I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1140 Witch Harley, you must be blinded by greed.

The person who woke up and took the initiative to send messages to Harley was Loki.

This surprised Harley, she thought it would be Odin.

In fact, she was surprised to meet Loki in Asgard.

Because Odin had always planned to suppress him under the roots of the World Tree, tie him up with the intestines of Loki's son, and drip the corrosive venom of poisonous snakes on his head, which would be worse than death.

It’s no surprise that Loki tried to escape.

But since he escaped, why did he return to Asgard at this time?

Harley, don't stop, rescue me quickly. Loki shouted urgently.

I can save you, but there are some things I have to say clearly first. Harley said calmly.

You don't want to take advantage of the situation, do you? Harley, we are old friends.

We may have some friendship, but when you changed the situation and harmed my guest, Susano'o, that friendship disappeared. Moreover, I suspect that Ragnarok is related to you, and you must at least clear your suspicions.

What an injustice! Loki exclaimed excitedly, If it was really me who brought Ragnarok, why am I stuck here?

Moreover, you are Witch Harley. With such a smart mind, how could you still not understand that Ragnarok is related to magic debt?

What virtue and ability do I have that can single-handedly detonate the debt problems of the gods?

Harley's eyes flashed and asked, Where are you?

Not far from you, the Rainbow Bridge teleportation station. Loki said immediately.

Harry looked behind him and saw that the Rainbow Bridge spread straight forward, a full two kilometers long. The bridge was covered with snow, and the rainbow-like bridge deck below could not be seen, but at the end of the bridge, a magnificent dome building was erected.

She couldn't help but shrink her pupils. From such a distance, Loki could still transmit spiritual information to her. She didn't know how long it had been since he woke up. She was careless.

Thinking that all the gods of Asgard have become dead, his behavior is a bit unscrupulous.

Now that Loki knew that she could swallow the wind of nothingness, old Odin might be nesting in some ice cave and looking at her sharply.

Harley jumped up into the air and sprinted to the end of the Rainbow Bridge.

There are two people in the domed hall.

A big man in golden armor wearing a horned helmet fell to the ground, probably Heimdall.

Another tall, thin man froze into a running posture, as if he was about to run towards the Rainbow Bridge portal in the center.

It's Loki.

Both of their bodies were covered with a layer of ice crystals, and their bodies were transparent, like air sealed by ice.

However, there are still differences between them. Even if Loki's body becomes air, there is still a faint red light of magic power, flowing like gas, exuding a breath of life; but the strong man with the horn helmet is silent and lifeless.

Harley also discovered that the red light inside Loki was increasing.

She immediately understood that her memory of him was pulling him back from oblivion.

Harley. Sister Harley, help me. Loki said flatteringly.

Harley laughed twice, Explain to me how this crisis happened.

Can you save me and listen to me at the same time? Loki asked.

Harley stood with her hands behind her back, looking down at him in the air, and said frankly: First of all, I admit that I have the ability to save you, and even save Asgard.

Secondly, if you were Thor, I would fish you out first without hesitation.

I won’t save Odin immediately because I need to negotiate terms with him.

The reason I didn't save you right away is because the suspicion on you has not been cleared, Thor cannot threaten me, and he has a double relationship with me, so I am willing to do him a favor.

So, you get it? I am willing to be a good person, but only if you prove that you are not a threat to me or the world.

Before, just like you, I was synonymous with cunning and cunning, very untrustworthy, but this time, I swear, I really just want to be a good person. Loki said bitterly.

Harley glanced at him and flew straight out.

Where are you going? Loki asked confused.

I don't have time to listen to your nonsense. Harley said calmly.

Uh Loki was startled, and said quickly: Don't leave, I won't talk nonsense, I will tell you immediately!

You say it and I listen.

Harley still flew outside and stood on the top of the Nine Realms Teleportation Hall to observe the frozen Asgard.

I have been living incognito and living happily outside for these years. I think the prediction that Loki's freedom will trigger Ragnarok is nonsense.

Until the zero-hour crisis came, a thick shadow seemed to cast over my heart, and a strong sense of crisis came through my spiritual sense.

I didn't know what to expect, but I sensed the ominous.

When Zero Hour ended and the time mother river of the universe was reshaped, I suddenly realized that a big crisis was about to come to Asgard!

Even if Odin was unkind back then.

Even though he never stopped hunting me all these years.

Considering my billions of years of friendship with him, I decided to risk a trip back to Asgard.

I advised Odin to lead his tribe to leave the heaven temporarily, but he refused to listen and wanted to imprison me again.

We almost came to blows, and then a cold wind roared through Asgard in an instant.

The world quieted down.

I barely struggled to the Rainbow Bridge, trying to escape from the divine realm.

Eventually, as you can see, I was erased here.

I told you the reason. Please save me. Sister Hallie, can I call you sister? Save a life today, and I will use my life to repay your kindness in the future. Please, I am so miserable, so painful. !”

Not only was Loki very unruly, calling him Sister Harley, but he also begged in a very uncharacteristic manner.

Well, a pantheon does not have just one god-king. For example, in the Greek pantheon, the three brothers Zeus are all god-kings.

Loki in the DC universe is different from Marvel's. He is the founder of the Asgard domain on an equal footing with Odin. The two are not father and son, but sworn brothers.

Don't call me sister. Well, you are qualified to call me sister, but hearing 'Sister Harley' from your mouth makes me think of...

