I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1072 The Shazam Family? Crime family!

Omaika, you guys, do you know me? This is impossible, and it shouldn't be!

Seeing the police surrounding him and shouting Billy Bassant, Thunder Shazam, who was blushing just now because of the voluptuous and writhing big sister on the stage, was dumbfounded.

Her red face instantly turned pale, and her heart, which was turbulent with hormones, almost stopped beating in shock.

Stand there and don't move! Your identity has been exposed and we know all your information.

At this moment, the Philadelphia Sheriff was also panicking. The opponent was a superpower, and the golden arcs on his body were jumping and seemed about to explode.

In the end, his mind was in a mess, and he wanted to fly into the sky, escape from this place completely, and then find a place to hide. This time, there was no sand sculpture, but he raised his hands and asked: First tell me what crime I committed.

You robbed a bank, the American National Bank ATM No. 3 at 54 Watchmen Street, Ninth Avenue. The amount involved was as high as $154,500, and you also destroyed city public facilities many times.

The Thunder Sand Sculpture looked dull and speechless.

Now, kneel on the ground, hold your head in your hands, immediately! It's true that you are a superpower, but if you dare to resist, the crime will be even greater.

You will become the most wanted super criminal in the world.

Even if you escape our pursuit, there will be heroes of justice looking for you one after another. shouted the Sheriff.

Thunder Shazam looked frustrated, kneeling numbly on his knees and holding his head in his hands until a police officer tiptoed to him and put handcuffs and a hood on him.

Shazam is quickly glad he's wearing a hood.

The police took a big action, with more than a dozen police cars, with great fanfare and no concealment.

When the sergeant issued the attendance order, he did not conceal the purpose of the trip.

In other words, dozens of police officers have enough time to sell information to reporters or gangster godfathers.

Thunder Shazam, I heard that you are just a 15-year-old kid, whose real name is 'Billy Bassant'. How do you define yourself, a superhero or a super criminal?

As soon as he was escorted out of the nightclub by the police, seven or eight reporters surrounded him.

Billy, you are called 'Thunder Shazam'. Does it have any special meaning?

Hey, Billy, before I ask you a question, can you tell the truth - are you in a bad mood and killing people around you? If you answer yes, I'll ask a gentler question.

If you choose the hero's ethics and never kill anyone no matter what, I'm going to kill you.

Thunder Shazam, you are very popular on Puppy Video.com, and you are like a rising Internet celebrity hero. What crime did you commit before you were arrested by the police?

You are only 15 years old, how come you look like an adult? Are you the legendary God's Blessed One?

Billy's mind went blank, and the world in front of him seemed to be spinning upside down. Their voices were like magic spells, piercing into his heart, making him feel angry, ashamed, embarrassed, and regretful.

He was like a hungover person waking up, and the events of the past few days came to mind one by one.

My dear, I, what have I done?! He was trembling all over.

My dear, Billy, what have you done?!

The Vasquez couple (Billy's adoptive parents at this time) were shaking all over when they were called to the police station.

For the first time in his life, Thunder Shazam grabbed global headlines. People all over the world knew that a new hero (or criminal?) was born, and he was only a 15-year-old child.

Well, age is not a big selling point.

After all, everyone knows that Galaxy Admiral debuted at the age of 14.

Even excluding her, there are already a large number of young heroes on the superhero forum at this time.

For example, the second generation Robin of Gotham (the first generation is Robin Cat).

For example, Young Watchmen.

The Big Four of Overwatch are all adults, but their team still has many young heroes who have just finished the draft.

For example, the previous Infinite Heroes and the New Justice Society at this time are the children and descendants of the old heroes of the Justice Society.

During Zero Hour Crisis, a large number of old heroes aged and died, the Infinite Heroes disbanded, and all members joined the Justice Society.

The 15-year-old age is not surprising, but coupled with his adult appearance after transforming into Thunder Shazam, he immediately became the focus of people's surprise.

In addition, he was discovered while watching a striptease, and many older sisters broke the news to reporters: Thunder Shazam’s fingers can emit lightning, which is tingling and very comfortable.

15 years old, super S-level potential, big sister in nightclubs, bank robbers, and identity exposed. Together, Billy Bassant has become the focus of global public opinion.

The day after he was arrested by the police, cosmic celebrity Lois Lane personally found his adoptive parents and wanted to give him an exclusive interview.

Harry, what are you doing?

Old Shazam was so furious that he ran directly to Quinn Manor in person without a magical message, asking for an explanation from Harley.

I didn't do anything. Harley said calmly.

Old Shazam jumped to his feet and shouted: How can you open your eyes and tell lies? Billy was arrested by the police and his identity was exposed. Oh my God, how will he behave in the future?

Everyone on earth knows it, even if memory erasure magic is used, no one can afford the price.

You killed Billy and you screwed me.

I said, I didn't do anything. Harley repeated it first, and then sneered: It's not what I did that led to the current result, do you understand?

He acts recklessly, robs banks, uploads training videos, and uses his super powers to show off in public. Do you think reality is a movie, and the director arranges for the public to turn a blind eye to his stupid behavior and not think about it when they see it?

This is reality!

As long as a person shows a flaw, someone will definitely find out and pay the price.

Long before I went to find you, he had been targeted by the police and his identity had been exposed long ago.

