I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1074 The dead will not die, but the rebellion will rise again

The eternal castle.

What should we do now? Old Shazam asked, holding the shining silver ball of light.

Can we continue to extract the 'Virtual Illusion Man'? Billy was just imprisoned. He did not die, nor lost his ability to think or move. He could even shout 'Shazam' and leave the prison, said the majestic voice.

I have tried it, and he has violent mood swings, except for lust, rage, greed, gluttony, arrogance, laziness and jealousy, so he can no longer extract the illusion of the Seven Deadly Sins.

He did not escape and stayed in the juvenile prison.

If he was willing to escape, he would not be arrested by ordinary police officers and would not be tried honestly. Old Shazan said.

From a hero to a prisoner, you don't even get angry? the majestic voice asked in surprise.

He only felt shame and humiliation, not angry. If he had been angry, he would not have stayed in prison.

Why is Witch Harley so crazy? She is your friend, and it was she who arranged for Billy to go to Philadelphia. Why is she so ruthless? Aren't she afraid of destroying him? Or is she aware of something? the majestic male voice said through gritted teeth.

The last time she came to the door, I suspected she had doubts about Billy's condition.

Old Shazam smiled bitterly and said: She didn't take any action at all, she just didn't allow others to use power, connections, or magic to change the reality of Billy's arrest.

We were too impatient and continued to extract phantoms from Billy. Even if the phantoms were simulated using special methods, the phantoms are still phantoms.

This stage of his life is equivalent to falling into the most terrifying nightmare demonization in his terminal transformation.

Emotionally affected by the phantom, he committed seven serious crimes including arrogance, greed, and lust. He eventually broke the law and was caught by the police.

We have always done this in the past. The majestic male voice said.

Old Shazam said: The past was different from today. In ancient times, even if Billy lost control and massacred a village or even a kingdom, no one would know as long as the finishing touches were done.

Nowadays, even trivial things can spread all over the world in an instant.

If Harley Quinn is willing to help, Billy's matter can be easily suppressed. The majestic male voice said.

She didn't want to help, and she mocked me so much that I was ashamed and ran away hiding my face. Old Shazam said awkwardly.

You are still his friend! Witch Harley is ruthless and unjust. The majestic male voice scolded.

Lao Sha praised: It's not that she is ruthless. What I asked her to do is not very honorable. She has a moral obsession, so it's normal that she doesn't want to help.

Moral hysteria?! the majestic male voice shouted in a distorted voice.

I know she is cruel and evil. But she only has dirty hands and a mysophobia in her heart. She is much better than someone who is evil in heart and has clean hands. Old Shazan said.

The majestic male voice felt that the old wizard was connoting him, and immediately became energetic, and the terrifying pressure of the God King descended on the Eternal Castle.

Old Shazam trembled for a moment, then realized that his words were very inappropriate and said quickly: Don't worry, Your Majesty the God King, Billy was only sentenced to three years, not a life sentence.

As long as he behaves well, he can be released on bail in about a year.

The majestic male voice said coldly: So what if he is released from prison? Now he has become the focus of public opinion. Once he is simulated as a nightmare demon, he is likely to be imprisoned again. Even if he is not imprisoned, the superhero will severely discipline him.

Based on his attitude of self-reflection and sincere repentance in prison now, I am afraid that if the time comes, just one word from him will wake him up and make our Seven Sins Illusion Man Curse ineffective.

Old Shazam raised his head and glanced at the silver-blue light ball above the statue of the Demon of Original Sin, gritted his teeth and said: Use the current phantom to create Billy's 'Demon of the Seven Original Sins'.

The God King pondered and said: What we need is a 100% pure Thunder Shazam that has cut off all seven original sins.

Cut off the sin of lust, and he will be loyal and loyal.

Cut off the sin of gluttony, and he will learn to exercise moderation.

Cut off the sin of greed, and he will be generous and forthright.

Cutting off the sin of wrath, he will endure with patience.

