Louise's face darkened, My father loves the motherland, works hard, lives in poverty, and is never greedy. How come he has a dark heart?

It is definitely nonsense to remain poor and silent. The American general cannot be considered poor in any way.

But Louise could swear that her family had never been rich or extravagant.

Dad only gets a basic salary and does not take advantage of his position to take bribes or take advantage in other ways - at least the political revolving door has not opened yet.

She knows the quality of life in the Lane family.

Moreover, with her cosmic memory's observation ability and attentiveness, her father's private life is also very good, he is self-restrained and polite, has no bad habits, and does not mess around outside.

Harley said calmly: Clark's father is really hard-working, loves the motherland, and cares about the people. For the sake of Krypton, he was even willing to violate his former good ideas and cooperate with Zod to create a new Krypton on Earth.

Kara's father only cares about his daughter and hopes that her daughter will be healthy and safe and not harmed by the evil earthlings.

They can build faster-than-light spaceships, but they still choose to coexist and die with Krypton.

People who love their families, love their nation so much, and have a fearless spirit of sacrifice, shouldn’t I still say that they are a little dark-hearted?

Their blackness comes from comparison, compared with your husband, your parents-in-law, and the parents your husband expects.

You desire too much and expect your parents to be perfect saints, so now you are frustrated and feel low when you face the truth.

I am not frustrated, nor am I depressed. I understand that my father is just a great ordinary person. He is an ordinary person, and he is already great to be able to achieve this level. Louise said seriously.

I'm just saying, you don't need to comfort him. He is just hypocritical and has much more than you, much more than ordinary Americans like me.

You comforting him is equivalent to a million-dollar household. To comfort a billionaire in front of a poor household like me - don't be sad because you have little money - is both nonsense and heartbreaking! ” Harley complained.

Louise thought rationally and followed Harry's logic.

It seems that she is really a billionaire comforting a million-dollar household. Although her father is diligent and conscientious and not corrupt, he has indeed done a lot of bad things that violate ethics and morality, such as human experiments by the military.

And Joe Alby, a simple scientist, has a dark heart.

But compared to Harley's gambler and murderer dad, even her black-hearted general dad can become a saint.

Well, she is indeed a poor person, and it seems hypocritical to feel depressed in front of her because her father is not a perfect and kind person.

Even so, Louise wanted to shout loudly: What's wrong with me comforting my husband? ! I'm happy, I'm happy!

Clark glanced at Harley and said strangely: I think you are the one who really comforts me. After hearing your theory, I am embarrassed to feel lost again.

He did feel much better.

Hearing his wife and Hallie arguing about whose father is more evil makes him feel sick, if he continues to feel depressed.

No matter how my uncle originally arranged Kara, her appearance is full of doubts. Is it possible that Kara is the result of the restart of the Crisis on Infinite Earths universe, or the restart of time in Zero Hour?

Then he expressed his analysis and speculation: The flight log of Kara's small spacecraft shows that it has been 35 years since she came to the solar system.

And we have not found any spacecraft in orbit outside Mercury before.

There is only one explanation that best fits her current situation - she comes from an altered timeline.

Just like after Zero Hour, there are many more people in the world.

When you recast the mother river of time, you involve everyone present, and they all correct their lives, so there are many more people who have always existed, and existed for decades.

Then have you modified your timeline? Harley asked.

Clark shook his head hesitantly, I thought I didn't before, but now I'm a little unsure.

Harry said: Can this still be certain? What were you thinking at the time? Have you ever thought about 'finding your missing cousin as soon as possible'?

I remember that because of the death of Supergirl, you spent a long time searching the stars between Earth and Krypton after Crisis on Infinite Earths.

You feel that the Karaka of this universe is somewhere and failed to reach the Earth on time.

Clark said: “Just because I didn’t find Kara, it doesn’t mean she disappeared.

In fact, I have no doubt that she will show up one day.

Therefore, I will not make a wish to the mother river of time and let her create something out of nothing.

When I restarted the mother river of time, I had only one thought - to bring back all my relatives and friends who had been erased by the restart of time.

Kara was not involved at all.

Then have your relatives and friends come back? Harley asked curiously.

Clark smiled happily and said: The effect is really good, many people came back, most of them are Smallwell's friends and classmates, and their families, and some of them are my friends from college, for example, Chloe——

Suddenly catching a glimpse of his wife's sharp eyes, he flinched and stopped with a sneer.

Harley's heart moved, Is it possible that Kara was affected by the earlier restart?

Clark was stunned and said: You are saying that Kara's spaceship came to the solar system long before the Crisis on Infinite Earths, but we did not have enough technology at the time to search it, and the later restart of the universe wiped her out.

At the end of the zero hour this time, I made a wish to bring back my missing relatives and friends. She is my relative, so she is naturally within the scope of my wish, so she is back again?

