I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1116 Land God Ada

Seeing Harley's request to meet Gaia, Metropolis hesitated for a while, then tried: Can you tell me what you want to do first and let me hear it? As the spirit of the city, I can do more than Ask for news.

Immediately afterwards, it explained: “For the spirit of the planet and the spirit of the city, sleeping is the normal state.

Although we have gained independent consciousness due to the power of miracles, we are equivalent to independent living beings.

But in essence, it is still a combination of group pan-consciousness.

The consciousness of the city spirit is affected by the city, and conversely, the consciousness of the city spirit can also affect the city.

There are many people and many cities in the world, but almost no city has the same history, culture, economy, customs, and traditions, just like no two people are exactly the same.

Sleeping can reduce this interaction.

In the ancient age of the gods, the gods did not allow us to interfere with the order of the world, that is, we should not affect the development of cities and civilizations on the planet.

Anyone who dares to disobey will be beaten to death by the gods.

The city spirit was killed, the city was destroyed, and the civilization in the city disappeared. It was very miserable.

So, we are asleep most of the time.

Even after the gods left the material world, trying to let civilization develop freely became our habit and consensus, and we continued to sleep and rarely woke up.

Harley understood.

The spirit of the city is actually not very strong. It is probably as strong as the Duke of Hell, and barely ranks among the gods. Those who could and dared to jump earlier were beaten to death by gods and demons, and the rest were all honest people.

Having said that, I still have to trouble you to call Sister Gaia. What I want to do is related to the entire earth, and it cannot be solved by your mere 'Earth God'.

Please tell me so that I can help spread the message. Metropolis insisted.

Harry was dissatisfied. In Gaia's place, this fake Indian had a butler. She had a distinguished guest, but only the butler came to entertain her, while the host hid at home and slept soundly. It was so outrageous!

When she first asked for divine power, Gaia was smiling all over her face, talking softly, saying Sister Hallie, and it was extremely affectionate.

She also patted her chest and promised that the benefits she would receive from Him within ten years would be higher than the value of her loan of three thousand divine powers.

Now that he has obtained her divine power, she comes to ask for benefits, but he refuses to even reply to a text message, let alone a meeting.

Too much!

It's a business matter and a private matter. Harley felt uncomfortable, but she couldn't kill the respectful land in front of her with a stick, so she just explained in a sullen voice: The business matter is for the sake of the civilization of the earth.

Did you hear the conversation I had with General Lane at the Sky Eye Club?

The little one can listen, but the little one doesn't dare to listen and never listens. Well, the little one was also asleep before. Normally, even if the metropolis is destroyed, I will not interfere.

The white-skinned Indian has a majestic appearance and temperament, like a chief president of a metropolitan Indian tribe.

But he was very humble when facing Harley, and he was even more cautious when speaking.

Now, go and read that conversation. Harley said.

The white-skinned Indian hesitated for a moment, then closed his eyes, and his consciousness entered Ryan's body. He remembered for a full quarter of an hour before opening his eyes again and respectfully said: I saw it, I wonder what Mr. Shaojun wants to say?

The Lann people used only one Zeta ray to quietly take away the Earthlings from the Peruvian Demon Lord's Labyrinth.

The watchtower was unaware of it, and the magic master at the scene thought it was a spell.

The Peruvian government, countries in North America, and countries around the world know nothing about this and have done nothing.

Even I only found out after the fact.

Now that I think about it carefully, I am extremely frightened.

Zeta rays are like a fishing line. To get Adam away, there must be a prerequisite - the fishhook must be thrown to the earth first.

The hook can be mounted with a 'bait', for example, a planetary missile of the same weight as Adam's Hero.

Moreover, if you think about it carefully, why did it appear in the Devil's Labyrinth at that time?

Do you believe that was an experimental error?

Harley looked at the frowning white-skinned Indian, In the magical world, due to exclusive spells, spells are updated very quickly, and there are all kinds of strange things.

The scientific community is also developing very fast, technology is iterating very fast, and there are a variety of weapons that are difficult to guard against.

Zeta rays are just a reminder that they are far from the only alien weapons that threaten Earth.

How can Mother Goddess Gaia help you?

Harley said: Last night, the earth and ocean were covered with ice and snow, and Sister Gaia spread her power to the surface, allowing the earth to quickly rejuvenate.

That power is not only the power of the stars, but also a large part of my thick-skinned power.

Have you ever understood the power of Thick Skin? By the way, you also have my divine power in your body.

The white-skinned Indian said with a smile: The city spirit and the mother goddess are like leaves and big trees. The leaves can get some 'nourishment' from the big trees. The amount is not much, and it also increases the magic resistance.

Harley glanced at it, without comment, and continued the previous topic, saying: My God's Favorite can open up a layer of defensive gold film, and has very strong defensive power.

So I'm thinking that if Gaia expands the range of its power, even if it only increases the radius by 2 meters, it can allow people with an altitude of less than two meters to survive when encountering destructive interstellar weapons on the surface.

Oh, I understand. The white-skinned Indian nodded and asked, This is a business matter, what about a private matter?

Harley said: I used to run to train my speed and weightlifting to train my strength, but as my strength increases, even if I add a gravity room, it is difficult for that intensity to exhaust my physical energy and squeeze out my potential.

