I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1107 The Eighth Man Comes to the Door

The spaceships that invade the solar system are like silver carps made of gold.

It has a big head with tentacles and a narrow tail. The whole thing is not too big, only about ten meters long. A large area of ​​the head of the spacecraft is made of space glass.

At first glance, there is indeed no muzzle for firing energy beams, unlike a combat ship.

However, Mr. Excellence opened his eyes for a long time before he saw the S letter that Starfire noticed at a glance.

On the top of the spacecraft, it is about the size of a rice cooker lid and is inconspicuous.

What are you going to do? Starfire asked.

Mr. Zhuo Zhuo glanced sideways at the T-ball floating beside him, If it is an enemy, I will jump in front of it and set the T-ball to full information shielding mode to paralyze the spacecraft's radar, communications, remote control and other electronic systems.

But since it is not an intruder, but more like a victim who accidentally broke in, it doesn't need to be so extreme.

How did you know it was in trouble? Starfire asked strangely.

Mr. Zhuo Zhuo said: After it suddenly appeared in the solar system, the seaside base sent messages on the public channel many times to contact it, but it never responded, so it was judged as an enemy.

The solar system has entered alert level 3.

But we are so close to it now, and it has not caused any counterattack. I guess the other party may have encountered an accident and is unable to respond to us.

Oh my God, this is a Kryptonian spaceship of the Al family!

Soon, Dachao's exclamation came from Mr. Zhuangzhi's earbuds.

Are you sure? Mr. Excellence asked in surprise.

One hundred percent sure, I'm trying to enter its control system. Although I didn't succeed, I saw that the program code is all in Kryptonian. After calming down a little, Dachao said again: Leave the rest to me. , the alarm is lifted, please entertain Princess Spark.

Let's go directly to the seaside base. Mr. Excellence turned to Starfire and said: This spacecraft seems to belong to the Al family of Krypton, and Superman is responsible for handling it.

Superman's relative?

Probably. Mr. Zhuo Zhuo vaguely thought of a person, but he was not sure yet.

The next second, they saw a beam of red light flying from the direction of the Earth, passing directly by the spacecraft and heading towards the suspected Kryptonian spacecraft behind them.

Oh, the seaside base is a space city transformed from Mongo War Fortress

In the far orbit of the earth, Xinghuo saw a brightly lit space city. What surprised her was not the origin of the city, but the long row of alien spacecraft of various models at the port.

Completely different from the deserted Pluto Outpost seen before, this place is very lively and can even be called prosperous.

More than two hundred civilizations have officially submitted applications to us for establishing diplomatic relations, and another 400 civilizations have expressed their intention to become 'cosmic friendly civilizations' with each other, said Mr. Zhuo Zhuo proudly.

So many? Starfire was really shocked.

Tamaran is an advanced civilization with a history of hundreds of thousands of years, and it still does not have 100 diplomatic relations with countries.

Some time ago, there was a crisis between the sun-devouring beasts in the universe, and we worked non-stop and saved 1,024 civilizations in nearly two months.

On average, several are saved every day.

Those civilizations that were saved were very moved when they heard that the galactic admiral had not slept, eaten, or even dismounted his horse or dog for two months in a row to save the world.

The 200 civilizations that want us to establish diplomatic relations have all been saved by the 'Sun-Eating Beast Hunting Team'.

Speaking of this, he gave Princess Tamaran a strange look: Even the messengers from the Xianglin civilization, which is 15 billion light-years away, arrived half a month ago. You Tamalan people are less than 500 light-years away from the earth. Why? No movement yet?

The rest of the civilizations have also heard about the crisis of the Sun-Eating Beast and came here to see it.

When Starfire saw his eyes and heard his words, she immediately understood something and said with an embarrassed expression: Actually, Tamaran has already established friendly diplomatic relations with Earth.

This is not the first time we have met, and it is not the first time I have come to Earth.

When Apokolips invaded Earth, Green Lantern Hal Jordan posted a 'Hero Post' across the galaxy, inviting heroes from the universe to come and help. At that time, my sister and I came over with a super team.

I came to watch half of the show, but half the team was tricked by Witch Harley.

Only their sisters and a few guards survived.

After the Crisis on Infinite Earths, we also established an alliance. In the Zero Hour Crisis, if the Galaxy Admiral had not refused, Tamaran would have formed an alliance with you again.

During the Crisis on Infinite Earths, she and her previous husband personally supported the Earth.

She had planned to come over again with her previous husband during Zero Hour Crisis, but Harley said that the fleet was ineffective against time demons and there was no need to form an alliance, just send a representative over.

Then her new husband, Fei Zong, came alone.

So Xinghuo was right. Although Tamaran kept using small tricks, such as quietly smuggling aliens and weapons to the earth, the two families were indeed traditional allies.

Starfire had no intention of staying at the beach base any longer.

Regardless of whether diplomats, businessmen, or travelers from interstellar allies want to enter the Earth, they must first park their spacecraft at a seaside base.

Even if it is a pure tourist ship without any weapons.

Because the spacecraft that can come to the earth is at least equipped with a sublight engine.

This aerospace engine is a devastating weapon in itself.