I didn't choose to do nothing, so it just happened.

Old Shazam was stunned and shouted: Why don't you do something?

Harley sarcastically said: I used to blame me for 'doing something', but now I blame me for not doing anything. Are you confused and schizophrenic?


——I hope you won’t cause trouble to Billy, and I hope you will help him get everything done when something happens to him.

Old Shazam thought so, but looking at her slightly sarcastic face, he realized that this was wishful thinking.

Aren't we friends? he lamented.

Didn't I help you? You said you needed a big city, and I immediately sent Billy to Philadelphia. You said you wanted Thunderbolt Shah to become the city's guardian and have a city for himself. I asked my own 'Young Watcher' to move .

You said you didn't want the military and government to plot against Billy. Even if he was a charlatan, even if he was full of flaws, no government agency would plot against him and steal his magical power.

But now he has been arrested by the police and his identity has been made public.

You mean, no matter what he does, I will help him pay the price? I'm not his mother, and I'm not your mother.

Old Shazam's face turned red, he was ashamed and angry, and turned around and left without saying a word.

The next day, Dachao came to Quinn Manor.

Harley, Dr. Fate came to me about Billy Bassant, he faltered.

What can happen to him? Even if he robbed a bank, he didn't hurt anyone. Plus he's not yet an adult, so he'll be locked up in the bureau for two or three years at most.

He is not yet an adult. He has a great future. Going to jail now may ruin him. Dachao sighed lightly.

Are you talking humanly? He was imprisoned for robbery and vandalism. If you ignore him, he will continue to violate laws and disciplines like this, but you think it is great for him to continue to violate laws and disciplines? Harley sneered. .

Dachao shook his head and said: I'm not saying that he shouldn't be educated, but going to jail may not be the best for him.

You are wrong. The person who really harmed him was Shazam. It was Doctor Fate who was asked by Shazam. It was you who were asked by Doctor Fate. You are the ones who destroyed Billy Bassant! Only I, in the real world, Help him.

What do you mean? Is there something inside that I don't know about? Dachao frowned.

Nothing inside.

Da Chao was startled and said hesitantly: Then you——

Today you help him get out of guilt and prove to him that the law is particularly merciful to the strong. Tomorrow he will definitely repeat his previous mistakes. You don't understand such a simple truth?

No matter what the inside story is, letting a minor restrain his behavior and learn to be respectful will always do more good than harm in his future life. Harry said solemnly.

Alas! Dachao rubbed his brows and said helplessly: I understand that a person should be responsible for his own actions, and I also know the importance of strict education for a child.


I'm not doing it for Dr. Destiny or The Wizard of Shazam. I'm simply worried about that child. His identity has been exposed and he's in jail. I'm afraid that in the future he will fail to recover or even go astray, just like Cunmo.

Harley said calmly: If he fails to recover, it only means that he is not suitable to be a superhero. It is also a good thing to discover this early and give up early.

If he is full of resentment and becomes the second generation of Cunmo, then let him go to hell and stay with Cunmo.

Da Chao said in shock: I thought you admired Billy, but I didn't expect you to say such cruel words.

Harley said: What I appreciate is the noble actions of noble people. When a noble person is no longer noble, he will be no different from trash to me.

That sounds so callous.

Luthor has been in prison for only half a year. Have you visited him? Harley asked.

Dachao was stunned, shook his head and said, He and I are not friends.

That sounds so callous.

He and I are not friends. Da Chao emphasized.

I'm not friends with the 'Cunmo' either. Harley smiled sarcastically at him and continued: On the fifth day after the Zero Hour Crisis ended, I visited Luther and gave him a basket of fruits from Wonderland.

That guy complained to me while eating - I didn't go to him when there was such a good opportunity like Zero Time Crisis. He, the smartest brain in the universe, would definitely be able to help the earth and get a reduced sentence.

I told him - I had already determined that the Time Demon was Hal, and had already thought of a way to deal with him, but I didn't need the smartest brain in the universe.

He also told me that he just wanted to reduce his sentence, and it didn't matter whether he could really help the earth.

I told him perfunctorily that I would definitely remember him next time.

Dachao was speechless.

There was no external force interfering with judicial justice. As expected, Billy Bassent was convicted of robbery by the judge.

In addition to robbing banks, he also used his superpowers to destroy public property.

The most serious incident was when the bus rushed out of an overpass. If he hadn't been quick enough to catch the bus in time, he would have been responsible for the death of more than ten people.

In addition, he also violated the clause in the Superheroes Right to Do Good Deeds Act that superheroes are not allowed to use superpowers in public to interfere with public security.

Well, that guy is walking down the street, activating the power of lightning at will to charge the mobile phones of people on the roadside.

Some were successfully charged, while others directly detonated the mobile phones, burning passers-by and causing quite a disturbance.

This charge alone was enough for him to spend half a year in prison.

Now, as a result of the multiple crimes, Billy has to spend seven years in a Philadelphia prison.

However, because he is a superhero and has the ability to easily resist the police, he was arrested by ordinary police officers. The judge considered him lenient for confessing and deducted an additional four years, and sentenced him to only three years in prison.

In addition, his lame brother Freddy also participated in the bank robbery. Because he was only an accessory and had no bad record before, he was sentenced to half a year in prison and served outside prison.

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