Cut off the sin of laziness, and he will be diligent and full of hope.

Cut off the sin of jealousy, and he will be tolerant and generous.

Cutting off the sin of arrogance, he will be humble and abide by justice.

Loyalty can guarantee that he will not betray us.

Moderation can ensure that he will not be dissatisfied with his own power and will not become greedy for our divine power.

Diligence can ensure that he works tirelessly for us.

Tolerance, humility and justice can ensure that when the secret of magic debt is revealed, he can accept it calmly and not harbor any secret resentment against us.

But now the original sin in his body has not been exhausted. Cutting off the seven original sins in his current state may leave hidden dangers in the future.

Then what suggestions does your Majesty have? Old Shazam asked.

Oh, if I had known that Witch Harley would do this, I would have told her the secret of the 'Seven Sins Magic Curse' that day. The God King sighed.

Even if we confess to her, there is no guarantee that she will not continue to stand by and let Billy be caught. Old Shazan said.

The God King said: Wait, wait until Billy is released from prison. If there is a chance, continue to extract the original sin from his body. If there is no chance, use these phantoms to create the Seven Original Sin Demons and let him conquer them.

Defeat them, conquer them, and complete the final ritual of cutting them.

Without them, Billy would at least be more 'pure' at that time.

Even though Thunder Shazam was imprisoned, Young Watchmen's relocation plan did not stop.

They first bought a piece of land in Cleveland, and then moved the base in Philadelphia directly there during the night - moving it by hand and flying several hundred tons of buildings for thousands of kilometers.

After the base was completed, they held a press conference and announced that they would be relieved of their status as Philadelphia Guardians and move their family to Cleveland.

Oh my God, the Young Watchmen are all crazy. They moved from Philadelphia to Cleveland. What are you trying to do? The reporters in the audience went crazy first.

We moved to Cleveland for the simple reason that Philadelphia has superheroes and Cleveland doesn't.

The new heroic philosophy of the Young Watchmen is that we don’t care about prosperity or poverty. We will watch wherever we are needed most. Moon Girl said seriously.


As soon as this statement came out, everyone present was immediately stunned.

Not to mention reporters, many heroes were deeply shocked and then ashamed when they saw this news.

Young Watchers, we underestimated them. Dachao said with a complicated expression in the Hall of Justice.

This is not their own idea, it is Harley's arrangement. Bateman whispered.

Harley. The Zhenglian giants are even more ashamed. Even Harley has the awareness to stick to poverty and be willing to contribute. They are heroes who specialize in gathering in big cities.

Well, no, Harley herself is enjoying the prosperity in Gotham, and it's the Young Watchers who go to Cleveland.

When I think about it, I feel immediately relaxed.

Bateman continued: In addition to supporting Cleveland, which has no heroes but a high crime rate, Harley also assigned a special task to the Young Watchers - to find and clean up the real culprits behind the alien weapons case and the trafficking of super children.

What can we do? Dachao was a little restless and wanted to do his part for the cause of the Watchers.

They have always wanted a holographic simulation combat device, and they asked us about the price. I heard they are saving money, Cyborg said.

It doesn't cost any money, just give them one as a gift. Dachao said immediately.

Okay. No one in the Zhenglian giant objected.

Thunder Shazam is imprisoned, the Young Watchers change their headquarters, and the earth has ushered in a rare peace.

But the aftermath of the Zero Hour Crisis has not ceased.

Its impact on the DC universe goes far beyond the restart of River of Time.

At this time, the antimatter universe is at the center of the planet Kovad.

In this place of strong pressure and strong radiation with the dazzling golden red light, Metron, the God of Knowledge, walked quietly without any discomfort.

His expression remained expressionless.

She was leaning against the back of the chair, her hands on the armrests, and her legs in her bodysuit were spread wide open.

But the esports chair at this time was a little different from the past. A wisp of scarlet energy floated out from under the chair and floated towards the black metal ball in front of it that beat like a heart.

