Three days later, Asgard.

Father, what happened?

The shoulders of Thor are two meters wide and two meters thick, the waist and abdomen are only half a meter wide and half a meter thick, and the head of a normal person is 0.1 meters wide. His voice is still rumbling, but it lacks the divine pressure.

Why is the divine power in my body gone? And why is this Golden Palace in ruins? Where is that bastard Loki? He brought disaster to Asgard and made us... Oh, father, that bastard Loki What did I do, why did I get into that, that”

He picked his head, looking frightened and confused.

He was so lacking in language that he didn't know how to describe the feeling of being forgotten, but the feeling of emptiness and silence made even this rough guy change his expression.

Although the Golden Palace has become a piece of mud, the throne still stands there alone.

God King Odin on the throne was as majestic and solemn as ever, with an expressionless face. Some careful Asgardians discovered that when Thor spoke, the muscles in the God King's cheeks twitched a few times.

It seemed like he was talking about Loki bastard and Loki that bastard.

This is the Ragnarok of our Nordic pantheon, the Winter of Finbul. Odin said solemnly: The wind of nothingness is the biggest enemy of gods and magic. It can dissolve the miracles of faith and dilute our existence.

Just like the ice and snow storm takes away the body temperature of travelers in the snow, it takes away our divine power, magic, and even traces of our existence.

Divine power is to gods what body temperature is to mortals.

And our divine realm, Asgard, is entirely built with divine power and faith.

So when the wind of nothingness comes, it appears as a freezing storm that covers thousands of miles.

As for everyone's divine power? Odin glanced around below. The gods who once shone like stars are now a little depressed, the light in their eyes is no longer there, and the sacred aura has disappeared.

Much like a bunch of mortals in burlesque classical costumes.

He wanted to laugh.

We should have completely melted into the wind of nothingness. You yourself have also experienced it. That kind of death, disappearance, and dissolution. The traces of existence are stripped away. Whether we live or die depends on our own abilities. We cannot break free.

It's true, the wind of nothingness is so terrifying. I was anxious, scared and uncomfortable at the time. The key is that consciousness exists, but there is no hope of breaking free. It's so painful. Valkyrie Sif said with a look of horror.

How did we get back?

Heimdall turned his head and looked around. Not only was the sun shining brightly and the spring breeze gentle, but at least the cold winter and ice and snow storms were gone in Asgard.

Although the sky is a little dark and the wind is a little cold, these are normal weather changes and are not mixed with magical phenomena.

In addition, the noisy voices outside can be heard through the palace wall, and the clan members have returned.

As he jogged from the Rainbow Bridge to the Golden Palace, he noticed that even the dogs on the street were barking energetically.

Well, he used to be able to fly, but now he has lost his powers and can only run fast.

The divine eye that can see through the nine realms has also lost its magical power and can only be used as a 50,000x zoom telescope and microscope.

Odin said: Witch Harley came to Asgard on behalf of heaven and helped us a little. She woke me up.

But to completely get rid of the wind of nothingness, Asgard still needs to pay a huge price, which is our divine power.

The wind of nothingness is like a gangrene attached to the bones of people with divine power and magic power, which is difficult to get rid of.

It has the same effect on mortals, but as long as it is remembered by a strong person, it will be easier to break free.

Before us, there have been people who have broken free from the wind of nothingness.

The wizard Phoenix Faust returns to the real world purely by relying on the power of memory.

Nordic mythology is widely circulated on the earth, but none of us can actively escape through memory, because we are gods and the burden is heavier than him.

So, to break free, we must lighten our burden and leave our divine power in the realm of oblivion? Valkyrie suddenly realized.

Heimdall sighed, Although the loss of divine power has greatly reduced our strength, and we may face problems such as aging and disease in the future, we have finally gotten rid of the wind of nothingness.

Father, where is the culprit Loki? Thor gritted his teeth. Although I don't know what he did, he must have brought the Winter of Finbul and the Wind of Nothingness.

The corners of God King Odin's eyes twitched slightly again.

Your Majesty, how did the Wind of Nothingness come to Asgard?

Obviously everything was fine before, but as soon as Loki came back, he couldn't say more than a few words, and he wanted to run away again, and then the cold wave came and I lost consciousness.

Even if we lose our divine power, we are still powerful warriors and we cannot let go of the culprit Loki.

Yes, the whole clan went out to seek revenge on Loki.

Thor's words excited the gods who had lost their power.

A faint light flashed in Odin's one eye, Loki is just the introduction of disaster, the wind of nothingness comes because of me.

Ah, this - the gods were shocked and confused, What have you done?

Odin said in a deep voice: When Hecate and I were deeply in love, I swore to her that if we break our promise, our entire family will be forgotten forever.

She is the mother of magic, and swearing to her is equivalent to swearing to magic and divine power, and the oath will definitely come true.

Therefore, the prophecy of Ragnarok has been circulated in Nordic mythology for a long time.

Now, the oath comes true and retribution comes.

Hundreds of Nordic gods had distorted expressions as if they were beeping.

