I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1087 Orange-skinned Spark and Black-skinned Twilight

Now, Earth is a legendary civilization of the physical universe.

But before the rise of Harley and the Justice League, the Tamaran civilization was the biggest legend in the galaxy in recent decades.

The legend of Earth comes from its legendary characters, and the legend of Tamaran comes from its legendary characters.

In terms of technological level, Tamaran, with hundreds of thousands of civilizations and history, surpasses the Earth by more than a dozen levels.

Even if it is not a super civilization, it is at least the best among advanced civilizations.

However, this civilization also has big problems, such as solidified classes, lax armaments, and the failure of the ruling class. Ultimately, it lacks a strong central government.

The dozen or so families that control the country do not belong to each other and check and balance each other. The system is both feudal and democratic: the rulers exert absolute feudal rule over the civilians, which cannot be used by the people; the ruling class is composed of more than a dozen big families, and each family is The royal family has equal power and is very democratic.

But this also means that Tamaran does not have a ruler who can unify the power of all civilizations.

Finally, 20 years ago, Tamaran was destroyed.

This is the end of the ancient kingdom of Tamaran and the starting point of the legendary story of the two sisters Blackfire and Starfire.

They were called Princesses of Tamaran, a status that was worth little or nothing.

It’s valuable because their family is the “first family” in Tamaran.

It's worthless because in the Tamaran Parliament, every member comes from a wealthy family. The daughter of each big family is called a princess, and the son is a prince.

When the country was ruined and the family was destroyed, Princess Blackfire was chosen as the puppet ruler by the invaders, while her sister Starfire was reduced to a slave girl. They were subjected to various human experiments and drug adjustments. Basically, they were used as slaves and experimental mice.

The eldest sister Blackfire is only a queen in name only, a puppet used to appease the people. Not to mention helping her younger sister, she is just a plaything of the enemy.

Then the reversal begins.

Sister Starfire not only did not give in under torture and slavery, but became stronger in will, and finally awakened Tamaran's strongest talent in adversity - gaining energy from the sun's rays.

Not only can he get a copycat's steel body, but he can also absorb other people's superpowers and release flames like the light of stars.

Starfire is not her name, but the honorific name given to her by the major civilizations in the galaxy after Princess Corrie awakened her superpowers, freed the enslaved Tamarans, swept away the slave traders, and destroyed her homeland's alien fleet.

Because of Tamaran's special genetic characteristics, the two sisters can share abilities, and Starfire transfers some of her superpowers to her sister.

Thus, Black Fire was born.

A fierce girl descended from Tamaran. The two sisters, one civil and one military, one military and the other political, united the people, swept away the invaders, and saved their country.

But although Tamaran was destroyed, it did not mean that all the wealthy families in Tamaran were destroyed.

In fact, the reason why Tamaran was destroyed was because most of the wealthy families did nothing. They had their own personal celebrities and huge armies, but they watched helplessly as the invaders captured their home planet.

When Starfire and Blackfire succeeded in their restoration, they all came back.

Not only did his power position not decrease, but it surpassed the first family, which had their entire family wiped out and only two sisters left.

In order to maintain the stability of the country and to make her status as queen worthy of her name, Blackfire decided to consolidate her rule through marriage.

It’s not about finding a husband for yourself.

If she finds a prince with a strong background to marry, the throne may become a dowry.

But if he marries his sister, he will not only lose a competitor who can compete with him for the throne legally and in the hearts of the people, but he will also win over a powerful ally.

At least the facts of the past decade or so have proven that Black Fire has been successful.

Tamaran gradually regained its strength and established its position as the overlord of the galaxy.

Until the Tamaran sun was suddenly enveloped in darkness.

Tamaran, half an hour after losing the sun, three hours before the arrival of Earthlings.

At the Queen's Royal Council.