It reminded Harley of calling others this brother and that brother.

She knew that when she yelled like that, she often had bad intentions.

You just talked a lot, but there was no useful information at all, and the rest of the rubbish was only true and false.

How do you make me feel relieved to save you?

Don't say that I don't love my old love. Now I'll give you another chance to tell you some explosive truth.

What I said is true. I swear, I don't even know what the wind is that freezes Asgard. Loki said excitedly.

It's the wind of nothingness, Harley said.

I haven't heard of it, Loki said firmly.

Harley did not follow his words and struggled to explain, Even if you don't know what the Wind of Nothingness is, you must know the reason why this wind appears in Asgard.

You can continue to keep it a secret, but you are not the only one in God's Domain. I'm going to find our brother Odin, he is a simple and honest man.

Odin is honest and simple? Loki exclaimed, If he is honest, why is he so cunning and cunning as me, that I have always been suppressed by him?

Harley didn't talk nonsense to him and ran directly towards the Golden Palace.

The speed was not fast, until he left the Rainbow Bridge, Loki still just shouted Sister Harley, help me, I told you everything I know, I swear.

Harley snorted, swish, swish and disappeared within Loki's range of perception with a few quantum shifts.

Harley didn't know how magnificent and prosperous Asgard had been.

But at this moment she just felt that there were so few people in Asgard.

After leaving the Rainbow Bridge and flying dozens of kilometers until she reached the gate of the Golden Palace in the center of the city, she saw only a few dozen ice sculptures - the Asgardian protoss sealed in ice.

Their bodies were almost transparent and almost disappeared, leaving only a ball of air under the ice shell.

Could it be that ordinary Asgardians simply disappear without leaving even their ice shells?

With doubts, Harry passed through the floor-to-ceiling windows, crossed the door, and entered the Golden Palace.

The main hall was very lively, with a hundred ice sculptures, more than the total number of ice sculptures Harry saw along the way.

Each of them had a frightened expression and a running posture.

Only Odin was sitting firmly on the wooden throne above. The two crows on his shoulders were frozen into lumps of ice and fell down the steps.

Brother Odin

Harley shouted several times but there was no response, and there was only a ball of void air in Odin's ice shell, without the magic light shining like Loki's.

That shouldn't be the case. Even Loki has awakened. As the God King, Odin is stronger and has more authority. Why is he not as good as Loki?

Harley sneered in her heart, with a look of doubt on her face, and stood in front of Odin, observing and muttering.

After struggling for a while, she turned around and ran out of the Golden Palace again, heading towards the Rainbow Bridge.

And just when Harley left the royal city, the Odin ice sculpture on the throne lit up with scarlet magic light on its chest and abdomen. The magic power spread around the body, outlining the translucent outlines of internal organs and bones.

Witch Harley not only resisted the wind of nothingness, she also swallowed it.

The scarlet light flashing in Odin's one eye proved his intense mood swings at this time.

However, his thoughts were extremely restrained. Not only did he not emit any mental fluctuations, but his life breath was also completely hidden.

How did she do it?

She really has a big secret.

Loki was so shrewd and cunning before, why is he so stupid today and so restless!

She has absorbed 60% of the wind of nothingness that sealed Asgard. As long as she continues, even if she absorbs another 10%, I will be able to break free.

But now that she has been alarmed, with the vigilance of Witch Harley, I am afraid that we can still wake up.

In an instant, countless thoughts flashed through Odin's mind.

I just hope she can be more greedy. She has obviously benefited greatly from the Wind of Nothingness. As long as she is greedy enough, she will not be able to help but continue to absorb it.

Moreover, this is Asgard, and the Golden Palace contains countless magic secrets and my treasure house.

All the gods know that I master the secrets of the runes and have drank from the fountain of wisdom.

As long as Witch Harley is greedy enough, she will definitely have an idea, and then

Odin's ice shell's one eye flashed with blazing light, This is Asgard, the Golden Palace, and my divine domain.

In Asgard, even the Supreme is no match for me.

As long as you can get out of trouble, your secrets will belong to me. I really want to know how you swallow the wind of nothingness.

Therefore, Witch Harley, you must live up to your name of greed!

Continue to swallow the wind of nothingness, force me to trade with you, and let me hand over the endless treasures of Asgard. Kill two birds with one stone, how perfect.

The God King's thoughts turned extremely fast. In the next moment, the magic power in the ice shell dissipated, and the greedy look in his one eye disappeared without a trace.

The ice shell became lifeless again.

Rainbow bridge.

Why is it that your brother is still a lump of ice, but you have recovered so well?

Odin didn't even wake up? Hearing Harley's question, Loki was stunned for a while, I don't know, really. I woke up slowly, and when I found you stopped 'swallowing wind and drinking snow', I Calling you immediately”

You must have a secret. Harley said calmly.

Loki thought for a while and said: The reason why I can wake up is probably the reason why I am famous in the world.

Everyone's memory of me is like a rope pulling me away from the place of oblivion, and the rope between you and me is especially strong.

This was why he couldn't hold his breath and called Harley's name immediately after she stopped swallowing the wind of nothingness.

He thought she remembered him deeply and would be very friendly to him.

I - Harley was about to taunt Loki when she suddenly thought of a person, no, it was a dog.

Jebi, the Son of the Dog.

The biggest and most indelible trace of existence between her and Loki is Yebi.

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