I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1114 The Prelude to the Rann-Senagon War

Saturday morning at the Met.

Master, are we going in the wrong direction? Cassandra asked doubtfully.

At this time, Yebi, who was in the form of a fire unicorn, changed the mode again, switching to the previous Xiangyun Desktop.

Jebian stood securely in the center of the auspicious cloud, and Harian sat securely on its back.

The reason for this is that there is an extra child around me.

It would be more interesting if Dick or Jason were brought to stand on the other side, and the two boys were put into classical robes to form a pair of golden boys and girls.

How do you know it's wrong? I didn't even tell you where to go. Harley asked strangely.

Hey, I'm a famous 'Galaxy Admiral Research Expert'. Your apartment in Metropolis is located in Arlington County, by the river. I even stayed there and checked in.

The Hall of Justice is across the river from the National Airport, not in this direction.

Let's go meet a senior hero. Harley said.

Kassandra recalled for less than three seconds, Is it the second-generation silk soul?

Well, she lives in the small town of Bell, far away from the city.

Before reaching the town, Yebby landed on the ground, and the two of them and the dog walked to a single-family villa on the west side of the town, where Laurie was already waiting.

I thought you were going to fly over. Laurie glanced at Yebby and said in a loud voice.

She has a smile on her face, looks good, and looks younger than she did a few years ago.

Not only does it have a good mentality, but it also has the effect of the Devil Fruit that Ivy planted with demon flesh.

Harley smiled and said, I'm just pretending to show outsiders. How many embarrassing things have you not seen about me? I'm pretending in front of you, isn't it a shame?

Laurie smiled slightly and turned to Cassandra, I know this little girl. She is the owner of the puppy video. I even put coins in for you.

Thank you. Cassandra smiled.

She is my apprentice, and we have a successor. Harley followed Laurie into the living room. She did not see her daughter and son-in-law, but there was a little girl sitting on the carpet, stacking building blocks.

When she saw a group of people walking in, she only stared at Yebi.

Harry went up and touched her head, Your granddaughter is a bit stupid. She has grown so big and she doesn't know how to call someone.

——Same as her mother, dull.

She's smart. She knows who you are, so there's no need to scream. Laurie then picked up the little girl, pointed at Harley and asked, Lori, who is she?

Little Luo Li shook her head numbly, I don't know.

Hahaha Harley laughed happily.

Laurie's old face was slightly red, You have been reclusive recently. Even if there is news about you on TV, there is no video of you. And Luo Li doesn't watch the news, she only watches cartoons.

I saw her at the end of last year. Her mother hugged me and called someone, and she called me too. Calculating the time, it wasn't even half a year. Harley said with a smile.

How old is she? And it's been half a year. It's normal for children to not remember things. Laurie continued to insist.

Well, I thought Loli was not very smart. Next time I will bring her some brain-boosting fruits that are only useful for Benben. Since she is smart, let's forget it. Harley sighed.

Laurie's expression changed.

If Harley only said that the magic fruit can replenish the brain, she would respond with Even if Luo Li is smart, I hope she can be smarter, but the magic fruit is only useful for stupid people.

She gritted her teeth secretly, cursed Cunning Witch Harley in her heart, and said in a low voice: Lori likes to eat fruit very much.

It wasn't until lunch at Laurie's house that Hallie took Cassandra to Congress.

It only took half an hour for Harley to finish her speech.

Because she had an angry exchange with President Abao a few days ago, the congressmen had already understood her point of view. This time they only asked for some details.

For example, since the cost is too high, can it be reduced in scale and establish diplomatic relations with only a few close super civilizations?

For another example, even if diplomatic relations are not established, and even if the earth does not have high financial and technological needs for alien civilizations for the time being, cultural exchanges should not be cut off. How to solve this problem?

Harley's answer is simple: don't engage in formalism and face-saving projects, but do what you can.

Without the help of her and superheroes, and on the basis of not affecting people's living standards, the US government can discuss with other countries in the world to do whatever it can.

Afterwards, she took the rare opportunity to stand on the steps outside the Capitol and be interviewed by reporters from around the world and beyond.

Whether they asked questions about Zero Hour, the Sun-Eating Beast, or this time's interstellar foreign policy, Harley always answered their questions.

It's just that her answer is no different from Zheng Lian's. Only what can be made public will be made public. She won't talk about topics like Bo Mu's true identity.

After struggling until dark, Harry took his female apprentice to the Sky Eye Club.

There, a superhero has been waiting for her for a long time.

Hello, Miss Quinn, I am 'Adam the Wonder'. A man carrying an oxygen tank, wearing a red space suit and a space helmet stretched out his right hand to her with some anxiety.

Hello, Adam.

Harley touched his hand lightly and sat down naturally on the main seat, with Amanda and General Lane beside her.

The female apprentice Cassandra stood quietly behind her.

A few days ago, Amanda gave me a secret message, saying that you have a top-secret message about the future of the galaxy and you need to tell me in person. Now that I'm here, what do you want to say.

Adam Qixia glanced at Cassandra behind her, looking hesitant.

There are no outsiders here. Harry said.

Miss Quinn, I understand that compared to the giants of Zhenglian, 'Adam's Stranger' is unknown, but I swear, I'm about to tell you the news. Adam's Stranger waved his arms unconsciously a few times, looking very excited, That's what I said Well, the Milky Way seems to be peaceful at this time, but it is actually like the Earth before the outbreak of World War II.

