I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1378 The most efficient way to save the world

Harley also discovered a long time ago that the black light zombie's attack method is single and strange.

It's just that I have been busy putting out fires before, so I didn't have the chance to seriously think about this issue.

At this moment, after being reminded by Louise and seeing the rising sun, she sat in front of the driver's seat and used the authority of Galaxy Admiral to retrieve all the surveillance videos of the places where the Black Light Murder occurred.

Fortunately, it is now the end of 2019, and most communities and even homes have cameras.

After screening and comparing through the Guardian Dog intelligent system, Hallie obtained 2,000 relatively clear videos related to the heart.

It can be seen in the video that after the black light zombies dug out the heart, they did not throw it away immediately, but held it. Some of the zombies still showed a strange and intoxicated look on their faces, and the heart in their hands was visibly shriveled, withered, and rotten, and finally turned into Ash.

Are they absorbing the life energy in the heart? Dachao asked in horror.

Isn't life energy poison to a living corpse full of death power? Starfire asked doubtfully.

It should be emotional energy. One of the purposes of the black light zombie's existence is to collect emotional energy. Harley guessed: Perhaps, when the living person's emotions are stimulated to the strongest state, the living zombie can obtain it from the heart. More, more raw emotional energy.”

Emotions are hidden in the heart. In the heart, not in the head? If you want emotional energy, you should pry open the skull and suck the brain juice. Louise said strangely.

Harry rolled his eyes at her and said, Next time you encounter living corpses, talk to them about it and tell them not to dig out their hearts but to suck their brains instead. It tastes better and is more nutritious.

Although he was taunting her, Harley was a little confused.

With doubts, she split the violent fantasy man from her soul. The little demon Harley jumped out of her head, crawled to her chest, plunged in, and penetrated into her heart.

Illusion is the extreme alienation of emotion.

If human emotions are in the heart, then the heart can definitely accommodate her fantasy person——

Ah~~ As soon as he thought of this person, Harley in the driver's seat raised her head and howled wildly. Her voice was no longer crisp and sweet as usual, but like a wild beast, full of ferocity and violence.

Her image also changed rapidly under the horrified gaze of several people: her fair and delicate skin bulged with toned to strong muscles, and her skin was blood red, as if she had been peeled off and her muscles were directly exposed.

Her blond hair was also dyed blood-colored, and her hair became as thick as her little finger and seven or eight meters long, like venomous snakes that could swing and lash in the cabin.

Crack - sting! Anyone or anything that was hit by the dancing hair, whether it was a soft leather seat, a hard alloy cabin roof, or a spark that couldn't react in time, seemed to be touched by a cutting machine.

Harley also grew from 1.75 meters to 2.5 meters. Because of her elongated figure, the bulging blood-red muscles all over her body did not look bloated at all, but were very well-proportioned and coordinated.

Coupled with the dancing venomous snake hair all over the head, it has a kind of evil beauty.

Uh ah ah~~~ She was still shouting, raising her head and shouting, two curved horns came out of her forehead, and her face looked strangely pale, as if it had been powdered.

As she roared, streams of burning smoke came out of her throat and nostrils.

Her nails also visibly grew into daggers of about 10 centimeters.

Dachao panicked and wanted to go up and hold her down, but her nails scratched bloody marks.

My dear, what happened? Why did Harley suddenly become like this? Has she been eroded by the power of black death? Louise shrank in the corner and shouted in horror.

Harley, Harley, what's wrong with you? Ivy and Starfire shouted worriedly.

Whoosh. Demonized Harley's figure flashed a few times, and she jumped out of the cabin like a phantom and jumped into Limbo outside.

Through radar scanning, they saw her roaring like crazy, waving her claws to attack, and jumping up and down like a teleport. After struggling for half an hour, she lay in the void, holding her head with both hands, and roaring with a distorted expression. Her body shrank rapidly, and her skin, hair, and claws returned to their original appearance in the blink of an eye.

The sudden and rapid change was the same as when she was deformed before.

When she returned to the airship cabin with a tired look, everyone looked over in surprise and asked, Harry, what happened to you just now?