Starfire advised: Sister, the sun has been swallowed by the Sun Eater. If we don't stop it immediately, our galaxy will be destroyed by a supernova explosion in less than a day. Don't hesitate, inform the Galaxy Admiral immediately. .

Before the Black Fire Queen in the first seat could say anything, the middle-aged man on the queen's left roared loudly: If we do nothing and immediately ask for help from the people on Earth when we encounter difficulties, even if she is a galactic admiral, what will others think of us? Will our mortal enemies, the Cylons, think that we are weak and can be bullied, and are ready to make another move?

Fei Zong, the Sun Eater is not an ordinary crisis. It is a big crisis that affects the entire material universe. Look at it. Starfire opened his watch and projected a 56-inch screen into the air. It was Harley's. Bust of avatar.

Below the avatar, there is a bold news headline: Shocked! The Galaxy Admiral believes that the Sun Eater is as powerful as Darkseid at his peak.

This is the news about Louise, the famous name in the universe, reproduced by the Beichen Times. As early as half a month ago, it spread throughout the galaxy.

Everyone in the galaxy knows how terrifying the Sun-Eating Beast is.

Don't talk about us Tamaran, even if the Cylons encounter the Sun Eater, they will still have no choice but to ask the Galaxy Admiral for help.

Kelly, I have no objection to asking Admiral Galaxy for help, but please, after I try my best and fail, we must at least show the world Tamaran's courage and fighting spirit. Feizong said solemnly.

Fei Zong. Xinghuo looked at her husband's resolute face, feeling both relieved and worried.

I am pleased with his bravery and heroic spirit, but worried that he is in danger.

Well, Fei Zong is her current husband and the Grand Marshal of the Empire.

Yes, we can fail, but we can't even lose the courage to fight the enemy. Another general Koner also said.

Black Fire's eyes flashed and he said: Actually, this time may be an opportunity.

In order to deal with the Sailons, to prevent the disaster of Apokolips from coming to Tamaran, and for the great revival of our Tamaran people, in the past ten years, we have gathered the brightest scientists in the entire nation and invested massive resources, and finally developed a machine that is as powerful as Dak Said's omega ray weapon - 'Omega Sequence'.

The most obvious difference between advanced civilization and super civilization is that super civilization has a set of rules-level weapons.

Equivalent to nuclear weapons of primitive civilization.

If our Omega Sequence can kill the Sun-Eating Beast or even severely injure it in this battle, the universe will be shocked if the news comes out, and no one will dare to underestimate Matalan.

Fei Zong looked at the Queen’s eldest sister with admiration, “That’s what I thought.”

Koner and the other council members all looked complicated and remained silent.

The Omega Sequence was jointly developed by the royal family and the Feizong family, and other families had no chance to participate.

An hour later, a huge fleet consisting of 12 river series battleships and 150 star-class cruisers rose into the sky, covering the sky of the capital city of Tamaran.

However, the sun was swallowed into the belly of the sun-eating beast. At this time, the entire galaxy fell into a long and cold night, with white snow flying and the sky dark. The battleships rising into the sky instead became a source of light like a constellation of stars.

Long live the First Space Force, long live General Feizong, long live the Blackfire Queen, long live Princess Starfire!

People knew what their fleet was going to do, so they left their warm bedrooms one after another, stood on the streets, in courtyards, and on rooftops, waving and shouting excitedly.

The Queen of Blackfire nodded with satisfaction. Tamaran was really different. She still remembered that when the country was destroyed 20 years ago, the people were indifferent to the invaders and the generals were greedy for life and afraid of death.

No direct member of the big family that controls the country is willing to fight to the death for the country.

Now the people wholeheartedly support the queen and the army. The prince of the empire takes the lead in the charge, and the soldiers follow closely behind. Even if they face enemies greater than Darkseid, no one shows any flinch or fear.

May Siel bless you, my husband!

Although it was a political marriage, and although she did not agree with taking risks, at this moment, seeing her husband leading the passionate soldiers to launch a glorious charge into the center of the galaxy that was once the brightest but now the darkest, Starfire still felt extremely proud.

