I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1079 The crisp Harley

What is 'The End of the Night'? Harley asked confused.

Some embarrassment appeared on Prince Cameroon's anxious face, I don't know, we don't even know whether it is a powerful life form, a natural phenomenon, or a weapon of a more advanced civilization.

He seemed to understand that his messenger was too unreliable, and he continued: But its harm is obvious, it swallows stars, absorbs all heat and radiation energy, and brings eternal winter nights to the world.

From the outside, it looks like a non-luminous nebula. Its shape is uncertain and its traces are elusive. Even at high speeds, even super-light spacecraft cannot catch up with it.

But once it slows down, even a super warrior flying at twice the speed of sound can escape. It's very strange and mysterious.

The other party seemed to have said a lot, but Harley was confused after listening to it, and still couldn't form an intuitive impression of 'The End of the Night'.

Did you come to me because I had a certain ability that you could restrain yourself from?

No, we don't know if you can restrain Midnight, but we have tried various methods and even built the most powerful 'Fluorescent National Defense Fleet', a total of 80 battleships equipped with Star Destroyer Cannons and 40 people Starry sky level superpower.

The entire fleet was like a mud cow entering the sea, disappearing directly inside the night.

We then sent a distress letter to the nearby super civilization, but they wouldn't even come to check on the situation.

Just when the entire empire fell into despair, an interstellar businessman suddenly submitted a news newspaper to the parliament, the Karu Civilization's Galaxy Annual Report. The headline on the front page was the news about the famous Lois Lane in the universe - In the midst of strategizing and outside of the decisive time - the night when zero o'clock arrived, the Galaxy Admiral was watching a movie at home.

Harley was a little embarrassed. Just hearing the name without reading the content, a sweet smell of flattery and flattery hit her face.

How could such a famous person in the universe use such a flattering title to attract readers and sensationalize it?

Dachao was smiling and was very happy that his wife could become famous in the Virgo Nebula.

General Lane puffed up his chest, raised his chin slightly, and said with a proud look on his face, Lois Lane is my daughter.

Prince Cameroon just said hmm, glanced at him, and continued: After reading that news, we learned that the universe encountered another crisis some time ago.

It was still a terrifying time crisis, and the entire timeline was swallowed up.

Speaking of this, he couldn't help but sigh: Your Majesty, Alex the Great, the timeline has been restarted without our knowledge.

This time, Mr. President and several generals all looked proud: Huh, it’s so ignorant to make such a fuss just by restarting the timeline.

Even if your fluorescent civilization is technologically advanced, you are still a bumpkin in front of our suffering earthlings.

Even the time crisis can be dealt with calmly, which shows the strength of Admiral Galaxy. Moreover, every time he encounters a cosmic crisis, Admiral Galaxy takes the lead, moves forward bravely, never retreats, and is not afraid of hardships. He is very trustworthy.

That's why the Council and Emperor Arys sent me as an envoy to Earth to ask the Galactic Admiral to support us.

After finishing speaking, Prince Cameron looked at Harry eagerly.

Mr. President and the giant Zhenglian also looked at her, waiting for her to make up her mind.

Harley said: You just said that when the fluorescent civilization asked other civilizations in the Virgo Nebula for help, they even refused to send people to check and investigate?

The prince nodded, We can only be considered a high-level civilization, and we are still several levels away from a super-civilization.

At that time, we thought that even if they refused to help, they could rent us the most advanced reconnaissance ship so that we could figure out Zhongye's true identity, but they still refused and were very cold.

Why? Dachao asked confused.

Prince Cameroon hesitated for a moment and said helplessly: I don't know the real reason, I can only guess that they are afraid of offending Mingye and causing Mingye's revenge.

Whatever the Night is, it's probably conscious, or it's controlled by a person or civilization.

After hearing this, Mr. President and the general of the Ministry of National Defense, who had looked smug before, could not help but change their expressions slightly.

Harley nodded slightly, Prince Cameroon, you are very honest, I can go back to the Fluorescent Star with you now.

What? Prince Cameroon opened his eyes wide and was too shocked to be surprised.

Harry, you... Mr. President was secretly anxious.

Let's go. Harry stood up and said to the prince.

This Prince Cameroon looked at the president and several generals, then at the Zhenglian giants, and finally said to Harley: Admiral Galaxy, you are indeed as kind, kind, magnanimous, and decisive as the news said. .

But there's no need to be in such a hurry. I'll prepare the fuel for the aircraft and you guys can discuss it first.

This alien guy is very knowledgeable and knows how to measure things, Neptune said after he left.

What do you want to say? Harley said simply.

We don't even know what 'The End of the Night' is. What if, as those super civilizations worry, a powerful civilization is testing weapons, and if we rashly intervene, will it cause the other party to retaliate wildly? General Lane said.

Yes. Harley said simply and neatly.

Uh she said so simply, but they became hesitant.

What do you think? I don't think you care about the false reputation of kindness and kindness. During the zero-hour crisis, you refused to send people to rescue the 58th century in front of the envoy. Bateman asked.

Then tell me why I refused directly at that time? Harley asked.

You have a plan to deal with the time demon, and you know that rescuing the 58th century is a useless effort. Bateman frowned and said: You simply agreed this time, is it because you have a plan in mind? But you have never heard of 'Winter Night' before.

I can only confirm three points this time. First, if Midnight is truly a cosmic disaster, it will come to our solar system sooner or later. Even if we only go to the fluorescent planet to inquire about information, it is still necessary.