Harley glanced at the cabin that looked like a tornado had erupted, frowned and said, The airship needs repairs, let's go back to the manor first.

After returning to the manor, she did not immediately answer their questions.

Because she herself was full of doubts.

She carefully recalled the entire process in the meditation room, but she still didn't understand why.

Then she took out the chalk from the box and drew a pentagram circle on the floor, Nightmare Nurse, come out and see me!

no response.

Nightmare Nurse, come out quickly! Harley raised her voice and her voice became stern.

Buzzing. The five-pointed star array radiated bright white light, and the white light projected a portal in the air, and Asa, wearing a sexy purple nurse uniform, jumped out.

Harry, I was just doing this. Asa used both hands to wipe away the glistening water stains on his face while quickly tidying up the messy nurse uniform.

After her face was cleaned and her clothes covered all the parts that should be covered, she sneered and said, I didn't expect you to call me. Is this the first time?

Very surprised.

And you didn't use the summoning spell, so you couldn't hear it clearly, so it took some time.

Okay, don't talk nonsense. I'm asking you about the demonization of nightmares and phantom beings. What would happen if phantom beings enter the heart? Harley asked directly.

If she wanted to ask for advice on other magic issues, she could go to Zha Kang, Sage Oz, Doctor Destiny Kent or Old Shazam.

But if you want to ask about the secret of the phantom, there is no one more suitable than Eclipse Demon Asa.

Celestial Eclipse is a collection of negative consciousness at the bottom of Limbo Hell, and Illusionary Man is the manifestation of negative emotions.

It can be said that Asa is a special phantom, so she cannot survive independently in the material world and must find a dying living person as a host.

The body of the red-haired beauty she used at this time came from a rich girl in Gotham, Alice Winter.

Illusive people enter the heart? Asa's expression changed. Illusive people must be firmly restrained deep in the soul and cannot be allowed to run around. This is common sense in nightmare demonization.

The common sense of a mage may not be the same as the truth.

The current magical world is just adapting to the deathbed transformation, and has not thoroughly studied the deathbed transformation at all. Many methods of dealing with it are very problematic.

For example, when it comes to demonizing nightmares, the most advanced method used by mages is to learn from the gods and cut off and abandon the phantoms.

This is obviously an evil way, a heretical way, at least not as upright and upright as God's way of dealing with phantoms.

Now that I ask, have you done this before? What happened? Nurse Nightmare asked.

Harley took out her phone, pulled out the surveillance video from Archimedes' flight log, and opened it for her to see.

After just one glance, Asa exclaimed: Dark Nightmare Curse! You have entered the Dark Nightmare Curse state.

What is the Dark Nightmare Curse? Harley asked quickly.

Asa said: Just like you, you can completely open the demonized phantom sealed in your heart.

Your behavior and state are the dark nightmare curse.

Harley frowned and said, I didn't come to you to give a name to a state that I already understand.

I need to know why this is happening, what it means, what it does, and what the side effects are. I want you to tell me all the secrets of it.

The Dark Nightmare Curse is just like its name, it is a terrible curse. Asa sighed and slowly explained: The illusion is the embodiment of your own emotions. Before, you suppressed them deep in your soul, which is equivalent to suppressing them. own emotions.

Opening the seal at this time and releasing one of the phantoms was equivalent to an explosion of what had been suppressed for many days.

And emotion itself is a kind of power, so what breaks out is not only extreme emotions that are difficult to control, but also the power brought by emotions.

Were you filled with violence at that time, feeling that everyone you saw made you hate them and wanted to kill them; all neat and regular objects bored you and you wanted to destroy them everywhere?

Harley nodded slightly, I almost lost control.

A look of admiration appeared on Asa's face, You accidentally entered the state of the dark nightmare curse, but you can immediately regain your rationality and control your behavior. It is simply a miracle.

Like I said before, it's a curse.

It will make you kill your relatives and friends in madness, and it will also greatly destroy your soul and leave a lifetime of mental trauma.

At this point, she looked at Harry doubtfully and asked: Did you just experience the dark nightmare curse? Why are you not paralyzed? You are not severely tortured by mental pain, like an epilepsy attack, your whole body is twitching, and the corners of your mouth are twitching. Drooling.

