of all things is rooted here!”

Rumble Dense forests grew on the desolate land and divided into vast lawns.

Small planes show the vitality of life.

I say, the redness of all living beings is like blood rushing in the veins of the earth. Nabu continued.

I say, the blackness of decay is everywhere! These were Naboo's last words.

These two times were not as big a change as when the green of all things appeared, but the red of all living things made it possible for life to be born in this small plane, and also made it possible for living people to not die inexplicably from defects in the law when they came here.

Naboo is equivalent to painting on a blank piece of paper. There is nothing on the paper, and naturally there is no law of life. Without this law, life cannot survive.

The blackness of decay is the last link of the life cycle. Without the blackness of decay, the fallen leaves in this small plane will not rot.

When a person dies, he becomes a Sleeping Beauty. Only his soul is lost, but his body remains the same as when he was alive.

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