Harley nodded slightly.

Louise looked at the time and said: It doesn't make much sense to keep discussing this topic. No matter which time period Kara comes from, she is Clark's cousin, and she has also come to Earth.

We can't change the past, and we won't change our love for her at this time.

Clark was very satisfied with his wife's careful sister-in-law attitude, so he followed her words and said, It's almost noon. I'll cook while you talk about other things.

He knew that the reason why his wife stayed at home today was to take the opportunity to ask Harley some questions.

It's an informal interview.

You cook? Third Senior Sister opened her eyes wide, a little stunned.

The majestic Heroic Leader is tearing apart Man, is he just a househusband?

I've recently learned a few Chinese dishes, please try them. Clark stood up and said with a gentle smile.

Louise looked at Harley, her smile became gentler, Can I ask a few questions related to Ragnarok?

Ragnarok hasn't started yet. Even if it starts, it probably has nothing to do with the material universe. Harley said.

Isn't the Sundevourer Crisis the prelude to Ragnarok? It is said that this is the only cosmic crisis without the sacrifice of a hero. It is really rare. Thanks to Harley for your foresight and good strategy. Louise complimented dryly.

If she were alone in the office, she could write a 2,000-word article praising the Galaxy Admiral in half an hour with her heart still and her face calm.

But facing Harley herself, she couldn't even say the slightest flattery, even if it was the truth.

When Mongo invaded the earth, even though he destroyed the coastal city, no heroes died, right? Cassandra said.

But then Mongo escaped from prison, and eight heroes entered Valahar. Louise sighed.

If Harley wanted to sentence Meng Ge to death or let Gotham Wei Zheng kill the Alien Dragon King, they would not die.

Thinking of this, she looked at Harry with more complicated eyes.

Although she hates to admit it, most of the time her judgment is more accurate than that of the Justice League and her husband.


Harley's thoughts changed several times, from the cemetery used by the Justice League to bury fallen heroes, to her own Hall of Valor, and then to the disappeared Odin and Asgard.

Finally, she finally remembered the only hero who died during the Sun-Eater Crisis.

She patted her forehead, Hey, it's all because 'Magic Dissolution' is so weird, I almost forgot about Phoenix Faust.

Suneater Crisis does not mean that there are no dead heroes.

Although Faust was previously considered a super criminal in the wizarding world, he did die as a hero.

Phoenix Faust. Louise recalled it carefully for a long time, and said with a confused expression: I have an impression of the name, but I can't remember it.

Is he the astrologer Phoenix Faust? Clark poked his head out of the kitchen and asked with a serious expression: Is he dead? Because of the Sun-Eating Beast Crisis?

Well, I once appointed him as the envoy of human civilization and asked him to go to Asgard to ask Odin about the legend of 'Twilight of the Gods and Son of Fenir'

Hallie told Faust and the disappearance of memory in detail.

It's so weird. I really forgot about Odin buying Lucifer's wings from you. Clark was very shocked.

Louise was surprised and said: Indeed, I know that Odin is in the heaven, but I have never connected the sun-devouring beast with him. It is so abnormal.

As for Faust, I asked Zatanna and Doctor Fate about famous figures in the wizarding world, and even created a private file for Phoenix Faust.

We even plan to have an exclusive interview with him.

Because his identity is very special and legendary, he is the prototype of the protagonist in Faust written by the great writer Goethe.

Wow, the protagonist of Faust is still alive, alive to this day? Kassandra exclaimed.

Harry said calmly: If you go to Wonderland with Xinghuo and the others, you will see many famous poets, not to mention the protagonists in the poems.

You must go and take a look if you have the chance. Cassandra said with longing eyes.

Looking at it will only disappoint people. Just like Faust, the Faust in Faust is not a good thing either.

Clark said solemnly: No matter what Faust has done before, at least he contributed to the Crisis on Infinite Earths, and he sacrificed his life as the 'Messenger of the Galactic Admiral' and the 'Representative of Human Civilization' in the Crisis of the Sun-Eater.

We cannot pretend that nothing happened, let alone forget him.

Harley agreed with this.

Even if Faust was a bastard who did all kinds of evil before, she couldn't treat him lightly even if he was called Harley's little brother for even one second.

You can build a tomb for him in Valahar. I don't know if he has any relatives or friends. Let Dr. Fate preside over the funeral and leave him in glory and glory?

Alas, the ending of the mage is too tragic. It may not be a blessing for him to be lost and forgotten like this!

As long as justice exists, he will not be forgotten. Clark said solemnly.

Harley shrugged her nose and reminded: Are you frying fish? I smell mushy.

Omg! It's burning. Clark quickly turned around and subconsciously breathed out a breath of ice.

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