At some point, the scarlet energy began to become scarce. The higher the pulsation frequency of the metal ball, the angry voice came from inside: Not enough, not enough!

That's all. Metron said.

It can't be just this. In order to go to the place where time originated, I used up almost two sources. After that, I competed with the Witch Harley and the ghost for the power to restart the universe. More than 30% of the antimatter sources spread all over the mother river of time.

In order to collect that energy, I devoured the entire multiverse, countless parallel universes.

Almost half of the origin remains in the mother river of time, how much has been recovered now? Not even one ten thousandth.

Inside the embryonic black metal ball is the Anti-Monitor who died in Crisis on Infinite Earths!

He is being resurrected.

Monitor Mobius, the most knowledgeable person in the DC universe and the creator of the Chair of Knowledge.

Metron, the God of Knowledge, the God most thirsty for knowledge in the DC Universe, is the current owner of the Mobius Chair.

Not only did the two know each other, they also had a good relationship.

Your plan is great - transform the Mobius Chair into an energy collector, and with the help of the Justice League, drive it into the Crack of Entropy.

And when zero hour fell, the time demon had already swallowed up 99% of the mother river of time with the crack of entropy.

All the energy of the mother river is 'behind' the crack, and the Mobius Chair takes the opportunity to absorb the origin of antimatter and even more energy.

At this point, Metron sighed and said bitterly: However, although the Justice League accepted me, they didn't let me be their leader at all.

In their team, I was even just a marginalized figure who was not trusted.

I tried my best to persuade them to take the initiative to go to the future world to fight Cun Mo, but the witch Harley rejected it easily.

Then, he recounted the process of Zero Hour Crisis from beginning to end.

She was the one who finally controlled the restart of time. If she hadn't had a brain cramp and asked everyone to participate in the restart, including me, I'm afraid I wouldn't have been able to collect this little bit of original power.

Witch Harley. The anti-monitor king gritted his teeth, The splatterer is getting more cunning and powerful, but I can't grow into a complete body.

You lost the Anti-Life Equation, and you couldn't regain your original strength. This time at least you can be resurrected successfully, and your strength can be made up for with wisdom. Metron advised.

That's all we can do. The anti-monitoring king said helplessly.

Once the scarlet energy under the chair completely dissipated, Metron was ready to leave.

Heavenly Father has been calling me, telling me to go back and help him find the equation of life. Mobius, take care.

Wait a minute. The Anti-Monitor King stopped him and asked doubtfully: I seem to sense a large amount of yellow light energy on the planet Kovad. Are they people from the Witch Harley?

No, she has suffered continuous battles in the past few years, and there is not much yellow light energy left in her body.

The anti-supervision king was moved in his mind, Is it Sinestro?

Well, that's him. He regards the planet Kovad as his home base and is forming the Yellow Lantern Corps. Metron said in a weird tone, I didn't expect to meet him on the planet Kovad. He should have been twisted by Hal Jordan. Break your neck and die on Oua.

Now it seems that not only did Gunther choose to pretend to be dead, he also used the same method.

Ever since Harley pretended to be dead to assassinate Darkseid, the atmosphere in the multiverse seems to have changed.

Maybe I should also study the technique of pretending to be dead? After all, pretending to be dead is also a piece of knowledge.

The anti-surveillance king was not interested in pretending to be dead. He only said excitedly: Witch Harley and Darkseid are fighting dogs? Let's talk about it.

Metron went on to describe in detail the conflict between Harley and Sequoiad over the past few years.

Okay, very good, Darkseid, you have today too!

The anti-supervision king laughed for a while, and then said slowly: Do you think it is possible for Sinestro to cooperate with me?

I thought you would yell at him to kill him, but he betrayed you back then. Metron said doubtfully.

For Witch Harley, for Darkseid, and for revenge against those two bastards, I am willing to make the necessary compromises. The anti-surveillance king said bitterly.

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