I'm indeed very tired, and my head hurts like it's splitting, but I can bear it, Harley said.

Asa shook his head and said: This is not a question of whether you can bear it or not.

Half of the mages who used the Dark Nightmare Curse exploded and died on the spot.

The remaining half were completely controlled by the phantom and turned into crazy demons.

That is to say, completely demonized.

Didn’t your image change drastically before? That is demonization.

Even if he doesn't die and doesn't degenerate into a mindless demon, he will still be left with eternal psychological scars.

That kind of mental trauma is not just head pain and mental exhaustion. The mind has been distorted by fantasy, just like a person who is flying high. The brain cannot secrete dopamine normally and cannot feel daily happiness and joy.

Simply put, people are useless.

Have you ever experienced the Dark Nightmare Curse? Harley asked.

No, although it is an extremely explosive weapon, I hope I will never use it in my life. Asa said seriously.

If you want to use it, what will you do? Integrate the illusion into the heart? Harley asked again.

Asa seemed to be frightened, his expression changed, he shook his head repeatedly and said: No, that's too crazy, I have a set of spells specifically for using dark curses.

First draw sealing runes on the body surface, and the soul leaves the body.

Casting the dark curse in the soul state can minimize the damage caused to the body by the phantom.

Harley hesitated for a while, but still didn't ask her for the spell of the Dark Nightmare Curse.

Even if that state is really strong, she doesn't plan to use it again.

——Uncontrollable power is not your own power.

Are you a nurse, proficient in healing techniques? Harley stood up and asked.

Do you want me to check your body? Nurse Nightmare licked her red lips, her eyes full of expectation.

Harry shook his head and said, Did you know about the Blackest Night? I have a lot of injured patients here. You can stay and be the attending doctor.

When Harley returned to the hall, she immediately attracted worried and curious looks.

She first introduced the Nightmare Nurse to everyone and asked her to treat Guy Gardner's rootless disease, and then roughly explained the situation of the Dark Nightmare Curse.

Well, now I can confirm that the heart can indeed extract the most original emotional energy.

I didn't expect that magic practice is so weird. You are obviously much weaker than Superman in strength, but in the end, just by fusing an illusion, you are powerful enough to hurt Superman's body of steel.

Also, your demonic transformation is really cool. Starfire exclaimed.

Isn't it scary? Louise frowned.

It doesn't look scary, but rather beautiful, but the damage caused when it gets out of control is quite scary. Xinghuo said.

She is in demon form, and her skin looks like it has been smeared with blood. Is she still beautiful? Louise found it difficult to understand the aesthetics of the alien princess.

Starfire stretched out her forearm, I also have orange skin.

She is blood red and seems to have magic marks.

What's the difference between blood red and orange red? It looks better with magic patterns.

Neither Dachao nor Harley participated in their argument, because at this moment, a video call from the White House came over.

Mr. President, with two dark circles under his eyes, looked tired, but his tone was very exciting, Harry, there are two key issues that must be resolved as soon as possible.

First of all, how do we prevent black light zombies and how to distinguish the difference between zombies and living people.

Secondly, how to kill those undead monsters efficiently.

Although taking away the Black Lantern Ring is straightforward, it is not easy. It is too difficult to subdue the Black Lantern Living Corpse.

Last night, the eighteenth generation of my ancestors had a party outside the White House. The Vulcan cannon fired at them had no effect.

We need a more efficient killing method, after all, there are too many living corpses.

Doesn’t the Green Lantern Corps only have 7,200 Lanterns and Lantern Rings?

I feel like there are more than 7,200 black lanterns in Metropolis alone.

This is just the Earth. I communicated with friendly civilizations such as Rann and Tamaran this morning. They also encountered a large number of living corpses. It seems that the entire universe is suffering from disaster. Where did the Black Lanterns get these light rings?

Harley also wants to know why Black Lantern has so many lamp rings.

The Green Lantern Corps only divides the universe into 3,600 sectors, instead of sending one Lantern to each galaxy, because there is only so much energy in the emotional energy pool in the Origin Wall, and it cannot support millions or tens of millions of Green Lanterns.