A spaceship of several hundred tons collides with the continental plate at sub-light speed, and can almost directly explode the earth. Of course, that was the earth before the crisis of the Sun-Eating Beast. Now, the goddess Gaia says you can do whatever you want.

Xinghuo, are you just here for a trip? Mr. Zhuo Zhuo asked before leaving the seaside base.

Starfire's eyes flickered, Why do you ask?

Mr. Zhuo Zhuo was stunned for a moment and said: My question was originally very simple. The spaceships of the alien guests need to stay at the seaside base. However, considering that you are from advanced civilizations and are not used to the relatively primitive means of transportation on the earth, the Justice League will provide free diplomatic services. The official provides the 'White Pigeon Type 3' shuttle.

Alien businessmen and journalists also have floating cars.

But if you are a pure tourist, you will not be treated like this.

However, depending on what you mean, there seems to be another reason for coming to Earth? It's convenient to say, I just want to help.

Starfire rolled her eyes, I have a press pass and am a staff writer for Polaris Weekly.

As she spoke, she also took out an electronic card and asked Mr. Zhimo to check it.

But you guessed it right, my purpose for coming to Earth is indeed not simple. My husband Fei Zong is dead, you know, right? Her smile turned bitter, My sister has arranged a new marriage for me.

As before, she said that for Tamaran, I must marry and win over those wealthy families.

But I don’t think Tamaran still needs a political marriage to maintain political stability.

Moreover, this time I will not only marry one husband, but eight husbands and give birth to heirs with the blood of the prophet for eight families!

It's so ridiculous, they almost treat me like a fertility tool.

Black Fire also said something sarcastic - Anyway, I will keep killing my husband, so why not marry me eight at a time to make the marriage last longer.

I couldn't stand it anymore, so I ran away.

Eight husbands? Mr. Zhuo Zhuo was stunned.

Alas, it's also Harley Quinn's fault. She said that I am the prophet of Se-el and have the richest divine blood.

Starfire sighed.

Did she say something wrong?

No, she was right. After you left, the elders of the council used ancient sacrifices to help me communicate with Seal, and they succeeded in one go.

I met the Mother Goddess. She should look a lot like my mother, and she treats me as gently as my mother.

Then those elders went crazy.

All the great nobles of Tamaran claim that their families have the noble blood of Siel.

But now many families have no heirs who can awaken their bloodline talents, and some even haven't had starlight power users for hundreds of years.

They all want me to give birth to descendants of noble blood for their family. Starfire sighed.

I thought higher civilizations would be more civilized. Mr. Excellence looked at her with pity in his eyes, Don't worry, Earth won't. Well, if Earth wants to withstand Tamaran's diplomatic pressure, you have to go see Harley.

As long as you can convince her, it's useless for your sister and elder to come to Earth in person.

Starfire shook her head and said, I don't want to bring trouble to you. If my sister comes here, I will leave the earth.

Mr. Excellence immediately said: No trouble.

After finishing speaking, he realized that he was too eager and had no position to vouch for the other party. He then explained: The size of the trouble is relative.

Your problem may be a minor nuisance to me or the Justice League, but Harley Quinn is different.

Because she's the Galactic Admiral? Starfire asked.

Mr. Excellence nodded first and then shook his head, Whether your sister is trying to give Admiral the Galaxy a favor or not, it will have no impact on Harley.

The unit she uses to calculate trouble is ‘Darkseid’. How many percent of Darkseid does your sister and Tamaran have?

How much is Darkseid? Starfire was confused.

Alas, Harry is not afraid of anything, and has offended too many gods, demons, and supreme beings.

Mr. Excellence, Balabala, popularized Harley's trouble standard.

She really has seven or eight Darkseid-level enemies? Starfire was stunned.

Probably, all the gods and demon kings hate her.

Starfire sighed, I just want to escape from Tamaran now. Earth may not be the end, at least I haven't found a reason to stay yet.

Once I find it, it's not too late to ask Harley Quinn for help.

Although Mr. Excellence wanted to say that there is no more free and beautiful place in the universe than the earth, his reason did not make him crazy.

The Alien Princess’s press pass is real.

In the early years of the fall of the planet Tamaran, she traveled to multiple alien civilizations and worked in various jobs to make a living, and the trainee reporter was just one of them.

Later, when Tamaran returned to the country and Starfire Blackfire became famous in the galaxy, she was promoted from a trainee reporter to a special correspondent.

Therefore, Spark successfully received a space speed car at the seaside base - a car-shaped aircraft that can fly at three times the speed of sound on the planet.

After receiving the space shuttle, Spark really started working as an alien reporter.

The next day I went to the ruins of Coast City. There were no longer ruins. The huge pit was filled with rocks and soil. Hundreds of construction workers were busy at the docks, and new buildings were rising from the ground.

I'm Corrie, a reporter from Polaris Weekly. Where is Hal Jordan, the Hero of the Universe? I want to do an exclusive interview with him. The arrival of the speed car attracted the attention of many people. Starfire was wearing sunglasses and had red hair. Feiyang, very beautiful and handsome.

The workers at the construction site whistled several times before a migrant worker wearing a work helmet and khaki overalls came out.

I'm Hal Jordan, but I'm not a hero of the universe and I don't give exclusive interviews to the media.

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