I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1076 Gordon wants to be the landlord

Gordon directly called Harley's name, but Gordon's daughter called her Sister Harley.

Except for immediate family members, Westerners are accustomed to calling her by her first name when meeting face to face in daily life. Hallie herself does not want to be called aunt.

Barbara is the priest of King Wushen and Young Master Tiantang, so she deserves a more respectful title.

However, the relationship between the two is relatively close, at least for the child whom Harry has watched grow up. Calling Your Majesty the God of War and My Lord Harley is too unfamiliar and too embarrassing.

Therefore, the title Sister Harley has been used since Barbara first learned to call people when she was a child.

I have some impressions of Little Witch. She has made many videos with over 100 million views. I often get her videos pushed to me when I visit the hero forum.

Well, I even threw a coin for her.

At that time, I thought she looked familiar, but I didn't expect that she turned out to be Siwa's daughter.

Thinking of Ms. Siwa, who was once so heroic and whose martial arts skills even she admired, Harley couldn't help sighing: Time flies so fast. She wasn't even married back then. In the blink of an eye, more than ten years later, her children can be the masters of the show. ”

I remember Ms. Siwa being the first person to beat Harley in the ring.

Ivy also had a complicated expression. At that time, she had just joined Harley not long ago. She was thin, small, malnourished, frail, had no education or ability, and couldn't even make breakfast. Not only did Harley not dislike her, but he also allowed her to live with him. Together, we’ll cook for her and arrange for her to work as a conductor in the boxing ring.

The little witch is also a powerful martial artist. Bateman said that her martial arts talent is stronger than Ms. Siwa. Barbara said.

How did Bateman meet Little Witch? How did you become teammates? Harley asked curiously.

Barbara hesitated and said: Battman and Ms. Siwa seem to be good friends. I often go to the Batcave to practice Chinese Kung Fu with Robin. Several times I have met Ms. Siwa coming to see Bateman, and Bateman will also invite her. She trains us.

Later, I saw the little witch in the Batcave. She was training with Robin.

When I first met her, I was surprised because Little Witch is a super internet celebrity. She narrates live broadcasts of superhero battles, and millions of people watch each of her live broadcasts.

At first I thought she just wanted to be a 'young hero', but then I met Ms. Siwa again and realized they were mother and daughter.

At that time, we had become friends. I asked her about Chinese Kung Fu, and she was curious and asked me about you.

Well, she adores you.

A few days ago, Young Watchmen moved to Cleveland, causing great repercussions around the world.

Especially after two team members were sacrificed last month and a large-scale alien arms case was solved, even Bateman, who has always been unsmiling and does not comment on any heroes, couldn't help but praise them.

He said that he had underestimated these draft heroes before, and said that they were role models for the new generation of young heroes.

Robin and I were very unconvinced after hearing this, and then the little witch suggested that we also form a young hero group.

It's already mid-August, Shazam has been in jail for several months, and Young Watch has been moving to Cleveland for more than two months.

The Young Watchmen did not work hard, and had more than 18 official members. Under the leadership of the Big Four, they began a thorough investigation of Cleveland that day.

Dozens of common crimes can be arrested every day, and the city's security has instantly improved by several levels.

Last month, they followed the clues and found the headquarters of the alien military traffickers in Cleveland.

After a fire broke out, two watchmen were hung up, alien weapons capable of arming a thousand interstellar warriors were seized, and the arms smuggler Kazan was captured, an interstellar criminal who was also well-known in the galaxy.

This case not only caused a sensation around the world, but also attracted a lot of attention from alien media, making Young Watch popular.

Harley, do you think I can become a superhero? Rachel asked expectantly.

Harry saw that her eyes seemed to be shining, nodded and smiled: Of course, with your strength, it is not a problem to become the 'first person of the young generation'.

You don't have to go to the Batcave with Barbara, though.

Batman is very busy and has no time to teach you kung fu.

His kung fu doesn't suit you either, or even Barbara.

You come to the manor after school every day, and I teach you the Martial Arts Codex that has never been taught outside.

Martial Arts Codex. Barbara's eyes began to shine.

This is a good thing. Being taught by Harley in person is definitely a thousand times better than staying in the Batcave.

I was still thinking about accumulating more Heaven Mountain Merits and asking Harley to give you a small start before my official debut.

Unexpectedly, she took the initiative to hold training classes and did not charge money. For a lazy person like her, it was very rare.

When Barbara came home and told her about Harry's tutoring class, Gordon became excited.

Well, Gordon is paid to help Harley practice God's exorcism.

Obtain Heaven Mountain Merit based on his exorcism effect.

The merits of Heaven Mountain are more precious than the merits of Heavenly Voice.

One point of Heavenly Mountain Merit can be exchanged for 100 points of Heavenly Merit.

Gordon was so happy at first.

He was fully looking forward to the beautiful scene where he could save tens of thousands of merits from Heaven Mountain and his whole family would ascend to heaven. However, he completed an exorcism for the first time and helped the undead kill a city councilor. After receiving the reward, he was dumbfounded.

0.1% of the merits of Heaven Mountain!

It’s only 0.1 points when exchanged for heavenly merit.

He felt that he had been cheated, and immediately went to Harley to ask for an explanation. Harley's reply was simple: The result was not what I wanted.

The final interpretation is in her hands, what can he do?

However, he encountered several surprises later. Just when he thought he would not have a big harvest, he suddenly received 10 or even 50 points of Heavenly Mountain Merit.

Exchange it for heavenly merit, that’s 1,000 and 5,000!