I don’t know how many tens of billions of black light rings there are now.

Harley said: Actually, it's not difficult to distinguish black light zombies.

They can simulate human body temperature and heartbeat, but they have no real heart.

The heart is used by them to extract emotional energy.

Aim X-rays at their chests and shoot them. If nothing comes out, they must be living corpses.

In addition, living corpses can use the power of black lights to simulate various physical signs of living people, but they cannot imitate the real breath of life.

You can have the Bureau of Shadow's magical agents focus on scrutinizing key government officials.

I used this method to sweep away the living corpses last night.

It's easy to detect cavities in the chest. With our current technology, it's easy to invent glasses for individual soldiers. Mr. President breathed a sigh of relief, Is there a good way to kill them?

The best way to kill a living corpse is with one bullet, there are too many of them.

I'm researching it, and I'll wait for the results.

At this moment, there are at least fifty science-side or magic-side heroes engaged in real biochemical research in the Lishan mountainside laboratory, studying how to kill living corpses simply and efficiently.

Mr. President finally said: A lot of people died last night. Even now, half of the earth is still at night and is still being invaded by living corpses.

The people are fearful and the society is in turmoil. Come out and let reporters interview you to appease people.

Harley thought for a while and said: Just giving a televised speech does not solve the problem, and it cannot really appease the people.

Well, try your best. It's simply unrealistic to completely solve the problem. Even if you cleaned up North America roughly last night, the lantern rings flew from outer space. As long as there are skeletons under the earth, there will be no living corpses!

Let’s make this clear to the people and hope they can understand. After all, the aliens are worse off than us. Mr. President said helplessly.

Harley chuckled and said, It may not be possible to eradicate it.

Ten minutes later, Tower of Destiny.

Witch Harley, you must be crazy! The helmet spirit roared loudly through Kent's body: Only a madman would think of such a heartbreaking method.

It is indeed crazy, but you only need to maintain the law network of the earth, and I will take care of the rest. Harley said.

Can you bear this responsibility? Nabu sneered: The Earth is different from other planets. It is now the center of the universe, and its 'weight' is extraordinary.

If something goes wrong, it could affect the entire multiverse.

Harley didn't believe that the Earth could affect the multiverse, but she didn't want to argue with Him on such a little thing.

You'll know if it works or not. Just try it and you'll know if it will detonate the earth's core?

I won't try. I don't want to risk countless lives on earth. Nabu flatly refused.

Harley said impatiently: Now I represent the earth and all humans on the earth.

You only have two choices, either cooperate with me and comply with public opinion, or get out of here and don't take advantage of me.

The life system established by the earth's red of all living beings, green of all things, and black of decay, and the four elemental systems of earth, water, wind, and fire, are ultimately controlled by the God of Order.

She wanted to move the earth, and she couldn't do it without Naboo.

If not, she wouldn't come to the Tower of Destiny to seek bad luck.

You are too arrogant to say such things to me.

Naboo was furious, and the two eye sockets on his helmet glowed with dazzling golden light.

Arrogant? I'm afraid you haven't recognized the reality yet, right? You were the highest among humans before, so you can establish the 'Earth Order God System' on behalf of humans.

Now I am also a half-step god king, equal to you in terms of realm. I am also a pure human being, and now my reputation on the earth is higher than yours, and the people all listen to me.

If you give up your job, I don't mind taking your place.

Harley put her hands on her hips, raised her chin slightly, and had a proud and sarcastic smile on her face.

Nabu stared at her for a while and said coldly: Very good, I will cooperate with you to stabilize the Earth's law network, but I will not be responsible for anything else if something goes wrong.

There won't be any surprises!

Two hours later, the solar system.

A green light circle appeared out of thin air in outer space. Hal Jordan shot out of it and subconsciously headed towards the United States.

Just like he had done countless times before when he returned to Earth from Oa.

But as soon as he jumped out of the super-light space, he was dumbfounded and stood there at a loss.

There was nothing in front of him, and the blue planet had disappeared.

My dear, where has the earth gone?

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