I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1096 Another one favored by God

Gunther. Hearing the name again, Harry felt disgusted, Did that guy only come here with projection again?

Well, do you think he lied? Arthur then added: I didn't really ask Hal to sacrifice himself. The little blue man clearly told Kyle - if you don't believe me, I can ask you.

Harley said: Theoretically, the connection between Green Lantern and the Book of Oa is very close, otherwise the little blue man would not be able to control the Legion with it.

However, I cannot guarantee whether he lied.

The only thing that is certain is that his intentions are not pure and he did not tell the truth completely.

Kyle said that he saw Hal using his life force to save the sun and defeat the sun-devouring beast in the Book of Oa. What's so special about Hal's life force? Arthur asked.

He used all the power he gained from swallowing the mother river of time with the crack of entropy to reshape the current river of time in the universe and countless virtual lines of time. At this time, only the time trapper, the power of time he cultivated himself, and the green light were left in his body. energy.

Harley couldn't figure it out, and she didn't want to follow Gunther's train of thought.

Don't worry about him. The advantage now lies with us.

Arthur worriedly asked: Are you sure that the magic power absorbed from the Sun-Eating Beast at this time exceeds the Sun-Eating Beast's plunder of the sun?

The real sun is much larger than the green sun that Alan and Hal just manifested.

The larger the size, the more efficient the Sun Eater is at plundering energy.

What's the state of the earth now? Harley asked.

Arthur said solemnly: Plunging into complete darkness and unprecedented coldness, rivers and even oceans began to freeze. If this state continues for ten hours, the earth will return to the Ice Age, and the Atlantic Ocean will disappear and be replaced by ice-covered land.

It was originally summer in many areas, and residents had not made any preparations for cold protection. News of frostbite and death had already spread.

Harley said: Let Kyle put a green light protective cover on the earth to minimize heat loss.

We are already doing it. Zatanna has also joined forces with Firestorm to extract energy from the quantum matrix and use magic to create an artificial sun in the sky.

But the temperature is still decreasing, and the energy loss rate has not decreased much.

The Atom and Mr. Brilliant believe that the Suneater is draining the Earth's energy from other dimensions.

Just like we are two-dimensional beings who build a thermal insulation wall in the two-dimensional 'paper world', but the sun-devouring beast is a three-dimensional life that transcends the thermal insulation wall and extracts our temperature from above the 'paper world'. Poseidon said.

Where's Doctor Fate? What did he say? Harley asked.

He said everything is based on your opinion.

Harley thought for a moment and said, Jon?

I'm here, Martian Manhunter responded.

The Sun-Eating Beast cannot transmit signals within its body, and their method of communication is still a psychic amplifier.

Contact Dr. Fate for me.


Half a minute later, Dr. Destiny came online, Harry, how is the situation over there?

Harley sighed: It doesn't feel right, the Suneater seems to be too attached to our sun.

When I was in Tamaran, I only stabbed it a few times, but it couldn't bear the pain and ran away howling.

Now I almost scratched its belly, but it remained silent and continued to lie in the sun sucking blood.

I don't quite understand. Can you explain it in detail? Are you stabbing it with a knife? But aren't you trying to draw out its demons? Dr. Destiny asked doubtfully.

Harley said: Stab it a few times, it's a metaphor for your understanding. To put it bluntly, on Tamaran, I stole it from it and extracted the equivalent of 30 points of magic power from it.

Well, one point of mana is the average total mana of a Duke Demon.

Before, outside the solar system, a total of 150 points of magic were extracted. Instead of escaping, the Sun-devouring Beast went straight to the sun. It was very evil.

Now that it has swallowed the sun for an hour, how much magic power have you gained? Maybe it has extracted more power, and it has already recovered its original value. Neptune reminded.

It's possible, that's why I'm looking for Kent. Kent, is there any big shot looking for you? Harley asked.

What boss? What do you want from me?

It seems not. Harley frowned and said, Our earth should have a planet spirit, right? Is it Gaia, Nuwa, or the Sun God?

If He couldn't hold on, He should jump out and come to me directly, or find a friend to help me pass on the message.

At this time, I no longer need to offer demons to the Green Sun. In just one hour, I got another 100 points of magic power, which is equivalent to the huge magic power of 25 demon kings, all prepared for him.

Moreover, I have a backup plan to ensure that the earth is not afraid of the Sun Eater and I need his cooperation.

I don't know much about the spirit of the planet. Let King Naboo come and talk to you. Then, Nabu's majestic voice replaced him, The earth does have the spirit of the planet. How could you think of this? The goddess Gaia has not appeared for thousands of years. It’s over.”

I have seen their planet spirit on Tamaran, do you know Sai'el?

Siel has never heard of it. Can you still return magic power to the stars?


Harley's soul felt like it was caught by a fishhook and was about to be pulled out of the water.

Harry's heart moved, but he didn't resist.

The next moment, she came to another place.

In a strange gray space, a gentle female voice asked: Harley Quinn, are you looking for me?

Hey, Harley Quinn, why don't you speak? King Naboo's shout seemed to come from a radio with poor signal, and it was very blurry through a door.

Harley shook her head, blocking out King Naboo's call, Are you the Mother of the Earth?

I am Gaia.

As the words rang out, another light lit up in front of Harley, and she saw a naked giantess, with her hands on her knees, sleeping like a fetus.

How are you feeling now? Harley asked.