Half an hour later, inside the Sun-Eating Beast.

Fei Zong, the Grand Marshal of the Imperial Army and Prince of the Empire, shouted anxiously: Call the headquarters, call the headquarters, Her Majesty the Queen, Starfire, we need assistance.

Damn it, all the communication and control systems are down, why is this happening?

I also read the Beichen Times. Admiral Galaxy never said that the equipment would malfunction!

General, what should we do now? Not only have we lost contact with the headquarters, but also other battleships are missing. Moreover, the energy consumption is too fast. In two minutes at most, the Starlight main ship will become an iron coffin. The captain said desperately.

A ruthless look flashed in Fei Zong's eyes, Start the Omega sequence manually.

Seal, please activate the Omega sequence directly on the mothership. We will be blown away without even atom left. The captain exclaimed, and the expressions of the soldiers on the bridge changed.

Feizong sighed: Everyone, our fate has been decided. We are about to go to hell together. But the Tamarans are not cowards. Even if we die, we must bite off a piece of the enemy's flesh before we die.

Execute the order immediately, I am with you.

As ordered! the soldiers responded in unison, with only determination on their faces and no longer any fear.

Tamaran combat center.

No, the darkness suddenly spread over a large area. The fleet was involved. Their traces were completely lost on the radar, and no signal was transmitted back. The radar soldier in front of the monitoring station exclaimed.

Sair is on top! Xinghuo's expression changed drastically.

Black Fire's pupils shrank, and he still asked calmly: Is there any sign of the Omega sequence breaking out?


Continue to monitor. Black Fire said.

ten minutes later.

There is no trace of the Omega sequence.

Black Fire couldn't help it anymore, Bring that black belt over here!

Two minutes later, two Tamaran soldiers escorted a woman with purple hair, dark skin, and pointed ears to the war room.

Black Fire roared at her, Heipi, tell me how to save General Fei Zong and those 20,000 soldiers, tell me quickly!

I don't know. The dark-skinned woman said with a painful expression, The only thing I can do is to warn you so that you can take precautions in advance.

Do you think I'm a fool? For someone as powerful as Harley Quinn, she couldn't find the Sun-Eating Beast after searching for more than half a month, yet you landed on Tamaran an hour before nightfall.

Black Fire activated his energy sword and penetrated the black-skinned woman's thigh with one sword.


Now you still have a chance to survive, help me rescue Fei Zong and those soldiers, otherwise, regardless of whether you are innocent or not, I will use you -

Stop! Starfire couldn't bear it anymore, raised her hand and shot a beam of scorching energy, knocking Blackfire's dagger away.

Black Skin traveled across the galaxy and came all the way to warn us that no one should be too kind to Tamaran! You can't put your responsibility and anger on this innocent good man just because you made a mistake in your decision-making.

Starfire, how dare you disobey me for this Black Skin? Blackfire looked in disbelief, I am saving your husband and 20,000 compatriots.

No, you are just venting. Your behavior will not help Fei Zong's situation. Immediately seek help from Admiral Galaxy. She once went deep into the Sun-Eating Beast.

Sai Aier is on top. I hope Feizong and the soldiers still have time.

Although Starfire's eyes were sad, she firmly protected Heipi behind her, As for Heipi, she is now under my protection. Anyone who wants to harm her will have to go through me.

After saying that, she left her sister in the war room and left calmly with Heipi.

Black skin. Sorry, I don't know your name yet. It's so rude to keep calling you by your skin color. What are your plans now?

My name is Dusk, and I want to leave your planet immediately.

It's okay to leave. Xinghuo sighed and said, Wait a moment, I will rearrange the spaceship for you.

Your original reconnaissance ship from the Kalmy civilization had its engine destroyed by a pulse cannon and became useless. Tamaran engineers do not understand your technology.

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