Second, there must be many threats to my existence in the material universe, but if I can't defeat them, why can't I escape? third

Harley glanced around the giants and said strangely: If I hesitate now and wait for the news of the destruction of fluorescent civilization, you will definitely blame me, blame me for being hesitant, blame me for my wrong judgment and slow reaction.

How could it be? We're not sure whether we want to go to the fluorescent civilization immediately. Dachao said awkwardly.

Harley smiled and said, Yes, because at that time I will ridicule you for your poor judgment, dilly-dallying, slow reaction, and timidity. Then you will be ashamed and angry, mixed with shame and anger, and regretful, and you will retort at me - you are the same, .

Now I'm going to go to fluorescence immediately. It's you who force me to talk nonsense here.

If time is wasted and tragedy occurs, I can still ridicule you for being harried, slow to react, and timid, but you can only hold your head against it, feeling twice as aggrieved, regretful, and ashamed.

Mr. President, who saw this side of Admiral Galaxy for the first time, opened his mouth and looked dull.

Although the heroes also had distorted expressions, they were familiar with her style and developed their thick skin and strong psychological qualities.

Let's go immediately. Dachao gritted his teeth.

Harry, can I help?

When Harley called the Dog Saint, Rachel came over expectantly.

Behind her, Barbara and Cassandra all had longing eyes.

Ivy, bring the Archimedes airship over and go with whoever wants to go. Harley shouted.

Ivy was a little reluctant, You and I are enough. They are all children and have not completed training yet.

I don't expect them to deal with the monsters that devour stars. They just go out to see the world this time.

Before departure, Harley unexpectedly received a call from Perry White, editor-in-chief of the Daily Planet.

Miss Quinn, I received news that you are going to the Virgo Nebula, and are you taking those underage 'young heroes' with you?

You are well informed, what's the matter? Harley asked.

It's not that I'm well-informed. The news that an alien spacecraft has landed on Earth and that alien messengers are asking for help has already spread, and people all over the world know about it.

I am looking for you to ask if the Archimedes airship can bring two more people, two reporters.

Perry stammered and then quickly added: I know this request is a bit rude and abrupt, but it is more public than private. There are two reasons why I have to shamelessly make this call to you.

First of all, the alien ambassador was able to find the earth because of a news article from Our Planet Daily.

This is the greatest encouragement and honor for all our journalists.

To be honest, the editorial office was in a state of excitement after hearing the news.

Even though the fluorescent civilization was going through hardships and it was somewhat inappropriate to celebrate at this time, I couldn't help but open a bottle of champagne.

Never before has our mission as journalists been so clear to us—to bring the truth to the people who need it, in a timely manner.

Harry could tell through the trembling in his voice that he was really excited.

But she was not interested in his self-impression.

To get to the point, I'm pressed for time. She said impatiently.

Oh, I'm sorry. First of all, with the development of Planet Daily, we have almost stepped onto the threshold of interstellar journalism, but we don't know exactly how it will go in the future.

Even if I consult the galactic legends who are resident on Earth many times, the answers I get are like a pony crossing a river. Different people give different answers, or even contradict each other.

The point. Harley was a little angry.

“First of all, the senior leaders of Planet Daily need to go abroad for inspections to increase their knowledge, improve themselves, and keep up with the times in terms of capabilities.

You are the largest shareholder of the Daily Planet, so I ask for your help.

Secondly, it is the first time in the history of earth civilization that an alien ambassador has formally requested rescue from the earth. Journalists are required to record this historic scene. This is the Pentagon's suggestion. General Lane suggested that we ask you for help.

I've been talking about it for a long time just because I wanted to take a ride, right?

Well, that's not wrong, but it's not just a free ride. It has special significance for the country to send reporters to join your team, representing two civilizations——

Harley interrupted him and said, You ask someone to wait at the top of the Daily Planet building, and I'll pick you up.

Five minutes later, there was a flash of silver light, and the Archimedes airship hovered above the Daily Planet helicopter pad.

After waiting for nearly two minutes, Perry, Louise, Lana Long and other reporters panted and ran out of the stairs carrying cameras, briefcases, and travel bags.

Come up quickly.

Ivy controlled two vines to fall to the ground, entangled Lana Lang and Louise, and was about to pull them up.

Hey, wait, it's not Lana Long this time, it's me. Perry said excitedly below.

At this moment, the two girls had been pulled to the door of the airship, and Harley even saw the disappointment on Lana Lang's face.

Come up, everyone. It's already crowded anyway.

We can just stand. Perry sneered.

The Archimedes airship is about the same size as a 10-passenger van, but there aren't that many seats inside, so the three reporters can really only carry their own luggage.

Even the editor-in-chief is here, what do you want to investigate?

Perry glanced at Louise, whose expression started to look unnatural, Louise's article The Night When Zero Hour Comes, the Galaxy Admiral Watches a Movie at Home is styled by us as entertainment news, specifically for ordinary people. Prepared by the public, it was selected by Virgo's most serious journal.

The Beginning and End of Zero Hour released at the same time was also written by Lewis. It was a serious news specially customized for aliens. However, the response was mediocre, far less than the previous article.

This is very strange.

Therefore, I want to visit alien planets in person and communicate with alien readers.

Ivy sneered: I also read the article The Beginning and End of Zero Hour. The content was dry and it kept emphasizing the 'power of unity of all warriors and heroes', which was obviously out of touch with reality.

It’s poorly readable and looks like fake news. The alien is not stupid, so how could he take the initiative to eat feces?

You can dislike it, but you can't insult it as fake news! Louise blushed and shouted excitedly.

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