I need a stronger gravity environment, tens of thousands or tens of millions of times gravity, the heavier the better.

As the mother of the earth, Sister Gaia must be able to control gravity easily.

I don’t ask Him to give me the gift of controlling gravity, as long as He can respond to me when I need it and provide me with the gravity field I need.

Wait a moment! The white-skinned Indian exploded into a ball of black smoke.

There seemed to be a range hood hidden on the ground, and the black smoke quickly disappeared into it.

After waiting for a full hour, Harry thought he was being let go when a shout of Master Shaojun, I'm sorry for keeping you waiting hurriedly came out.

Then I saw a puff of black smoke rising from the ground, transforming into a tall, majestic white-skinned Indian.

At this time, it was holding an earthy yellow ball of light the size of a unicorn melon in its hand.

There are circles of runes surrounding the surface of the light ball, exuding a heavy, steady, and all-encompassing aura.

It handed the earth-yellow ball of light to Harley and explained: Young Lord, please forgive me. It's not that I'm deserting or that Mother Gaia is wasting time. It's just that it takes too much time to forge this Seal of the Earth.

This is called the 'Seal of the Earth'? It's really 'big'. How to use it? What's the use?

Harley touched the khaki ball of light. It did not sink into her body with a swish, but instead felt a hard and cold touch like touching a rock.

Wrap it with your thoughts, imagine it as something you like best, a ring, a necklace, an earring and then put it on, the heart of the earth will be able to locate you and impose your needs on you gravity, the white-skinned Indian explained.

Harry did as he was told, and as expected, the brilliance disappeared and turned into a dark golden ring, neither gold nor jade, with a square ring surface.

Then she tried the strength of the ring again

Very good, the gravity on her body can be adjusted as desired.

What's even more amazing is that gravity only falls on her body and does not follow the ground along her feet.

However, that was all, Gaia met her minimum requirement and did not understand her hint: when Harley said, I don't ask for the talent to control gravity, the subtext was actually, It would be best if you could control gravity. talent.

Just like the Tamaran star Ce'el gave her the gift of language.

But Gaiya is too ignorant.

How? asked the white-skinned Indian.

Harley glanced at it and said, It's okay, the personal matter is over, what about the business matter?

It's a little troublesome. There was an uneasy look on its face, and its eyes flickered, Goddess Gaia can indeed fulfill your request, but that would require too much power.

You said that the divine defense range only increases by two meters in radius, which is actually not accurate.

At this time, the Mother Goddess only protects a small circle deep in the earth's core, which is less than one ten thousandth of the earth's radius.

Humans are not the only civilized race on earth, let alone the first civilized race.

The earth is here. Countless races were born and died. Except for us, even time will not remember them. At the end of the sentence, the land god seemed to touch some memories and sighed.

Why are you dressed like this? White people don't look like white people, and Indians don't look like Indians. Harley asked following its mood.

I have been an Indian for hundreds of thousands of years. I have only started to turn white in the past two hundred years. I will be able to compete with ordinary white men in about a few decades. Halfway through the words, the look on the land god's face became uncertain.

It lowered its head and glanced at the skin of its arm, Look, it's getting darker. In the future, I will most likely be half black and not white, yellow with brown, and indistinguishable from male to female. I will be like the Americans in the metropolis.

Harley said strangely: Now the U.S. government is rapidly promoting the interstellar civilization. In the future, there will probably be many aliens immigrating to the metropolis, and your form will be more diverse.

Well, it's very possible.

The Earth God looked gloomy, obviously not liking the changes that had happened to him.

Is your appearance your own, or did you borrow it from someone else? Harley always felt that this guy looked familiar.

Master Shaojun, do you think I look familiar? It smiled proudly, I am Washington in his prime, the first president of the United States.

Oh, no wonder. Harley suddenly realized.

Do you have a name? I can't just call you 'Metropolis'. She asked again.

I have had countless names, but my real name at this time is 'Metropolis'.

Then I'll call you 'Ada'?

Ah Da struggled for a moment, then reluctantly nodded, agreeing to the title.

Ada, haven't you made it clear to Sister Gaia that the 'golden bell' is not always supporting the surface of the earth, but only needs to be opened at the moment of disaster.

Ah Da said seriously: First of all, the Mother Goddess Gaia has no intention of protecting human civilization.

He has never protected previous races, and he has no position to particularly care for humans at this time.

The only one who can protect mankind is mankind itself.

The Mother Goddess treats all races and civilizations equally.

Secondly, in the sleeping state, the Mother Goddess’ thoughts will be gathered to the core. If, as you said, the ‘golden bell’ is opened when a crisis comes, it must ensure that His consciousness spreads to the entire earth at every moment.

From one ten thousandth of the earth's radius to the entire earth, the range increases by trillions of times, and the consumption also increases by trillions of times.

Mother Goddess Gaia cannot afford this level of consumption, and is even more unwilling to do so.

Seeing Harley's face darken, Ah Da quickly added: Of course, you are not an ordinary person. The Mother Goddess Gaia will consider your request carefully and provide a solution no matter what.

What method? Harley knew that the sex act was coming, and Gaia most likely saw something in her.

Ah Da said cautiously: You tracked the Sun-devouring Beast some time ago and got a lot of magic power, right?

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