Then why is Loki the one who caused Ragnarok in the legend? You locked Loki under the World Tree before and used the venom of poisonous snakes to corrode his head. You couldn't do it in vain, right? Thor asked doubtfully.

God King Odin said calmly: Loki was also present when I swore to Hecate.

Hecate and I flirted, while Loki kept the atmosphere lively with his wisecracks.

When I took the oath, Hecate smiled and asked Loki to be the witness of the oath - if I broke the oath, Loki would bring disaster.

Some of the gods frowned, vaguely feeling that there was something wrong with the words of the God King. He was flirting with Hecate, and it was more like someone else's ridicule of the God King. Why did he say it himself?

Is it self-deprecating?

But self-deprecation is not the style of the cold, domineering, taciturn Odin.

However, the aura, demeanor, eyes, and tone of the God King in front of him were all exactly the same as before, so he must be real. Most likely, he was in a catastrophic situation and was too excited.

So, you've been letting Loki take the blame? Thor said in shock.

The gods looked at him with complicated expressions. At this time, they dared to tell the truth.

Odin's expression remained unchanged, I'm not lying either, Loki will bring Ragnarok. If he hadn't foolishly returned to Asgard, the disaster would not have happened.

Why didn't you tell me before? Thor punched his fist in frustration and said, If I had known that Loki was the trigger, why not just crush his head? You shouldn't have stopped me then.

Odin's eyes narrowed, and a cold light flashed through his eyes.

Until fate strikes, neither Loki nor I know how disaster will strike.

The oath made that day did not mention the Wind of Nothingness.

Until disaster struck, that is, the moment the Zero Hour Crisis ended, Hecate's seal was loosened, and Loki and I felt the power of fate, but we still couldn't figure it out.

Loki returned to Asgard because he felt uneasy and wanted to warn us - after zero hour, the rules change, Hecate appears, and disaster is coming.

He was right, after zero hour was the Sun-Eating Beast Crisis.

Almost like the predicted winter of Fimbull.

But neither Loki nor I expected that when he returned to Asgard and stood face to face in front of me, the vow he made back then would immediately come true. He struggled to escape, but still couldn't get out of the Rainbow Bridge.

So, as long as you kill Loki, without witnesses, your poisonous oath will not be fulfilled. Thor complained.

Odin stared at him for a while, and suddenly said: Thor, go down to earth. Now Asgard has lost its divine power, but the foundation of faith is still there, and we always have a chance to make a comeback.

You go to the mortal world and be a superhero.

Just like Wonder Woman did for the Olympian pantheon.

You have built a reputation and let the world know about the existence of Asgard, which will be of great benefit to the entire Protoss.

Thor was puzzled: But you said before that I have a bad personality and that I might become a super criminal and be beaten to death by a superhero.

Today is different from the past. Now that you have lost your divine power, you are no longer qualified to commit evil that deserves to be beaten to death. Odin said.

But without divine power, it is easier to be beaten to death. Valkyrie Sif couldn't help but said.

Don't worry, I'll call the Witch Harley later. At least I can save Thor from dying, Odin said.

Okay, okay. Thor agreed hesitantly.

Your Majesty, the Rainbow Bridge has lost 99% of its divine power and cannot be used. Heimdall reminded.

We also have the Limbo spaceship, or through the 'roots', Thor can come to Northern Europe first, to the old holy land that once belonged to us. Odin said.

Your Majesty, what did Witch Harley do? Why does she want to help us? Frey, the God of Sun and Fertility said.

You don't even know the ending of Zero Hour Crisis, let alone the Sun-Eating Beast that will follow.

Odin explained in detail the arrival of the Sun-Eating Beast and Faust's mission to Asgard, and then said: The Witch Harley came over to check on the situation and used mysterious means to expel part of the Wind of Nothingness.

Of course, she is not a good person who helps others for free, and she also receives huge benefits from Asgard.

What mysterious method? Valkyrie asked.

Odin shook his head and said: I don't know, I only know that it has something to do with heaven.

Two hours later, the God King's treasury was empty.

Is my performance still up to standard? Odin asked with a wry smile.

Harley gave a thumbs up, Tall, really tall! Even Odin himself can't tell the difference from this appearance, right?

She kicked old Odin, who was lying dead on the floor.

Really old.

His hair is gray, his face is covered with chicken skin, his breath is weak, his age spots are so dense that they cover his face, and he can barely open his eyes.

Don't talk about self-disguise, even if you are pretending to be someone else, you can still fake it. Susano'o is an example. A look of frivolous pride appeared on the fake Odin's face, Now that he has lost his divine power, why not let me turn him into a mute servant? , How can you stay with me and serve me all your life?

Harley's eyes were meaningful, and she said with a smile: The godhead of the God King is so tempting. I am the witch Harley, how could I give up?

He understands this, so he allows me to take on your godhead. Your cunning and transformed divinity is more suitable for me.

I have told you clearly, but you still want to save his life. Tell me, why?

The fake Odin met her inquiring eyes and asked: Then why didn't you listen to his suggestion, kill me and take away my godhead?

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