I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1146 Chapter 1147 Odin’s Mead

What's going on? Harley was a little confused.

As the middle-aged male Holy Spirit left, the golden light on the ghost's head also dissipated. His eyes continued to emit silver light, but they were a little less active than before and more undisguised anger.

Angry, revenge! The ghost roared emotionlessly.

Oh my god, Ghost quits, he resigned. Zaulie shouted in shock, Jim Corrigan ran away!

I am a ghost, and as long as I am here, the wrath of God will not be extinguished.

The ghost's voice rumbled, like thunder in the sky.

Witch Harley, the grudge between you and me will not end with the departure of the coward Jim Corrigan. I will continue to keep an eye on you!

Throwing these harsh words, the ghost disappeared behind the gates of heaven.

Can it still be like this? Harley understood that the ghost was a combination of the wrath of God and the angry mortal soul. Now that the mortal spirit Jim Corrigan has ascended to heaven, the ghost remains only an empty shell.

The simple wrath of God, like Little Black Bean and Dog God, also has complete independent consciousness.

So this is what 'eternal enemies' means. Yebi breathed a sigh of relief, I thought the ghost was going to fight you desperately.

Jim Corrigan went to the place of the Holy Sound closest to God, which is indeed no longer the same world as the lower heaven and the Silver City.

The City of Silver is the “heaven” of the lower heaven, the place of the Holy Sound is the heaven of the City of Silver, and the Glory of God is the heaven of the place of the Holy Sound.

Lao Zha, you saw it. The ghost's running away has nothing to do with me. I didn't even touch him. It was because he couldn't figure it out and wanted to be irreconcilable with me.

If Michael and Raphael come to see you later, you can help me explain.

Well, Apokolips invades the earth, and I want to go back immediately to protect God's Garden of Eden.

After leaving this sentence, Harley ran away quickly.

Although she was showed off by the ghost at Heaven's Gate, Harley's mood was not affected.

After arriving on Earth, he went directly to the Hall of Justice, and then was asked by the giant Zheng Lian about his experiences these days.

It’s still the same rhetoric used to deal with Yebi.

Bateman didn't press for details, nor did he give others the chance to ask further questions.

He said directly: The key now is Apokolips, and Asgard can be discussed later.

Mister Miracle has infiltrated Apokolips and will send messages to Cyborg regularly.

Also, after your call with Superman, Harley, I contacted Lois Lane.

At this time, she was coming from the Daily Planet with her photography team.

You need to make an appearance in front of live media immediately.

As for that? We haven't discussed the results yet. Harley frowned.

Bateman said solemnly: Just in the past two hours, a total of 124 riots occurred in major cities in the United States.

Some people stormed the mall to snatch goods.

Some people held up signs and shouted, 'The end is coming'.

Others simply shout 'Admiral of the Galaxy'.

In short, the sooner the news of your return spreads, the sooner the earth returns to peace, and the sooner governments of various countries lift their highest wartime preparedness.

Harley said speechlessly: It's too exaggerated. I just didn't show up for the time being, and the American people didn't bother me so much. I can understand it. After all, it's our beautiful scenery.

But the government should be more rational. Why did it even create a wartime state?

Dachao sighed: Even if it were an invasion by an alien civilization, no one would be so worried.

But Darkseid is different. Not to mention our government, even super civilizations are still scary.

Wonder Woman gritted her teeth and said: Darkseid humiliated the Justice League and Paradise Island. We failed humiliatingly. Not only did we fail to protect Kara, we also failed to protect the White House, so the people began to lose confidence in us.

Sorry, this is our freedom fighters' dereliction of duty. Uncle Sam lowered his head in shame.

The Governance Society is the bodyguard in name only of Mr. President. Actually, we don't blame us for dereliction of duty. The enemy is really too strong.

For example, the new god Kantor uses throwing knives.

According to Big Barda, he is proficient in hundreds of millions of fighting techniques and is the strongest assassin in the multiverse.

I have tried it myself, and it lives up to its reputation. It cuts through my quantum energy skin with just one cut.

I felt like he was holding back, otherwise I might die. Captain Atom said awkwardly.

Uncle Sam said bitterly: The new dark god called 'Dr. Madhouse' is terrifying. With just one thought, more than 90% of the residents on the earth fall into a fantasy of fear.

The psychic storm infects the entire planet, billions of people!

That’s why everyone is extremely panicked and desperate now.

Not to mention ordinary people, I am still a god, and I still cannot withstand his mind control.


The other party only dispatched two dark elites.

Thanks to previous news reports, the people of Earth know that there are hundreds of dark gods.

Okay, I'll post an update on Twitter first.

Harley took out her mobile phone, took a photo, and wrote a sentence below: Leaning on the window sill of the Golden Palace, holding a glass of Odin mead, admiring the snowy scenery of Asgard, life should be more refined.

Well, Yuanliyuan is a little angry.

She frowned and changed it to a simple sentence: I had a few drinks at Odin's house and got a little high. I just returned to Earth.

Five minutes later, the turmoil on the earth subsided, the state of war was lifted, and the Internet was no longer discussing the end of the world, but what Odin's mead tasted like.