This made him overjoyed, and also made him believe Harry's words a little - he had little merit in the past because he didn't do well enough.

Then he began to study the Harley Bible seriously, deeply understood and studied her guiding ideology, and acted in accordance with her teachings. It was almost the behavior of the most devout believers.

“It’s indeed a good thing to get the personal guidance of King Wushen, but we live in Queens, dozens of miles away from Arkham Island.

As a girl, Barbara couldn't practice till night and then take the subway home alone for two or three hours late at night, right? I'm worried. Xiao Lai said worriedly.

Gordon frowned, this was indeed a big problem.

Maybe we can move, sell the house here, add our savings, and go to Arkham Island.

Don't think about it! Xiao Lai shook his head bitterly, The housing prices there are too high, the cheapest one is only 3 million U.S. dollars per square meter.

Even though supply exceeds demand, housing prices continue to rise every year.

Experts say it could triple in the next five years! It sounds scary.

So scary? Gordon was shocked.

He remembered that when the property went on sale, his old friend Harvey Bullock only took a loan of 3.2 million and bought a 140-square-meter high-end apartment.

Also comes with a large balcony with river view and parking space.

Xiao Lai said: It was okay in the first two years, the average price was only about 50,000, and the most expensive one did not exceed 100,000. But as the concept of interstellar earth spreads, many billionaires went to Arkham Island to buy house.

Because most of the alien businessmen and tourists are from the future Earth in the galaxy, they naturally prefer to live on Arkham Island after coming to Earth.

If you can't buy a house, you can still rent it. Let me ask Harvey. Gordon pondered for a while and dialed the old man's phone number. Hey, Harvey, it's me.

Hey, Gordon, are you a human or a ghost?

About half of them are ghosts.

Gordon told the story of his soul being saved by Harley and becoming her apostle.

I have long suspected that the 'Hell Messenger' who recently appeared on the streets of Gotham is related to you. Why didn't you tell me earlier?

Do you know that I shed tears at least five times at your grave? Fat Harvey's voice changed from excitement to anger.

I'm afraid it will affect your normal life. We have a tacit understanding, remember? We are friends, but I don't care how much money you secretly embezzle, and I don't care how you flatter Harley. You don't care about me and Batman or Superhero. Something about criminals.”

Fat Harvey sighed. They did have a tacit understanding. No matter what they became, their friendship would remain unchanged.

What are you doing with me today?

Barbara is going to Quinn Manor for martial arts training.

I'm living in the house now and I can't lend it to your family. You can let Barbara come and live at my house.

I remember you had been listing it for rent online. When did you move it? Gordon frowned.

My son is also 8 years old this year. He lives on Arkham Island. It is more convenient to go to the world's number one martial arts dojo for tutoring.

After a pause, Harvey added, Are you in a hurry? I still have two houses, which are currently rented to Zanshi people. They will expire in November. I will leave them to you then.

There are two more apartments? How big are they? Gordon said in shock.

Well, I live in a 250-square-meter big house. I had been renting out a 140-square-meter house, and there is also a 500-square-meter super mansion. The aliens are rich and they like big houses.

How much have you been greedy over the years?! Gordon said sternly.

I don't have carbon pollution! Harvey shouted.

We all have watch dogs, so we don't have to worry about others monitoring us, Gordon said.

Harvey was silent for a while and said: I'm really not greedy. At least I'm not greedy anymore in the past few years.

If you are not greedy, how can you afford a big house on Arkham Island? I heard it costs 3 million per square meter. Gordon said.

Harvey laughed in a low voice, A small apartment of less than 50 square meters only costs 3 million. My luxury apartment of 500 square meters is at least 5 million per square meter. What do you think my assets are? Are you talking about it?

I can buy three houses, not because I am greedy, but because I bought them early and speculated in real estate, do you understand?

Now I am cleaner than tap water!

Gordon's heart was sour and his mouth was sour, Why didn't you call me when you were flipping houses?

Didn't I call you? I asked you to buy it with me ten years ago, and you still ridiculed me for wanting to get closer to Quinn Manor so that I could flatter Harley.

Gordon hung up the phone sadly.

Let Barbara stay at Harvey's house. Xiao Lai said.

Can you stay in someone else's house for a month or two months, or live in someone else's house for a year or two? It's definitely not a matter of one or two years for Barbara to learn art. I even hope that the longer the better.

Gordon downloaded the rental app on his mobile phone to search for housing information on Arkham Island.

I bought it. The cheapest apartment of 50 square meters is only US$130,000. No wonder Harvey is no longer greedy. He just sits there and collects rent for hundreds of thousands or millions of US dollars every month. How can he make money by renting out carbon pollution? ?”

Damn it, Penguin actually has 80 luxury houses on the island. Didn't that bastard become a billionaire?! Seeing another old friend making a fortune by speculating in real estate, Gordon became increasingly unbalanced.

In just ten seconds, he shouted again, Shit, more than 50% of the houses on the island, whether shops, residences or office buildings, belong to the Wayne family?! Even Bruce...

——When you were speculating in real estate, why didn’t you call me?

With an unbalanced mentality, he decided not to find any landlord friends. Looking for them would be like looking for a chicken.

Harry, the meritorious service from Heaven Mountain can be exchanged for anything, right?

It can only be what I have, or what heaven has. Harley said.

Okay, now I have 217 merit points in Paradise Mountain. How much land can I buy in Indian Mountain?

What do you want the land for? Harley asked curiously.

I want to build a house and I want to be the landlord!

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