I believe you, so I'm here, just tell me. Harley became impatient.

Adam Qixia looked at Cassandra again.

Third Senior Sister looked a little uncomfortable.

This is the Teen Titans' 'Big Hero', code name. Hallie got stuck and turned around and asked, What resounding nickname are you going to give?

Can you do it, little witch? Cassandra said immediately.

Harley shook her head and said: 'Little Witch' is too stupid. It is easy to expose the relationship between you and me. Not only does it make the enemy wary, but it also attracts extraordinary hatred.

But I like 'Little Witch' very much. Cassandra pouted.

If you really want to be my successor, you should do the opposite. I wish others would treat me as a silly, sweet saint, and then relax their vigilance against me, allowing me to take advantage of you.

You just called me a witch, which is too sincere and not like a witch. Harley sighed.

It makes sense. Kassandra felt like she was enlightened. She suddenly realized that she was too focused on the name of the witch and had forgotten the spiritual core of the witch.

Ahem. General Ryan coughed a few times, reminding Harley to pay attention to the occasion.

Harley went to see Adam Stranger, who looked dull and confused.

Adam, tell me, I'm listening.

Adam Qixia swallowed, stopped paying attention to the up hero, and asked: Miss Quinn, do I need to introduce myself?

Harry said: Last year, the Demon Lord's secret vault was discovered in Peru, which caused quite a stir in the supernatural world.

And you're an archaeologist and a special advisor to the Pentagon.

So you can get sponsorship from the military and go on adventures with agents from the Bureau of Shadows.

Unfortunately, you were hit by a beam of light, disappeared on the spot, and was transported to another world.

But you are also very lucky. That world is Rann Star, a super civilization in the galaxy.

There, you not only get rescued by the Lann people, but also receive a set of high-tech equipment and become a technology man.

This is what I know about you. Is there anything else you need to add?

I didn't go to Peru voluntarily. I heard that mages were involved, so I wanted to refuse. As a result, the military threatened me with the contract I signed back then, saying that I had an obligation to cooperate with them to complete the mission. Adam Qixia complained.

Well, Sky Eye will be responsible for accepting complaints from superheroes. Amanda, please note it down and cooperate with Adam Strange to deal with it later. Harley said.

He wasn't a superhero yet, General Lane said.

But he is now.

——You still ask for help from him.

General Lane touched his nose and stopped talking.

Adam Qixia continued: It wasn't bad luck that I was teleported away. It was because a mage used me as a human shield. His name was John Constantine, and he said he was your friend.

Harry touched his nose and felt a little disgusted, John is indeed my good friend, but he is a mage and is not as strong as you. How can he catch you and use your body to block the mysterious light?

Also, that's not his style, he's a superhero.

He said, 'Fake, tracking technique?' Then the space teleported behind me and made me a scapegoat. Adam Qixia said.

This time, he has a very Zha Kang style.

It wasn't magic that teleported you to Lann, was it?

No, it was Zeta rays, but we didn't know that at the time. Adam Qixia said.

This is a bit troublesome. Constantine has not clearly broken the law. Moreover, I am his friend and it is not good for me to directly participate in his case. Harley turned to General Lane beside him, You can do whatever you want without giving me face.

General Lane nodded numbly.

Adam, now please explain 'Galaxy World War II' to us. Harley said.

The two major civilizations of Rann and Senagan are going to launch a Star Wars, and the two sides are secretly contacting their allies to form the 'Allied Powers' and the 'Allied Powers'.

Once the war breaks out, it will surely affect the entire galaxy. Adam Qixia said excitedly.

Harley looked calm and said: What does the 'Lan-Senagon War' have to do with the earth?

We don't have the ability to get involved on either side. Of course, they don't want to threaten the earth.

The earth is not aggressive enough, but it is more than enough to protect itself.

After all, although super civilization is terrifying, it is not as good as Apokolips.

Even in World War II on Earth, there were many neutral countries.

When Star Wars breaks out, we can just be an honest neutral country.

Adam Qixia was startled and said: Miss Quinn, you are the 'Galaxy Admiral'!

So? I'm going to break up the fight and prevent the war from breaking out, and they will just obey? Harley chuckled.

With your prestige, you can really give it a try. If the outbreak of war can be avoided, countless billions of people will be saved. Adam Qixia said seriously.

Harley looked at him and said thoughtfully: Is this what a certain Lann person meant?

Adam Qixia was stunned for a moment, and his expression became a little unnatural.

It's Sardas, the number one scientist in Lann. He has noticed the recent undercurrents in Lann Planet. He hopes that you can resolve this Lann-Senagon crisis just like other crises.

Adam, you are an archaeologist and you must know history very well. Tell me, why did World War II break out? Harley said.

Because of hatred and ambition. Adam Qixia said.

Harley shook her head, Hate will never completely disappear at any time, and ambition is an essential quality for qualified politicians.

Adam Qixia frowned and said: World War II is a continuation of World War I and will inevitably break out.

Harley continued to shake her head.

General Lane interjected: The outbreak of World War I and II was due to the decline of British and French hegemony. The war will only break out when the second child is strong enough to challenge the boss.

When he said this, a look of surprise appeared on his face, The previous boss of the universe was the Green Lantern Corps. They are gone, and the second and third brothers have begun to compete for the position of boss.

So, how can I stop this kind of war?

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