Very weak.

You are the god of the planet. Do you know everything that happens on the planet?

Gaia remained in the state of a sleeping fetus and only communicated with Harley using her thoughts, I may be able to understand everything on earth, but I don't have the mood or energy.

Okay, let me tell you the truth, for reasons known to all, my divine power has the effect of resisting the devouring power of the Sun-Eating Beast.

And I am barely considered a god, and I am also listed in the Shazam Contract. I am proficient in the Shazam Curse and can lend my power to others.

My idea is to temporarily lend you my divine power and let you be my favored one. After this crisis is over, you can return your divine power to me. There are no conditions attached to the divine power contract. how?

Well, your idea is so wild that you actually asked me to be your favored one. Goddess Gaia's tone was still gentle, but Harley could hear hesitation and dissatisfaction.

It's just temporary. Once the crisis is over, the divine power will be returned to me, and we will have nothing to do with each other anymore. Harley explained again.

Gaia said slowly: Harley Quinn, you are very generous, very kind, and very considerate.

——No one has ever said this to me, Gaia, you know the goods!

Harry didn't even blush.

Gaia continued, with a hint of arrogance in her tone, Your idea is not bad, but even if I am willing to condescend to you and be your favored one, I'm afraid you won't be able to do it.

——Condescending? Think I can't do it?

Because Gaia is the Mother Goddess of the Earth, not to mention benefiting the common people, at least it has great merits for mankind; because King Naboo just said before that Gaia is very low-key and has not appeared in the world for thousands of years - that is, it is ignorant

Harley took a deep breath and decided not to write Gaia into the little notebook in her heart just because of his sudden blunder, and try not to trick him when the crisis was over.

Why can't it be done?

If you lend a little bit of power to a mortal, it's enough to burst him. If you lend ten points of power to Wonder Woman, there's no obvious trace of the 'thick-skinned power' on her body.

Even if you give me all the power in your body, it is only equivalent to pouring a pot of water into the ocean. How can a cup of water extinguish the ignited car fuel? Gaia said calmly.

Harley was a little frightened, How long can you last through the night without me?

About a week, Gaia sighed.

This is strong, but how strong is it?

The fluorescent man's star lasted for more than thirty hours, and Tamaran's star was depowered for more than six hours. I only repaid him 30 points of magic power.

Well, the average magic power of the Demon Duke is one unit of measurement, and the Demon Lord is 10 points.

At this time, it has been an hour since the sun was swallowed by the Sun Eater. How much power have you lost?

Gaia said: About 150 points. With the loss of power, I will become less and less able to resist the Sun Eater, and the power lost per unit time will increase.

She swallowed 100 points of magic power in an hour and almost hit a bottleneck, making it difficult to improve her efficiency. At this time, Gaia lost 150 points, and the deficit was a bit big!

A backup plan must be used.

What's the pattern of the speed at which the Sun Devourer devours the power of the stars? There's a big difference between you and Sai'el.

Ordinarily, Gaia is stronger and loses energy more slowly.

Gaia sighed: It probably has something to do with the severity of the magic debt.

Although the power of the Star Spirit is also a miraculous power, it is not entirely composed of the elemental magic power of the Mother of Magic.

Just like the new gods also use divine power, which has similar effects to the old gods' divine power, but the components of the divine power are different. The new gods do not have to bear heavy magic debt.

Try it. If you don't try it, the earth can change to another galaxy, but you will die. Harley said.

Gaia hesitated and said, Can you help me contact the ghost?

What are you doing contacting the ghost? Harley asked curiously.

The Garden of Eden is also on earth. God has promised that he will arrange ghosts to protect me. Gaia said.

——Is there still such a relationship?

Harley was a little surprised. The old God has a wide network. Several giants on the earth, including Naboo, Shazam, and Gaia, are not involved with Him.

The ghost is unreliable. He has never been successful since I met him.

No, in my impression, ghosts are very powerful and unrivaled in the material universe. They have helped me solve many crises. Gaia said seriously.

When was the last time I helped you?

Three thousand and five hundred years ago.

Well, the previous generation of ghosts may have been reliable, but this generation is too tight.

Harley cursed, but she didn't refuse to help him contact the Voice of Heaven.

A moment later, a human-sized green figure appeared above Gaia, Sorry, incarnation of Mother Earth, I can't help you this time because I didn't receive the power given by God.

Do you understand what this means?

If God wants me to do something, He won't say nothing to me.

The ghost never goes against His will.

However, I remember the promise I made back then. If it comes to the last moment, even if the sun goes out, I will do my best to ensure that you survive.

Gaia looked at Harley helplessly, Then give it a try. Even if your power is weak, you can at least have some effect.

——At least it would make it easier for the ghost to save his life.

Harley didn't care about his attitude or tone. In her heart, Gaia was just a planet. What was there to care about with a lump of mud?

According to the rules of Shazam's Spell, even if you are the Mother of the Earth, you still have to shout the activation spell.

I understand, tell me.

Harley smiled and said: If you want to shout louder, just shout the simplest 'Hallelujah, glory to all ages'.

Although Gaia is a little awkward, a little embarrassed, and a little reluctant, she understands the rules and knows that no matter who uses the Shazam curse, they can't escape this section.


The next moment, the whole earth began to shake, Hallelujah, eternal glory!

Buzzing-- A faint golden light penetrated the surface of the earth, spreading all over the dark and cold winter night.

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