Ten minutes later, Bateman lowered his head and looked at his Bat Watch, his stern and serious expression turned strange, The number of riots in the United States has dropped from 124 to 18. The rest of the people have disbanded and returned to their homes or jobs.

Harley said calmly: It's not a big deal in the first place. Apokolips invaded the earth, Darkseid led the team, the dark elite followed, and ten thousand Doomsday clones became the little brothers. It sounds scary, but how many people died on the earth?

Others don’t understand, but you still don’t understand?

Darkseid is forcing Earth to sign a peace pact with him.

Diana said with a sad expression: Paradise Island suffered casualties of more than a hundred female Amazons, dozens of presidential bodyguards were injured in the White House, and eight members of the presidential advisory group were killed.

It's strange. Only the bodyguards were injured, but all the high-ranking officials died? Harley said.

Bateman said: 'Doctor Madhouse' controls the power of planet-level minds, and ordinary people around the world are traumatized by the fearful illusion, and the bodyguards are the first to bear the brunt, and all of them are paralyzed in an instant.

After being paralyzed, it was natural that he could no longer prevent the enemies from entering the White House, but they all survived.

Eight White House Officials

He shook his head, I don't understand what Assassin Kanter was thinking. Judging from the video, they had kidnapped Mr. President, opened the sonic boom channel and were about to leave, but he suddenly threw out his dagger, splitting eight officials open in an instant. head.

It was said that he was showing off to us, but then they stopped by the Pentagon.

Only a few generals were kidnapped, and no one died.

Have you sent a distress letter to the Genesis Star? Harley asked.

Why are they asking for help from the Genesis Star? Kyle Rayner said with a complex expression: They obviously don't want to get involved in the conflict between the Earth and Apokolips. The Heavenly Father is only interested in the equation of life now.

Bateman glanced at him and said, Just after the Apokolips invasion ended two days ago, I made an appointment with Orion and asked him to convey to Heavenly Father that the Earth needs the Creation Star and needs the help of the Supreme Heavenly Father.

Kyle was stunned, Why didn't I know?

You were still in Oua at that time, and the result of asking for help was also fruitless. Bateman paused and looked at Harley meaningfully, In fact, there was no result. Heavenly Father repeated his old tune and refused to ask for help from Apokolips on the grounds of a peace contract. Wage war.

Harley smiled, What then?

Then I confessed to Orion that Darkseid's invasion of the earth was obviously to put pressure on us, because the negotiation between you and the kind grandmother some time ago was not going well, Bateman said.

The smile on Harley's face got bigger, What did Orion say?

Bateman said: He said he would fight with us until the end. I said saving the hostages is the key now. War means the hostages will be torn apart.

Moreover, Darkseid easily took away these prisoners, which shows that as long as he is willing, he can continue to cause more harm to the earth next time.

Actually, you shouldn't have asked me to come back. Harley smiled.

Many heroes and giants present did not understand the conversation between her and Bateman, let alone this sentence, but there were also heroes who were thoughtful or calm.

If possible, of course we hope to reach an agreement directly with Apokolips. However, we are willing to represent the earth and you, and Apokolips may not recognize it. Bateman said.

What are you talking about? Flash asked hesitantly.

Dachao sighed: “The peace agreement between Earth and Apokolips was actually proposed by Harley first.

The reason is also simple. She has already considered today's situation - we may be able to retaliate against Apokolips, but we cannot prevent the invasion from higher dimensions at all.

One hundred million demonoids plus ten clones of the dark elite are just a drizzle on Apokolips, but a disaster on the earth.

We can't afford to be hurt.

If we can reach a non-aggression treaty with Darkseid, it will definitely be the best choice for the earth under the current situation.

Well, a better choice is to defect to the Genesis Star and join Heavenly Father's new army of gods to destroy the Apokolips Star.

We talked to Orion, Hallie talked to Heavenly Father, but

The fact is that Genesis is suspected of using the earth as a moat. Therefore, we all firmly support Harley's peace negotiation plan, even if it means rescuing Darkseid from the Tomb of the Gods.

All the giants know this, and Flash nodded slightly.

Dachao continued: But the Genesis Star does not want Darkseid to return. Heavenly Father wishes that we would persist to the end and let Darkseid fall into a weak state of half-death forever.

Therefore, after Zero Hour, when Grandma Xiang came to Earth to find Harley to restart peace talks, the Earth received a lot of pressure, from the Creation Star, from Heavenly Father, from the material universe, and from conscience.

Having said this, Dachao's resolute and stubborn face showed a bit of bitterness and self-deprecation, Even elementary school students understand the truth - after bringing Darkseid back from the Tomb of the Gods, the world will once again fall into blood and fire. In the chaos, countless planets and civilizations were destroyed.

The heroes were silent.

Neptune picked his head and said: If you think about it differently - in the two years since Harley tricked Darkseid into the Tomb of the Gods, countless civilizations that should have been destroyed have been preserved, and now they are just returning to their original state.

Thinking this way, can everyone feel better?

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